A Birthday Party for Maria Pt. 02


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We sat and mostly just looked at each other. I was thinking how I'd never thought I'd see her again when she left for California. She looked like her mind was a long ways away too. Soon, she spoke up and asked, "Where are we going for dinner? I'm starved."

"We'll go down to Fifth Avenue and just pick a place – you know there are lots of our old favorites there." I smiled and winked as I reached for her hand to head for the car.

The trip to Fifth Avenue took about fifteen minutes, and we both were silent most of the trip. I kept looking over at her and she at me. We were both very nervous.

As we arrived on Fifth Avenue, we picked out a quiet bistro, got a table in the corner, and we each ordered a rum and pineapple juice. Our tastes were unchanged! The next hour and a half was mostly small talk. I sat to her left and reached out to touch her hand a few times. She finally reached back and took hold of mine.

"Adriana, it is just so good to see you again, I am almost speechless. I think we've said everything in our emails, but somehow, with you here, it is all different. I was going to suggest we go dancing, but truthfully, I know you are tired and I am emotionally spent. Why don't we get a good night's sleep, and then tomorrow decide what to do and where to go?"

"Sounds good to me," she replied.

As we arrived back home, I knew not to push her, so I just led her to the door of her bedroom, and put my arms around her waist looking her in the eyes. I leaned forward and so did she. Our lips met softly for a brief kiss. I backed off, and wished her a good night.

She pulled me back saying, "Is that any way to kiss your wife?" We embraced for a good two or three minutes with open mouths and tongues gently tangling.

"Sleep tight!" She exclaimed.

I jumped out of my clothes and hopped on my bed, hitting the remote on the TV. I knew it would not be easy for me to go to sleep, but at least I could stretch out on the bed and rest. I guess I was more tired than I thought because the next thing I knew, I was smelling coffee. Adriana had gone to the kitchen, fixed coffee, and brought two mugs up to my bedroom. She was standing there smiling, dressed in short shorts and a silky tank top. I glanced at the clock by the bed; it was eight o'clock in the morning.

"You're up and at 'em early! What's your rush today?" I poked fun at her.

"Can we just go to the beach and relax today?" She asked.

"Sure! It will be nice to just be away from the crowds and spend time together." I was happy to do anything as long as she was there. I took two weeks vacation so I could spend every possible minute with her.

We pulled together our swimsuits and a few towels as well as a beach umbrella if the summer sun got too much for us. We went in the bathrooms to change at the beach. I was looking forward to one of Adriana's hot bikinis. As I came back out on the beach, Adriana was not out yet. I was imagining all sorts of bikinis she might be putting on. I looked around and saw about a dozen guys who would probably be wolf whistling when she stepped out.

I felt a twinge of jealousy ... "Strange, where did that come from? I've always been aroused, not jealous when she turned heads." I thought. Just then, I saw her step out of the restroom. I'm sure you could've won an award with a picture of my face. Beautiful? Absolutely, but she was wearing a tasteful one-piece suit that covered everything. I felt a sigh of relief. Now, I could tell that something had changed. In times past, when we were together, I would always delight in her showing as much of her body as she dared in every outfit she wore. Now I was feeling relief that she was doing exactly the opposite. When she came over to me, I remarked how lovely she looked.

Adriana commented, "Brian, I know you always liked me to show off my body, but right now, I feel like it would be the wrong thing to do."

"You know, I was actually relieved when you came out in a one-piece suit." I was smiling ear to ear.

We had a delightful day at the beach, remembering our previous life together. We both avoided the subject of the future. For me, it was all about the present. Adriana was here, with me, and I was basking in the knowledge that we could still enjoy each other's company without any fancy frills or things to do. Soon, we set up the beach umbrella and napped on the beach a little. We headed for home about four o'clock in the afternoon.

As we got home, I suggested staying in tonight and I'd grill a couple steaks. Adriana quickly agreed that she thought out loud, "That would be very nice."

After dinner, we sat on the Lanai with our rum and pineapple juice. Adriana surprised me by asking, "Brian, are you anxious to have sex with me?"

I was a little surprised by her question, but I recovered quickly and said, "No, Adriana, I have no desire to have sex with you."

I watched her face turn very sad, but I continued, "What I am anxious to do is to make love to you. I let love slip away and got into sex games and fulfilling fantasies. We both did, and look where it got us."

Before I could finish my sentence, Adriana Jumped into my arms and began kissing my neck then as I finished the sentence, she put her warm lips on my mouth and pressed into me.

"Adriana, I love you, no, more than that, I'm in love with you and always have been. I just lost sight of reality, and that will never happen again."

"Brian, just shut up and hold me and kiss me." We fell on the floor and just stayed in the soft kissing embrace for the better part of an hour. Our hands didn't wander, we just held on tight.

Adriana said, "Brian, take me up to our bed and make love to me. I've missed the physical love with you more than you can imagine."

I picked her up in my arms and carried her up the stairs. She opened the bedroom door and I let her down on the bed. Just then, the phone rang. I was going to ignore it, but after it quit ringing, there was a short pause and it again started ringing. I decided I'd better answer it, and then take it off the hook.

"Hello, Brian?"

"Yes. Who is this?"

"It's Maria! Is Adriana there?"

My face must have turned stone grey. Adriana asked, "Who is it?"

"It's Maria and she wants to talk to you," I said as I handed her the phone.

I left the room so they could talk. About five minutes later, Adriana came out to find me, throwing her arms back around my neck, kissing me gently.

"What did she want?" I asked gruffly.

"She said she was booked on a Flight down here tomorrow, and that we should pick her up at four o'clock at the airport. She said she planned to stay with us"

"What did you tell her?" I quizzed, afraid to hear her answer.

"What do you think I told her?"

"I assume you told her we'd pick her up, right?"

"Well........" Adriana paused, "Actually, I told her not to come and that we wouldn't pick her up and that she is not welcome here at your home." Continuing, Adriana said, "She first cried then begged me to reconsider, but I told her a cliché, 'Maria, your ship has already left the dock!' Then I hung up the phone."

I stared at Adriana saying, "You really said that?"

Adriana held me tightly saying, "Brian, this is our time to rediscover each other and decide if we can recapture the magic we once had. I was not going to let anyone or anything stop us from having our chance. Now shut up and kiss me again."

I complied with her request immediately. We went back in the bedroom and resumed our activities. We kissed as if it was our first kiss. We began touching each other. I touched her face and stroked it gently. She rubbed my shoulders. We were in no hurry now, we had most of two weeks and we only needed to get out of bed to go to the bathroom and eat occasionally.

We were still fully dressed, and not rushing to jump out of our clothes. We just enjoyed our bodies pressing together. It didn't matter that our desires were building, we just took our time. Finally, I let my hand slide down to her right breast. Her breathing stopped. I stroked her chest gently and slowly. She did the same to me. Then she reached to her chest and began unbuttoning her blouse. I kissed her neck and down her chest as she bared more and more of it.

Adriana reached inside my shirt and pinched my nipples, then just kept concentrating on my lips, thrusting her tongue into my mouth. We slipped out of our shirts, then our slacks, leaving us in our underwear. Adriana had on white lacy bikini briefs and a matching thin lacy bra. Nothing could have looked more desirable to me at that time. I reached behind her and unhooked her bra, and she let it slide off her shoulders. She pulled my t-shirt off over my head then without pausing, pushed my boxers down to my ankles.

Adriana dropped to her knees and without touching my cock with her hands, took it into her mouth. I was Embarrassed as I exploded in her mouth on about the third suck. She was surprised, but managed to get it all down her throat. She didn't stop sucking until she had my arousal back to its full stature.

Now it was my turn as I pulled her legs up and dove into her soft furry blond patch. My tongue found her slit and tickled the lips of her womanhood. She squirmed and sighed. I let my tongue twirl around her clit, and then began sucking on it gently. Next, I licked down her slit to the area between her pussy and her asshole. Now, my tongue flicked at the rim of her asshole and she gasped and bucked a couple times.

"Yes, yes, right there, lick my ass."

"Okay baby, just let me know what you want."

"Slide your tongue into my ass." She was squirming constantly now. "Ohhhhh Yesssss, just like that!"

My erection was at its peak, and I wanted it in her, but I just kept licking her ass and pussy until she screamed, "Cummmmmmming, Oh God, Yessssss! Please put your cock in my pussy NOW!"

That is all I needed to hear. I climbed on top of her in a missionary position. It was the best way to get inside her and still see and kiss her face. My hands massaged her nipples and she was drifting into another orgasm. She came in waves, five times with me in her before my next spasm began. I unloaded a years worth of sperm into to her waiting loveliness. We just held each other tightly until she leaned back and said, "Brian, please eat your cum out of me, but don't swallow it all, keep some in your mouth then come back here and kiss me."

We made passionate love for three days without leaving the house. We had just showered and were going to the kitchen to grab something for dinner when the doorbell rang.

Adriana was mostly dressed, just without shoes, but everything essential was covered. She went to the door. It was Maria and her brother Rob.

Adriana told them to wait a minute, closed the door and signaled me to come over. She whispered for me to get rid of them and make sure that they don't come back. I opened the door, and Rob pushed his way in exclaiming that he and Maria HAD to talk to Adriana. Adriana ran upstairs and grabbed the hand-held phone. She put on a robe now totally covering everything. As she came back downstairs, I told Rob he'd better leave if he didn't want to spend the night in the lock-up. My next-door neighbor's son was a city policeman and he was home with his patrol car in the driveway. I pointed it out to Rob. He walked back out the door, but Maria held her ground.

Maria begged Adriana saying, "Please come back to me! I was wrong to leave you. I need you back, now. Do you remember all of our great sex? Remember the night at my birthday party when you fucked Rob and his two buddies as well as me? We can have all of that again. Please come home with me."

I was scared that she might do just that. I knew the strong attraction Adriana had for Maria, and they had built a life together. True, Maria had made a serious mistake in taking another lesbian lover and going off for a month. However, the relationship between Adriana and Maria went back to their college days.

Adriana then walked over to Maria, putting her hands on Maria's shoulders. She leaned in and kissed Maria gently and quickly, then leaned back and said, "Maria, you showed me a side of myself I didn't know existed. We had an interesting and sexually charged time together. What we didn't have is more important. I always felt less than complete. It was like something was missing, and I had no idea until now what that was."

Maria broke down crying and begging. Adriana just looked at her.

"Maria, what you could never give me is really an ethereal thing. It is the desire to love someone and be loved for the rest of my life. You were an exciting sex partner, but that's all there ever was. Brian and I might have a chance to rebuild something more, and I am here for a time right now to discover if that's the case."

"But Adriana, we have had that love since college. We have that eternal love!"

"No, Maria, what we have or had is eternal lust. Yes, you are a very sexy woman, and I loved our sex together. We fulfilled each other's desire to be sexually satisfied. However, if the truth were known, we really didn't even fulfill that. You proved that when you felt you had to look elsewhere for the thrill of lust, not love. Now, please leave Brian and me alone, or do we have to file a restraining order to keep you away?"

Maria screamed at the top of her voice, "YOU WON'T DENY ME! You love me and you'll admit it before it's over! I must have you back or I'll die!"

Adriana looked at her and realized she was not a rational person. Adriana told her, "Maria, please leave right now, or I will call our neighbor over here to take you away. You and Rob broke into our house uninvited and you will leave NOW!" Adriana went to the door and held it open.

Maria started for the door and stopped at the entrance lunging at Adriana, grabbing her and pulling Adriana's face to hers, kissing her. Adriana pushed Maria away and out the door, slamming it shut. She then picked up the phone and called next door to Tom, the policeman telling him the situation. Maria stood on the porch yelling at Adriana to come out or let her back inside. Tom walked over and took hold of Maria walking her away. We could hear Maria yelling, "I'll be back, this isn't over yet."

The next morning, I called my office getting hold of our corporate attorney, telling him the situation. We quickly arranged a restraining order against Maria and Rob. We weren't sure how to get it served since we didn't know where they were staying. We didn't have to wait long, because about three o'clock in the afternoon, they were back at our door. Tom saw them arrive from next door and rushed over to serve the papers on them, leading them away. Rob was arguing with Maria. It was obvious he wanted nothing to do with violating a restraining order and was dragging a screaming Maria back into their rented car. We hoped that was the end of it.

With Maria now out of the way, Adriana stepped into my arms and kissed me. She leaned back, looked me in the eyes and said, "There is one more thing that isn't settled. I have no doubt you still love me as much as you ever did, and you've proved that you've forgiven me. The thing I don't know is if you can ever have the level of trust in me you once had."

I didn't know what to say except, "Of course I trust you completely."

"Do you, really? Will you prove it to me?"

"How am I going to do that?" I asked.

"I think I know a way, if you are willing to put your trust to the test. Are you willing?"

"Adriana," I replied, "I will do anything to prove that or anything else to you."

"Okay, Brian, follow me up to the bedroom."

As we got up to the bedroom, Adriana had me sit on a chair for a minute while she set up the video camera and hooked it to the VCR by the TV. Next, she pulled an airline sleeping mask out of her purse along with a scarf. She looked me in the eye and said, "You can stop this at any time, but if you go through with this to the end, I will believe you do trust me." Then she told me, "Put on the mask, then I'll tie it in place with the scarf."

I was now a little worried, but put on the mask without a word. Adriana tied it in place with the scarf to be sure I could not peek at anything. The she said, "Now, Brian, remove all of your clothing and lay flat on your back on the bed."

I wondered what was up, and grew a little more nervous as I stripped off my clothes. She then led me by the hand over to the bed. I flopped down on my back and she helped me adjust to the middle saying, "Now just lay there, I'll be right back."

Adriana was still dressed as she walked out of the bedroom and I could hear her footsteps on the stairs. I could hear her go into another room but couldn't tell which room. I heard her voice faintly but couldn't tell at all what she was saying, nor to whom she was talking. I never heard another voice, so I assumed she was on the phone. Laying there blindfolded and nude with the video going was beginning to make me nervous. Finally I heard her footsteps coming up the steps.

"Did you miss me?" She chirped with a giggle. Not waiting for an answer, she continued, "Brian, please believe me that what is about to happen is the only way I could come up with to be certain that you still trust me after everything I've done to betray your trust over the past two years. There is a lot involved, and it won't all be pleasant, but it is the only way."

Now my imagination was running wild, and nothing I imagined was getting me aroused in the least. I was limp as a dishrag, wondering what was about to happen. I thought of all sorts of things, even her bringing Maria back, or another man...everything I could dream up had a negative effect, as I was visibly shaking at some of the thoughts.

"I see you are a little nervous," she said as I trembled in the bed. The next thing I felt was her pulling my right hand up over my head, tying a soft rope of some sort around my wrist, then she did the same with my left hand.

"What's going on," I asked.

"Don't you trust me Brian?" Adriana quizzed.

I knew I should never have asked that question. I knew I had to trust her without question, so I said, "Sorry, it was just a reflex question." Then I just shut up.

Adriana continued by tying my ankles the same way she had tied my hands, then I felt a little pressure on my hands as she was obviously fastening the ropes to the bed posts. She continued pulling on the ropes by my ankles, causing me to stretch out on the bed. Now, I wiggled just a little and found I could hardly move, but I kept my mouth shut.

"Now, I'm going to tell you a little of what to expect, but first, do you remember the safe phrase we had ready to use at Maria's birthday party a couple of years ago?" Adriana giggled softly again.

"Yes, I remember."

"Well, say it now so I know you remember, then don't say it again unless you have to stop the test. Of course, if you use it a second time, the test is over, and I will know that you really don't totally trust me."

"Stop the insanity," I spurted out.

"That's right, Brian, now don't say it again, no matter what, unless you are ready to admit you can't or don't trust me." Adriana was more firm in her tone. "I feel it only fair to warn you that you will experience several different things, and some will definitely not be pleasant for you, in fact, there will be some physical pain involved."

I just gasped, wondering what she had in mind. "Adriana, whatever you have in mind, I trust you that everything will be okay."

"That's what I want to hear!" Adriana replied, then she went on to give me more instructions, "Brian, I am loosening your left leg a little so you can roll to your right side a little."

As I rolled obediently, I had no idea what was coming, but felt her hands touching me for the first time. She warned me, "This will hurt a little at first, but just relax and the pain won't last."