A Beautiful Wish Ch. 05


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But he was also extremely hungry from staring at food he could touch but not taste, and putting away all the food they had bought invoked some laziness at the idea of bringing it out again. Lindsey suddenly equaled food, and Dawn's revelations about her had intrigued him to no end. He had to know what Dawn had been talking about.

"I think, right now, I'm too interested in this ambush you have planned to fully enjoy anything else. But tonight, you and I are gonna finish this. And it's gonna be great."


He responded with a kiss, and managed a muffled, "Mmm-hmm."

He placed one hand on the back of her neck and the other on her perfect derrière, and pulled her in as close as he could. She melted into his loving embrace and breathed a guttural moan into him as the hand on her ass fell deeper into her. The feeling of her body, molded into his own, was a sensation he never wanted to forget.

The drive over to Walt's Wiches found George a nervous wreck. He was excited and apprehensive at the same time. And though the sun was dipping a bit lower in the sky he found himself sweating. He thought about what they were doing. Without Dawn, he would had never have planned a reconnaissance mission to delve deeper into his best friend. He became very nervous, and Dawn noticed.

"Do not worry George, all you have to do is be yourself and follow my lead. Pay close attention to her and you will see how enamored with you she is."

"I still can't believe I let you talk me into this."

"Trust me. You both need to come out of your shells a little bit. Lindsey has been trying, but she is so hopelessly hung up on you, that it would take some Major Genie intervention to get her to move on."

"I trust you. But can you tell me exactly what our goal is here? I mean, aside from lunch, because I don't know about you, but I'm starving."

"Mostly, to get you both to see each other in a new light. And to let her know that I do not intend to stop her from being at least friends with you."


"Nothing bad, I promise!"

"Well...as long as you aren't going to make her do anything she isn't ready for."

Dawn chuckled, "Yes Master, although, I think you would be quite surprised to learn what she is ready for."

They pulled up to Walt's and George shut off the engine. As he was about get out of the car, his heart raced at the prospect of forming a romantic relationship with his only friend. But if what Dawn had described was true, and he had no reason to think it wasn't, this was something Lindsey had wanted for a very long time. Even though he and Lindsey had known each other since they were small children, George felt like maybe he hadn't really known her that well at all.

The small cafe was recovering from it's lunch rush, but wasn't very busy. Only a few customers took up the seats closest to the window and appeared to be finishing up. George took a quick look around the counter, but Lindsey was nowhere in sight. However, Walt was there, and welcomed George immediately.

"Oy! Is 'at you George?"

Walt extended his large callused hand for a shake. George took it, but was immediately pulled in for a bone crushing hug. Walt was just as tall as George, though much more corpulent. He had always been a gregarious man, with a hearty, infectious laugh and a booming voice. George had always imagined him as a drunken, red headed, British Santa Claus, without a ride back to the north pole.

"Blimey George! Who is that wit ya?

George reached for Dawn who had been standing just behind him, "Walt, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Dawn. Dawn, this Walter Miller..."

Walt pushed George out of his way to step closer to Dawn. He took off his baseball cap with the cafe's logo on it and held it to his heart. "Ay, and a pleasure it is to meet you, Miss. Has'n been a beauty like yerself come into this town since my Lindsey came home from college!" He let loose his hearty laugh.

Dawn blushed when Walt bent low to kiss her hand rather than shaking it, "Thank you so much Mr. Miller. It is so nice to meet you."

He waved her off, "Nah don't you start callin me Mr. That be like, puttin lettuce on a pizza. You can call me Walt, jus' like ol' George does. So, ya got a mum? A sister, an aunt? Please tell me there be more lass's like you out there somewhere."

"Hmm, sorry Walt. I am afraid that they do not make many like me."

"Ay, ain't that the truth. So George, what were ya doin, standin at the entrance to town with a sign that said 'Free Handbags'?"

"Are you kidding Walt? All I had to do was mention I knew the owner of Walt's Wiches and the panties just disappeared."

"That would assume, of course, that I was wearing panties to begin with," piped Dawn.

Walt laugh heartily once more and patted George roughly on the back, "Oy! Was that a joke? You two are cheeky, you are. Blimey George, I haven't seen you looking like this since before your dear old dad passed away." He turned to address Dawn directly, "Ol' Henry an me went way back. Help me get on my feet and open this shop after I lost me missus. George is the spittin image of im. I remember when he and Lindsey was little kids, he was always playin pranks, tellin jokes, and troublemakin like it was 'is job. But he's been so dopey these past few years that I was beginning to think he'd gone nutters."

George just rolled his eyes, "So is Lindsey around? We were hoping you could let her take a lunch break."

Walt turned towards the kitchen with a look of exasperation on his face, "Um, you two stay right here, I'll go look for her." He quickly shuffled to the back of the store out of sight.

George and Dawn exchanged confused looks.

"Was any of that odd to you, babe?"

Dawn got a faraway look again, "He was trying to disguise the fact that Lindsey knows we are here and is avoiding us. She feels it would be too awkward to talk to us both at the same time. She has already set me up as a rival."

"Do you think we should..."

Just then, George could hear Walt in the kitchen, "...don't be an old ninny, get out there."

"But Dad," came Lindsey's voice, "I'm covered in flour and my hair is all messed up!"

"George doesn't give a damn! Just show 'im some leg and take off that baker's jacket. Here, I'll hold your glasses."

George could hear rustling accompanied by Lindsey's protests, "Dad! Stop already! OK, OK, just don't break them."

She stumbled out of the kitchen and caught sight of George immediately. Her long red hair was tied up in a bun. A few strands hung across her freckly face, and accentuated the lines of her cheeks and chin.

The clumsy way in which she tried to collect herself told of how new and uncomfortable she was with her beauty. She looked highly flustered as George's eyes met hers. They were apprehensive and guarded, but full of energy and promise.

She wore her bright yellow polo shirt that hugged the curve of her trim waist and her firm breasts. While not quite as large as Dawn's, they still stood out proudly. Her shirt was tucked into a pair of dark brown work pants that were less flattering, and made George long to see her delicious looking thighs clad in a pair of skin tight jean shorts again. She must have changed when she made the delivery to his house.

For the first time since George had known her, he saw her not as the young girl he had grown up with, but as a woman. A beautiful, intelligent, and attractive woman, to be desired and cherished. He suddenly realized that much of what Dawn was, his subconscious idea of his perfect woman, had come from Lindsey.

She was the first to break the silence, "OK, OK, you can stop gawking now." She wiped away a smear of flour that had gathered on her freckled cheek.

"You, um, missed a spot," said George as he motioned towards the tip of her nose.

"Oh shoot. Did I get it?"

George looked directly into her, something he had never done, and said, "Perfect."

"Oh my!" gasped Dawn.

"What? Is my head on backwards?" joked Lindsey.

Dawn turned to George, "George, you lied to me."

"What? How?"

Dawn smiled out of the corner of her mouth that Lindsey couldn't see and wink at him, "You told me she was pretty. She is absolutely gorgeous!"

Lindsey couldn't help my smile broadly even as she blushed, "Yeah, you heard the woman, I'm gorgeous! What the hell is wrong with you George?"

Both the girls were staring at him with there arms crossed. He noticed that, standing side by side, they were within an inch in height. "Dawn, meet Lindsey. Lindsey, Dawn."

Lindsey loosened up and shook Dawn's hand, "Sleeping beauty, right?"

Dawn blushed, "Oh, sorry about that. I was having a rough day."

Lindsey scanned both their faces and George instantly knew the jig was up. He and Dawn had both turned an incriminating shade of scarlet.

"I bet," she said finally. "So, you guys hungry?"

Dawn and George nodded excitedly.

"OK, I'll go whip us up something. You guys came at a good time, I was getting bored back there." She disappeared into the kitchen but called out to them, "Go sit down, I'll be right out!"

George was about to find a booth when Dawn stopped him. "George, let's sit at a round table. Since there are three of us, a booth leaves one person sitting alone."

"Thank you wise and all-knowing sex genie," said George in as comical a voice as he could muster.

She giggled. Her smile made George's stomach flutter. "So, did you see how she was looking at you? That is not your body that makes her weak in the knees. She loves the way you look at her, it makes her tingly all over."

"I definitely saw something," replied George, "though I have to admit, I wasn't looking at her eyes so much. She has really filled out since high school. She was always cute, if a little bookish, but now she's like a Victoria's Secret model."

"College has given her many opportunities to broaden her horizons, both intellectually and physically, not to mention sexually. You can thank her sorority for that."

George sighed heavily.

"Are you alright George?" asked Dawn carefully.

"Yeah, I'm fine, it's just...I feel pretty stupid for not realizing what a great girl I've had following me around all this time. We could have had years together already. And then she went off to school and I didn't even try to keep in touch. And now I'm feeling jealous that someone figured out how great she is before I could. I've been pretty selfish, huh?"

"Do not be so hard on yourself. She treasures the time you and her have spent together as friends. The fact that you did not force the issue has not been lost on her. She is grateful for the respect you have always shown her. She trusts you. Which is why I complimented her through you."

"That was a good line by the way, she's not pretty, she's gorgeous."

"Thank you George," she beamed. "One thing I have noticed about her already is that she is not used to being appreciated for her looks. She is a bit like you in that regard. She has trouble believing that she is as beautiful as people say. But she will believe it if it is from you. So instead of just telling her she was gorgeous, I made it come partially from you, so that it holds more clout."

George marveled at Dawn's incredible knack for reading people. He would never have been able to read that deeply into anyone and Dawn was reading his best friend like an open book. "Hey Dawn, you might have a future in psychology one day. You are a regular Dr. Ruth...and way cuter."

Tingle. "I am sorry George, but I refuse to believe there is anything cuter in this world than a tiny old lady with a funny accent, saying 'penis' with regular frequency."

George laughed.

The two talked quietly about nothing, just enjoying each other's company while they waited for Lindsey to return. Finally, she reappeared out of the kitchen with a tray of food. "I didn't know what you liked Dawn, so I made you a salad and a smoothie. George, I got your club sandwich, no tomatoes. Enjoy."

They dug in, George practically inhaled his sandwich as it was the first thing he had eaten all day. He looked over at Dawn who was eating her salad with less enthusiasm. He spied her eying the half of his sandwich he hadn't yet bitten.

"Here babe, want to try mine?" he asked.

She nodded emphatically. After slathering it with mayonnaise, mustard, and a few potato chips for good measure, she took a big bite and rolled her eyes back in pleasure. Lindsey stared at her in disbelief.

"Holy hell girl! How do you eat like that and still look that good?"

Dawn stopped mid mouthful, "Umph, I doe know."

George came to her rescue, "I'm convinced she's an alien, sent here to gather information to send back to the mothership."

"And the first thing I'll tell them is how good the food is here," piped Dawn as she finished her bite, "the mothership cantina has nothing on this place."

"Yeah well, I would have pegged you for one of those girls who only eats half the peanut. But you put it away, don't you?"

"I would have thought the same of you, Lindsey. How do you look so fit with all this great food around?"

Lindsey blushed, "Thanks but, I don't get to sample much of the food anymore. I've been trying to eat more healthy. Did you hear that my dad had a heart attack last Christmas?"

George nodded sorrowfully. George had heard. He had wanted to go see him and Lindsey then, but was too worried that Walter would die. He wasn't sure he could have handled the fallout.

"Is he OK now?" asked George.

"Yeah, he's fine. It's been a full time job to make sure he sticks to his diet. I've recruited an army of people to make sure. But so far he's been a good boy. Anyway, ever since then I've been doing my best to set a good example for him. It feels good to be fit, it's just..."

"What?" Dawn asked as she listened intently.

"I don't like how people treat you differently when you're pretty. You understand Dawn, you must be used to people talking down to you because they think you're nothing but a pretty face."

"You really think I'm pretty?" she asked wide-eyed.

"Well, yeah. Of course you're pretty."

"Thank you so much, Lindsey! I was fishing shamelessly, but it's nice hear every once in a while. But yes, I do understand where you are coming from. Thankfully, George does not think that way."

"So do you go to college then?"

"That is actually why I am here. I was looking into the program at Stafford and few other places."

"Ahh, that must have been when...umm..."

"When I met George? Yes. I was dying for a dip in the pool and George let me in. I was hoping he would get up the courage to ask me out, but I do not think he really believed I was interested. I was the one to crack first and I just blurted it out. I was so embarrassed! Smartest thing I have ever done."

Lindsey just nodded as she listened. George could tell she was mentally kicking herself. He had the urge to comfort her in some way. Either by telling her that all hope wasn't lost, or even that Dawn was his Genie servant and wouldn't mind her joining his harem. But there was no way he could tell her any of that. He had already decided that he wanted her as a lover, but now he desperately wanted to be a better friend.

Dawn continued with the conversation. "George tells me you are going to State. What are you studying?"

"Computers, programing actually. I want to make my own video game someday. Do you um...play games at all?"

Tingle. "Not very much, I have never really had anybody to play with before. But I would certainly enjoy trying any game you made! George, will you teach me how to play video games?"

"Hell yeah I will, as soon as we get back. But actually, you should ask Lindsey. She kicks my ass every single time."

"What can I say, I've got golden thumbs," said Lindsey. She playfully poked George's arm with her right thumb.

"We should all play sometime! You guys can show me the ropes!" Dawn bounced in her chair which made her breasts jiggle once more. George couldn't help but notice that Lindsey was looking, and didn't seem to be disgusted.

"Uh, OK! I'm game."

"Great!" said George, "Next time you have an afternoon off, just come over."

Lindsey shuffled nervously in her seat, "You sure I won't be...interrupting anything?"

"Whatever do you mean, Lindsey?" said Dawn innocently.

"Well...I don't know...like...um..."

Dawn placed her hand on Lindsey's, "Lindsey, we are all friends now, we'll always make time for you."

Lindsey looked back and forth between Dawn and George, searching for some indication that Dawn was just being polite. But George was sure she meant it. He nodded in agreement. Lindsey smiled bashfully. George suddenly knew where Dawn had gotten that trait.

The threesome's conversation steered mostly towards Lindsey and Dawn. George kept quite for the most part while he enjoyed the two girls' banter. While George hadn't been planning on thrusting Dawn upon Lindsey for fear of making either of them jealous, now it looked like the two were hitting it off. He was impressed with Dawn's ability to fit so harmoniously with everything around her. Cute young Asian girls aside, Dawn was systematically improving every aspect of his life, one by one. And instead of closing doors, she was throwing them wide open.

"Lindsey, is there a bathroom?" asked Dawn as she finished her half of the sandwich.

"Uh, yeah. Just through there," Lindsey indicated a hallway that turned out of sight.

"Thanks, I will be right back," she rose gracefully, and traced her finger across George's shoulders before she bounded around the corner.

George and Lindsey sat alone together. Their sudden awkwardness was palpable.

"She's really nice," said Lindsey finally.

"Yeah, she is."

They continued eating. After a few more awkward moments they caught each other's eye. Neither could keep from laughing at how strange everything suddenly became.

"OK," laughed Lindsey, "this is awkward isn't it?"

"It is," laughed George, "I can't figure out why though."

"I can't blame you, it's your first girlfriend. We've never really dealt with anything like this before, have we?"

"Definitely not like this," said George as he looked to the corner where Dawn disappeared.

"George, I have to ask you something. Promise you won't get mad."

He waved her off, "It's OK, go ahead."

"Is she the real deal?"

George was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

"I don't know," she averted her gaze, "I guess I'm wondering if...she's 'the one'?"

George thought hard. He wasn't conflicted over whether or not Dawn was the one he wanted to be with for the rest of his life, but he didn't want to shut the door on Lindsey. However, this was his best friend, he had to tell her the truth, to a point.

"Honestly, I think she may be. I've never met anyone quite like her."

"That's what I thought. She is pretty amazing, she's nice, and pretty, and smart," she chuckled, "Shit, I think I might be crushing on her."

Lindsey looked dejected, and poked at her salad half-heartedly. George felt compelled to say something. "Look, Lindsey, I know that I haven't been a very good friend to you this past year. What with your dad in the hospital and all. But Dawn has made me realize how important you are too me. I don't want the fact that I have a girlfriend now to prevent us from being friends. And Dawn wouldn't want that either. So, I guess, what I'm trying to say is that, you and I will always be together. And for the record, you are all those things too."

"Alright, alright. Enough with the mushy stuff already." She pushed him playfully, and couldn't hide another bashful smile behind the guise of brushing her hair out of her face. "But, thanks George. Friends forever?"

"Yeah, good ones."

Lindsey chuckled.

"What?" asked George.

"You've changed."

"Well yeah, I've been working out a bit..."

"No no, not that, you were always cute anyway. What I meant was, Dawn has been a good influence on you. You seem...better."