A Boy Who Came In from the Cold Ch. 04


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He searched every place he could think of; the Underground Station, taxi ranks, surrounding pubs. Rayne had no money in so far as he was aware so he was not going to have gone far. He came back to the shelter once or twice in the vain hope that his flaky little mate had just wandered off in search of somewhere to piss and later returned to wait. There was only a rotund, elderly lady at the stop when he got there. He asked if she had seen a skinny boy with black hair but she shook her head and edged away as if he was a dangerous lunatic. Ant guessed that he was perhaps a bit hyper. At last he gave up the wait and set off back towards Greenwich feeling betrayed.

He had given up half his savings for Rayne Wilde in one week alone and this was how the little slut repaid him. Christ, he had even bought the kid a passport. He might be anywhere by now.

It was past six thirty when he got back to the boat and let himself in. Mysteriously, all Rayne's gear was still here. That was the part he could not get his head around. Why would he go off and leave his stuff, especially his precious guitar?

Ant was still brooding over this several hours later when someone knocked on the hatch-cover, tentatively at first then again, more forcefully. He set down a glass of brandy and wove towards the steps, unbolting the hatch and flinging it back to stare up into the pale, stern features of a young policeman.

"Mr Wright?" the copper enquired wearily.

"Err... yeah. What's wrong?"

"We've got your son in the car," the officer told him with a shake of his head.

"My... my 'son'?" Ant blinked at him.

The Policeman treated him to a knowing glance, probably coloured by the fact that he stank of cheap cognac and clearly had no idea what was being said to him. "We picked him up at King's Cross for soliciting. He says that he was just having a laugh and he wasn't serious but we've given him a caution. He shouldn't be wandering about the streets late at night on his own, sir."

"Umm... no... absolutely!" Ant peered over the lip of the hatch towards the wharf where a Panda car was waiting. Rayne stood meekly beside it, biting his lower lip and staring up at him with huge, luminous eyes.

"Where the hell did you disappear to?" Ant demanded, hoping the Policeman would dismiss his outburst as parental wrath. He was also fuming quietly at the officer's placid acceptance that he could be Rayne's father. They looked nothing alike. He was less than fifteen years the boy's senior, certainly not old enough for parental responsibility.

"I thought you'd gone without me. I went to look for you and I got lost," Rayne said apologetically. He glanced up at the Policeman with a helpless smile. "It's my first time in London. I've only been staying with my dad for a couple of days."

"You want to keep a closer eye on him, sir," the young man admonished and Ant managed to look penitent until he had Rayne on board and he heard the car pull away.

"What the hell was all that about?" he raged, letting the hatch-cover slam shut and throwing the bolts across furiously. "I was worried to death about you. I hadn't the faintest idea where you'd gone."

Rayne stared at him, surprised and vulnerable. He backed away until the width of the room separated them. Ant noted that he was more in control of himself than he had appeared earlier.

"I looked up and you'd gone. I didn't see where you went so I walked back up the road to try and find you. Then I went back to the bus stop but you weren't there so I walked back down towards Kings Cross," he volunteered rapidly, his voice light and boyishly nervous. "I thought you might come back that way but you didn't, so I tried to scrounge enough money to get the tube back up here and that's when the cops busted me for hustling."

"You've been gone for hours," Ant protested. "Do you seriously expect me to believe that?"

"It's the truth," Rayne pouted sullenly. "Why would I come back if I was lying?"

Ant threw up his hands then turned away shaking his head. He did not want to try and answer that one. There were too many suspicions raging in his head at the moment.

"You look better," he remarked dryly.

"I begged enough money for a cheese sarnie at the station and the bloke at the cop shop got me a cup of tea and a Mars Bar," the boy said quietly.

"Your appetite's back then?" Ant looked over one shoulder at him suspiciously.

"I reckon I needed the sugar." Rayne's expression was defiantly innocent.

"How old did you tell them you were?" the older man wanted to know. Rayne had certainly lied to one of them about his age. If he was twenty years old the police would not have wasted time bringing him back here, surely.

His companion looked down uncomfortably. "Fifteen," he said in a small voice. His head came up again immediately; "If I'd told them the truth they'd have charged me for hustling, Ant."

"So instead you make me look like a right irresponsible git in front of the Old Bill! Thanks a lot!" Ant exploded again.

"I'm sorry, Ant. I'll make it up to you, I promise. I was just freaked out. I didn't think they'd arrest me!"

When he turned around again the boy was at his shoulder, those huge eyes fixed on him wide and unblinking. Rayne's lips parted in a little sigh, soft and glossy and utterly kissable. Ant drew in a quick breath, then another. Moments later they were on the floor together and he was ripping Rayne's clothes off. The boy did not resist, not even when he was thrown onto his belly, his legs were spread roughly apart and Ant began to buck into him like a wild animal. Quickly he filled the youngster's dry, tight hole with cock and fucked him savagely.

Rayne moaned his assent quietly. He did not fight, nor did he encourage Ant's possession of his slender body, he was simply dormant and submissive until the older man had thrust all the irritability out of his balls and pumped a satisfying flood of hot cum into him. As Ant sank down on top of him and rolled off to the side, he cradled his pale face in his arms and murmured; "Now we're even again."

"You've a long way to go before we're even," Ant grunted, shaking his head. "You've cost me a fortune this week kid. Tonight is just the start!"


So it was that the morning saw Ant at Waterloo Station, as planned, with a small holdall slung over one shoulder and an enthusiastic smile on his face. Rayne had found a trolley for his bags and his guitar case, which he refused to leave behind, in spite of Ant's assurances that it would be safe on the boat until they returned from France. Whilst they were waiting to check in he had bought the kid a small, inexpensive, silver suitcase on wheels, tired of constantly having to stop and pick up things that had fallen out of carrier bags as they hurried through the underground. His companion seemed inordinately pleased with his new toy and spent the next thirty minutes carefully arranging his meagre possessions inside it. This preoccupied him until it was time to go through to the boarding lounge for the Eurostar to Lille.

"I've never been to France," Rayne said for the fifteenth time that morning as they received their boarding cards and had their passports checked. The woman in the control kiosk just smiled at him and wished him a pleasant first journey, clearly accustomed to childlike banalities.

They bought a couple of beers at the bar and Ant put a proprietary arm around his lover as they sat waiting to board. He still had a slight headache from the brandy last night but Rayne's almost boyish excitement had alleviated some of his darker humours. They had fucked again this morning before setting out, this time in the shower with the aid of lubrication. Ant was still tingling from the memories of Rayne's firm, sexy body bucking back against him under the hot spray, feeling tight and wet and welcoming around his thrusting dick. It was all he could do not to kiss and stroke Rayne encouragingly then suggest that they slip into the Gents' for a few moments before they had to board.

Working on the sugar theory, he bought the young man a number of chocolate bars for the journey, which were well received and stowed in his small backpack for later. Ant could not help imagining how it would feel to gently tool his young lover with a melting chocolate probe, then lick and suck the sweetness from his mouth and rectum as they sprawled naked together on a huge bed. When they found their seats in the spacious, comfortable carriage and Rayne sprawled opposite him with a magazine spread out on the table, innocently nibbling on the end of a Twix finger, Ant very nearly creamed his pants.

They had the table to themselves throughout the short journey to Lille, as the train was far from crowded. Rayne kicked his boots off and put his feet in Ant's lap as they thundered into the Channel Tunnel at Ashford. The boy was wearing the lacy shirt from the gig the other night, over a short, tight t-shirt that showed off his belly and snug black jeans. The logo in small, white letters across his chest read 'eat me'. The older man stroked his legs and feet possessively as they descended into the darkness of the tunnel, trying not to imagine what it would feel like to suck Rayne's cock and eat out his arse.

Rayne declared that the tunnel was like a rollercoaster ride, though he seemed a bit dismayed by it at first. Ant tickled him until he relaxed and his laughter threatened to disrupt the rest of the carriage, after which they were a pair of unrepentant sinners all the way to Lille. Rayne seemed so utterly changed from the miserable, trembling thing he had been yesterday that Ant almost convinced himself it was probably just a bug that had laid him so low. Whatever the cause, he was apparently over it now.

"Unfasten your pants and stroke your cock," he whispered challengingly as he caressed Rayne's left foot and ankle in both hands.

The boy stared back at him with mingled shock and glee, shaking his head vigorously. After a few moments of Ant's unrelenting gaze, he blushed and wriggled a hand into the front of his jeans, stoking himself rapidly until someone walked up the middle of the carriage. Ant almost choked with laughter at the speed with which his young lover extricated himself. Rayne pointed a warning finger at him but he was giggling too.

Ant rose and came to sit next to him, sliding his arms around the boy so that he could kiss and fondle his beautiful young mate. They were joined at the mouth so intently that when the train surfaced in France they did not even come up for air.

Rayne wriggled out of his arms with a hard on and vanished to the loo about ten minutes before they were due to make their connection. Ant hesitated then went after him but could not find his cubicle. He locked himself in alone and had a quick, productive wank, imagining Rayne doing the same, his jeans around his thighs and his t-shirt pulled up to his stiff, young nipples. When he got back to their seats there was still no sign of the kid. He was gone for so long Ant began to worry that he would miss the stop. Finally, as the train groaned to a halt in the subterranean gloom of Lille-Europe he came rushing back to their table, swearing softly and apologising for having been such a time. There was a gleam in his eyes that was more than just boyish enthusiasm. For the first time that day, Ant experienced a moment's trepidation.


Lille was a hive of humanity. Their train south was not scheduled to leave for nearly two hours so Ant allowed himself to be talked into a little excursion. Outside on the plaza beyond the station buildings there was a skateboard tournament in full swing. Rayne draped himself over the railings to watch the kids with their hand-painted boards executing life-threatening manoeuvres on the precipitous ramps that had been erected in the square between the station and the city. Bent forward, with his shirt and t-shirt riding up to his ribs and his pert, denim clad bottom swaying back and forth to some tune only he could hear he seemed to be begging for a fuck. His companion did not miss the appreciative glances his backside got from many of the men who passed them by.

Ant watched him possessively, determined not to let him out of sight for a moment. When the boy appeared to grow bored with the aerobatics down below he laid a commanding hand on his young lover's arm and whispered; "What you say we book a room in that hotel across the Plaza for an hour?"

"You've got a one track mind," Rayne pointed out with a little sigh.

"That's because you've got a gorgeous, sexy body and I can't keep my hands off it," Ant promised him. "Besides, if we don't get a room, I'm gonna have to find somewhere nice and quiet for you to give me a blow-job. My cock's so hard it's gonna burst my zipper wide open pretty soon."

They walked back through the station and dropped their bags at Left Luggage before exploring the bustling streets. The shopping mall was a non-starter. There was not a quiet corner to be found. Ant suggested finding a boutique with a changing cubicle but Rayne got the giggles once they were inside, pretending to find things to try on. The assistant began to glare at them and they beat a hasty retreat.

On one of the streets leading away from the station they passed a tall, white stone church whose doors stood open revealing a flash of dark, shadowy aisles and the occasional glimmer of stained glass angels. Ant was already walking by but Rayne caught his hand and towed him back towards the doorway.

"What are you doing?" he hissed, shaking his head at once.

"I thought you were horny!" Rayne's luminous green eyes glittered a challenge. "I'll bet it's quiet. Come on, we can check it out at least."

Ant tried to resist but his young lover was already in the doorway, then the darkness swallowed him and he had no choice but to follow. Within the portal the air was cool and resonant with wax polish and incense. It was the scent of old stones and altars that took him back to his childhood and the chapel at school. There was not a soul to be seen apart from Rayne, who was standing in the middle of the nave, in a pool of coloured light from one of the intricate windows, his head thrown back and his pale face lifted to the high, vaulted ceiling.

"Wow!" he breathed as Ant joined him. "This is..."

He did not finish the sentence but held out his hands, palms upward in a gesture that was almost beatific. For a moment he was a beautiful, dark angel, poised in the midst of all this sacred architecture. Then his head tilted and he flashed a wicked grin at his companion, a devil once more.

"Were you an altar boy?"

"I... er..." Ant cast a wary glance around him then shook his head. "I was in the choir."

"Did the Choirmaster ever try to cop a feel? You hear about stuff like that." Rayne came back towards him, balancing on his toes, lifting his face up to Ant's for a kiss. His mouth felt deliciously warm against Ant's own lips. He pulled away all too quickly, towing the older man in his wake. "Was it an all boys' school?"

"Yeah," Ant whispered, his lips still tingling from the kiss. He was throbbing at the memories of furtive schoolboy circle jerks after lights out and mutual masturbation under the bedclothes with his closest friend.

"Thought so," Rayne said mysteriously.

"Why?" Ant tried to slow him down as they climbed up to the choir stalls beyond the pulpit.

"You just seem like a public school boy, that's all." Those huge green eyes looked back at him, daring him to comment, then Rayne was ducking down between the tall, carved rows of pews. Ant crouched beside him, his mouth dry and his heart pounding whilst Rayne knelt as if he was about to pray and reached for his fly. His eyes scanned the aisles below through carved vents in the screen as the boy's soft, warm hands freed his throbbing cock from his pants, then Rayne bent his head in supplication and his breath was a quick whisper of sultry air in Ant's crotch, driving all further questions out of his head.

Ant moved down onto one knee, resting his hands quickly on Rayne's dark head as he felt the lad's lips and tongue begin to stroke and suck on his throbbing penis. He was trembling with combined anticipation and anxiety as he gave the boy this unholy communion; the swollen head of his massive host thrusting urgently in Rayne's willing mouth. He felt a glob of pre-cum ooze from the eye of his tool, then another and his balls clenched fiercely. The boy's throat tightened around the head of his cock as he swallowed a mixture of spunk and saliva then Ant was pushing his head down and pressing his aching boner deep into his lover's gullet as he pumped it full of hot cum. Quivers of satisfaction ran from his loins to his fingertips as the youngster's lips parted and he tried to gasp for breath with his mouth still full of cock-meat. His slim body was vibrating and as Ant leaned back and pulled part of the way out of his mouth he was able to see that Rayne had one hand in his own pants and was stroking himself furiously.

"You horny little bitch," he exhaled delightedly.

Rayne said nothing, only looped one arm around Ant's neck and kissed him hard on the mouth. Ant could still taste the saltiness of his semen on the boy's lips and tongue. He groped for Rayne's erection and rubbed it urgently for him until the slut began to gasp and protest under his breath. Just before he was sure the boy was going to explode in his hand, Ant ducked beneath the back of the pew and took Rayne's throbbing glans in his mouth, gobbling down the delicious flood of cum that was released as soon as his lips touched Rayne's cock.

The beautiful boy knelt bolt upright and shuddered violently as he reached orgasm. He uttered a long, low groan through clenched teeth, his eyes closed tightly, head flung back. His fingers gripped and released Ant's shoulders for a little while until the older man rose and kissed his exposed neck and throat gratefully.

"You are so delicious," he whispered in reverent tones.

Rayne's eyes glittered like jewels as they opened wide and he stared into the darkness overhead. In a voice no louder than a breath he asked; "Am I evil?"

"That was nothing," Ant promised, his lips close to his lover's ear. "Now, if you'd sunk down on the altar, begged me to strip you naked and fuck your gorgeous arsehole 'til you screamed..."

Rayne looked him in the eye, a definite wicked gleam there. When Ant stopped, the boy snaked around him and kissed him long and hard on the mouth.

"Fuck me in the confession box," he whispered into his lover's mouth.

"It's not a Catholic Church. Only good Catholics make confession," Ant apologised wishing they'd taken the time to find a suitable house of God. He contemplated laying Rayne down on the floor behind the altar and fucking him anyway but his companion settled the matter by rising and fastening his fly then wandering off through the still, sanctified gloom like a fallen angel surveying something he could never touch. He looked beautiful and sad, Ant thought, watching him go, perplexed by his ephemeral moods.


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bisexualsmokerbisexualsmokeralmost 16 years ago
Interesting spin

An interesting spin to the story.Too bad we couldn't all just do that.Just fuck off and disappear to France.

I wonder if this Johny maniac will still find them.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

i love the description of the sex scenes, and the story is cool too

although last time i looked kids who were drugged up to the eyeballs with smack had no interest in sex.

slight inconsistency there.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
nice to have

a little more 'upbeat' nature to this story. I almost gave up on it due to the dark nature

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