A Better Way of Life


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I rubbed his erection through his trousers and he groaned under my touch, leaving my breast to kiss me again. As he kissed me, I could feel his hand working up my thigh, inside my dress and as much as I knew we shouldn't be doing this in Sue's garden, I couldn't help opening my legs slightly to give him access. It was like a bolt of electricity shot through me when his fingers touched my soaked panties and I started to squirm under his touch. He eased the thin material to one side and started to run his fingers along my slit, collecting the copious juices before easing the tip of his middle finger into my opening.

I could barely breathe at this point but through half opened eyes I was shocked to see Sue coming up the garden and she surely must have seen what was going on. Quickly, I pushed Dan from me and tried to make myself more respectable. Dan did the same, though it was fairly obvious that he was trying to hide a major erection.

'You two seem to be enjoying yourselves,' she said, smiling.

I was extremely flustered and found myself apologising and trying to cover my blushes as best I could but Sue seemed to be delighted about the whole thing.

'Why don't you go back to the house Dan and let Kathryn and I have a little girl-time?' she asked, but it wasn't a question.

After Dan had gone, Sue sat next to me and I expected an awkward conversation.

'I'm so, so sorry Sue, I don't know what came over me; I'm so ashamed of myself,' I babbled incoherently.

'You have nothing to apologise for at all Kathryn,' she assured me. 'You were enjoying yourself for a change and by the look of things, you were having a great time. I'm only sorry you saw me as I was about to turn back and leave you alone, even though I was loving the show.'

'That's not the point Sue, I abused your hospitality and behaved like a slut,' I wailed, mortified that my friend must have seen at least some of what we did, though intrigued by her admission of enjoying watching us.

'Don't be silly Kathryn, you're no more of a slut than I am,' she scoffed. 'You're simply a woman who wants to enjoy a decent sex life and there's nothing wrong with that. You've been living the life of a nun for far too long.'

'Perhaps that's true,' I admitted, 'but what I was doing is still wrong in so many ways.'

'Can you answer some direct and personal questions completely honestly?' she eventually asked.

I paused for thought, unwilling to promise something I might not be able to deliver before eventually confirming that I would always be completely truthful with her.

'Do you think there's any chance that you might leave John and marry Dan?' she asked.

'I could be tempted to leave John but no, not marriage,' I replied, 'I don't think our age difference would make that likely or desirable.'

'Do you think you'd like to be boyfriend and girlfriend and go on dates together then?' she persisted.

'Possibly,' I eventually replied, 'but it seems unlikely, again because of the age difference.'

'But you would like to have sex with him?'

'Yes, obviously,' I said in a frustrated tone as I could hardly deny that one given what she'd just seen us doing.

'Of the forty years you've been with John, how many of those have seen you completely sexually satisfied?' she asked calmly.

'Maybe two,' I eventually replied, knowing I was rapidly losing this particular argument.

'So on that basis, don't you think it's about time you found some real sexual pleasure?'

'When you put it like that, I suppose so but surely there has to be more to it than simply sex,' I said, trying to regain control of this conversation.

'Maybe you'll find something special with Dan and maybe you won't but whatever you end up with, it will be better than you have at the moment,' she reasoned. 'You can at least try it as what have you got to lose?'

'Nothing I suppose,' I admitted.

'Then come back into the house, enjoy the rest of your evening and just see where things take you.'

I felt a little awkward as we entered the lounge and found Dan and Paul chatting over drinks but it didn't take long before things began to settle down. Dan must have mentioned something to Paul because we sat as two couples for the rest of the evening with Paul and Sue on one sofa while I sat with Dan, who had his arm around me for most of the night. It felt odd at first, partly because I wasn't used to such openly displayed affection and partly because it wasn't my husband holding me but I enjoyed being held by Dan. His strong arms made me feel better; he made me feel warm, safe and loved, in a way I hadn't experienced for longer than I cared to remember. For my part, I leaned into him and rested my hand on his leg while trying not to think too much of the large bulge I had felt in his trousers a little earlier.

We left at about 11.30pm and once again, Dan escorted me home in the taxi and walked me to the door. This time I knew we would kiss goodnight and I knew it would be a lot more than a quick kiss on my cheek.

'Thank you for a lovely evening Dan, I loved every minute of our time together,' I said, completely honestly.

'It doesn't have to be over yet Kathryn,' he replied. 'Why don't you come back to my place?'

'I'd love that Dan, you must know I would but my situation is complicated and I need time to think things through a bit more. Can you be patient with me, just a little bit longer?' I asked.

'Of course I can Kathryn, I wouldn't want you to do anything that you didn't really want to do,' he insisted.

'Oh I certainly want to, I can promise you that,' I assured him with a smile, 'but whether I should is a different question.'

Dan didn't reply, he simply took me in his arms and kissed me passionately, his tongue probing my mouth and his hands wandering over my very receptive body. I wondered what the neighbours would say if they saw us together but in that particular moment, I didn't care, I just knew that I wanted to be in this man's arms and enjoy the physical intimacy he offered. Eventually we parted and stared into each other's eyes.

'Would a couple of days be enough?' he asked.

'I should think so, yes,' I replied, 'or three at the most. Can you wait that long?'

'I'll wait even longer if that's what you need Kathryn. Call me as soon as you can and we'll see where we go from there.'

I promised him I would and with a final kiss, he was gone and fifteen minutes later I was lying in bed reflecting on the events of the evening. It didn't take long for my thoughts to settle on the time we'd been in the garden together. Whatever else I thought about Dan and the wisdom of a relationship with him, there was no denying that I was physically attracted to him in a very powerful way. There was no doubt in my mind that had we been in a better location and not interrupted, I certainly would have let Dan have sex with me. My heart had been pounding when I felt his cock through his trousers and I desperately wanted it inside me. Even now, in the calm of my own home, I felt a strong desire to experience his cock and almost inevitably I reached for my vibrator.

Holding the vibrator in my hand I imagined it was Dan's cock, though I suspected he was a bit bigger and that also thrilled me. John was never that big and I always appreciated the extra length and girth that this vibrator offered, though it wasn't the same as a real cock. The idea that Dan was even bigger made me try to imagine how it would feel to be stretched around his length and feel him pushing deep inside me. I eventually started to ease it into my very wet entrance and lost myself in the fantasy of being with Dan.

'Oh Dan, you have such a beautiful cock!' I sighed as I started to move it in and out of my pussy, imitating the thrusting sensation that I yearned for from a man. It wasn't long before the pleasure began to build and I knew I was going to find the release I craved. The more I thought about Dan fucking me, the more the intense pleasure grew. I longed to cum on his cock while he was driving in and out of me and that thought pushed me over the edge and I started to gush all over the plastic vibrator that was acting as my substitute for the man I really needed to give me ecstasy. Even though I was determined to take my time to come to a decision about Dan, I also knew in my heart that I was merely delaying the inevitable. I needed Dan to take me to bed and make love to me. If I was honest with myself, I would have been happy even if Dan just fucked me once and left!

I managed to hold off phoning Dan until the third day because I felt I should at least give myself time to see if I changed my mind once the magic of our evening together had faded. It didn't so it was with feelings of excitement and trepidation that I finally dialled Dan's number.

'Hi Kathryn,' he answered, 'I've been hoping you'd call today to put me out of my misery. Have you come to a decision?'

'I think I have, yes,' I confirmed. 'When can we meet as I'd like to talk to you about this in person?'

'Is tonight too little notice?' he asked and I appreciated his enthusiasm.

'No, that's fine. Can I come around at about 8.00pm?'

'I'll be counting down the minutes until then,' he said, sounding very happy indeed. He gave me his address and with that out of the way, I decided to focus on getting ready in plenty of time.

In my shower, I took care shaving under my arms and shaving my legs before making sure that my pubic region was well trimmed, strategically shaved and as inviting as possible. I dug out some sexy underwear from the bottom of my drawers that I hadn't worn in years and it felt good to be wearing such feminine things again. The panties were high cut and revealing while the bra was a plunge design that certainly gave me an impressive cleavage that I was sure Dan would appreciate. My breasts had started to sag a bit with age but they were still reasonably firm and I concluded that as he'd already held them and sucked them and remained interested, a little sag clearly wasn't putting him off. I hesitated about the black hold-up stockings as they seemed so stereotypical but then decided they were a classic for a reason. Men always seemed to appreciate a woman in stockings and I wanted Dan to really appreciate me tonight if all went well. My skirt was fairly short while not looking ridiculous on a woman my age and my blouse was a simple design that allowed the effect of my bra to really shine through. I thought about colour but eventually decided to keep everything black as again, it's a classic for a reason.

I told John that I was going to the theatre with Sue as I reasoned I could be sure she'd cover for me but he took very little notice, preferring to watch 'The Grand Tour' on TV while having a pie and a pint. I don't think he even noticed I was dressed up as he barely looked at me. The SatNav in the car took me to Dan's house without any issues and he certainly had a beautiful large home but then I remembered his occupation. Whoever heard of a poor architect living in a horrible house? I wondered how I'd manage to last the evening if things went as I hoped they would as even pulling into the long driveway had me struggling for breath in my mounting excitement. Would I be leaving that house later tonight having been fucked for the first time in twenty years? I certainly hoped so!

Dan answered the door quickly and looked very suave and sophisticated in his beautifully tailored trousers and pale blue, open-necked shirt. Everything he wore was quality and as I entered the house I found myself walking on the most incredibly deep carpet I'd ever known. Offering me a seat, he quickly poured me a glass of chilled chenin blanc that I gratefully accepted to try and steady my nerves. Our initial exchanges were little more than small talk as we skirted around the main issue of the evening but eventually a mixture of my determination to see this through and the effects of the wine made me finally broach the subject we both wanted to resolve.

'I've been really looking forward to seeing you tonight Dan,' I started, 'but can I start by asking you a few questions about 'us'?'

'Of course Kathryn, you can ask me anything you want,' came his disarming reply.

'You're a good looking, successful man who could have any number of women so why are you interested in me when I'm so much older than you and also married?'

'Having beautiful women in my life isn't the same as having a beautiful woman who really appreciates me for who I am and too many beautiful young women expect a man to be grateful they're with them. That seems like a rather one-sided relationship to me.'

'Does that mean you think I'm desperate?' I laughed.

'No, not at all, it means that you're honest and open and you're not obsessed with nothing but your looks,' he assured me. 'I'm not saying my taste in women is conventional and I daresay that most men wouldn't agree but I don't care. When I saw you, I saw a beautiful, sexy woman who wasn't being appreciated by the man in her life and I wanted to make you happier and show you what an incredible person you really are.'

'So where do you see this relationship going?' I asked.

'Nowhere particularly,' he shrugged. 'I have no desire to get married and I don't particularly want to even live with someone but I do want a close female friend I can share experiences with and develop a physical relationship with as well as a special friendship.'

'So this is just about sex then,' I stated, a little coldly.

'No, it's partly about sex but it's also about a close friendship,' he replied calmly.

I wasn't sure what to say, partly because I wasn't sure what I was expecting from him.

'While I think you should leave your husband,' he continued, 'I don't think you want to tie yourself down again Kathryn. I think you need to find yourself first and be the person you want to be or am I wrong?'

I thought for a moment before replying.

'I think at my age we're conditioned to think about steady relationships with one person but if I'm honest with myself, you're right in what you say. I don't want to be tied down again and I do need to rediscover 'me' but I also need to know that I'm not just another notch on your bedpost.'

Dan laughed loudly at that comment and it made me smile too.

'No, you're not a notch Kathryn but I hope we can be both close friends and devoted lovers.'

'Me too,' I smiled back at him as I patted the seat next to mine and invited him to come closer.

He immediately took me in his arms and kissed me passionately as I melted into his embrace. It felt so good to have a man's strong arms around me again, to feel his desire for me again and most of all, to know that I would finally be able to enjoy a real cock again and I had no doubt that Dan's cock would feel very special indeed. As our protracted kiss ended I stroked his face and said simply: 'Perhaps it's time you showed me your bedroom lover.' Immediately he took me by the hand and led me up the grand staircase.

Standing beside the bed we held each other close and his hands roamed down my back until he was squeezing my bum and pulling me into his evident erection. Perhaps it was because I'd been so long without sex but he seemed like a skilled lover who was increasing my state of arousal with every touch of his fingers. I sighed into his mouth, being carried on a wave of pleasure and expectation of what was to come. As he kissed my neck, he slowly undid the buttons on my blouse and it fell to the floor. It was like bolts of lightning running through me as his hands touched my bare flesh and my soft moans encouraged him further. Taking my lead from Dan, I took great pleasure in unbuttoning his shirt and pushing it off his shoulders to display his muscular, firm torso. Running my hands across his chest and shoulders, he felt bulky, strong and manly so that I felt small and fragile next to him. This was a man who would take me and ravish me and I went weak at the knees at the thought of his strong young body on mine. I started to kiss his chest as he unzipped my skirt and it fell to join my blouse, discarded on the floor.

After years of neglect, I felt like a woman again; a woman who was desired by a man and I wanted his body just as much as he wanted mine. Desperate to finally get closer to my prize, I kissed and licked my way down his body until I was on my knees in front of him, facing the pronounced bulge in his trousers. I ran my fingers over its outline and my mouth began to water at the prospect of what his cock would be like. Unfastening his trousers, I slowly eased them down along with his boxers, wanting to savour the moment when I finally saw him.

I gasped as the base of his cock came into view and I could see for myself his impressive girth. As I continued to lower his clothing more and more of the long shaft of his cock came into view until finally it sprang out in front of me.

'Oh my God,' I gasped, instinctively taking it in my hand, 'you've got such a big cock!'

'I hope you like it Kathryn,' he whispered, stroking my cheek, 'I want to give you lots of pleasure with it.'

'I love it; it's magnificent,' I sighed, 'but it's been so long since I gave myself to a man and John was only ever a fraction of your size; I don't know if I can take all of that. I don't know if it will all fit inside me!'

'It's OK baby,' he reassured me, 'I'm sure you'll take it all and love every inch but we'll go slow and I wouldn't ever hurt you.'

It wasn't like Dan was freakishly big but to a woman who hadn't had a cock in two decades and even then, one that was only average at best, he looked absolutely massive. His cock had to be over 8 inches in length and its girth filled my hand. He felt and looked glorious! His balls were shaved and hung large and heavy beneath his cock, which was long and smooth with thick ridges of veins running along its length. I could feel them rippling under my hand as I slowly stroked him and I couldn't wait to feel what they'd be like as they massaged my pussy while he fucked me. His pubic region was trimmed very short so I had an excellent view of his equipment and the whole thing was topped by the large, bulbous head that looked like it might split me in two. To me, it was an object of the most exquisite beauty and kneeling there in front of him, I experienced a powerful urge to kiss it and take him into my mouth to show him how much I appreciated what he was offering me.

I started by lifting the heavy weight of his cock out of the way so that I could kiss and lick his heavy balls. He shuddered and moaned as my tongue touched the sensitive sack and I slowly worked from the very back of his balls to the underside of his cock. Kissing and licking my way up the long shaft seemed to take forever and made me appreciate just how much cock I'd have inside me if he could somehow get it all in. I somehow doubted it was possible but I was determined to do my best to try. By the time I reached the large head he was as hard as rock with the veins like thick mooring ropes tying his impressive weapon to his body. I kissed the head and swirled my tongue all over the sensitive glands, shivering as I caught a taste of his precum.

Doing my best to relax, I parted my lips and moved slightly forward to take him into my mouth. Dan let out a loud groan as the head of his cock was engulfed and I started to suck. My mouth felt full of cock but I continued to allow more of him to slowly enter me until I started to gag a little. The majority of his cock was still in my hand rather than my mouth and I was disappointed that I couldn't take more for him but then I reflected that if I could take all of his monster in my mouth, I'd have a job swallowing swords at the circus! Instead, I set about sucking him as best I could and making sure I was still giving him a blowjob to remember.