A Bride and Cheat by Rita


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We had dinner, then I took her home.

My dad was waiting for me at home.

I asked if it would be possible to take Sheetal to New York with me.

"Well, I think it's possible but it is not a good idea," he said.

"Dad, I think she can help me a lot, I could really use her help," I said.

"But I think there are enough people to support you there, Rita," he told me.

"Who can help with me with English?" I asked.

"Mr. Jade," he said.

"But dad you know, kind of girl I am, how can it be a man?" I said, pleading.

"Don't you worry. If you feel uncomfortable, just tell me and I will find someone else," he said.

"Oh, thanks dad, you are really the world's best dad," I told him with a big smile.

I went upstairs to my room and the maid brought me fresh apple juice. I drank it and was so tired I fell asleep dressed.

The next day my employees arranged a party for me. We had a good time, but I couldn't find Sheetal anywhere.

The day I was leaving, I tried her cell phone but it was off. I really missed Sheetal.

At the airport, I saw her.

I was angry and told her so, but then I said goodbye, but tears came to my eyes.

"I will come back Sheetal, I will," I told her.

"Please, Rita, don't forget me, you are the only person I love."

I had nothing to say, we had one last kiss and one nice smile from her and I was gone.

During the long flight, I wondered whether Sheetal really loved me.

I couldn't understand Sheetal.

I thought I am not the kind of girl to settle down with one girl, I am always looking for someone new to have an affair with. I love to fuck new girls all the time.

If she really loves me what can I do for her?

Does Sheetal want me forever, or just one time in bed? I needed to know.

In New York, we did chat online and her first question was when I was coming back.

I said soon.

She asked if I had found any girls and I said I hadn't yet. I could see on the web camera she was starting to cry.

"Why are you crying Sheetal?" I asked.

"I need to suck and eat that cum I have been eating from last couple of months," she whimpered. "Do you really miss me?"

"Yes, I really miss you."

Suddenly she clicked off line. I left an off line message that I will wait for her on weekend but she didn't come on line. I am already confused now I am in doubt, does she really loves me or she is just playing with me? If she loves me why she didn't come on to chat? Finally, I thought maybe she really does love me and that is why she did not come on line.

I needed a break from all of this, so I went out, got my car and took a drive. A while later, as I was heading back to my apartment, I saw a young girl signaling for a ride.

I was in a strange city, and I was worried she could be a kidnapper or something but I stopped a ways away and suddenly she rushed toward me.

She seems strange to me and I was having trouble understanding her English.

She smiled and without my permission, she got into the car. I told her I was heading to a particular street and she smiled and said that was OK.

But I asked here where she was heading.

"To your house," she said.

"My house?" I asked incredulously.

"Yes you want just a massage or do you more," she said with a smile.

Oh then I understood, she was a hooker.

"No I don't need anything just get lost," I said sharply.

She looks at me strangely and got out of the car.

I did think about her and maybe it would have been fun, but then she was a call girl and I figure I did the right thing.

But I do want to get laid, I am horny.

I woke up near noon, got some coffee and started checking e-mail. There was one from Sheetal, which I quickly opened.

She told me about her routine work, and how she thinking of me with both joy and sorrow. She told me why she could not come on line the last time. She attached some of photos of herself.

That was really sweet I kissed one of her pictures, and responded about daily routine here in New York City. After coffee and e-mails I decided to go for massage. But I kept thinking about Sheetal.

What the hell am I doing thinking about this girls all the time when she is just my employee and we were together only a couple of times. But that one line kept coming back to me.

"I really love you don't forget me."

I had heard that before, usually when we were in lust in bed. Sheetal is the first to say it not in the throes of fucking.

I needed to get away, to stop thinking about her.

I cancelled my massage appointment and wandered out onto the busy New York streets. I was gazing at the Statue of Liberty, thinking I needed a girl to help me forget about Sheetal.

I saw girl. She was wearing a business suit, with some cleavage showing. I imagined her wearing a red strapless silky, lacy bra and matching panties. She was wearing black leather knee-boots with the pant legs over them. She had on a gold bracelet.

"Hello, I am Rita," I said to this girl.

"Hello, I'm Mickey."

She was beautiful, with a voluptuous body.

I pulled out a scrap of paper from my pocket and asked her to guide me to the address written on it.

She looked at me and asked if I were new to the city.

"Yes," I said. "It is the address for my apartment, but I am lost."

"Actually I am going on that direction, so I can drop you," she said, signaling for a taxi.

"Oh really thank you Mickey, but I have my car parked here."

"Oh, I didn't think you would have a car in New York," she said.

We start talking and she told me about herself, that she is working in office nearby here as an assistant, about her family and her education. We were standing in the parking lot for almost 10 minutes while I scanned her gorgeous body.

She asked about me.

I told about myself my business and why I was here in the United States.

But since I am not good speaking in English, she had trouble understanding me. But my problem is with my language and she couldn't understand much that I was saying. But, soon we were beginning to understand each other.

I asked her if she could join me for lunch and she accepted with a big smile. Later, after lunch, she offered to show me the sights of Manhattan.

It was midnight when I asked her if she had to be somewhere. No, she said and I smiled. We had dinner then and then I asked her to come to my apartment for drinks and to spend the night with me.

She accepted.

My apartment was small, but was luxurious befitting my position as the owner of an Indian company. It had a quality double bed in my room and an attached bathroom. In the living room there was a standard sofa and two loveseats, a large color television (with DVD, of course!) and a state-of-the-art kitchen.

We settled on the couch and I gave Mickey some champagne.

First it was light conversation, and then it became more and more erotic. I told her frankly I was a lesbian.

"I am, too, Rita, and I want to spend time with you," she said.

I thought we should just enjoy the wine and talk, but I was really horny. It had been three weeks since I had sex with Sheetal.

So I started running my fingers over her soft legs and hips then touched her breasts. They were soft and silky smooth, and their weight felt so good in my hands.

She reached into her bag and took out some massage lotion.

"I think you need a massage for your tense body," she said with a grin.

We went into the bedroom and she told me to take off my dress. I stripped naked.

I was lying naked in front of her with just a towel covering my pussy. I watched through the mirror in front of me as she arranged lotion and powder from her bag and placed on small table next to bed. I smiled at her.

"You had all the necessary things with you. It's unbelievable," I said.

I watched her in the mirror. Soon, I thought, this beautiful girl is going to be giving me a massage.

"Would you like oil or powder to start with?" she asked.

"Powder," I said.

I love powder on my body. How will it be when this girl does it to me? I felt her shake powder on my shoulders, then her hands began rub and massage my naked body, her hands working magic.

"Are you cold?" she asked.

"No," I said, "Just nervous because it's first time with a foreigner."

"No reason for that," she said. "I am going to make you forget all about being nervous."

Her hands continued gently massaging my back. I began to relax. She knew what she was doing. She was giving me chills, as I watched her hair falling down and brushing my shoulders to the middle of my back.

"Do you give a lot of women massages or I am first one?" I asked.

"Oh, no, beautiful, you aren't the first," she said. "But you are the prettiest."

"I was watching you in the mirror and thinking how beautiful you are," I told her.

"I knew I wanted you when first I saw you," she said. "I think I got wet when I walked towards you. When another woman has a certain look in her eyes, it's a dead giveaway isn't it?"

"Yes it is," I said. I put my head down on the pillow. She began again with her powder massage. Her hands started above my hips and gently worked their way down to the towel. Without asking, she removed the towel and trailed her hands down toward my hips.

Then the hands moved abruptly down to my legs. I silently wished she would come back up to my hips. Then she trailed her nails on the insides of my thighs and without thinking I lifted my hips and opened my legs giving her a good view of me.

But she moved on to my calves, then my feet. Suddenly she had my toes in her mouth. She licked between each toe, slowly sucking.

A few moments later she leaned over so that her lips were lightly touching my ear. She gently let her tongue enter my ear and then she tenderly let her breath brush my ear.

She went down once again began massaging my feet and legs.

"Well, you can't suck your own toes. But guess what? I can suck them all night if you want."

I closed my eyes.

"Now, it's time for the rest of the trip," she whispered. "Turn over."

But when she placed her lips our mine and kissed my lips I felt something was wrong, should I play with her? Should I cheat Sheetal?

Tears came to my eyes. When she saw me crying, she asked if everything was all right.

I told her there was something but it was not she. She picked up right away and asked me if I am in love.

I said I didn't know but, yes, there is someone and it is disturbing me.

She stopped and sat close to me on the bed.

"Who is this beautiful girl?" she asked.

I told her everything about Sheetal.

Suddenly she starts thinking about someone, a moment latter she asked me if it is OK to stay, that she would do nothing without my permission.

"I felt the power of love once," she said "I was also in love but could never trust someone so soon.

We talked all night and when we talked about Sheetal my eyes became wet and I only think about Sheetal.

Early the next morning she left my apartment without a word while I was sleeping. We never met again.

A few days later, I called my dad to ask him if it is possible for Sheetal to come?

After lots of questions from dad and my answers, he agreed to send Sheetal to be with me for few weeks, but only if I would work hard in New York and stay until he called me back. I agreed.

A week later I received an e-mail from my Mumbai office, which had Sheetal's arrival details. I was ecstatic. Minutes felt like hours, days like weeks. I thought time had stopped, but finally she arrived.

After a few days I asked Sheetal about her feelings for me. She told me she wanted to spend her whole life with me.

"Sheetal, have you ever touch any other women beside me?" I asked her.

"No I've never touched another woman. Only you. I don't know anything about being a lesbian or how they have sex or how to find out anything about it, but I have had fantasies for years so that's why I started with you.

"When I was about nine, my best friend and I were messing around under the covers one night when we had a sleepover and we practiced kissing so we would know how to kiss a boy. It was the most amazing thing I've ever felt but I carried guilt for many years from that tiny act," she said.

"Around the age of 11 or 12, I decided that I wanted to be the "World's Greatest Lover" so I could keep my man someday. I wanted to fully satisfy him so he would never have reason to run around on me. I snuck a book out of my parent's library on how to have an orgasm and I started practicing. I would take a bath by candlelight with sweet smelling bath oils and then I would get in bed and rub lotion all over me and begin rubbing my clit.

"It took me over a year to have my first orgasm and even then it would take up to 45 minutes," she said. "I finally figured out that I could come much quicker if I thought of a woman and her breasts while touching my own. It made me feel dirty because I knew sex with another woman was wrong but it was the only way I could come. Thinking about a man just wouldn't do it for me. I have this fantasy of meeting a beautiful, feminine woman like you."

I told her that was all I needed to know.

It was for me like a dream come true, to spend my life with a beautiful woman. I still love her today, but you will see that what she did to me will keep me from ever falling in love with one person again. I try to forget her now and I spend nights with other girls but I'll never fall in love again, because with one person life never ends.

But back to story.

We spent almost all the time together even seconds of our life for the next month or so. Sheetal had a six-month visa but she had to live there with me for a couple of weeks but I got dad to agree she could stay with me as long as I wanted.

We spent nights together. We traveled together, we worked and ate together. We slept and bathed together. We agreed that we were in love and we thought how sweet life was with just the two of us, no third person between us.

It was Sheetal who asked that we stay together, so we decided to have a married life. We did shopping separately for each other, she bought a beautiful white bridal dress with lingerie, and a ring for me.

I remember a Saturday evening when we both ready to accept each other for life.

I bought cream colored bridal dress for Sheetal in cream color.

We both wore dresses as we both are brides. She presented me gold ring and I presented her flower bouquet and golden ring. We both prayed, we promised each other to spend our whole life together. She caught these beautiful movements on her phone camera.

I will never forget those beautiful movements but whenever I remember those things, tears flow even now, but its life we have to accept.

So after this we cut a cake and I fed Sheetal and she fed me. Then we had lots of champagne.

Then we went to our bed as a married couple.

Hands in hand, we went into bedroom that I had beautifully decorated with roses and other colorful things. The bed was covered in red, white, pink flowers. The pink colored couch was the same color as the walls. There were matching bed sheets and pillows.

Sheetal was really surprised when she saw bed of roses waiting for us, especially when she looked around she told me she thought that she was in heaven.

She was very surprised with the many-colored candles instead of regular lights.

We sat on the bed next to each other and she took my hands into hers, with hers over mine. Her fingers started tricks with my hands as we talked. I moved in and watched as her lips come closer, then felt the soft moist touch of her lips. All the air was sucked out of us the moment our lips connected. I loved teasing her on her sensitive bare lips.

"You are looking so beautiful Sheetal," I said, touching her. She gently pulled my hands away and pulled down the top of her dress, exposing her lovely, natural breasts -- neither of us had on lingerie.

I bit my bottom lip as she pulled my hands back up, placing them back onto her breasts. I gently rolled her hard breasts in my hands, feeling them and then slowly rubbing my thumbs around her beautiful dark small nipples.

Her soft, sensual hands slid up my thighs and up to my hips.

This time I pushed her hands away and stood up, pulling off my upper dress. Now my big boobs were visible to her and she touched my breasts and began squeezing them, pinching my nipples in her hands. She started kissing my soft, sweet lips so I kissed her back. Soon we started sucking each other lips and tongues and she pulled me on back onto the bed. I closed my eyes and laid back on the bed while sucking her beautiful soft lips. She asked me to look into my eyes. I did what she wanted. She started looking directly in my eyes and I kissed her again.

We got up and stood in the middle of the room looking in each other's eyes, she stared into my eyes and I stared into her eyes. Shyly, she moved closer and gave me a gentle kiss on the lips. I returned the kiss and soon we were deeply kissing, entwining our tongues and exploring each other's mouths, tasting her and she tasting me, tongues embedded mouths.

I pushed her onto the bed and leaning down Sheetal gave each of my hard nipples a gentle kiss. Stepping out of my skirt, I let Sheetal lead me to the bed. She rubbed one of my tits, lowering her mouth to bite the nipple gingerly.

Ours mouths met again, and we deeply had another passionate kiss. My hands moved down her back and found her smooth, bare ass and gave it a firm squeeze. We both moaned.

She kissed my lips then chin, slowly moving down her body. I felt her warm lips on my chest, then felt her tongue as it licked my erect nipples. She trailed her kisses down my soft stomach. I felt Sheetal's body tighten as she dipped her tongue into my naval. With eyes closed and anticipation building inside of me I felt Sheetal move her hand gently over my quivering bare pussy.

Moans escaped from my mouth and my body arched as Sheetal tongue dipped inside the wet pussy. I could feel her inside me as she increased her love making. Then finally with one last plunge of her tongue I felt her cum. She relaxed her body as she licked the flowing juices from my pussy.

Sheetal moved up and laid next to me turning her face to me and smiled as I kissed her. I brought my hand up to her face and traced her red lips. I sucked them into my mouth and held them softly. I cupped her breast and covered her erect nipple with my mouth and nibbled first the left one then the right. I pulled my fingers gently from her mouth and slowly moved them down between her breasts down her stomach, and brought them to the damp opening between her legs.

With my gentle push my fingers found their way inside Sheetal's wet pussy and it was much tighter then I was imagining. Sheetal's breathing got heavy as my movement increased inside her. I felt the contracting lips around my fingers as Sheetal neared her climax. With a gentler stroke I felt my lover's cum flow onto my hand. Taking my hand away from Sheetal's pussy I put one finger in my mouth and tasted the juices. I placed the other finger in her mouth, allowing her a taste as well.

After a short rest, I faced her, both lying naked on the bed, and asked her if she liked what we were doing.

"Yes, I like you near me, yes I like it very much," she said.

She kissed my chin, and I kissed her soft wet lips.

I got up from bed going middle of the room and took off the cloth covering the table.

I had a special gift is waiting for Sheetal.

"It's for both of us," I said.

It was like a huge rocking horse with two 8-inch dildos each end.

I reached back towards Sheetal and took her hand into mine and, on very wobbly legs we both got in our feet and gingerly made our way across the room until we were standing next to the imposing object.

"How do we take these big ones?"