A Big Shiny Blue Marble Ch. 14


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"You'll need to watch where you put your feet," she said, "some of these stones are a mite slippery, but you get past that, and this is big enough for us both to sit in and cool off a little."


It had long gone dark when they sat together by the little fire that they'd made. The night was only beginning to cool off and it surprised him a little so he asked Faith about it.

"This here's called the Devil's Frying Pan," she said with a sweep of her hand, "It'll get a lot colder over the night, but it's also a lot hotter during the day, the way that this valley is shaped. I don't know why they called it that, other than from the heat. I've never met him, unless I'm sitting with him now."

"I wanted to ask you," he said, "from what you said, you can't change the way that you look?"

She shook her head, "Uh-uh, or I'd have already figured that out. Nope, I am the way that I am, and I can't do nuthin' to change me."

She watched his eyebrows knit together a little, "But Faith, you've got a small pair of bumps on your back. They're not very large, but I know what to look for. Haven't you ever grown your wings?"

"My wings?"

She snorted, "Believe me, if I could do something like that, don't you think I'd have found me a better place to live? I'd have looked awful hard, I can tell you."

They'd gathered up a few things from the deserted town, clothes for Faith, and some bedding and blankets against the cold of the night. They sat eating a little of what was left of the bread that they'd found, and she leaned against him after a while, once he'd covered them a little with a blanket.

"You never told me your name," she said quietly as she looked at him in the firelight. "Is there a reason for that? Is it a big secret or something?"

"Sorry," he smiled at her, "I didn't mean to be rude. I guess I forgot. My name is Dahlgren."

She smiled after a second, "Well that's good enough, I guess."

He felt her hand under the blanket as she reached a little to touch him. It took no time for her to get his hardening cock into her hand. She grasped it and stroked a bit, wanting to see if she could make him groan just a little. She stopped for a moment, and then she squeezed a little tighter and began again, smiling to herself as she looked down, not wanting him to see her smile and because he'd made the sound.

"Why did you say that hearing my name was good enough?" he asked quietly.

Faith put her free arm around his neck and stretched up to kiss him softly. "I don't know if you can understand this," she said quietly, "but I'm feelin' pretty good right now to have met you and all. I'm not the type of girl that a lot of the men around here would want. In fact, none of them have ever wanted me, other than a couple of real bastards. So I haven't exactly done me a lot of this here. But I really want to now, Dahlgren. And that's because of the way that you look at me. I can tell that you even like me some, and that's alright with me."

She moved so that she had the space for it and asked him to lie back a little. She took his shaft and began again, looking into his eyes. "There's something for me in there, a kind of a feeling," she nodded looking into his eyes. "I've never seen that in a man's face before," she said as she moved herself to get a little lower.

"Around these parts, folks always talk about a true ranger. That's what they call you, Dahlgren. Not one of them has ever seen you, but they all know who you are. Tonight, I know who you are, too. So what I meant was, that it's good enough for me to do this with you, because I really like you too, Dahlgren. "

She kissed the head of his throbbing hardness a little and after a second, her tongue slipped out from between her lips as she felt the texture and enjoyed the heat that she felt from it. "I've never done anything like this before, but I've seen my mother do it for a friend of hers once not long before the men came to kill us. Leastways I thought that he was a friend then. Anyway, if I'm doin' anything wrong for you, then you just tell me and I'll try hard to do better for you, would that be alright?"

He nodded as she settled in to it and Faith found that she liked the way that he ran his fingers through her hair a little. The trouble was that she also found herself wanting more, and after several minutes more of it, she stopped and asked him to lie back more.

"I've seen a couple of these things, "she smiled, not looking up at him, "but what you've got here is a little hard for me to keep on like I was without breaking my jaw or something."

She looked up and Dahlgren saw her eyes looking at him like two black pools as she moved herself up and forward so that she could rub him against her nipples for a little while. She leaned in and kissed him before she pulled back a little to look at him with a smile.

"Honey, I don't know what it is, but I can feel that you've got something troubling you somehow. All I know is that it has nuthin' to do with me or us here. I want to make it better, and I think that all you need is to have a little Faith. You go on and lie right down and I'll give you some, alright? I'm sure that it'll do us both a lot of good."

He did as she asked and watched as the blankets fell from her slender shoulders when she rose up to mount him. She was so slender and delicate-looking that the sight of her took his breath from him for a moment. She took hold of him and worked him into her in one long, slow careful motion with a groan from low in her throat.

"Ohh, "she moaned as she looked at him, "to think I've wasted all that time makin' sticks to poke myself with."

Until she leaned down a moment later to kiss him again, he saw that her breasts were barely there. She straightened up again and began to ride him slowly, running her hands over her breasts and belly, stopping now and then to pull on her nipples. When he reached for one of them, she gasped and allowed it before her eyes closed with a loud sigh from her.

If he'd had any doubt about what she was until now, he'd know it in pitch blackness as her muscles began to work him in the magical way of all females with only a little demon in them. They couldn't help it once they were feeling it. Faith stopped moving, other than only in little movements forward and back while she worked him inside of herself for a while. As silly as it seemed to her, Faith found it very enjoyable to look at him as they smiled at each other.

But as much as she enjoyed this with Dahlgren, her own need began to overcome her all the same. He watched her lick her fingers and slip one along the wide line of her cleft there in that small thatch of hers. A few moments of slow humping against him and she brought her fingers to her mouth and sucked them as she looked into his eyes. She repeated this once, rubbing her wet fingers along his lips afterward until he opened his mouth to suck them in and he was a little surprised to see her eyes roll back a little.

It took her to where she had to hump herself against him hard. He wanted to tell her to go a little easier, but he could see how she enjoyed it so much to do this, and hoping that she didn't break anything of his, he tried to arch his back and clench his own muscles in order to give her all the pleasure that he could. He rationalized that he must be doing something right for her from the way that she cried out and she picked up the pace even further, laying her hands flat on his chest for support as she thrashed against him wildly.

It took him to his release as she came and those muscles tightened on him. He grabbed her hips and thrust into her as deeply as he could, and his eyes widened when Faith shrieked out his name and the echoes from the hills answered a second or so behind her.

For just one second, he stared up at her wide-eyed as she wavered uncertainly. He didn't know what it had been, but something had changed for Faith as they'd fucked. He wasn't the sort of idiot to ascribe it to anything that he'd done. He just guessed that either the sensations or the emotion, or maybe both had done it. He didn't know. All that he knew was that if he didn't make an effort to catch her, she'd likely break his nose with her forehead, so he reached for her and eased her down, even as the last of his contractions squeezed the last drops of his seed into her. He could see that her eyes tried to lock onto his for a moment, and then he laid her onto him very carefully and hugged her gently.

It took her a few minutes before she really came around and he supposed that if he were the sort of fool to think that this had been him, he'd be proud of what? He didn't like to see her this way at all if he'd done anything to weaken her.

He wanted to shake his head, slightly worried for her now.

"Faith?" he whispered softly, "Faith, are you alright?"

She groaned softly, "Fuck," she said against his throat, "that was somethin'. I don't know what all you did, but please, Dahlgren, you just gotta be my man. You do that to me every night, and I'll make you the happiest men alive. I'll swear it on anything." She stopped when she noticed that she was moving because of his gentle laughter.

"I really don't think that I did all that for you -- though I wish that I could, Faith. You've never done this before, have you?"

"No," she groaned softly, "never before now. But I think I've seen the error of my ways. I'll be a good girl from now on. I promise." He felt her soft smile against him and it felt good.

"I think we'd better try that again a little later, just in case you want to take back your proposal to marry me, and by the way, nobody's ever asked me like that."

"Mmm." she sighed, "Your hands feel so nice on my back. But could you do that under the blanket? I'm sure it'll feel a lot nicer like that, not that I'm complaining."

He wondered how to say it. "Faith, there's no blanket on your back. You threw it off when we started. I'd be happy to rub your back a little for you, though. All you have to do is raise your wings a little so I can get my hands on your skin."

"Wings?" she asked, uncertain that she'd heard him correctly, "What wings?"

"The uh, ... the really nice set of wings that you grew right at the end there. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, but you grew wings out of your back, just like that. "

He moved his hand a little to hold onto the edge farther out from her body, "See? This isn't one of mine, it's yours, Faith."

She turned her head to look a little more and then she began to sit up, staring. As she looked from one to the other, they moved a little in response to the motion of her torso. Faith just gaped at them and tried to move them experimentally. She reached back next to her ribs in response to something that she felt. Her fingers came back a little bloody. "I'm bleeding a little."

He nodded," I'd say that these were there all along under your skin, since they're wet. You're sleeping on your stomach tonight while they dry and get a little tougher. You might want to try them out late tomorrow afternoon for maybe five minutes. They've got a lot of strengthening to do before they can take your weight."

He felt something move against his leg a little, "And you might want to get a look at the tail that I'm sure that you grew as well."

She snapped her head around and groaned.

'What's the matter?" he asked, "I don't know how it happened, but it looks to me like your development was stopped somehow. Maybe all of the fighting today, and I don't know, maybe right at the end there, you moved a little differently somehow and I saw them. You held them out a little above you when you came."

He smiled, "Other than the shock, it was very nice to see. You looked a little like a queen for a second."

She looked at him and nodded with a confused smile, "Thank you, nobody's ever said such nice things to me before."

But then she scowled a little sadly, "I thought I was screwed before, but, ... what am I gonna do for clothes now, Dahlgren?"


Faith groaned loudly as she listened to the sound of his hips slapping her skinny bottom. She decided that she liked the sound of it so much. It was almost as nice as the way that it felt to her as his balls kissed up against her mound. Her tail was pushed a little to the side and she found that she could hold it out of the way with almost no effort, but she did love the way that it felt to curl it around his thigh.

She knew that her release was coming to her again and, lowering her face and chest to the blanket, she arched her back to present herself to him a little better.

"Dahlgren!" she called out, loving his name all the more, "Dah-ah-ahl-gr-enn, you wonder-ful de-ee-eem-on, you, I LOVE, ... it when y-you fuck me-ee!"

She felt him take her hips in his hands a little tighter and she knew that he must be close himself. He grunted and it thrilled her to hear it as she felt him slam into her over and over, barely giving her knees a chance to touch the blanket. She just bunched up the blanket in her fists and pressed against the small stump that she felt under it to push herself back.

When he roared and froze, it was all that she needed as she pressed herself back against him and ground her nub against his scrotum as she wailed into the quilt. This was the fourth time and she was coming to love it when she felt his hardness twitch inside her as his seed came to her.

When he finally softened and she felt him slowly leave her, she was always a little sad, but now, she just felt herself sag as she moved her poor knees backward until she was almost lying on her front. She heard and felt him moving around.

"What are you doing now?" she asked.

"You probably didn't notice," he said, and she could hear his smile in the way that he said it, "but it's gotten cold enough to see your breath. I'm getting all of these blankets and quilts together so we might just live through the night. You might not be aware of it, but everywhere else, it's winter now, and you did say that it gets cold here at night."

He had her well-covered and she found him against her, a little cold himself.

"I don't want to sleep on my stomach," she grumbled, "It's too hard here." She lifted her head to turn and face him, "Could I sleep lying on you? I'm not very heavy."

"Sure," he smiled, "come here then."

Faith moved herself with a long groan at the messages from her legs and hips, but she made it finally and waited as he adjusted everything again. "Cover our heads," she said, "but leave us an opening to breathe. I know how to do this."

"You've slept outside at this time of year before?" he asked.

"Uh-huh," he heard her say under his jaw, "a few times, but like this, here with you, I think it actually might be nice for once. Besides, if I know that I can feel a little safe, I always sleep with the covers over my head. I have since I was a little girl."

He got it all arranged after a lot of detailed instructions from her. At first, it had seemed to be a bit of a pain in the ass, he'd thought. But the way that she sighed against him when he finally had it to her satisfaction made it worthwhile to him.

He felt something against his thigh and asked.

"That's you, Dahlgren," she smiled, "That's you running out of me again." She hoped that it would be alright, and wondered if there was something that she ought to have done about it, since she'd never done anything like this before. But he answered her unspoken question when she felt his tail move to wrap around hers a little bit. She hadn't planned any of this, but now she was beginning to feel quite a lot for him.

"So what am I now?" she asked him quietly.

"The same as you were before," he replied, "But some parts that you should have had made their appearances tonight for some reason."

She moved her head away from his throat a little and she reached to pull his face so that he'd look at her.

"I don't know 'bout anything anymore," she said softly, "But I really hope that these wings will let me be able to fly sometime. I've always wanted to fly, and if they can't carry me, then what good are they gonna do me to have to carry them around all the time. I don't think I can hide them, and I can't walk around naked. What am I gonna do?"

"I'm not a really wise person," he said, "but I've learned one simple truth. Females need to talk in bed. The first thing that you do is try to get some sleep. I know that will be a problem because you have wings and a tail now and that has to be strange for you. But everything else, these questions, try not to think about them. There'll be enough to keep your head full in the morning. I guess that I'll stay with you unless I'm called away. You need someone to teach you how to fly, or you'll just have a lot of accidents."

"What about after?" she asked him quietly, more than a little fearful to hear his answer.

"If I have to think about how to explain all of this to myself," he said, "then I won't get any sleep either, and there will be two of us crashing into everything."

She felt his hands as they slipped under her wings to hold her by the waist. "If you need an answer right now, I don't have one. That's why I need the sleep. But I didn't come here for what we've done tonight. All that I know is what I feel from you."

He kissed her softly, "I feel the same way."

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
skippersdadskippersdadover 2 years ago

Hot and sexy love it.

JasonRTaylorJasonRTaylorabout 10 years ago

You really threw me for a loop with Faith, but wow when the chemistry clicks, it goes Boom!

Grandma demon and Selena was hot stuff too :)

I wonder about Shaevre & Xhan... and so much more lol, great story!

As for the other posters whining about a lost love: Selena is a grown, intelligent woman who acted like a fearful child. Yes, she's got a background of issues, but she's had DAYS to come to grips with the facts:

Dahl Never Hurt Her.

Dahl Saved Her Life.

Dahl Gave Her Security And Peace She'd Never Known.

So she throws it all away, and steals his horse, Knowing he'd come for it. Then when he does come for his horse she behaves like the immature foolish girl that she is.

I ask you to think rationally, she is not ready for him, what should Dahlgren feel obligated to through all of that to wait around for?

I'm more impressed that the author gives his characters such depth - both in maturity and immaturity, it's quite unusual, and addicting!


ELLIMISTELLIMISTalmost 11 years ago
Yeah i also agree with that

This whole chapter from start to end has been pissing me off and has really made me want to just skip all of the book of merren. seriously 1 thing after another and faith had to do the finishing blow to me :e

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I strongly believe that a story where everybody knows how its going to end does not have a good style. As the writer keeps us guessing on what going to happen next is very intriguing and keep the reader glued to his screen.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
no goddammit!

Faith has damn near ruined the book of merren for me. I know I'm late to the party and all, but it was set so perfect for Selena and Dahl to make up. I'm going to bed depressed. Fml

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