A Bit of Unexpected Joy


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"Well, if I'd known you were tele-visiting, I'd have dressed for the occasion."

"Tease. Lesley says you've finally stopped giving her shit about being naked, but she definitely hasn't said you were joining in. Don't give an old lady expectations," she grinned.

"Oh, Shari... just for you," I reached up and loosened my tie... unbuttoned the top shirt button and said "There... Now, don't get overheated."

"Bad Boy, you."

"I come by it honestly."

"Yeah, I am sure. Now, Les -- you guys be good... or, you know, don't. I'm going to go kick Donny in his elderly ass and remind him he's grilling tonight. I sure do miss you and can't wait til we can see each other again."

"You too, dear. Love to Don."

"Well, I'll do my best. Ciao."

She blew a kiss and rang off.

"Sorry to interrupt, Mom. Didn't realize... any of that."

"Oh, not to worry. We were just catching up after I logged off from work. You weren't interrupting and besides Shari had just been asking after you."

Mom pushed back from her desk and stood up. We walked back to the kitchen together. "Shar wondered how you were doing with the whole -- wardrobe- issue. We had texted, but we were missing seeing each other so she set up a Zoom."

"Boy did she."

"Oh, yeah. I guess you weren't expecting THAT part of it," she smiled.

"Nope. Not what I was expecting. Usually when I'm on a teleconference the most interesting thing I see is up someone's nose. Never their nipple jewelry."

"You just don't have the right sorts of conferences apparently."

"Clearly," I agreed. "So, Shari just shows up and videos you tits out?"

"Of course. I mean, I'd do it to her, but I was just finishing working hours and George doesn't get to see the goodness."

"Yeah, poor George."

"Seriously, he's a dick and she's my friend. My friends get to see my bits and shitty people get... well, buttoned up and girdled."

"That's like a cosmic law."


"Now, what was the knock about? You don't usually visit," she asked as she gently placed her hand on my forearm.

"Oh, nothing... just saying that I had a great day that was weirdly and wonderfully productive, so I wanted to thank you."

"Me?" she smiled a little surprised.

"Well, you inspired me with the dressing up for work thing. I wasn't doing it and while I don't think I was slacking tremendously, I do think that I produced a lot more once I put on a tie. It was kind of remarkable how much I did today," I said. "And I wanted to acknowledge that as much as it irks me, you were right and I was wrong."

Mom grabbed at her chest and seemed to be having a fit.

"I was... right?!" she gasped. "I can't imagine... how could such a thing be true?!"

"Yeah, yeah," I said. "Fine. Give me all the shit... I deserve it."

"Yes, baby doll," she grinned and stood upright. "You do. I mean, I wasn't woo woo silly about it. It's just basic sense. Though, of course, because your mommy said so it must be wrong."

"That's not fair. I was just... you know, cautious," I laughed.

"Yeah, sure," she said. "I say, put on a tie and you say... bullshit. I say, nude is fun, and you say, 'what a horny old bitch'."

"I never-"

"You might as well have," she chuckled and then in a lowered tone, "Not that that's totally wrong. But, I'm just saying, that it's nice to see you acknowledging that the old broad has a notion or two that might be worthwhile. And, of course, giving you a peek of Shari's... what did you call them, bodacious ta-tas? So, you know, don't condemn that which you later rely upon in a diddling sesson."

"Oh, damn... you did not have to go there. What makes you think that Shari will make me... do that?"

"You're a red-blooded male? I mean, they are magnificent."

"A little saggy," I snarked.

"As are every tit past the age of twelve. And did you see those piercings? The tattoos?"

"I see."


"That you are more than a little into Shari's boobs."

"And you aren't?"

"Didn't say that-"

"Damn right you didn't, because it would be a lie," she cross-examined. "I bet you had a twitch in the trousers when you saw her didn't you? You wanted to feel her up, smooch those metal accented nipples and maybe wrap that beautiful landscape around your undeserving cock... at an uneducated guess."

"Well, that's not fair. I might be deserving."

"I don't think so," she dismissed the notion.

"Why's that?" I asked a bit more genuinely curious than I would have let on.

"Well, you're dressed and it's after five. Now leave me to my business because I desperately need to get out of these hose and get a shower." As she left the room she called out,. "Order food for dinner or something. I'm starving."

"Your wish..."

"Damn right," I heard trailing into her bedroom.

I pulled out my phone and opened a delivery app. Scrolled through a bit and settled on far too much from our neighborhood Asian restaurant. I mean, it's not wasteful if you plan on eating the leftovers tomorrow. And possibly the next day. Walking back into my bedroom I could hear the shower running down the hallway. Not a terrible idea, actually. The food will be half an hour. And it'll be left on the table outside our door that we set up for deliveries -- pandemic necessity I guess. So, I've got time for a quick shower.

I stepped into my room, stripped out of my "office" clothes and hit the attached bath. The water heater could handle both of us, I figured and besides... a little cold snap wouldn't be the worst thing Mom endured because I was living here.

When the water hit an acceptable temp, I climbed in and rinsed off. Soaping and scrubbing hit an unlikely impediment though when I realized that as I lathered and rinsed the manly bits, I was lingering. I guess Shari's vid had hit me a little harder, as it were, than I'd let on. I mean, of course, it did. I'd learned to breathe into the discomfort and think of baseball when Mom wiggled and jiggled around our house. It wasn't easy, if I'm being honest, but I could just manage the appropriate control.

But, if you're going to start springing even newer breasts on a fellow you have to expect reaction. So, I wanted to linger. I guess I must have lingered longer than I'd thought because the temp on the water suddenly shifted up. I guess that meant Mom was done. Damn. Didn't want to rush the enjoyment, but also -- dinner and explanation. So, I shut the water off and grabbed a towel.

My phone notified me that my food had been delivered. Well, damn. I guess I had lingered even longer than I imagined. Or maybe the restaurant was really on top of things. I wrapped the towel around my waist and stepped into my room. I started to get dressed and thought better of it. The food was sitting outside. Cooling, sure, and who knows about bugs. It would just take a sec to go get it.

I padded down the hallway and hung a right at the sofa. Opened the door and grabbed the several bags on the table. Damn. It was a lot more food than we really needed, and almost more than I could carry in one trip. Oh well. Bags in hands, I hip checked the front door and headed to the kitchen.

As I reached the island and started to get them out of my hands a couple of things happened at once. First my towel gave up the ghost. These things aren't Velcro-ed on and I'd moved quickly, hip bumped a door and jostled it good and loose. Given my current handful I couldn't grab it.

Secondly, and maybe more importantly, Mom had clearly finished cleaning up before I had and was in front of the open refrigerator... bent at the waist -- naked of course- with her ass and surrounding bits on full prominent display. She called back to me as she heard me setting things down, "Didn't we have a Chard in here? I could have sworn it was in the vegetable drawer, you know -- Chardonnay in for the veg... humor and all."

And maybe most importantly, my cruel, disloyal biology kicked into high gear and I sprang a powerful, sudden erection the like of which I hadn't seen since 8th grade when Kelly Samuels flashed her bra at me. I mean, give me a break... 8th grade, I thought I'd need to be hospitalized. I wondered if I should just call 911 now. The combination of Shari, the shower-time cut short, my own nakedness and this gorgeous view of leg, ass, and naked vulva... well... I'm only human. And apparently a pervy human.

Setting the bags down as quickly as I could so I could grab the towel and my dignity I didn't see Mom stand upright and turn around as she said, "We didn't drink it already did- Damn."

I finally just dropped whatever was still in my hands and bent for the towel. "Uh, sorry. Uh -- accident. Uh- sorry."

"Oh, don't be sorry son. I mean, I was going to say I'm proud of you."

"P-Proud?" I mumbled and wrapped the towel around me, insufficiently covering the bulge that I then stepped behind the island to obscure.

"Well, you decided the Old Broad was right about Office Dress Code, and seemingly on the same day decided that the After Work Dress Code was worth a shot too," she grinned. "That's a lot of Willingness to Try New Things. And I'm proud of that."

"Uh, yeah... I mean, I wasn't... I was... well, then the food came... and uh... accident," I stumbled towards coherency.

Mom walked around the island and said, "Look, it's okay. You can own it. I get that it's a little weird that I'm naked all the time, but I think if you give it a try then you too will like it."

She put her hand on my chest and said, "I mean, really, what's to worry?"


"Yeah, yeah. But, you know I'm fine with the whole naked thing. You've seen Shari is totally casual about it. And it's safe here. I won't tell a soul that you were rockin' out with your... er... that you were nude. You'll be fine."

"But, I wasn't-"

"You weren't expecting the erection. I get it," she eyed the tented towel. "I mean, I don't Get Get It... that's a special gift for the folks in your life you want to share it with. I'm just saying, I understand that it's going to happen."

"I was-"

"It's kind of comforting to know I'm not hideous," she chuckled. "So, don't worry. It'll go away in a few minutes. Or not. It doesn't matter to me that much in this context, because I'm about to devour a truly horrific number of dumplings, Dumplin'. Which is sure to put a damper on your lascivious member. Now, get some bowls and the good chopsticks."

Mutely stunned, I turned to do as I was instructed. A bit in a daze I had got the bowls out and grabbed the utensils. When I returned to the island and set them down, I felt a cold sensation and realized that I'd walked (gently) cock first into the counter. I looked down, saw I was naked, and then looked up to see Mom holding the towel I'd been wearing.

"See, not so tough," she said. "Now, what all do we have in this smorgasbord?"

She started scooping and dishing and gathering the goods. I stood there a bit paralyzed. I came to, in a fashion, and saw her walking over to the couch. She sat down her food and grabbed the remote.

"I'm thinking that new Ryan Murphy thing. And since I'm the first to the remote, you're stuck with it," she gloated.

I shook my head and just tried to roll with this utterly strange turn of events. I picked up a bowl and filled it with embarrassing amounts of food. In a few moments we were watching a strange period piece with glitzy costumes and a loose interpretation of history.

After a while -- a term which probably means more than one episode and less than three (quarantine and streaming have destroyed time)- Mom stopped the binge-fest with a small yawn.

"Okay, that's enough for tonight. Cute costumes and what would have been a startling number of swinging dicks," she said while gesturing vaguely in my direction. "If not for... you know."

"Hey, hey, no making fun of the first timer."

"Virgin, huh?"

"You know, what I mean you old perv."

"Yeah, but it's sweet to see you blush. Especially when you've been casually sitting on the couch all night with your old Mom while naked as the day she brought you into the world. Kind of nice, right?"

"Okay, yeah. It was kind of nice. Sweet and intimate without being too pervy. I mean, a little pervy, but not so much that I had to scream and run away," I teased.

"Oh, you're a screamer," she said and leaned over menacingly.

"Hey, now," I laughed and shrinked away from her 'terrifying' boobs.

"Will you scream you silly boy?" she mock threatened and ridiculously wiggled her shoulders sending her breasts into new and interesting arcs. It was played for laughs and burlesque fun. That said, she was awfully close to me. And naked. And look, boobs in motion are designed by the Cosmic Engineer to have an effect.

"Look, you win-"

"You bet, I win!" she said and reached out to tickle my ribs. Now, yeah, I'm ticklish. It's dumb, but it's true. And she knows this. I flinched. She pursued. And soon we were both laughing and wrestling around on the couch as I tried to out tickle her.

When we finally called truce, we were tangled up in a pile on the sofa. Smiling and laughing and joyously wrapped together. It was one of the most contented moments of my life, if I'm being honest. Weird to say, but true. There had been so much tension in the world, and weirdness in our living arrangements that it was just a gigantic relief to be so uninhibited and utterly relaxed.

"Sleep?" she asked blearily.

"Good idea," I agreed and started to shift. We had put the food away between episodes 1 and 2, so at least there were no chores.

"Nope," she mock pouted. "Sleep."

She snuggled in and seemed to be making the case that we sleep here on the couch. And weird as my day had been. Hell these weeks. This seemed no weirder. And comfortably strange. What the hell?

I closed my eyes and drifted off.

I don't know what I had been dreaming, but I opened my eyes and saw the shadows playing on the living room ceiling. Mom was still out, though snuffling in a sweet not-a-snore-young-man. It was adorable. And I was as happy as I remember being. And then, I was aware that I desperately needed to pee. Awkward. Didn't want to wake her. Couldn't really wait on this. So, I began to shift. Trying to find a way to extract myself from the couch. Badly. Eventually, I just pushed her enough to wake her gently and begin rolling off the couch.


"Have to pee. Go back to sleep."

"No," she said as she began to breathe deeply and slip back to sleep.

I heel and toed it to my bathroom in the dark and began to fulfil the needful. It had been an unusual day. But, that nap on the couch and an evening with Mom -- just watching tv- had been fantastic. I guess the naked thing has its merits.

I wasn't quite done when I heard shuffling behind me and felt the presence of my mother lurking in the doorway. I guess privacy is a little irrelevant after hours naked on a couch and then sleeping cuddled up together. New world.

She shuffled in and I felt her lean forward against my back. Breasts pressed into me, cheek against my back, mumbling "Pee. Done yet?"

"A sec," I whispered. I nearly was, but you know sometimes things are slower under pressure. She snaked a hand around and I felt her grab my prick. Well, damn. That sealed off the flow suddenly. She wiggled it about for a second and said, "See, you're done. Move."

Now there had been two perfectly fine baths in this house. Hell, a half bath in the foyer. We did not have to be this crowded. But, here we were with my mother's hand on my cock and all the awkwardness that I could muster. I shuffled aside and put the lid down on the toilet.

"Good boy," she muttered as she sat down. I realized that it was a good thing the lights were off. My reaction to that touch. This intimacy. Well, it was what you'd expect. She began to pee and I began to wonder why I hadn't left. I mean, I guess I knew why I hadn't left. But, I didn't know how to justify or explain it.

"Shh," she said as she began to wipe herself.

"I didn-"

She reached over and grabbed me by the cock. I said, "shh."

She pulled me toward her and of course I couldn't resist. In the darkness, shadows on the wall from lights on the street I felt rather than saw Mom take me into her mouth. Slow, warm, wet, wonderful. I didn't expect it. I didn't regret it. I just let it happen.

I reached out and ran my fingers through her hair as she licked and swallowed and stroked me into a painful, trembling erection. I didn't think I'd last. She didn't either. With a "pop" I felt and heard her slip off the end of my penis and she stood up sliding her body along mine.

"Back up, kid. Bedroom is right there. More comfy."

I backed into the doorjamb but turned and shuffled into the bedroom. I hadn't made the bed this morning, but as my knees backed into the side of it I felt Mom's hand on chest. She pushed and I fell backwards. I could feel more than see her climb in on top of me. She slid up my body and leaned over face to face. My cock rested against her hip. She breathed into my mouth as she said, "It's all just a dream. We'll wake in the morning and you can decide if this happened. But now," she said as she slipped her leg over mine and road the bottom of my dick with her soaking wet vulva. "Now, we just dream."

She reached back with one hand and lined us up together. Nestled but not yet complete, I felt her tongue reach out and lick my lips. I raised my head to kiss her. One hand slid along her side and up to her neck. She moaned, and then in a single, smooth undulation, connected us. I groaned.

She moaned.

I wrapped both of my arms around her and drew my fingers across her back as she fucked me slowly and rhythmically. It felt like we'd always done this. Second nature and first class lovemaking.

I could feel the tremors start. Too soon. This was supposed to last forever. I wanted it to last forever. I didn't want the dream to end.

"Shh, baby... it's okay. Let it go. Come for Mommy. Come in my cunt. Let me feel you fill me-"

And I did.

"up! Oh, baby, that's so good. I want this to never end. Fill Mommy up."

I came and came and shook with a beautiful seizure. It was amazing. And it drained me of energy, reservation, and doubt. When I was clearly spent, I felt Mom collapse on top of me. Skin to skin. Every inch of our bodies touching.

"So, nice, baby boy. Thank you for that very nice dream we had," she whispered as she slid off me and stepped into the bathroom. I heard her sit and oddly (it seemed to me) pee a little. I heard her grab a towel off the rack and she returned to clean up a bit of the mess that I'd made.

I groaned, I admit and felt that this might just be round one.

"Shhh," she said. "Remember, we're dreaming. We're having an little unexpected joy. A little surprise in the dream life. There are no consequences for dreams. It's the realm of the unexplored and the private joy. Now, I'm going to my bed."

I admit I had a little pouty moan.

"Which has a lot less cum stain in it. No wet spots. So, you know, why don't you join me, if you promise not to freak out when the sun comes up."

I nodded -- in the dark, so ineffectually.

"You can stay here, or come in there. But until we decide differently, nothing happened tonight. It was just a dream."

We stood and walked, hand in hand, to her bedroom down the hall. We climbed in, cuddled together and drifted off into a deep, contented sleep.

I woke in the morning to the sound of rustling and saw a figure -- Mom- walking over to the dresser. She opened it and seemed to pull out underwear and a bra. Oh, this will not stand. I rolled over onto my knees, reached out and wrapped an arm around her.

She giggled and said, "Morning."

"Morning," I whispered. "I had this really wild dream."

"Really?," she asked. "A good one?"

"One of the best," I said. "Let me tell you about it."