A Bit Of Christmas Candi Ch. 1


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"Mmmm...I love this..." Meg sighed as she slowly began to stroke me. "Just drive Ted....and let me do this... I want to make you come... see you come...Is that okay...?" I groaned out loud and tried to keep the car on the road as I drove slowly around the park. Even the way she kept asking if this was 'okay' was incredibly sexy, since the condition of my cock was an obvious indicator of my 'acceptance... Meg's hand on my cock felt incredible as she slowly tortured my cock. Her touch was light...like a sticky-legged butterfly running up and down my shaft. She would grasp me tight, jerking me off with her fingers tight, then loosen them, teasing my cock with just the tips of her fingers, until I beggingly raised my hips off the seat, urging her to pump me again. I was in Nirvana, Heaven and Valhalla....all at the same time.

"God, Ted...you have a great cock..." she hissed, stroking me slowly. "It's so hard..." I felt her free hand move up to work on the buttons of my shirt. She didn't miss a stroke as she unbuttoned it all the way and pulled the tails from my open pants. "I like to watch it..." she whispered softly...

"Don't think I do this with everyone..." she breathed as she teased my cock, "But I've been dreaming of this for sooo long...."

I grunted and continued my serious attempt not to get us both into a car accident. "Meg..." I moaned, "If you keep that up, I'm gonna come..."

Meg giggled and raised her head up to lick wetly along my cheek as her hand gripped my cock firmly. She began to stroke me faster... "That's what I want, silly.... I don't want you to hold back...please.."

"Come for me, Ted...." She hissed, "I want to see you come... I want to see your hard cock shoot off for me..." Her hand began to slide up and down my cock faster and faster. As before, the pressure of her fingers was exquisite... just the perfect amount.... I could feel the cum building to the bursting point in my balls...then racing up my shaft... flying from my expanded cockhead and spraying mightily over Meg's fingers and onto my belly. Again and again I shot off, and each time Meg would 'ooo' and 'aahh' as her hand ran wetly up and down my cock. I was driving about four miles an hour as Meg jerked me off and milked the cum from my balls. Any faster would have caused me to lose control of the car. Finally, I could take no more and I pulled to the side of the road, leaning back in my seat and panting like a marathon runner and shaking like a leaf. Meg looked up at me with a huge grin on her face.

"God, Ted....! That was so hot!" , she breathed as she continued to stroke me. Her cum-covered hand was making wet, sloppy noises as it slid up and down my cock. "I knew you would come a lot...I just knew it..." She looked down into my lap and my eyes followed hers. My heart pounded in my chest as I watched her left hand move over my belly...sliding through the thick pools of cum, then sliding down to my cock. She sighed as she wrapped both hands around my shaft and slowly smeared the cum over it.

"And you're still so hard..." she whispered, looking up at me again. "I guess you enjoyed that didn't you?" I tried to smile as I nodded my head enthusiastically. She grinned and squeezed my cock just right. "And you thought I was still just ol' prim and proper Meg....didn't you?"

I took a deep breath and ran my fingers through her hair. It was hard to believe that this was the same "ol' Meg" that I'd grown up with, all right. Suddenly, as if by magic, her totally selfless act of masturbation had transformed her into a sexy goddess. The gleam in her eyes, the slight upturned lips when she smiled...all these things took on a whole new meaning now. And the fact that she was so calm and open about just having jerked me off was a major turn-on for me.

"Well..." I croaked, "I've gotta say that you surprised me, Meg..." I was trying to sound cool, but Meg looked up at me and we both cracked up laughing. She leaned up and kissed me, keeping her hands on my cock, then looked down again as she stroked me.

"Yeah...well... I learned to do that when I was living in Baltimore." Meg said as her hands moved slowly up and down my still hard cock. "Mom said I was running with a 'fast crowd' and she didn't like it, but it was just the right speed for me. I mean, I still haven't really gone all the way with a guy, but it's such a turn-on to watch a guy come..." She looked up at me and grinned. "But, you know...every time I'd jerk a guy off, I'd be thinking of your cock in my hands...you know? Does that weird you out? I mean I've just always had this fantasy..." She looked up at me shyly. "And you come a lot, Ted! I mean, look at it all!" Her eyes dropped again as she worked my cum through her fingers and around my cock. "And the smell...mmmm...I love the smell of cum..." I moaned as she brought one hand to her face and inhaled deeply, then looked up at me. She could tell by the look on my face that she was driving me crazy and she gave me that sexy grin once more as she returned her hand to my cock.

"So....I take it you enjoyed that, huh?" she asked, still fishing for an answer.

"That was incredible, Meg..." I said shakily. "Absolutely incredible! That was the best handjob I've ever had in my life! Uh...not that I've gotten a lot of them..." I saw her smile as she continued to play with me. "I mean, I've made out with some of the girls in school... But never anyone like you, Meg... You're so...so...fun about it!" It wasn't the right word, but that didn't seem to matter. Meg knew what I was trying to say.

"It IS fun..." she chuckled. "Everything about it. I like watching it get long and hard... I like the hot feeling in my hand...I LOVE it when it's all wet and slippery... and I LOVE to watch it shoot off... it's such a turn-on!" She was making me nuts and I could feel my balls beginning to tingle again. I hadn't gone down a bit, what with Meg's words and her talented hands. My cock tensed, throbbing in her hands and Meg looked up at me with a huge smile as her hands began to move up and down faster.

"This is way hot, Ted..." she breathed, "You're ready again, aren't you?" I nodded my head, leaning back again. "Wow..." Meg sighed.

She used both hands this time, moving steadily up and down. Her left hand teased my cockhead between her thumb and forefinger, while her right just milked me like a cow. Whoever she'd been running with in Baltimore had certainly taught her well. I groaned and closed my eyes, feeling the cum building in my balls as she worked to bring me off. My cockhead was incredibly sensitive, and my whole cock would expand in her fingers each time she teased it.

Meg was moaning lightly...low in her throat... as she concentrated on my cock. I couldn't believe how much she was truly enjoying playing with me, but she obviously was. And, once again, her expert manipulation was filling my balls to bursting. "Aaaaahhhh..." I moaned as I felt my balls suddenly tighten and send my seed shooting through my shaft. Meg squeeled with delight as my cum sailed from my cockhead in a strong, low arc...splashing against my chest and belly. She continued using both hands as I bucked again and again, re-coating her fingers with fresh semen. Meg kept repeating: "Yes...yes...yesss..." each time I shot...as if this was the best thing she'd ever seen. Maybe it was...

"You know, Ted..." Meg whispered, " I'll do this for you anytime you want..." She was leaning back in the front seat, still stroking my slick cock as she grinned up at me. "I mean...just call me if you're a little horny and I'll meet you...or come over...and I'll jerk you off...okay...?" I stared at her in disbelief, but then a wide grin split my face. I was beginning to think that I'd just re-met the love of my life. I was always looking for the best night of my life... It was certainly the best night of my life! So far...


I awoke from my dream slowly. The jostling of the van had rocked me back to reality as my dad pulled onto the long dirt road to our house. I yawned as the recollection of where I was came into my conscious mind. My mom and brother appeared to still be fast asleep in the seat in front of me, and my dad and uncle were talking and laughing in the front. Then I remembered Candi and in a flash, I was wide awake. I turned my head and saw her grinning broadly over at me.

"How was your nap...?" Candi whispered with a chuckle. She was leaning back in her seat, and turned slightly towards me with her arms folded under her breasts, holding the thin cotton tightly against them. I couldn't stop my eyes from dropping to her tits before I was able to pull them away. Candi was still smiling though...

"Uh...okay, I guess..." I croaked, clearing my throat, "I must have dozed off, huh?"

"I guess I was boring you..." Candi said sexily, holding her pose. "But it must have been a fun dream..." She grinned and her eyes dropped to my shorts. Just for a second before she looked back at me, but enough to give me her meaning. I quickly looked down to see that I'd let the pillow slip from my lap while I was sleeping. My hard-on was tenting the loose leg of my shorts, and I must have shifted during my nap because my cockhead was now poking out from the bottom. The tip was wet with pre-cum, reflecting the warm afternoon sun. I quickly sat up, making my cockhead disappear, and reaching down for the pillow on the floor. I sheepishly returned it to my lap and cleared my throat once again.

"Uhhh....yeah.... uh...sorry about that..." I stammered, looking from Candi to the window, then back. Her grin widened as she uncrossed her arms and shook her head.

"No reason to be sorry..." she smiled, "I love a good dream..." Her tongue poked out, just slightly, and touched her upper lip. Her eyes dropped to the pillow in my lap and she took a deep breath, releasing it then as if to say "Oh well..." When the house came into view in the distance, Candi once again made my heart begin to pound as she smiled, almost to herself, and slowly buttoned those top three buttons on her t-shirt...

"It's getting a little chilly..." she said softly as she grinned at me. She was making it quite obvious that those buttons hadn't come undone by accident and I nearly had to fight to simply breathe!

My heart was pounding and my mind was going in a thousand different directions as we neared the house. The Christmas decorations seemed oddly out of place, what with no snow and all... I stared out the window, once again attempting to will my hard-on away. It also wouldn't be a good idea to step out of the van in front of mom and dad with a hard-on. Especially after riding with my cousin... Luckilly for me, the thought of how embarrassing that would be forced my hard-on to subside slightly as we pulled up in front of the house. At least it was down to a point where I could hide it.

As we pulled to a stop, all the doors flew open and the family began to disembark. Candi got up, half leaning over the middle seat as my dad woke my mom and brother up. Her shorts were pulled tight over her ass as she leaned and I had to fight my cock once again. Hell, it was in my face, just about, and I now had a good feeling that Candi was purposefully teasing me. I couldn't help letting my eyes roam over her tight cheeks. There wasn't even a hint of panty lines and I imagined just how sweet she'd look with thongs on. It was all I could do not to reach out and run the palm of my hand over that fine ass, but again, I had to control my urge. And try to control my cock, which was growing again. I forced myself to look out the window, thinking chaste, Christmassy thoughts, until I heard movement and knew that Candi had gotten out. I stepped out of the van, stretching my arms over my head as I watched Candi's eyes drop to my crotch. It was as if she was checking for results... She smiled and turned to the house, walking up the steps with my mom and dad and her father, as Bob and I struggled with the luggage.

"Damn!" Bob said in a whisper, "Little Candi is looking pretty good, isn't she, bro?" I smiled and nodded my agreement as we both watched her climb the steps, but at the same time, I was actually wrestling with a bit of jealousy at my brother's comment. How weird is that, I thought. I shrugged my shoulders and concentrated on schlepping the luggage into the house and upstairs to their rooms. Candi was staying in my room, and I'd been relegated to spending the next two weeks with Bob on a fold-out couch in his room. As I set her bags down next to the bed, I looked out the windows facing the back yard. I smiled to myself as I opened the blinds fully, wondering if Candi would think to close them at night. It would be a wonderful view from the back hill, I knew...

The rest of the afternoon was fairly boring. A lot of conversation and a lot of activity as we prepared for the night's family dinner. My mom and Candi were pretty busy getting the food together, while my dad, uncle and brother drank a bunch of beer and re-arranged furniture on the big deck we have on the back of the house. They were planning on getting a Christmas tree in the morning and most of the conversation centered around the best part of the property to search in. I was helping, of course, but my mind was more focused on getting in touch with Meg. The dreamy recollections of our first date, combined with Candi's incredible teasing had made me horny enough to look at the cat in a different way... I was really hoping to find out if Meg was going to be able to make it to the dinner tonight so we could slip away somewhere. I was in desperate need of one of her wonderful hand-jobs... I'd invited her to join us for dinner tonight, but she hadn't been sure if she'd be able to make it or not. And now, every time I'd try to call, her line was busy. I was getting more and more frustrated by the minute.

And Candi wasn't helping to quell my needs. She had changed her outfit to a short, ivory colored skirt and a white, man's type, button down shirt. Her blond streaked hair flowed sexily over her shoulders and back and the three inch heels on her open-toed sandals made the muscles in her legs ripple as she walked. She was an incredible sight, especially as the sun slowly set and the soft lighting of the deck lights came on. I found myself staring at her, even as I continued to try to get in touch with Meg. It was as if she'd cast a spell over me. And she would smile each time she turned to catch me staring, as if she was glad that I was...

Dinner finally came and went, with me still unable to get hold of Meg. By now everyone had a pretty good buzz going, with the exception of Candi and I. The temperatures had dropped a bit, to the point where it was almost chilly, but no one seemed to notice. And I was intent on keeping my shorts on at least as long as our guests from Hawaii. If they could take it, so could I! My inability to get in touch with Meg had me feeling pretty dejected, and my horniness only grew as I continued to sneak glances at my cousin. Her skirt rode up deliciously on her legs whenever she'd sit and I made sure to position myself for the best view. Whenever our eyes would meet she would smile at me, although not too obviously, and we both did our best to keep up with the adult's conversations.

It was about nine o'clock, and I was on the phone again, still trying to reach Meg, when Candi came in from the patio. I was feeling tired and didn't really care as I simply let my eyes move up and down her body as I held the phone to my ear, listening to the busy signal. She smiled at me as she walked slowly towards me and once again I saw her tongue poke out against her upper lip. This time, though, she held it there, lightly licking her lip as she got closer. By now, I was ready to play her game and didn't even try to hide my lustful glances. I let my gaze run from her sandals to her eyes, pausing in all the right places, then hung up the phone when I heard the busy signal for the hundredth time that night. I looked into Candi's eyes and grinned.

"So...how you doing, cousin?" I said, leaning back against the counter. Candi looked up at me with smoldering eyes.

"I'm bored..." she sighed, "Everyone is pretty toasted out there, you know?" She leaned her hip into the counter and smiled. "Still can't get hold of Meg, huh?"

I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders. "Probably out on a date with some new guy..." I said, half-kiddingly. I was really beginning to wonder. Candi laughed and shook her finger at me.

"Now don't go there, Ted...That's the last place Meg would be. She told me she was having too much fun with you..." Her eyes were teasing and I was intrigued. I was also very interested in seeing just where this banter was going to lead.

"Hmmm...and what else has Meg told you?" I asked, my eyes dancing over her face. Candi grinned and leaned back, putting one hand behind her on the counter and turning slightly. Her position caused the blouse she was wearing to pull tighter against her breasts, showing me just a hint of her hard nipple. I rested my eyes there for a moment, being a little more obvious, before smiling back at her.

"What would you think if I told you that Meg's told me everything...?" Candi whispered, looking deep into my eyes. I stared back as my mind whirled around.

"Hmmm....well, I'd think that 'everything' is a very long list..." I replied, wondering where this was headed. Candi smiled and again licked her lip in that maddening way. She leaned a little closer to me and grinned.

"Yeah, well...'long' is one thing she mentioned..." she whispered before leaning back again. My eyes grew wide as I realized what she'd just said. I began to wonder if my own horniness had caused my hearing to fail, but Candi dispelled that doubt when she leaned forward again, this time pressing her chin against my shoulder. "And very thick..." She kept her chin against my shoulder and turned her eyes upwards. "And very, very hard..."

My heart began to pound as hard as it had before and I could feel sweat forming on my forehead. My cock began to harden in my shorts as Candi continued to stare into my eyes. I couldn't believe that my cousin was coming on to me, but after being teased all day, I was in no mood to put up much of a fight. She grinned at the shocked look on my face, then leaned back again, putting both hands behind her on the counter. "Does that make you think she told me everything...?" she asked innocently. I stared and nodded, making her smile again. Then, as I watched her, she brought a hand to her waist, slowly moving it over her belly before pausing at the waist of her skirt. She toyed with the button there, all the while keeping her eyes on me, then her fingers disappeared just inside the waistband, re-emerging with a thick joint rolled in yellow paper. I watched, as if in a trance.

"Do you want to go out and help me smoke this thing?" she said with an evil grin. I grinned with relief and nodded my head. I was nervous about flirting with my cousin in the kitchen of my house, especially with the whole family a few feet away on the back deck. "C'mon then..." Candi said, and turned to the side door. I followed her as she made her way to the gazebo on the side lot. She seemed to know the layout of the property fairly well, I thought, even though this was her first time here. I was sure she'd scoped things out earlier, for just such a moment as this.....

(Copyright 2001 by Mark Singer and Singertales, Inc)

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