A Beautiful Wish Ch. 04


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"I see...me," he said uncooperative.

"Look closely Master."

"I...I'm fat."

"Look again, what else do you see?"

"Well...m-my hair is too greasy. I have a few zits...that are kind of painful..."

"Look deeper Master," her voice was steady and calm.

"Well...I have too much hair on my legs, not enough on my chest. I have a nice collection of blackheads on my nose. My eyebrows are too bushy..."

"What else?"

George could feel himself begin to tear up a little as he began to run out of things about his body that he hated, and his self-loathing turned inward. "W-why are you doing this? W-what the hell are you trying to do?" he asked sternly as he tried to fight back his emotions.

She remained unfazed, "I am trying to understand how such a beautiful man could hate himself so."

"I just...I'm not..."

"Yes you are Master. You are handsome, gorgeous, angelic even."

"N...not compared to you. I...I..."

"What is it Master? You are safe. Tell me."

He took another deep breath and looked away from his reflection, "I don't understand how someone so perfect, can think that I'm beautiful. I...don't deserve you."

Dawn glided in front of him and pulled his chin down so that he met her gaze. "Would you like to know what I see Master? Would you like to know why I believe myself to be blessed beyond measure?"

George didn't answer, he looked down and away from her, as a lonely tear fell from his wounded eyes.

She reached up to his almost black hair and ran her fingers through its length to the back of his neck. George shivered as her delicate fingers brushed his scalp and entwined themselves amid the softer hairs at the top of his spine.

"I love your hair. It is thick and full, like a horses mane, but it is also shiny, soft, and healthy. It is strong and dark, like hope at midnight. It smells of rain."

She moved her hands around his neck and down his wide chest, to his belly. "I like the skin here," she whispered as she ran her fingertips along his waist. "It's soft and supple. Here, around your middle, there is more to love, and hold, and..." she took hold of one his love-handles and gave it a light, playful pinch. George jumped a little. "...I like to make you squirm, just a little bit." She smiled impishly at him.

George's defenses were leaving him again. He was afraid of where she was going, but he didn't dare stop her. Part of him, a part he had known long before her emergence, wanted desperately to be broken down, destroyed, so he could leave it all behind and start over.

She knelt before him and traced the lines of his thigh muscles. "I love your legs. They are coiled, full of energy, like they are just waiting to spring forward." Her proximity to his cock was starting to have it's now familiar effect. She giggled at his obvious arousal, "I think my affection for hotstuff jr. has been well documented, so I will leave him alone for now."

She stood, slowly, and pulled herself in as close to him as she could. She scrunched her arms up between them, George could feel her breasts squash into his chest, "I love your broad shoulders, and your thick arms. They are powerful, yet when they wrap around me I feel safe, and warm, like I am home...like I am where I belong."

Instinctively, George reached up and hugged her tightly. He stroked the length of her hair. Dawn purred, "I love those hands most of all. They are large and smooth. They send waves of pleasure through me wherever they meet my skin. They are healing and protective. They speak to me, they possess me."

"But all of these things, these qualities that I love, come from one powerful source within you. It is more powerful than all the Genie Kings combined. It is your heart. When others would have given in to grief long ago, yours shines in the dark. You give it to me freely without even realizing it. Yet, you still do not believe you deserve mine in return."

She looked up into his eyes with her heavenly look. She said nothing for a few very long moments. She just looked at him. He felt awkward and frightened, and he couldn't understand why. He thought he should have been use to this by now. But her eyes unlocked parts of his soul he thought long gone. They demanded that he live by his heart, that he follow its every command, that he have a new day, everyday. They were desires he thought had died along with...

"Your eyes," she whispered, her voice cracking, "how can one so young have eyes like that? How can there be so much love, and so much pain, in one pair of beautiful brown eyes?"

George swallowed hard, "I...hope you never find out."

"You do not have to tell me, but I hope you know that I am here for you. I cannot help you forget the past, not even a wish could do that. All I can do is help you move forward, but you have to want it George."

"I-I do."

"Alright...then the first thing we must do is let you love yourself on the outside." She moved beside him again and motioned towards the mirror. "So, what do you want to change?"

He looked at his reflection, then Dawn, then back to his reflection in disbelief, "You mean, you can change how I look?"

"Of course George, I told you that yesterday."

He suddenly remembered their encounter from the previous day, when George first wished that she feel his pleasure. She had listed off a number of a abilities she had, but he hadn't been listening all that closely, due to her frenzied oral assault.

"So, I can wish to lose this weight, and it will be gone?"

"That would be incredibly easy to do; I can make even more drastic changes than that. The only limits are your imagination, and my inability to do you harm."

"Ok then...I wish to lose 30 pounds." Tingle, flash. He watched his reflection shrink in various places around his body, mostly in his mid-section, but also in his thighs, butt, and face. Though there was still a little extra flab here and there, he was already pleased at the transformation. His mind began to imagine all sorts of uses for this ability.

"Can I have, like, gills, or something?"

Tingle, "Yes George. However, that would be highly unnecessary. Their only function would be to allow you to breath underwater. Thanks to my powers of protection, I can keep you from drowning indefinitely."

"Holy crap," whispered George. "What else can you protect me against?"

"If it poses a threat to your physical well-being, anything. As long as you are my Master, you will always be safe, unless you wish otherwise."

"And how long will that be?"

"For as long as you would like it to be?"


She nodded.

"What about old age?"

She nodded again.

"You mean, we can live forever?"

"We may live for as long as you wish to live."

"Why would I not wish to live?"

"I am sorry George, that is not something I can answer. But if what you told me yesterday is true, you would probably have more of an answer to that than I would anyway."

George suddenly remembered an incident that happened a year before. He had been invited to a high school graduation party, much to his surprise. But it turned out to be a joke. Someone spiked his drink and he didn't wake up until the next morning. His head and eyebrows had been shaved, and his clothes, wallet, and keys had been stolen. Luckily he had stashed a spare set of keys in a small container in the undercarriage, however, all but the windshield had been smashed, and the tires had all been punctured by nails. Someone had written "Loser" in bold red letters all around it. He managed to drive it home, but he had passed a pier on his way, and it took some doing to come up with an excuse not to drive off of it.

"Ok...I see your point," he said eventually.

"What else would you like to change?"

"Can you protect me from diseases and sickness, keep me healthy?"

Tingle, "Yes George."

"Go for it."

George's body suddenly felt very different. The left-over flab from before redistributed itself to parts of his body that needed it. His teeth were realigned to fit easily in his mouth, aches and pains he had grown accustomed to bearing were gone, and his skin was devoid of blemishes. When before, his body had felt like it was in the way, now it felt ready to do anything. He could now clearly see the lines of his muscles in his new leaner, meaner, exterior. He had never realized that he actually did have a six pack underneath the keg.

He looked over at Dawn through the mirror, "So, how do I look?"

She smiled sweetly, "You look very handsome George!"

"Better than before?"

"No," she said simply.

George frowned, "Oh, what's wrong with it?" He moved closer to the mirror to search for something he might have missed.

"There is nothing wrong George."

"Then what..."

"I am your Genie, I will love you completely no matter what you look like. The only difference between the new you from the old you is that now, you are as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside. If you like this version of yourself, than I will find it perfect."

"This is another one of those weird Genie things isn't it?"

"Love is blind George," she grinned.

After he looked more closely, George still found a few parts of him that were less then perfect under close scrutiny. "How about this, make me as strong as a person of my height and build could possibly be."

George's body suddenly blew up to the size of a contestant in the World's Strongest Man competition. His legs, arms, and chest thickened to obscene proportions. He felt wound and tight, and could barely move. Though he did feel incredibly strong, he also felt incredibly uncomfortable.

"Ok, undo that please." His body shrunk to its previously healthy state. "Phew, that was weird."

From his left, Dawn covered her mouth in an attempt to hide her laughter.

"Oh, you think that's funny do you? I wish your tits were the size of basketballs." Dawn's once perfect breasts expanded to his determined dimensions.

"Hey!" she crossed her arms in front of her new massive mammaries and glared at him.

It was George's turn to laugh, "What? Are you my perfect woman or not?"

She tapped her foot impatiently and shook her head in resignation, "Men..."

"Ok, ok, I wish for your breasts to be perfect again."

They shrunk to their original size. Dawn let out a sigh of relief and cupped her breasts, "Thank you George. Without several more wishes from you, that could have been very uncomfortable."

George reached over and ran his fingers lightly along the top of her cleavage. "How big are they anyway?" he asked as he stroked her breasts in reverence.

Tingle. "You mean in terms of cup size? Anywhere from a large D to a small E, depending on the bra maker. But George, are you implying that my tits need support?"

"Maybe. Are you hiring?"

"Yes, but I require an extensive interview, references, background check, a resume, credit report, a note from your mother, and a 500 word essay on why you are worthy to be in the same room with my breasts."

George moved behind her. Dawn gave him a look through the mirror that seemed to say, "How dare you!" as he lightly grazed her sides with his fingernails and ran his hands all around the wondrous curves of her chest. "Of course," she whimpered and let her head fall back against him, "if you show a tremendous aptitude for the position, I could make an exception."

George once again felt happy and whole as he enjoyed their closeness. He planted tender kisses on her neck and ears and cheeks while he drank in her scent. She cooed in response. With his new leaner body, he felt like he could get even closer to her.

After few minutes of generous fondling by both parties, Dawn pulled away and said, "Hey mister, this is about your body, not mine."

"Sorry, I still like your body more. But then, I may be slightly biased."

"Hmm, likewise," she said happily. "So what else would you like to change."

"I'm not sure. I mean, I like how I look right now, but could you maybe make me more athletic? Give me endurance and speed and strength, nothing crazy like the Mr. Universe I turned into before, just above average and then some in all respects?"

Tingle, "Yes that should be fine George."

"Ok, make it so," he laughed, "Sorry, I always wanted to say that and have it actually mean something."

Tingle. She giggled as the flash of gold sprung from her eyes and his body changed even more. He looked in the mirror and felt a sudden twinge of pride as he admired his good looks. He still recognized himself, but everything looked long, toned, and streamlined like an Olympic swimmer, only slightly bigger. He felt as light as air and he bounced a little off the balls of his feet. There was an energy coming from inside him that he had never felt before. He had never felt so good.

"Wow, this is cool," he whispered. He looked down between his legs and saw that although his manhood had been unchanged, it looked larger on his new body. "Hey, can I make my cock longer?"

She couldn't contain her laughter.

He smiled, "Yeah, yeah, I know. Men, right? Can you do it or not?"

"Yes George I can make it longer," she said, rolling her eyes.

"Do you think it needs to be long...oh never mind, love is blind right?"

She nodded, then reached down and gave his cock a gentle squeeze.

"Ok then, I think I'm done for now."

"You like it Master?"

"I sure do!" he said excitedly. He bounced around a little bit more as he enjoyed his new spryness.

But then he stopped moving and his expression turned sullen again. "Dawn?"

"Yes, Master?"

"Do you think I'm shallow? I mean, I've always tried to look past the outer shell and see people for how they really are. But my perfect girlfriend is an absolute goddess, and now I've made myself good looking to make me happy. Isn't that...unfair, or something?"

"I do not think I am the right person to be asking that question George; I am, as you say, biased. However, I think that if you remember what It felt like to be ridiculed for your appearance and are careful not to treat others that way, then one could hardly call you shallow."

He nodded into the mirror, "You're right. I have to keep my pride in check. Thanks Dawn."

George looked at Dawn through the mirror and noticed her lean her head against his now chiseled arm. She smiled demurely at him and sighed contently.

"And Dawn? Thanks for...well...everything. I'll make it up to you someday, I promise."

She blushed. "I know how you can start," she said wryly.


"Do I have to spell it out for you? There is a fully naked and a very horny Genie standing next to a very large and inviting shower. Should I start sending up smoke signals?"

Feeling invigorated, George quickly attacked Dawn's ribs in an effort to tickle her. She yelped and laughed her way into the shower with George close behind her. He turned on the water, and though it was cold at first, the duo was too hot to notice.

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MarkT63MarkT63almost 3 years ago

Glad she finally gave him a physical upgrade!!! He was already 8 inches, but he wanted 12???

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Damn how nice that appearance altering would be. Acne gone scars gone.

Haha well done on keeping is dreaming

sviedsviedabout 7 years ago
Love the story.

Really, it's amazing stuff. Working it's way to being my absolute favorite on... anywhere. OK, favorite of it's kind, can't discount Firefly can we?

Just thought I'd mention there was a small discrepancy. She says she can't make him forget his past even with a wish. In the first story, that you have never actually mentioned other than in spirit and the small cameo, Jennifer specifically warns Jack of the dangers of wishing away memories but that it was possible. I'm more than willing to give creative license to you to deviate, especially with how good this story has been. I'll also admit that the original story was more logical where as yours is more sentimental and focusing on your intended theme. Truth be told I am unaccountable capable of keeping track of logistical details and consistencies but I'm a succor for the sentimental. If I have to choose between the two; as long as it still makes sense, I would choose the heartfelt route. I especially approve because of your given theme. BONUS POINTS!

I personally would have liked it if he could have seen his beauty before he went trying to change things but I totally get it and would probably have done something similar with a genie at my disposal. With that said the teasing between the two in front of the mirror was adorably cute and entertaining very good stuff.

Hellfire23Hellfire23over 10 years ago
@ YoB1009

I don't know what you're talking about. The original set up a good background and some rules. All the author did was take those and incorporate them into his story in because this is after all supposed to be an offshoot of the original storyline. The sex, characters, and storyline are all completely different with the possible exception of the supermarket scene in both stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Good look into inner conflicts

Like the comment title said, it gives a good showing of what some inner conflicts people go through when they believe they are imperfect and undeserving of some things, even more so when it comes being uncomfortable with the way one looks and all the flaws that they see and some that they believe are there thanks to the belittling they recieve from others.

A nice chapter that goes through this process, shows that its more than just a regular story meant to masturbate to, though I hope I don't get to the end of this and find out it went the same way Joe Brolly's story that inspired this one.

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