A Boiled Frog Pt. 06


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"Oh, Chris," she sighed. "Is this my fault?" How on earth could this be her fault? I wondered what was going through her mind. Then, I almost froze in shock and she took the hand from my face and reached into my slip touching my breast. I managed to keep breathing normally despite every instinct to do the opposite. She slowly squeezed my breast and let it flow through her fingers.

She withdrew her hand after a few seconds with a whispered, "Amazing." Then she turned over and went to sleep.

I woke in the morning to find Emily already out of bed and the bath door closed. I leaned in and again she was masturbating. Maybe it's in our family genes, I thought. That would explain why I was always horny. I decided to lay back down and sleep until she came out of the bathroom. I wasn't willing to venture out to where I might encounter Frankie without full makeup, despite the need to pee.

Less than 10 minutes later, she came out of the bathroom, shook me awake and said the bathroom was mine, she was going to talk to Shelly. I hurried in and peed, then dressed for the day in a tight sweater and a pair of jeans, making sure I was completely tucked in. I was so nervous I knew there was little chance of getting hard when Frankie was around. I admit, I did my makeup heavier than usual.

I came out to an ambush. Shelly and Frankie wanted to take Emily and me out to lunch. They had a sitter for the kids. I feigned shock and said, "Oh, I didn't know. I made plans. I've got a lunch date."

You could have knocked Emily over with a feather.

"You have what?"

"I have a lunch date. You know, with Dakota, that girl from last night."

"What about Ju - your girl from back home?"

"Oh, this is her idea. She really wanted me to go out with her."

Emily's eyes bugged out. I could tell I was flabbergasting her.

"Well, ok then."

"Besides, I don't need to be a third wheel with you guys. Ya'll have a lot of catching up to do and I'd just be in the way."

With that I turned back into the room and found my purse. I pulled out the slip of paper and texted Dakota hoping she would respond. Luckily, she did and I set up to meet her in 40 minutes at the Olive Garden that was just right down the street. I could walk to it.

Emily followed me into the room.

"What are you doing, Chris?" she hissed. "You can't just go pick up random girls."

"It's not that," I whispered. "That's just an excuse. Frankie cornered me last night. He swears he knows me. I need to avoid him so he can't put two and two together. Can you distract him?"

"Well it's going to come out eventually if you keep this up."

I pleaded with her with my eyes and she finally relented.

"Okay, I'll do it," she sighed. "What do you need me to do?"

"I'm going to go to lunch with that girl - just lunch, I promise, and then I'll hit the mall and do some shopping. Can you pick me up there at say 5 p.m.?"


I arrived first and grabbed a booth, one that could see the door so I could wave over at Dakota when she walked in. While last night I was dressed up and she was dressed casual, this time it was in reverse. She had on a pink silk blouse and a jean mini-skirt that emphasized her long legs. She was only about an inch shorter than me but she had on 5" platform heels that made her seem taller.

She nervously slid into the booth across from me and said, "Thanks for calling me. I've been dying inside."

"Can I see your ID?"

She blushed and said, "Is it obvious?" But she pulled it out and showed it to me. It was not her, a sibling or another relative, but it wasn't her. And her name was not Magnolia.


"Maggie's my cousin. She gave me her old ID when she went off and got married."

"How old are you really?"

She dropped her gaze to the table and squeezed her hands together. Shyly, she replied.

"Seventeen. But I turn 18 in a month."

"Are you still in high school?"

"No, I graduated last spring."

"And who was that guy last night?"

"That's my brother. He thinks he's in charge of me."

She slowly spilled out her tale. She had just graduated high school and was working at the family store because they needed her help and hadn't gone to college because they couldn't afford to. She realized she was a lesbian in high school when she fell for her best friend, Heather. They had two wonderful months together before they were caught. Her friend was sent to live with her grandparents in Missouri and was out of contact. She now had a boyfriend and didn't want anything to do with Dakota.

Dakota's parents had grounded her and forced her to meet with a preacher who basically called her a harlot and a sinner, before trying to force her to date his son. Now, she was stuck under lock and key most days and had no prospects for love and no future.

My heart broke for her.

"I'm just passing through," I said. "But if you want to come to Chicago after you turn 18 next month, I have an extra room I can put you up in until you find a job."

"Seriously," she gushed. "You'd do that for me?"

"You need some help," I replied. "And I'm not asking for anything in return. I'm happy with my wife. But we do have room."

"I thought you said you had a fiancé?"

"It's complicated. If you come to Chicago, I'll fill you in more."

I asked her if she had a car and she said no, but she could take the bus. She had saved enough that she could afford that. I ended up paying for lunch and having her drop me off at the mall. She had to go in to work. I did snap a picture of her and sent it to Julie.

At the mall, I meandered through the stores and slowly accumulated several purchases of this and that. Mostly clothes for me but I did buy a satiny sleeping gown for Emily. I also found three pairs of heels that were to die for and bought all three. I wasn't worried about money because Lisa had pushed a Visa gift card in my hand for the trip. I had been shocked to see on the back it was for $5,000 but now I was wondering if Lisa had given it to me to buy Julie or if she was doing it out of premature guilt instead of love. I hadn't heard back from Dee yet and was getting worried.

Just as I was becoming a nervous wreck, Dee finally called. I answered breathlessly with a "How's Julie?"

"Gurl," she drawled. "Your girls are into some sort of freaky shit. I told you it would cost you two dates for me to go over there and check on them. I'm upping the cost to three."

"What did you find?"

"Lisa let me in after I threatened to call the police and when she took me to Julie she was all tied down on the bed. Are you sure you want to hear this?"

"Yes, tell me."

"Julie was blindfolded and had in earplugs and even her nose was plugged. She had a cute naked girl sitting there tickling her va-jay-jay with a feather. She was moaning something fierce and drenched with sweat. I bet they'd been at it for hours."

"Who was the girl? Describe her for me."

Dee did her best and I figured it was Carrie from Lisa's office. I thought Lisa was exclusive to Julie and me. I guess this is what I get for assuming.

"I'll catch the next bus home. I need to deal with this."

"No, sugar bear, it's okay," Dee replied. "We got it all worked out. I admit, I stayed and played for a little bit then I took Julie back home. She does have to work tomorrow, and playtime is now over. I even arranged for her to go bowling with me tomorrow night. I'll take care of her. That Lisa is some sort of kinky."

Dee stayed and played. Did she sleep with Julie and Lisa and Carrie? Holy crap, what did I miss? I started to harden at the thought of all those girls together despite the worry I felt. Was I losing Julie to Lisa? Was I being replaced?

Emily texted she was on her way and I asked her to meet me at an upscale clothing store I'd found. She walked in and looked at the dozen bags I had collected from the various stores.

"Who are you and what did you do with my brother?" she said with a smile.

I stuck out my tongue and said, "Ha, ha."

"Seriously, what're you doing? Aren't you unemployed?"

"I'm a trophy wife dearie," I said with an exaggerated twirl. "What do you think of this dress?"

It was a red sleeveless poppy laced midi dress with scalloped armholes. I also had on a matching pair of stiletto heels.

"It looks fabulous on you," she admitted. "How much is it?"

I shrugged and said, "Who cares? I'm getting it. Now come with me, I got a couple I want you to try on."

I dragged her into a dressing room where I had a couple of dresses inside waiting for her. She looked at me and I said, "Go ahead, try that one on. I think it'll look great on you. I even put a pair of heels there. I'm thinking you are a 6, right?"

"Get out."


"You heard me. Get out. Just 'cause you dress like a girl, I know you're not and I'm not going to change in front of you."

"Fine, but I want to see it when you have it on."

I stepped out and waited. She complained loudly. "I don't look good in this. It shows too much skin."

"Let me see," I demanded.

Slowly, shyly, she opened the door and stepped out. She looked fabulous.

I had put her in a royal blue Telson square-necked straight satin slip dress. It had a scooped neckline and back with spaghetti straps.

"It's perfect," I exclaimed. "Now put on the shoes."

As she bent over and put them on, I got a flash of cleavage. My sister had grown in the boob department. I guess two kids does that to you. She had been in baggy clothes since we had met and this was my first glimpse of her shape and I approved.

"That one's good. Try on the other one."

The other one didn't fit right. While she was changing, I took the first one and headed to the register. I had just rung up the total for the two dresses and her shoes when she approached. The total came to just under $1,100. I handed over the Visa gift card.

"Holy crap, Chris," she said. "What're you doing?"

"I'm buying you a dress. Plus, I had to get the red one for me."

"That's crazy, bro. You can't just spend a grand on clothes like that."

"Sure, I can. It's Lisa's money. She gave it to me. And I'm pissed off at her right now so I'm blowing it all. Besides, you looked great in that dress."

"Ya, it would be the nicest thing I own. Seriously, I can't let you spend $500 on a dress for me."

"Already done, sis. You just have to accept it."

She shook her head back and forth in denial but I could see she wasn't arguing too hard. She had liked the dress and the way she looked in it. I had done well.

"Now, let's get out of here and grab some food. And you can tell me how your day went with Shelly and Frankie."

I took her to dinner, then we did a walk and I dragged her into a movie theatre. I tried to put off going back in until it was late enough for me to go straight to bed. Shelly and Frankie were waiting up, wanting to hear all about my date, but I begged off with exhaustion and left Emily to talk to them.

I really was exhausted, as I quickly got ready for bed and laid down, wondering if Emily would masturbate again. I closed my eyes and waited to see, but drifted off before she even came back to the room. I even was too tired to call Julie.

I woke the next morning with her the little spoon and my hard cock pressing into her ass cheeks. It was almost as if she was pressing back into me in her sleep. I slowly tried to extract myself and as I slid back slowly, her ass followed me. I finally managed to get some space and quickly rolled out of bed. I used the bathroom, got dressed, and packed my stuff before heading out of the room. Luckily, Frankie had already left for work and I spent the time with Shelly helping her get her kids off to school.

Emily appeared half an hour later and after some goodbyes, we finally got on the road. The day turned out to be a disaster. A couple hours out of town we got a flat tire and no one had bothered to put a tire iron in the truck so we had no way to loosen the lug nuts. Finally, someone stopped who had a lug wrench that would fit and we were able to change the tire.

Since that put us way behind, we pushed it. This earned us with an overheating motor pulled off to the side of the road, steam coming out of the engine. I tried to look at it, but without tools, there wasn't anything I could do.

At this point, Emily burst into tears. I found a blanket and wrapped it around us, keeping the cold at bay and trying to comfort my sister. "It's ok, Ems. I called a tow truck. It won't be that bad."

"Everything in my life is going wrong," she complained. "This blasted truck keeps breaking down, I think my marriage is breaking down and my brother looks better in a dress than I do."

"Your marriage is breaking down? What do you mean?"

"I have no proof, but I think Frank's cheating on me with our nanny."

"What makes you think that?"

"Well, for one thing, he hasn't made love to me in almost a year," she grumbled. "Not once since Tommy was born. Even when I suggested it."

"That doesn't mean he is cheating. You did have a baby, after all."

"Well, since Tommy, I'm home more. And the looks they give each other seem intimate. Especially when they think I'm not looking. I catch her gazing at him lovingly. What if he's leaving me?"

"He is leaving HER," I said. "You're moving to Utah as we speak."

"That's just it," she wailed. "He worked it out so she's coming with us. He claims it's for the kids and it's a favor so she can go to school in America. And, he did it all without telling me or discussing it with me. It came out as an afterthought. I happened to pick up the mail that had her Visa approval in it."

I didn't know what to say to that. That sounded pretty condemning so I just held her and hugged her tight, letting her cry into my shoulder.

"You even smell good," she complained once her crying slowed down to just sniffles.

"You're just as beautiful as me," I said. "Shoot, if you dyed your hair my color and grew it out, you would be a much better-looking version of me."

"I seriously doubt that," she said, showing the first hint of a smile since the truck broke down.

"I would not lie," I said. "You're very sexy and desirable and Frank's a fool if he lets you get away."

"You have to say that 'cause you are my brother."

"Sister, now."

"That's just too weird to think about. It'll take some time for me to adjust."

"Take all the time you need. I love you and hope you can love me too."

"That's never been in doubt."

I kissed her forehead then and held her tight without saying anything. I could take care of my big sister now. She had taken care of me all those years ago.

The truck eventually arrived and we got towed into a hick town where they said we could get it fixed in the morning. Nothing was open but luckily there was a vacancy at the one motel in town. The moment we checked in, Emily ran frantically for the bathroom.

I heard the hum of her vibrator start up almost immediately. Damn, my sister must be insatiable in bed - a real firecracker, I mused. But, after less than a minute I heard the winding down as the batteries slowly died. That led to a curse of frustration.

Imagine my shock when Emily poked her head out of the door and said, "Chris, can you run out and find me some batteries? I need some badly."

"Damn, sis," I replied. "I never knew someone as horny as you. I thought only guys were horny all the time."

"What?" she said, confused.

"I never knew someone who masturbated as much as you do. You singlehandedly keep the vibrator companies in business."

Her face turned crimson.

"Oh my gosh, is that what you thought?"

After a pause, Emily pushed the door open and I saw there were two blossoming wet spots directly over her breasts. I could see her nipples through the white shirt.

"It's my breast pump, you dork. I need the batteries for my breast pump. I don't want my milk to dry up just yet. Tommy's only six months."

My eyes stayed riveted on her chest and I watched the spot on her right breast grow slightly in size. She was leaking milk. I craved to see more. Thoughts of Desiree's huge nipple dripping milk popped in my head and my dick lurched in response, despite being tucked in firmly. It ached to get free and grow.

"Um, what?" was all I managed to get out.

"Can you go get some more batteries?" she said slowly. "How many times do I have to repeat myself? Please! My breasts are killing me. I need some relief."

"Sure," I nodded, putting back on my shoes. Incestuous thoughts filled my head as I left the room and went to the office.

The desk clerk eyed me appreciatively as I approached, but no amount of charm was going to get me something he simply didn't have. When I asked around, he told me the nearest place that would be open was more than 10 miles away. Without a vehicle, I was out of luck.

Trudging back to the room, fantasies danced through my head. I imagine myself offering to help my sister and her agreeing. I always did have a vivid imagination. The scene appeared in my mind.

I reentered the room with a sigh, "Sorry, sis. No luck on batteries. Everything is closed."

I looked over at Emily and she had removed her top. Her breasts were red from squeezing. She had been trying to manually milk them, but what caught my eye was her nipples. They were large and succulent and dribbles of milk ran all the way to her belly. My insides roiled in nervousness yet desire swept over me, calming me down.

"You know, sis," I calmly replied. "I could help you out with that, if you'd like."

"Help me out how?" she questioned, her face shriveled up in pain.

"I could suck the milk out for you."

"You wouldn't mind?"

"No, not at all. I know it's a little weird but anything to help you out."

"Please, it aches so much."

I walked over to her and climbed onto the bed, scooching in close and then laying my head on her lap. Tentatively, I reached up with my tongue and lapped at her nipple. She sighed in relief. I latched on to the nipple and gave it a little tug. It quickly rewarded me with a warm fluid that dribbled into my mouth. It was ecstasy in a liquid form.

As I inhaled her nipple my cock continuously hardened, getting more rigid with each expression of milk. It painfully tented the dress I had on. Emily caught my hard on out of the corner of her eye.

"You poor baby," she cooed. "Is Mama's milk getting you all worked up? Do you need to be milked as well?"

Her hand drifted down underneath my dress, pulling my cock into view.

"Oh, my," she gasped. "My little brother has become my big, big sister. What were the odds of that?"

As I suckled, she started stroking, even grabbing some of the milk that was dribbling out of the breast I was neglecting and using it as a lubricant for her hand job.

"Frank isn't this big! Would you mind if I tried it out once you're done feasting on me?"

As I approached the door to our room, I noticed that I have adjusted myself. In my daze, I had reached into my pants and untucked my cock, which is fully engorged. I am standing out in the open with my cock in my hand. I look around hastily and realize no one is around. Embarrassed, I quickly zipped up my jeans and pulled my shirt down tight to cover my bulge.

"Can I do this?" I questioned myself. "Can I actually sleep with my sister?" Chris may not be able to, but Tina could, I told myself. I started the confidence mantra in my head, pulled out my key card and reached to open the door.


Thanks for reading this so far. If you liked it, please vote and send me feedback or post. I really like to hear what people think of my story, good or bad. This is my first one so I am constantly learning. I am happy to take suggestions.

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ankcddenisankcddenis3 months ago

muhteşem bir okuma isteği uyandıran sıcak bir hikaye, iyisin!

Veronica_E_DayVeronica_E_Dayabout 2 years ago

I have read some of the comments and some people get so worked-up about a story. They seem to believe that the characters are real people doing all of these things and passing judgment or centering on sections that are a little out of reality. It is a wonderful story, very well written, with good story line, and interesting. True, some of the story is a bit unusual & unrealistic but that is what makes it interesting, if it adhered strictly to reality what fun would that be. Just read the story as what it is, a fictional story that is for enjoyment & entertainment.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Character development

Your character development has been great from the start, and continues to improve!

Regarding some of the feedback I guess I see things as a bit differently, perhaps a bit simpler.

To the Lisa haters:

If Jules wasn’t her submissive pet for Years she would have never appreciated, let alone married Chris. My wife was WAY out of my league. If her fiancé of 4 years wasn’t the way he was She wouldn’t have appreciated me. (Her words)

Plus, you can’t be that mad at someone like Lisa who Stated her motives so clearly since day 1. She wants Jules to be hers.Always has. That has never stopped,

not even after Jules married Chris. She has never respected either of their wishes or their marriage. Never stopped Her physical relationship with Jules or released her emotional Control over her. This lack of respect for Jules as a person is part of what endears Jules to Chris. Lisa treating Chris like a doll IS normal for Lisa. She said despised his submissiveness And decided to use it to her advantage.She doesn’t treat Jules any differently. If she has leverage, she uses it. If she has power she abuses it.

That’s what makes it SO fun that she fell for Tina and is gaining respect for Chris in the Process. Not that it makes her able to treat people like anything other than a living doll that solely Exists for Her Pleasure.Thus breaking the rules She agreed to with Chris. Her word means nothing. As Chris is finally learning. She simply tells anyone what they want to her to get what she wants - staying true to her character.

None of this excuses Jules for acting like she doesn’t Want to be Jules pet, and being so ready and willing to have physical contact with people outside their marriage and this new arrangement with Lisa. That’s not on Lisa,She isn’t married to either one.

When you fully submit to someone it hurts when they choose another. So I like that Chris reacted like he did. We don’t yet know if Jules understands this aspect tho because we only know she went from Lisa to Chris. We don’t know if she had to endure watching Lisa choose anyone else when they were together. So perhaps we can excuse her lack of empathy for Chris as her submissive, but not as his wife.

I don’t know how many readers wish Jules was their wife, but initially I did lol. Now, I don’t trust her. She is using Lisa’s Dominance as an excuse to break rules And not owning her actions.

I like this dynamic because it shows that betweenThe successful and confident attorney and an Unemployed weak and submissive spouse Chris is actually the stronger person of the two. Look at how brave he is! Again, great character development, and nice twist.

Dee was a great addition. Reminded me of the therapist in woman’s studies.The right amount of helpful at the right times.

IMO Tina should not do Ash or Dakota, seeing Tina in a caregiver/mentor role makes her even more feminine - Developing a mothering side so to speak.At some point I am sure It will serve Lisa right to have Tina hurt Lisa like that, but after what Lisa went thru with Robin to hurt and humiliate Lisa like that knowing her whole family would know it would be a death blow to their entire Arrangement - because it would have to be done at Jules Insistence, right??? I don’t think Chris or Tina would be that mean.

If the marriage ends, and I don’t want it to - Yet anyways lol - I hope it is Tina leaving Jules.

I assume at some point Tina will do something With a guy, but I also assume Jules would cuckold him. Pleasantly surprised neither has happened yet.

So do the injections really not contain hormones?

I like how many questions are still unanswered.

How you flirt with possibilities.

I can’t believe this is your 1st story! At times I felt reminded of woman’s studies

And when Lexi’s name made an appearance and your characters Kept developing along with the humor so well I wondered if you worked together at all. I was that impressed with your writing. In spite of Womans studies being my favorite story

I don’t like incest and didn’t enjoy this particular ending of yours and am hoping

You are just flirting with the idea. That it will stay only a fleeting fantasy - so when the vibrator turned out to be a breast pump I totally cracked up. Loved it.

Regardless of where you take your story - just because I don’t Want Tina to become an incestual bisexual cuckold Who loses his wife Doesn’t mean I can’t Wait to read whatever you have planned next!

That being said I don’t want her to become Chris again either. I think she Should get whatever surgeries She wants when she wants them including hormones, but as someone Who has only been submissive to one woman I would NEVER have went where she took me. I Loved the way she introduced me to myself ;) So as much as we may hold some things against Jules or Lisa Tina needs them for her journey every bit as much as the author does for this story. Every story needs characters that you don’t like as well as characters You do like doing things you don’t.

I just had a random thought:

It must be so cool as an author to see people care about your characters!

Keep up the great work! Please! Oh, and stop apologizing for lack of sex in the intro, I don’t think I am only speaking for myself when I say we are hooked on the characters and can’t wait to see where the story goes. And honestly, how many more times do you want us to pleasure ourselves while reading your work? ;). Am I the only one who has lost count? Lol seriously though, to me the bigger compliment is I actually keep reading after.

I never thought how cool it must be to write something that turns on complete strangers to the extent you have for example. Must be thrilling. Technically, I guess it’s a form of sexual manipulation. How fun. It must make you feel so good. Sexy and powerful. Regardless I’m just glad you get enough satisfaction and gratification to keep writing. You are great at it!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
This character is pathetic

He is as bad as any Vickie Tern character. He has no spine brain or self respect.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Do not turn this into incest crap

It’s been an interesting an original story line. Going to incest would just be jumping the shark

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