A Beautiful Wish Ch. 02


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"Okay, Okay! She called him Hotstuff."

Dawn brightened, "Aww, they sound cute together."

"Yeah, they were inseparable. My mom told me that, when they first started dating, she was in college a couple states away. He was some hotshot new lawyer in a big time law firm. But he quit his job so he could move closer to her."

"That is so romantic!" she squealed. "Now I know where you get it from."

"Nah, he was the master. He would make out with her right in the middle of a mall, or when we were out at dinner. The man had no shame."

"Shame is overrated. I bet your mother went weak in the knees when he did that."

"She would complain a little, but you could tell she was into it." He flipped the chicken, "Good times, good times."


"Yeah Dawn?"

"You can call me babe if you want to."

George's stomach did a back flip. He wasn't use to someone being so nice to him so easily and the feeling was slightly uncomfortable. But it felt good too. However, all the talk about his father had given him the sudden urge to change the subject.

"So where did that little role play come from?" he asked.

Dawn said, "It just came to me all of a sudden. Did you like it?"

"Surprisingly, yes. I had never really thought about getting a girl pregnant before, but it was... hot."

She stirred the noodles absentmindedly. The look on her face suggested that she was thinking very hard about something. Finally she said, "I think part of me really wants to be taken advantage of."

"Well that doesn't sound that surprising," said George, "you did say that it was in your nature to be subservient."

"Right, but being subservient just means that I would be below you like a slave or an underling. This is different. It is like I want to be independent and capable and strong around you, but I also want to be made to accept my place as your personal whore... Oh, sorry, pardon my language."

George laughed and said, "Liking sex doesn't make you a whore."

"It doesn't?" she asked hopefully.

"Of course not. Being a whore implies that you gave up your integrity to get what you want. All you've done is use sex to show affection. If that's not the most noble usage of sex, then I don't know what is."

"That is true I suppose. Thank you George." She hugged him tightly, forgetting her job of stirring the noodles. "Besides, I already have what I want."

Dawn continued, "The part about you taking advantage of me was mostly my idea, although I had a feeling you would enjoy seeing an innocent girl in a less then favorable position. As for the part about getting me pregnant, part of my makeup leads me to believe that you would like the idea of having children."

"Well, like I said, I haven't ever really thought about it. To be honest, I was starting to worry that I would never have any opportunities." Suddenly he realized that they hadn't taken any precautions to prevent her from actually getting pregnant. "Can you... uh... you know?"

"Can I get knocked-up? Only if you wish it. But since I was created for you, and you desire to have children, it is a part of me as well."

"What does that mean, that you were created for me? Who created you? And why?" George asked. He had many questions about her abilities, but wasn't quite sure how to ask about them.

"Sorry George, I guess I have been rather vague about myself. I will explain everything, do not worry." She tilted her head slightly, and her face squashed up as she thought. "Where should I start?" she thought out loud.

"Well, so far, all I know is that you can grant all of my sexual wishes, you have a great voice, you're really intelligent and intuitive, you like fat guys, you want children, and you're smoking hot. Other than that, I'm pretty much in the dark. Why don't you just start at the beginning and we'll go from there."

"Ah, the beginning. The perfect place to start." She added laughing, "And I do not like fat guys, thank you very much. I like one guy who is big and strong and nice and makes me cum very hard. Anything else is purely coincidence. What was I saying?"

"The beginning."

"Oh yes, thank you. My story begins many years ago, sometime during the height of the Persian Empire. My mother was a young and beautiful tar player who fell in love with an aging nobleman. He courted her outside of marriage, and I was the result of their union. But my father was old, and less than thrilled at the prospect of an illegitimate son."

"Wait, hold on, time out! Are you telling me you're a dude?" he asked worried.

"No George, no! Dear me no. I was born a boy, yes, but once I was turned into a Genie servant I ceased to be that person and became raw potential. You saw it as a pink glowing mist."

"Are you sure?" he said with a raised eyebrow.

"Well I was..." she dragged out, "but as my Master, you are welcome to check if you like." She adopted a playful grin.

George wasn't really worried that she was a boy. He felt like he understood what she had been saying up to that point. But he wasn't going to turn down an invitation to check. He dropped the fork he was using to prod the chicken and moved behind her. He reached up and squeezed her big perky breasts playfully through her shirt.

She gasped, "Hey mister! Those are mine," she said in mock anger. She made no move to stop him.

"Nuh uh, they're mine. You're just holding them for me," he laughed. He reached down and rubbed her mound through her shorts as he ground his erection into her perfect butt. She bent a little to meet him.

"H, hey. I am trying not to burn these noodles," she said weakly. She leaned her head back against his shoulder. He reached up and brushed her hair aside so that he could nuzzle her neck.

George was enjoying they're closeness. Perky breasts and tight butt aside, he really liked being together with her. He kissed her neck tenderly and moved his hands underneath her shirt to rest them on her flat stomach. "Mmm," she moaned. Dawn reached up with one hand and ran her fingers through George's dark hair; the other struggled to keep stirring the noodles.

After about a minute of wandering touches and sweet kisses, Dawn said softly, "I really like this. I like being here with you, like this."

"Me too," was all he could manage.

Dawn turned so that she could kiss him properly. "So? Are you satisfied?" she asked with a smile.

"Not even a little bit. But I do believe that you are not a boy."

"Well that is a relief," she said jokingly.

The two exchanged a look of mutual enchantment. George was embarrassed, and his first inclination was to look away, but he suppressed the urge quickly. For the first time in a very long while, George was completely happy. He embraced the feeling and let it take him over.

Suddenly, the chicken started spitting and sizzling differently to signify that it was done. George was snapped from his reverie and turned his attention to their food. "Chicken's done. How are those noodles coming?"

"Nothing brown. Is that a good sign?" she asked.

They both leaned in to confirm that the noodles were ready. When they're faces were mere inches away, Dawn turned and gave George a quick kiss on his cheek. George's stomach did another back-flip.

"Um, good job babe, now go into that cupboard up there, no the other one, right, and get a couple of plates. Split the noodles evenly and I'll add the chicken."

The two sat down next to each other at the breakfast table and dug in. To George's amazement, the food was actually better than he had ever made it before.

"Wow, this is better than I remember. What the heck did I do to it?"

Dawn devoured the noodles quickly, moaning in appreciation. She then started in on the chicken more slowly but with no less adulation. "It was part of your wish. You wanted us clean so that we could enjoy a delicious lunch together. Anyway, what was I saying before?" asked Dawn.

George was slightly alarmed. He'd have to be more careful with his wishes if she was going to read so far into them. "Uh, boy," he said finally.

"Right, thank you. My father was powerful, and imagined a plot by my mother to blackmail him. Much of his fortune had already been bled dry by his excessive gambling anyway. He was angry, at me and my mother. In a drunken rage, he tossed me from a balcony into a nearby alley."

"That's terrible," said George somberly.

"Agreed. I survived the fall, but I was damaged beyond saving. Naturally, my mother was quite upset, and ran through the streets looking for a healer who could set me right. But each one turned her down, as it was clear to all but my mother that I did not have long.

Eventually, her cries were heard by a sorcerer, who saw an opportunity to gain the favor of a beautiful young woman. He knew of no spell that could save me directly. However, he did know of one that could summon a Major Genie. In exchange for performing the extremely difficult and costly incantation, she would be required to become the sorcerer's wife.

She agreed, and the sorcerer cast the spell. When the Genie appeared and listened to my mother's plea, he was so moved by her selflessness and willingness to give anything for the life of her child that he offered her a bargain instead. In exchange for me, he would grant my mother one wish, any wish that she could imagine."

"Wow, one wish. Anything you could dream of," marveled George. "So, what did she wish for?" He had stopped eating and sat on the edge of his seat as he listened to Dawn's tale.

Dawn reached for his hand and held it tightly. She gazed lovingly deep down into him. "She wished, that no matter what my fate may be, that I be happy, blessed, and most of all, that I be truly loved, for as long as I live."

George was taken aback. "Out of all the things she could have wished for, all the money and power, eternal life even, and she used her one wish on you?"

Dawn nodded.

"That's... that's awesome," he said quietly.

"When the Major Genie heard my mother's wish, he granted it with pleasure. He told my mother that I was going away for a while, but that I would return one day when someone who would be capable of giving me that life emerged. They would be courageous, cunning, kind, loyal, just, adventurous, and would show me a perfect love. Just like the love I would give them in return.

As she turned me over to the Genie, she sang to me one last time. Inspired, the Genie made sure that the one who would someday open my vessel would know that song. That I would not appear until the song was played again on my mother's tar."

"And you think, that I'm that person?"

She nodded.

George didn't know what to say. While he was impressed with Dawn's story, and her mother's wish, he had trouble believing that he was the one who could meet the conditions of Dawn's vessel.

He must have stayed quiet for too long because Dawn interrupted his funk. "George, what are you thinking?"

"I was just thinking that your vessel made a mistake."

Appalled, she asked, "Why would you say that, George?"

"Well, I mean, sure I know the song, but I'm not anyone special. I'm just, just..."

"Just George."


"And if you were any other way, the vessel would not have opened for you. A wish is a wish, as long as the proper conditions are met and it is worded carefully, the effects are unlimited and absolute."

"I still think the vessel is a bit premature. I mean, I've never been particularly courageous or adventurous."

"I do not believe you give yourself enough credit. You may not show all of those qualities now, but you will. Otherwise, you would never have known the song needed to open the vessel."

George sighed, "You may not believe this Dawn, but I'm kind of a loser. I wasn't on the honor roll, I wasn't captain of the football team, I've never left the country, I've never had a girlfriend. Hell, I've only had one friend in my entire life."

"All those things may be true, but that doesn't make you a loser. Timid, maybe. Unlucky, more likely. But please do not call yourself a loser."

"Yeah, well, you're biased."

She laughed. "You got me there."

George still wasn't convinced, but decided to drop the subject. He didn't like talking about his qualities or his shortcomings. "So, what happened to your mother?"

"I do not know for sure. The Genie did not impart to me any more knowledge of my family. Nor do I know anything about the sorcerer. But, I like to believe that my mother led a long and happy life. Maybe her descendants still live on somewhere." She stared off into the distance and wore a faraway look.

"Do you miss her?" asked George.

"Not really, I did not know her for longer than a few hours. But she seemed to be a good person, and I am thankful that she loved me enough to want to save me. I think I would have liked to have known her. But I am with you now, the one who would make my mother's wish come true. I have no regrets."

George thought that he should say something that would console her. But she didn't seem to be upset at all. The memory of her long dead parent wasn't some weight that held her down like it did George. It made him remember his father, and curse his own weakness.

"So, that instrument, it's called a tar?"

"Yes, a Persian tar to be more precise. It is a precursor to your modern guitar actually."

"Lucky for me it plays almost the same way. So you were inside that thing for..." George did some figuring in his head, "over two thousand years?"

"Yes. But the passage of time is not felt inside the vessel. Nor did I have any knowledge of the outside world. It is difficult to explain."

"So, you only know what the Major Genie wanted you to know?"

"Almost. I also have a basic understanding of the world, as told through your experience. Once you opened the vessel, certain types of knowledge where imparted to me. For instance: language, customs, technology, mathematics, and history. Of course, there are still a few blank spots. Slang, for starters."

George laughed, "That's gonna be fun. So, why did this genie make you into a genie servant? I mean, why didn't he just make you healthy, so you could live with your mother?"

Dawn stopped eating to think. "That's a good question. Genies can be prone to doing things on a whim just like humans can be. And their whims tend to have more of an impact on the world. However, in this case, I am not so sure it was just a whim."

"What do you mean?"

"It is...difficult to explain. I have this feeling that you were chosen for more than just fulfilling my mother's wish. As wonderful as you are, I am sure that another could have come before you. Perhaps the major genie required that I be in this time. I wonder..."

George wondered along with her. "Maybe... maybe something happened to your vessel, and it was lost."

"That is a very remote possibility. The magic of the vessel is extremely powerful, if limited in it's scope." She wondered for a bit longer, but eventually gave up with a shrug. "It is probably nothing. If it was truly important, my creator would given me the knowledge."

"Alright, so you were in the vessel for two thousand some-odd years, and then I released you?"

"Exactly," Dawn said as she chewed, "when you played the tune, you released my essence, my incorporeal form, which is raw potential at that point. I had no thoughts or senses, only the need to find a Master. Part of the magic of the Genie's vessel is to facilitate a Genie's intended owner in actually receiving the Genie's essence. This mostly means that you needed to be alone and safe. Once I was free, I took on the physical and mental characteristics that would make me you're ideal partner."

"My perfect woman huh?" said George.

"Well, I would not presume so much as to say I am perfect. But as far as you are concerned, I am nothing more or less than exactly what you need at any given moment."

"So that's what you mean when you say you are created to my specifications?"

"Yes," she said simply.

"But I didn't even know what my ideal match would be until I met you."

Dawn leaned over and kissed him quickly, "Then you are pleased?"

The meaning of what he had just said struck him. "Dawn, so far I couldn't be more pleased."

She flashed a delightful smile as she giggled nervously. "Thank you very much George. But you are right, because your experience with love had not gone beyond longing, I was forced to dig deeper into your desires then is normal. Most of what I am has come from your subconscious. And I had to fill in the gaps when there was something that had never even occurred to you on any level. It is possible that there may be a few things about me that you are initially put off by. But as we spend more time together I will learn more about what you want and need, and you can always make a wish if you prefer that I act differently."

"Let's not do that. That seems pretty unfair to you. Everyone deserves the right make a few mistakes."

Dawn didn't say anything. She took a few more bites of her food and George could see that she was having trouble keeping her smile in check.

Eventually, Dawn asked, "George, if you don't mind me asking, how did you come upon my vessel?"

George ate his food as he spoke. "I found it at my work. I was cleaning up so I could go home for the day when I found this weird looking guitar sitting right out in the open. I figured somebody left it behind on accident, so I was going to bring it with me on Monday to try and give it back. Fat chance of that happening now."

"You could if you wanted to," she added, "I am not tied to the vessel anymore now that I am bonded to you. So someone else having the tar would make little difference."

"Well that's good to know," he chortled. "But what I meant was, I'm not going to give you up to whoever owned the thing before, even if they were some Major Genie."

She smiled happily, "Thanks, Hotstuff!"

George rolled his eyes again.

"But seriously, George, you do not know how happy it makes me to hear you say that. You really do not know what it means to have control of a genie servant, do you?"

"I guess not. If I'm doing something wrong you'll correct me right?"

"That is what I am talking about George. Do you not see? You cannot do wrong by me. Whatever you think is correct is what is correct. My affection for you will never change no matter how you treat me," she sounded a bit exasperated.

"I understand what you're saying, but if I can't do anything to upset you or hurt you, can I really do anything to make you happy? I mean... I'm trying to say... is what you and I feeling real if it can't be contested?"

She thought for a moment before answering, "I am afraid I cannot speak for you George. As for me, I know how I feel, and it feels real. That is all I need. And there is no other way that I can be, so we might as well accept that I will always feel this way." She moved closer to him and looked up at him with her gorgeous eyes, "Is that not comforting? Is that not what true love is?"

George looked away feeling embarrassed. "I'm sorry Dawn, I'm just not used to this type of thing being so easy. You were right when you said that I haven't had much luck with women."

"There is no need to be sorry. I am not your typical woman in any case. And besides, I know what you really mean. I feel similar. I was not prepared to find out that my Master would treat me so well. If you like, I can give you some advice."

"Yeah, please do."

"Thank you. I have not known you long, but I can tell what kind of person you are. If it is your desire to make me happy, just as it is mine to make you happy, then you are doing a very good job. You should do what you think is right by you. And if that means making me feel like the luckiest girl on earth," she placed the back of her hand on her forehead in an exaggerated woe-is- me pose, "then I am prepared to bear that burden."