A Birthday to Remember

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Wife gives her overworked husband a birthday for the ages.
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As I stood there, my wife's note clutched in my hand, I wondered what I had done to deserve this.

Then I stopped to think about the course of recent events in our life.

Our time together had been rough, these past few months - years, really, to be honest. When we were first married, my wife Denise and I were inseparable, and, like most couples, the first year or so of marriage was fantastic. Especially the sex. We had been adventurous, making love pretty much whenever and wherever we felt like it at home. There was even one time when, driving home late at night from a concert, that we were so horny that we stopped the car on the side of the road and snuck onto a golf course to fuck out in the open on one of the greens.

That was nearly ten years ago now, and steady advancement in each of our jobs had given us financial success and security but had steadily robbed our marriage of its zest. We still made love, and, yes, it was still good, but it was hurried, squeezed in at the end of a twelve-hour day or done between errands on the weekend. It was even worse now that my department was in charge of the marketing for a new product launch, and most days I was in at 7 a.m. and didn't typically leave the office until well after 10 p.m. Denise worked a lot, but my life - what was left of it - really wasn't even my own anymore.

One day, at the end of one of my marathon sessions at the office, we were lying in bed, and I was fighting off the urge to sleep so we could at least have some time to talk to each other about our respective days when Denise got uncharacteristically serious.

"Sweetie, this is important. You know your birthday is coming up two weekends from now," she said.

I hadn't actually realized this with the pace of my work schedule lately. I nodded anyway, and she pressed on.

"I've decided that we're going away that weekend. No excuses. No iPhone, no laptop, no work, nothing. In fact, I've already rented a cabin in Vermont that's a half-mile back in the woods on a private pond - it's so deep in the sticks that it doesn't even get cell reception. And if they fire you, fine. At least I'll get my husband back."

I listened, still nodding, though more in drowsiness than in agreement. But the next day, I told my boss I wouldn't be in on that Saturday and that I'd be out of touch that whole weekend. To my surprise, he agreed so long as I showed up for at least an hour that Saturday morning to give my team some direction for that day. I reluctantly agreed.

When I told Denise that I did get most of the weekend off, she was pissed at first. Then she asked, "So you're only going in for an hour - then you can drive up to meet me?"

"Yes," I said, "After that, I'm all yours the rest of the weekend."

She looked distracted for a moment, as though she were calculating something. Then her expression brightened.

"That's fine, love, that will definitely work. I'll just open the place up and bring all our food and supplies for the weekend. Oooh, I'm so excited!"

I had to admit that I was too. I had no idea what she was planning for me, but it had to be better than reviewing data from focus groups for a dozen solid hours.

My birthday weekend finally arrived. As promised, I did go into the office but I only stayed my requisite hour, then jumped on the freeway and headed north. By the time I got off the highway, it was already midday. I followed my wife's directions, going from state road to town road to back road to what finally seemed like a goat path until I found the driveway that was nearly hidden in the underbrush.

She hadn't been exaggerating. As I trundled down the driveway, I watched the tripmeter - this place was almost a mile back off the nearest road. As I finally got to the cabin, I noticed a rental car parked in the driveway. For a moment I wondered if I had the right address. I parked and walked up to the side door, where I found a note in Denise's distinctive handwriting that was marked, "To my love." I was inexplicably nervous as I wondered what she had planned for this weekend.

That was how I came to find myself in the middle of God-knows-where holding a note from my wife in trembling fingers.

I opened it and began to read.

"You've had the worst two months that I can remember, so I figured you deserve a reward. This weekend, we're going to realize all your fantasies. There are only a few rules:

One, once you go inside and freshen up, take off all your clothes and leave them off. You won't be needing them the rest of the weekend.

Two, put yourself first for once. This weekend is all about making you happy.

Three, trust me. Remember that I'm your wife, and I love you.

Once you've showered, come down the basement stairs and meet me out back.

Love, Me"

My stomach was tight and roiling as I shoved the note in my pocket. What exactly did she have planned? What did she means by "all my fantasies"?

Despite the frequency with which we made love early in our marriage, the majority of our sexual encounters had been pretty conventional, and I hadn't actually told her many of my fantasies for fear of putting her off. As someone who was relatively conservative in almost all aspects of her life, my wife wasn't someone to whom you could easily describe your most private urges. On occasion, though, that would sometimes change once we were in bed. There had been just a few times when she got excited and her entire aspect changed. She would get this breathless, eager quality, and she encouraged me to share my secret impulses before we had sex. On these occasions, I had divulged some of them.

Naturally, one of my fantasies involves a threesome where I would share her with another woman, but I almost didn't count that one since it is so common as to be almost a standard-issue desire for most men. Surprisingly, she wasn't averse to the idea when I mentioned it. In fact, she confessed she had always regretted that she never experimented with girls while she was in college. At the time we laughed since both ideas seem so clichéd nowadays. Unoriginal as these fantasies were this conversation lead to the one and only time we had actually - at least sort of - lived out one of our fantasies.

About a year or so after we were married, we ended up at a friend-of-a-friend's party. We were excited to go, since they had a huge, beautiful house, but we hardly knew anyone there. Out of nervousness or boredom - I'm not sure which - we both drank far too much, which lowered our inhibitions and our ability to drive. We knew we were there for the night and we were virtual unknowns, so we decided to adventure a little.

Denise met a blonde named Sarah, whose husband paid attention to every woman there but her. Whether it was natural attraction, a desire for revenge, or a little of both, Sarah spent most of her evening glued to Denise. They eventually ended up in a back bedroom, ostensibly to use the attached bathroom, but when I found them they were lying on the bed kissing. As I watched, Sarah's hand crept down under Denise's skirt and into her panties. She slipped a finger into her pussy and pumped it in and out. Denise, in turn, ground her pelvis into Sarah's hand and clutched at her ass, pulling the blonde woman into her. She popped the front of Sarah's jeans open and jammed her fingers into her new friend's cunt while her thumb massaged her clit, mimicking Sarah's fingering.

I watched at first, entirely mesmerized, but as they settled into a steady rhythm, I moved toward them. With her free hand, Denise grabbed my ass and pulled me closer to her. She unzipped my jeans and fished my hardening dick out. She popped it into her mouth and sucked me until I was hard, then pulled away and directed me towards Sarah. Without breaking pace, Sarah allowed me to slip into her mouth, and I held one hand against her head as I thrust my cock into her mouth, making her gag a little. As excited and inebriated as I was, I only lasted a minute or two before I shot my load down her throat. She eagerly sucked down my cum, wrapping her hand around my cock and squeezing me gently until she had licked up the last droplet of cum from my dick. I fell back, sitting heavily on a loveseat while Sarah turned her full attention back to kissing and fingering my wife. As they were kissing, Denise gave me a sidelong devilish grin, winked slowly at me, and went back to mauling Sarah as they bucked against each other's fingers. I must have either passed out or fallen asleep at that point, because the next thing I recalled was Denise kissing me in my ear and telling me that we should be heading to an upstairs bedroom. According to my wife, not long after I had passed out, Sarah's husband found them and pulled her away, but not before Denise had come hard under Sarah's ministrations.

The next morning was pretty quiet as we drove home. In fact, except as a prelude to sex, we never mentioned the encounter. I considered myself lucky though. Most guys never get to experience a threesome of any sort, and, true, it wasn't the exact circumstance I would have chosen, it was still without a doubt the most erotic experience we had as a couple.

Though we had, in a way, experienced one of my fantasies, the only other fantasy I had ever shared with Denise had not yet come true. I've always been something of a secret exhibitionist. My favorite fantasy has always been to be able to have a night at our house where my wife and various other women, depending on the scenario I create, walk around completely nude for the entire evening. I am nude as well, and I'm able to simply walk over and fuck any one of them whenever the mood strikes me.

When we were first married, I was reluctant to tell Denise of this, since I assumed she would think I either had some kind of domination complex or was looking to cheat on her. But after some prompting, I did tell her, and she actually found the idea kind of sexy. Something about the freedom of the situation and the surprise of being taken and used unexpectedly appealed to her. In fact, some of the best sex we'd ever had came after we lay in bed describing elaborate scenarios to each other where we'd simply roam around entirely nude, taking and being taken by whomsoever interested us at that moment.

It was with this in mind that I entered the cabin. It was a fairly simple affair - only a back bedroom and bathroom, a living room with a fireplace and a combined kitchen and dining room. The best feature was the wraparound deck that looked out on the pond. Everything had the typical "second-house" feel to it. The furniture was well-used but comfortable, and I felt completely at home.

I headed to the bathroom to shower and shave. As difficult as it was, I resolved not to touch myself in anticipation of what my wife had in store for me. I got ready quickly, and when I emerged from the shower, I looked at the pile of clothes on the floor and laughed a little, thinking of how they had become superfluous for the next twenty-four hours.

As I headed out to find Denise, I caught a glimpse of myself in the full-length mirror in the bedroom. I stopped and regarded my nude form for just a second. Despite being happily married, I had been able to avoid the "chubby-hubby" look by working out regularly. Granted, I didn't have the six-pack I had when I was in college, but even into my thirties I hadn't let the love handles get out of control. I was also eternally grateful that, unlike some of my friends, my hair hadn't retreated yet. Then I laughed again, thinking how odd it was to be giving myself a once-over before I showed up to meet the woman I had been married to for nearly a decade. Still, I wanted to look good for her, considering how much trouble she had gone to in engineering this weekend.

I found the basement door and began to walk down into the semi-darkness.

"Hon?" Denise called from the patio outside the basement doors.

"The one and only!"

"Good, you're finally ready!" she said, coming in through the screen door below and bounding up the stairs to meet me, stopping just one stair below me. Despite the low light, I could see that she was entirely nude as well and looked absolutely delectable. She had pulled her brown hair up and secured it with a clip in the back, but a few tendrils had loosened and framed her face. I suspected she had done this purposely, since she knew I loved how she looked with her hair like that. She had trimmed her bush, and, while she wasn't bald, her pubic hair was clipped very close to her skin. Running up the stairs had left her breathing a little hard, and her round breasts were still jiggling a little from the exertion. I leaned down, grabbed her rounded ass, and hugged her close. I assumed she was sun bathing while waiting for me to arrive, since her skin felt a little slick and all I could smell was coconut as I held her.

"This is a hell of a way to say hello," I said, looking her up and down. "Thanks for knowing how to greet a fella."

"Mmm, you're welcome. But save your thanks until later - you'll be even more grateful by the end of our time here."

I leaned down to kiss her, but she put her hand up to stop me. Puzzled, I looked at her.

"No, not quite yet. We need to do a couple of things first."

As she said this she wrapped her hand around my cock and gave it a few gentle tugs.

"I need to get you ready." She stepped back down two stairs until her head was level with my cock, then she leaned forward and took the tip of it into her mouth. She swirled her tongue around and over the head, then sucked down a little lower, but just by an inch or so.

"This would get me ready for almost anything," I said, trying not to come too soon.

"Good," she said, drawing off of me and resuming her gentle jerking motion. She looked up at me for a few moments as she continued to pull at my cock. Within a minute I was rock hard.

"Wow, you are ready to go, aren't you, my boy?" she asked.

"After what I've been through...yes."

She climbed up the steps until she was level with me, and, never letting go of my cock, whispered in my ear, "Nice - I like to see you so eager."

With this she lead me down the stairs by the cock, always putting gentle pressure on me and keeping up a constant but almost imperceptible jerking motion. Just as we approached the door, she stopped us.

"You remember what I said in the note?"

"What? That I should trust you?"

"Yes. And do you mind if I'm in charge, at least just at first?"

"Right, fine."

"And that I'm your wife and your only love?"

"Yes, of course."

"Then close your eyes."

I did as she asked, and she opened the door and lead us onto the patio. We walked a few paces towards the pond, and then she turned us around. Repositioning herself so that she was behind me and pressing her breasts into my back, Denise took her other free hand and began running it up and down my chest.

"O.K. sweetie. Open your eyes."

I did. There before us, luxuriating on a chaise lounge in the sun, was a voluptuous blonde girl who couldn't have been more than twenty-five. The only thing she was wearing was a band of red silk ribbon with a bow on it that she wore around her neck like a Victorian choker. Though her skin was milk-white, it had a sheen from a thin layer of tanning oil. She had curly, shoulder-length hair that framed a sweetheart-shaped face and large, globular tits that, although flattened out somewhat due her reclined position, still rose up off her chest, ending in tightened pink nipples. She stretched slowly, spread her legs apart, and looked me up and down as well. She smiled.


"Hello," I said.

"Josh, meet Angela. Angela, this is my husband Josh," said my wife, who was still slowly jerking my cock. "Happy birthday, love. She and this weekend are my presents to you." She didn't say anything for a moment to let this sink in. My head fairly swam, looking at her. "You can make small talk and get to know each other later. Angela and I got to know each other pretty well this morning while waiting for you. But right now, I have to make good on a promise I made to her this morning."

I turned my head a little to ask what she meant by her remark about getting to know her when Denise grabbed me and kissed me deeply. As her tongue swirled inside my mouth, I could detect a tangy, musky, and foreign taste.

"You mean, you and...and she..."

She moved in close to my ear, her breath hot against my neck. "Surprise," she whispered. "Don't worry; you'll get to see it before it's all over. But I've been telling her what a considerate lover and what a, well, basically, excellent fuck you are. And now you need to show her." She pressed herself to my back and ground against me. "Come on hon - what guy wouldn't want a beautiful, willing, tight-pussied little blonde twenty-something all to himself for a weekend? Oh, and don't worry - she's on the pill. You can come inside her as much as you like."

I didn't argue with anything she said, but I was forced to consider the unreality of the whole scene. My normally conservative wife was acting and, what was somehow even more shocking, talking like an absolute wanton, and she had somehow procured this bombshell for us as a playmate. Bringing me back from my thoughts, she began tugging me downward toward Angela.

Without another word, she led me down so that I was above the blonde girl, supporting myself on my arms above her. Denise then rubbed the head of my cock all around Angela's inner thighs and along her slit. By this time, I had a good amount of pre-cum leaking from my cock, which, when mixed with Angela's own wetness, allowed Denise to slide my hardness against Angela's clit and to place just the tip of my cock inside her cunt.

This was something that Denise and I had done before. I would often tease her, going just a little inside her and paying special attention to her clit. One of the ways she would experience her most intense orgasms was to have me put my dick against her clit and jerk it quickly, setting up a vibration that would send her over the edge. After that initial orgasm she got merely from the rubbing, she found it especially satisfying when I would then sink my full length into her without warning. She always said afterward that she loved the shock of being suddenly filled and feeling my whole cock inside of her.

Now she was giving Angela the same treatment.

Angela raised her hips to try to meet my dick, but Denise kept pulling me back or to the side, never letting me get too deep inside of her. All through the teasing, Denise leaned into Angela's chest and sucked her nipples into her mouth, tugging on them and swirling her tongue around the areoles. While Denise kept up this torment, I leaned down and kissed Angela's neck, gently tearing the ribbon away with my teeth. I kissed my way up her throat to her face, finally finding her lips. She responded, pushing her lips upwards against mine. After a few moments she broke the kiss and said, nearly shouting, "Goddam, your wife is frustrating! I am so fucking close!"

Denise leaned over and said to me in my other ear, "What do you think? Are you ready?"


"O.K. then." With this Denise released my dick, and I immediately shoved forward with all my weight, plunging my cock as far and as deep as I could into Angela's cunt. She gasped from the sudden intrusion, and I plunged into her repeatedly, each time pushing myself so deep that our pubic bones mashed together on each downstroke.

After only a minute or so, Angela tensed and squealed, her pussy walls clamping down, and I could feel the staccato contractions against my cock as she climaxed. I hesitated for a moment, giving her a chance to let her orgasm subside, then I continued pumping even harder and within only a few seconds I released my cum deep inside her womb. I held myself in for a moment, letting the final jerks of my dick deposit the rest of my cum inside her.