A Beautiful Wish Ch. 08


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Dawn's job was to bake a cake using directions on the back of a box. She was atwitter with the new experience of making food. Of course, she knew what everything was called and what it was used for, but the subtle nuances that could only come from experience – which George and Jessica had always taken for granted - were completely lost on Dawn. For example, she knew that if she mixed all the ingredients together like it said on the box and baked it for the amount of time it specified, she would be making a cake. But she didn't know that the eggshells were not part of the recipe, or how well she was supposed to mix the ingredients together. What she pulled out of the oven was nothing short of awesome, if only for its epic failure.

She was immensely sorry. Luckily, cake mix had been on sale that day and she had chance to redeem herself. This time Jessica took a much more hands on approach in Dawn's baking escapades. The results were more encouraging.

The kitchen was not large, so George opted to stay out of their way. But he did keep them company. From his seat at the breakfast table he watched the two women interact. It was a very natural thing to see his mother and his girlfriend conversing while they worked. They fell into a synchronous rhythm as they darted around the kitchen, opening cupboards, clearing counter-space and stirring this or that. He couldn't help but feel like, for a very brief moment in time, everything was well.

Even still, he felt separate from that scene. He spoke very little, and while the women didn't ignore him he couldn't help but feel like he was intruding on something.

Dawn noticed. "Are you alright, Master? You seem sad."

"It's nothing, Babe. I'm just enjoying the view."

That didn't seem to satisfy her. She had just finished mixing so she dislodged one of the whisks caked in batter and wiped off a large glob. "Here Hotstuff, taste this and tell me if I did it right." She was grinning widely.

He was about to wipe it off her finger with his own, but Dawn recoiled. "Uh uh. Open up," she said cutely.

George rolled his eyes. He knew that Dawn was trying to make him feel more welcome, but he was just so used to everyone leaving him to himself. And he wasn't sure how much his mom would appreciate watching him lick cake batter off of his girlfriend. But he complied, and pulled her hand in close so he could suck the glob from her delicate finger.

"Well, how did I do?"

George was surprised at how much the act of licking food off of Dawn turned him on. He was also pleased that this cake was turning out much better than the first. "You did great, Babe."

Dawn breathed a sigh of relief. "Well that is good. At the rate I was going, we were going to be all out of cake."

"Are you done with the mixer?"

"I think so."

"Well then gimme the whisk, I'll clean it off."

"No, no, that is not necessary. I will clean it."

Jessica chimed in, "He wants to lick the leftover junk from the whisk."

Dawn looked at the utensil in her hand until the eureka moment hit her. "Oh! How fun! Here you go, Hotstuff."

She offered the goopy mess to George and he took it gladly. "Get the other one, Babe, and we'll share. It's been a long time since I've done this."

Jessica spoke as she was putting the lasagna in an oven, "It's so cute how you guys call each other those names. Did George tell you that I used to call his father Hotstuff?"

"He did," said Dawn as she grabbed the other whisk and began licking it clean. "Your husband sounds like he was a very special man."

"Henry was wonderful," Jessica said wistfully. "The love of my life. George is so much like him it's unbelievable."

George felt the undeniable urge to leave the room. Even when speaking of his father fondly, George could not bring himself to be happy. He felt the pleasantness that had come so naturally disintegrate into guilt. As quietly as he could, George attempted to sidle out of the kitchen.

"Master, where are you going?"

He stopped. "Um... I'm just going back up to my room for a bit."

"Please don't go," she pleaded.

"I... but Dawn..."


George turned back around, ready to give Dawn a defiant look before he made off again. But as he met her hopeful eyes he felt very stupid for even considering the thought. He hung his head and sighed heavily as he sat back down.

"Tell me about him," Dawn said to Jessica.

"Henry? We met in my junior year of college. He and Richard were in their last year of law school and I guess were having a competition to see who could bed more undergrads before they graduated. From what I understand, Henry was way out in front."

Dawn laughed and eyed George, "A virile young man."

"Hah! Very. But, after our first date he told me all about it and said he was done with all that. I was... skeptical at first. But he proved himself. Henry was like that. He was honest, and he always wanted to deserve what he had. Richard won the competition, but Henry won me. He would have said it was a fair consolation."

"So, Richard is..."

"My second husband... Hayley and Corina's father. He had always been friends with Henry, but I always had the feeling that he wanted to be more with me. Richard and Henry practically grew up together so... they were almost like brothers. They shared everything. I guess I was the one thing Henry wouldn't share. When he died, Richard was there for me. I've always been grateful to him for that. It's a shame things didn't work out between us."

"Why did they not?"

"Well... lots of reasons. The main one being he preferred the company of younger women. I guess I haven't held up as well as he hoped. Three kids will do that to you."

Dawn looked appalled. "Oh, do not put yourself down like that, Mom! You are very beautiful, still. I have seen pictures of you in your college years. I believe you may be even more beautiful now then you were then."

Jessica sighed, "Thanks, Dawn. You're a sweet girl. I think I'm still beautiful, but I have to work a lot harder to stay that way these days." She chuckled, "I'm not even sure why I try so hard anymore. If it weren't for the fact that looking good for my clients helps business, I'd probably bring a carton of ice cream with me to the office every day."

George spoke, "Hey, mom, don't you ever think about... ya know... getting a boyfriend?"

She laughed, "Oh ho! Have I ever!"

"So why not do it? Since you walked out on Dick you haven't even been on a date."

"I don't know. It's different now. I'm different. And I have two little girls to worry about. Corina wouldn't think too much about it since she's so little. But if Hayley saw me with another man, she'd hate me. She still hasn't forgiven me for leaving Richard. No, another man would just mess things up."

"But what if the right guy came along? Would you pass him up just because you didn't want to upset Hayley? She'd get over it eventually."

"George, I'm 44 years old. The chances of someone like Henry sweeping me off my feet, again, are getting smaller every day. I'm not holding my breath."

Dawn had finished making her cake and was standing next to the oven, lost in thought.

Jessica noticed, "Dawn? What's your take?"

"Wha... oh," she shook herself loose from her thoughts. "I think... I think finding another Henry Everhart would be difficult. But that does not mean a Mr. Right is not out there somewhere. He just may not be what you expect." She giggled suddenly, "I certainly did not expect my Mr. Right to be like George. I had not thought to set my sights so high."

George rolled his eyes. "Oh, would you stop," he blushed.

Jessica examined both of them briefly. Finally, she said, "Looks like you're stuck with her, Georgy boy."

The women put the finishing touches on dinner while George set the table. Outwardly, Dawn and Jessica chatted about work. But George could detect a worrisome look in Dawn's eyes.

"Dawn, something bothering you?"

"Oh. It is okay. I am sure it is nothing."

"Tell me anyway. I mean... if you want to."

"I am worried about mom. She is not happy."

George watched his mother a bit, searching for the telltale signs of distress. But she seemed fine. In fact, she looked happier then he she had in many years.

"She looks fine to me."

"Right now she is, yes. She is very happy for you. She loves you very much, you know. More than she has loved anyone else. She loves all of her children, but you most of all. Though she would never tell you that."

"That's... great but, what's the problem then?"

"She is still in love with your father. With every part of her being, she wishes he was still here to enjoy this with her. It is... suffocating."

George watched his mother again. He still could not see the anguish Dawn was telling him of, but Dawn was not a liar. It could only mean his mother was better at hiding it than he was.

"There it is again," she said sadly.

"What?" he asked.

"Guilt. And then you retreat into shame. And I cannot follow you."

She waited, hoping.

George remained silent.

Finally, she said, "It is okay. As for your mother, she could never have a serious relationship again. At least, not like this."

"Like... what?"

"Every man she meets she compares to Henry and finds them wanting. Even if Mr. Right did come along, even if another Henry came along, she would not love him. And she would not let herself be loved by him."

George pondered while the women continued their recounting of the day. They were comparing how screwed up their coworkers were when he asked, "If a Mr. Right did come along, could I wish that she love him? I mean, if she would want to love him, if she was able to?"

"Yes. But would you be okay with that?"

"Uh... why wouldn't I be?"

"You would not wish that Lindsey have sex with me, even though she and I want to."

George reeled from the web of rules he had created for himself. Combined with the rules Dawn had laid out for him, it was making his rapidly sobering head spin. "Sheesh. I guess you can't solve everything with sex."

Dawn said, with more seriousness then he was used to hearing, "I suppose not."

A pair of headlights shined through the living-room windows as a loud sports car pulled into the driveway, followed by two obnoxiously loud honks of the horn.

"Oh," groaned Jessica. "Why does he always do that?"

Dawn had perked up and was practically jumping out of her skin when she asked, "Is that them? Are they here?"

"That's them. George, get the door, would you."

Dawn ran her fingers through her hair and fidgeted nervously about her clothing while George strode towards the door. Just as he reached it, it swung open, and Hayley and Corina bounded inside. The younger sister, Corina, came rushing in first. Her long wavy dark brown hair blurred her pixie-like features. Hayley followed. She had lighter hair, like her mother, with a touch of auburn. They each had a backpack and a pillow, along with shiny new pink MP3 players.

"Mommy!" they screamed as they rushed towards her, ignoring George altogether.

Jessica greeted them with a loving hug. "Hi, girls! Did you have fun?"

Hayley piped up, "It was awesome! Daddy's the coolest!"

Behind them strode a tall, stocky man with thick black hair gelled back in precise detail, a well trimmed goatee that was showing signs of graying, and a swagger that George had pegged as the man's trademark. Richard wore designer jeans, a worn looking black leather jacket that smelled brand new and cradled a bottle of red wine in his left arm. He gave George a curt nod as he crossed the threshold.

"Daddy got us Ipoods!" shouted a gleeful Corina.

That's... great," she frowned, "even though I told him not to. And it's pronounced Ipod, sweety."

Richard gave a pronounced shrug as he set the wine on the counter, "Yeah well, it's the new model and it was on sale. I couldn't not get it for them. I mean, look how gorgeous my daughters are."

Jessica hugged the girls again, if only to hide her disappointment. "Go put your stuff away and wash up for dinner," she instructed.

They bounded up the stairs quickly.

The new arrivals had left the door wide open, so George closed it behind them.

After the girls were gone Jessica turned to Richard and asked, "Why did you do that? You knew I was planning on getting Hayley one after she did well on her next report card."

"Oh... don't get so worked up, baby doll. I'm sure there'll be something even cooler for you buy her in a few months."

"That's not the point," seethed Jessica. She seemed to be trying very hard not to raise her voice. "We talked about it and agreed that until Hayley gets her grades up, she wasn't going to get any new toys."

He snorted a condescending chuckle, "So what do you wanna do? Take 'em away from them?"

Jessica glared at him like she could actually pierce him with a stare, before giving up and checking on the food.

Richard sighed. "So, George, how ya... hoh, my God," he stammered as he caught sight of Dawn, waiting patiently next to George to be introduced. His eyes scanned her from head to toe, alarmed at what he saw.

"Hey, Dick, this is my girlfriend, Dawn. Dawn, Dick."

Dawn extended her hand daintily for a shake.

After a few moments, Richard finally wiped the stunned expression from his face and took it. "A pleasure, Miss." He turned to George and with a sinister glare added, "Don't call me Dick." He marched over to the kitchen and retrieve a wine key along with a couple of wine glasses. He whispered something to Jessica.

Jessica whispered something back.

Meanwhile, Corina had bounced back down the stairs and finally took notice of George. "Hi George!" she said happily as she hugged his waist. Normally, George let Corina hug him, but had never hugged her back. Not because he didn't like his youngest sister, but he found it difficult to hug anyone. Today though, he looked down at the mess of long dark hair and pixie-like features, and felt like not hugging her back had been cruel. He bent down on one knee and embraced her tightly. The little girl didn't even blink before burying her face in George's neck.

George was surprised at how wonderful he felt just hugging her. Any ill-feelings he had been harboring towards her were dismissed. All was forgiven. He didn't let go of her for long time, and when he finally did, Corina whined and wouldn't let go. Looking up, George could see Dawn watching them with a pleased smile.

Without even a grunt, George lifted the little girl up and held her close to him. "Rina, this is Dawn. Say hello."

Corina turned to Dawn, then quickly looked away in cute embarrassment.

"Hello, Corina. That is a very pretty name," said Dawn.

Corina hid on the other side of George's face, but snuck a quick peek before hiding once more. George heard her whisper, "She's pretty."

George laughed, and as he turned to Dawn, said, "I think so too."

In the kitchen, George could see his mother gazing at him. Her hand was over her mouth and brimming with pride, like she had just watched him take his first steps.

Richard was watching too, but his eyes were on Dawn. He did not look pleased.

George was confused as to what this meant. His step-father had the perfect poker face, and had always been difficult to read. But George quit worrying about it. The inner-workings of Dick were among the last things that interested him.

He shifted his focus back to the beauty he held tightly in his arms. "Rina, why don't you give Dawn a hug too."

She whispered, "Okay."

George set her down while Dawn knelt.

Corina wrapped up Dawn just as tightly as she had George, though for not as long.

Corina pulled her new toy out of her pocket and presented it to Dawn. "Daddy got me a Ipood," she said bashfully.

"I see that," said Dawn. "It is very cool. Will you show me how it works?"

"Yeah!" the little girl cried as she took hold of a very surprised Dawn's hand and led her to a spot on the couch. Corina began teaching Dawn, as far as her little mind could assess, the magic of an MP3 player.

Dawn listened intently, and segwayed into a discussion about music. Before long, they were sharing a pair of earphones as they flipped through Corina's playlist.

As he was about to join them, George was summoned over to the kitchen by Richard. "Yeah?" said George quickly.

"So? You gonna tell me about her, or what?"

"If you want," shrugged George.

Dick cocked his eyebrows in frustration. "Would you stop being thick and talk to me. This is your first girlfriend. It's a big deal. Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

George was taken aback. "Uh, since when do I tell you anything?"

"Since I adopted you, for all the good it did." He kept his voice from disturbing the ladies in the living room.

George and Richard had barely spoken in the four years since his mother walked away. This line of questioning was confusing. "Uh, last time I checked, you got divorced."

Dick leaned on the counter and shook his head. "So it's like that then. Okay, fine. Disrespect me. That will get you far."

"W-what?" It had never been the case that George wanted to go any distance with Richard. No matter how amiable their conversations had started, they eventually devolved into lectures about showing proper respect.

Jessica said, "Richard, stop pestering him. They just started dating over the weekend. You're one of the first to know."

Dick threw his hands up, "Okay, fine. Tell me the story then. I wanna hear this."

George explained, "I was at work when she walked in and wanted to swim. We started talking and it turned out that she had just arrived in town and didn't have a place to stay. So I offered her a bed for the night. We hung out all weekend and... well, that's about it, really."

"That's not it. Where is she from?" he asked incredulously.


"Arizona? What's she doing out here?"

"She said she was tired of the heat and wanted to go someplace different for college. Stafford was on her list."

"She have any family?"

"Um... she's an orphan, actually."

"Ahh... there it is," said Richard, almost to himself. "So, if I called up the child services in Phoenix, they'd be able to tell me all about her?"

"Uh... I guess."

"What the heck are you doing?" interrupted Jessica.

"Nothing... forget it. Sorry, George. It's not my place to give you the ninth degree about anything, is it?" He sighed. "No matter how much I wanted it to be."

"It's alright," assured Jessica, "I already gave him the ninth degree. There's no reason to get so upset. I swear, I've never seen you so worked-up about anything before."

He eyed Dawn once more, and muttered, "Yeah, well, I'm just being careful."

The oven timer buzzed. "Dinner's ready," said Jessica. "George, get your sister, will you?"

George headed upstairs to his sister's room and knocked, "Hayley, mom says to come down for dinner. Hayley?" After a few seconds of silence he cracked the door a sliver. "Hails? You decent?" He stuck his hand inside and waved it wildly. Nothing.

"What am I doing?" he thought. He reached inside and flipped the light switch on and off a few times.

"What?" yelled Hayley.

"Dinner's ready," he said on the opposite side of the door.

The door swung open and Hayley marched out toward the stairs. "Sheesh, you could've just said so."

"I did say so. You didn't answer."

She shot him a condescending look, "I was listening to my Ipod, duh! Just come in next time."

"Right. And if I do that, you'll get pissed that I barged into your room."

"Whatever..." she muttered as she rolled her eyes. "Who's that girl downstairs?"

"That's Dawn. She's going to be living with us for a while."