A Bridge Between Worlds Ch. 07


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"Ardashir, how do we combat this power?" Farzan asked.

"Do not forget, gentlemen. She is drawing on magic foreign to her, but she is still a genie. That is the weak point we shall strike at!" Ardashir replied.

Taking his shield in one hand, Ardashir immediately charged her position, blocking several smaller fireballs as he approached. He then leapt high into the air, landing his shield on the ground beneath him as he descended, which shook the ground around Persephone dramatically, creating fractures and faults all around her. As the ground collapsed, her feet began to become stuck in the rubble now forming around her.

"Gah!" she screamed in frustration. "A pathetic attempt, old man!" Extending a black, flaming whip from her hand, Persephone lashed out at Ardashir. He managed to block the direct hit with his shield, but still took the full force of the blow, flying back against the wall of the chamber.

"We are just getting started!" King Salim shouted. As Persephone tried to dig her feet out of the ground, he leapt into the fray and immediately fired an intense blast of flame at her feet, beginning to melt the ground around her. Kings Farzan and Nadir then joined in, firing cooling blasts of water and wind that immediately began to harden the molten rock, trying to hold her in place. Seeing what they were doing, Persephone immediately spun her body around like a tornado, managing to free herself before the four men could attack her.

Even after freeing herself, Persephone knew the four kings now surrounded her. Attempting to drive them back, she summoned four tentacle-like shadows around her, each of which began to attack one of her assailants. Farzan hacked away with his scimitar, attempting to freeze his tentacle. Nadir used the wind to his advantage, deftly jumping all around to avoid the shadowy object while countering with his staff at every opportunity. Salim showed off his amazing fighting prowess with a furious assault from his flaming spear, forcing Persephone to concentrate her efforts on defending against him. Ardashir, despite his old age, easily managed to keep his tentacle at bay with his shield, forming a perfect defense against any attempted assault.

Soon, however, Persephone found holes in their defenses. Farzan found his wrist caught by the tentacle, causing his sword to clatter to the ground. Nadir was eventually snagged in midair by his ankles, and no amount of bashing on the shadowy arm with his staff loosened its grip. Though Salim's offensive was nearly impossible to defend against, Persephone snuck the tentacle attacking Ardashir over to Salim, grabbing him by the waist from behind. Seeing his comrades captured, Ardashir immediately charged for Persephone. The final tentacle attempted to grab him, but the wily old man evaded it's grasp and managed to slam his shield onto the root of the appendage, causing it to disappear in a puff of black smoke. Before Persephone could summon up another tentacle, Ardashir pulled out his trump card: a glowing chain and shackle. Throwing it at her arm, the clasp wrapped itself around Persephone's wrist.

"Ah!" she cried out in surprise and pain. "What... sorcery... is this?"

In her lapse of concentration, King Nadir managed to break free. He quickly produced another chain and shackle, attaching it to Persephone's other wrist. After another yelp of pain, Farzan was free to shackle her by the feet. Finally, Salim broke loose and bound Persephone to the final chain, the shackle latched tightly around her neck.

"These chains are specifically crafted to quell rebellious genies," Ardashir explained as Persephone struggled. "Though you are drawing on magic foreign to yourself, you are still a genie at heart. Nothing you are capable of will be able to remove these chains from you. They now bind your power, rendering you incapable of channeling magic of any kind."

"Sadistic... bastards!" she seethed, trying in vain to break free.

Salim stepped forward, staring Persephone straight in the eyes. "Persephone, as King Jinn of the Fire Tribe, I hereby find you guilty of treason against your tribe, the Council of Four, and all Jinn and Genies the world over. You are unworthy of the magic you have been blessed with. I now take from you your power, your title, your rights, and your freedom!"

Placing his hand in front of her forehead, a trail red of energy seeped from Persephone and into Salim's hand. Persephone watched in horror, feeling her powers being sapped from her, becoming weaker by the second. In desperation, she cried out for Edward.

Master... please... help me...

Sorry, love. Looks like they won this round... for now.

Please... don't leave me.

Can't do it. I'm in a precarious position. If I leave now, the entire plan could fall apart. You understand.

Very well... Master...

As the last of her power was drained from her, Persephone slumped down to her knees on the floor, exhausted of all energy. The four King Jinn surrounded her, securing her tightly in the chains before warping her back to the Palace of the Water Jinn.


"Easy, easy there, Selena," Melody said, helping her friend sit at the edge of the pool. Lowering her foot into the cool water, she asked, "How's that feel?"

"Not... awful," Selena managed to say. She had been in nearly constant pain since Persephone's attack on her. "I'm such a fool... should never have let my guard down."

"The important thing is that you're alive," Melody said reassuringly.

As Melody cleaned Selena's foot, she could see that it was not healing quickly, as would normally happen in these waters. The black hole still appeared to sear with heat, even while underwater. Still, Selena's pain seemed to be receding; Melody took comfort in that, at least.

"So... when is Mike coming back?" Selena asked.

"Don't know. All I know is he's part of the ultimate contingency plan to stop Edward before he reaches full power. Beyond that, I have no clue what he and Jesus are up to," Melody replied.

As the two women conversed, they suddenly felt a surge of enormous power in the center of the courtyard. The wind began to swirl, kicking up a small cloud of dust with it. Soon, a brilliant light flashed within the cloud, bringing with it five figures, obscured by the dust. As all grew calm once more, Melody and Selena were amazed to see the four King Jinn alive and well, bringing Persephone along by several chains.

"Holy shit... they did it," Melody marveled.

"You sound surprised," Selena said with a giggle. "They are not called King Jinn for nothing, after all."

"Lock her in the east tower. We will deal with her in the morning," Farzan said to a guard, handing Persephone over to him. As she was taken away, he made his way over to the pool where the two women sat. "Selena, are you alright?"

"I will be," she replied softly. "The pain is mostly gone."

"She's trying to be tough," Melody said. "I think the wound is worse than she wants to admit."

Inspecting her foot, Farzan said, "I agree. Come with me, Selena. The water in my personal chambers is far more concentrated. It is the source of all the water in this palace, after all."

"Your Highness, that is extremely kind of you, but quite unnecessa-"

"I insist," Farzan said, interrupting Selena. "You were exceedingly brave today. This is the least I can do for you."

Helping Selena up, Melody said, "Rest up, girlfriend. You've earned it."

"Thank you, Melody."

Melody watched as Selena took Farzan's arm and made their way to the central tower. After they had left, she walked over to the remaining three King Jinn, conversing near a fountain.

"My dear, you never cease to amaze me," Salim said with a grin to Melody.

"Thank you," she replied with a giggle. "I've got to know how you managed to subdue Persephone."

Ardashir began to explain, "Millennia ago, during our war with the sorcerers, we were forced to develop a means to combat those genies who had gone along with the sorcerers, assisting them in their efforts against us. Thus, we crafted the chains that Persephone now wears. They are specifically tuned to the magical resonance that all Jinn and Genies give off, suppressing their magic and strength when worn. It was... not an easy decision to craft such a tool, but it was necessary for the protection of our people. We try to avoid using them except in the direst of circumstances. Persephone is clearly one such circumstance."

"I don't understand," Melody said. "How could those chains have any impact on the magic she was drawing from Edward?"

Nadir replied, "The reason she is able to draw such power from Edward is due to the nature of their relationship, one of master and servant. However, no matter what foreign magic she draws upon, her soul is still that of a genie, just as yours, Melody, is that of a human. Nothing can change that. When we bound her with the chains, her genie powers were suppressed, taking away her ability to draw power from her master."

"Impressive," Melody mused, watching the guards escort Persephone to her prison cell.

"Do you think Edward would come after her?" Salim asked.

Thinking for a few moments, Melody replied, "I suppose it's possible, but if he saw her as that vital to whatever he's planning, Edward would have shown up during your fight with her. If Persephone being captured were an unacceptable outcome to that battle, he would have prevented it from happening. This leads me to believe that Edward likely has bigger fish to fry at this point. Still, I'd recommend everyone remaining on high alert at all times."

Seeing that the night was beginning to grow dark, the group went their separate ways, deciding to retire for the night.


"Very good, Selena, you're walking much better," Farzan said gently.

"Well, I've had worse," she replied smugly.

"Haha! That you have!" Leading her into the bathing area of his quarters, Farzan took her hand gently and helped her to sit at the water's edge, dangling her feet into the pool. "How does this feel?"

"Mmm... very nice. Thank you, your Highness."

"Selena, as I've told you previously, you may call me Farzan. Especially since it is just the two of us."

"Of course," she said quietly.

As she relaxed, Selena began to remove her armor, which was still strapped tightly to her body after her battle with Persephone. Melody had already removed the lower half, allowing them to start treating her wound, but the remaining pieces were feeling very constraining in that moment. Selena knew well that she could make it magically disappear, but for some reason unknown to her, she felt the need to remove it by hand. After peeling off the gauntlets one at a time, she reached behind her and untied the laces to her chest plate, tossing the pieces in a pile in the corner.

Meanwhile, Farzan turned his attention to her wounded foot. Though he certainly took notice of her beautifully toned body as she removed her armor, his primary concern at this point was for her health. Running his finger gently on the wound, it seemed now to be healing up nicely, as it no longer gave off the searing heat Melody had described. The black cauterization was also receding, slowly giving way to her natural flesh once more.

"It seems the water is doing its job," he said.

"Indeed. Thank you for allowing me to use your reservoir. You are... exceedingly kind," Selena replied.

Sighing, Farzan sat up and looked her in the eyes. "Selena, this has shown me the true meaning behind the events of today. I... I feel a fool. I could easily have been sending you to your death today, yet I had neither the instinct or forethought to realize as such before now."

"I am fine, Farzan. Besides, even if I weren't, the stakes are high enough that Melody and I had to intervene."

"You are correct," he replied, nodding. "However... when I felt Melody's cry for help, there was a wave of pure dread that washed over me. I began to fear that you would not make it out alive, that the worst was about to happen to you. Such fear causes me, or any man for that matter, to ponder the things he has not said, yet wishes he might have said."

Studying his serious face for a few moments, Selena asked, "What you have not said? Farzan, what are you talking about?"

His mind raced, his palms became sweaty. Farzan knew there was no going back if he said what he was about to say. Yet, despite every logical excuse and reason not to move forward, his genuine reaction to Selena being in danger told him everything he needed to know. This was something that had to be done.

"Selena... I love you."

She only sat in silence, her mouth silently open in disbelief.

"I have loved you... for so long," Farzan continued. "Yet, I feared telling you would harm the relationship we have always shared as confidants. I want you to know, Selena, that I do not say this as your King, but as your friend, and someone who cares deeply for you and your wellbeing."

Working to process what he was saying, Selena swallowed hard, barely managing to ask, "How long?"

"Since the night Melody's mother died," he answered. "That night, something changed in you. You had been depressed for so long following the death of Ahmad, but helping Maya that night rekindled the fire in your soul. Seeing your determination to fulfill her wish and your new outlook on life... I finally saw you as I see you now: as the most beautiful and amazing woman I have ever known."

"Farzan..." she whispered.

"You needn't say anything," he said. "I realize that I am giving you much information to comprehend. I will gladly allow you your privacy to contemplate these matters."

As he started to stand up, Selena gently held his wrist. "Don't go. Please, stay with me. Your presence is soothing."

Nodding, he sat back on the floor of the poolside, facing Selena.

"Farzan, I honestly do not know what I feel at this moment," Selena began. "You know, just as well as I do, that Ahmad was, and will always be, my only truly beloved. Still, I would be lying to us both if I said that I have never found you attractive."

This last comment helped break the tension as they laughed.

"In those moments that I have been attracted to you, however, it is not your looks or your strength that I have admired, but your heart, your courage, and your wisdom," she continued. "You are the greatest leader our people could ever want."

"I do the best that I can, but still, I am not perfect," Farzan admitted.

"No one is. But you learn from every decision you make, constantly becoming a better leader for our people."

"Still, I feel that our people deserve more."

"What do you mean?" Selena asked.

Taking a deep breath, he explained, "The world we live in is rapidly changing, and perhaps more so than we could have ever anticipated with what we've learned and experienced today. With so many changes happening around us, our people must know that the future of the Water Jinn will be a bright one. They must see the unwavering, courageous leadership that they so deserve. Selena, if I had one wish... I would wish for you to be my queen, to help lead our people as my partner. Not only because I love you, but also because of your incredible dedication and determination. The way you devoted yourself to fulfilling Maya's dying wish, scouring the globe and never settling for any master that was not perfect for her daughter, it is truly an inspiration. Such a person would make a wonderful ruler, I believe."

Selena could scarcely believe any of this. The most powerful and desirable Jinn in the land had professed his love for her, but moreover, he wanted to entrust her with the future of their people. Still, her mind was torn. She trusted Farzan and his judgment, so she was not afraid of being a leader. Her inner conflict came from her still burning love for Ahmad. He was her soul mate; she could never love anyone more than she did him. If that was true, how could she enter into a relationship with Farzan? It simply wouldn't be fair to him. She might grow to love him, but she would always subconsciously compare him to Ahmad. He did not deserve that.

Suddenly, her mind remembered a conversation she had had with Emir, Ahmad's most trusted lieutenant. He had delivered the news of his demise to her personally, and was the first to console her as she broke down crying. When she had had asked him if Ahmad had said anything before they parted, Emir replied that Ahmad had instructed him to find Selena and deliver a message to her: Ahmad wanted her to find love again in the arms of a man worthy of her affections. She deserved to be happy, even in Ahmad's passing. As she pondered all of this, she began to see what Ahmad was saying. He did not want her to compare every other man to Ahmad, as he knew that nobody could ever rise to his level in Selena's mind. However, that did not mean that they could not be worthy of her love and affections. If any individual was worthy, surely Farzan was such a man.

"Farzan... I know that I have been rather distant at times in our relationship. Yet, you never gave up on me. I thank you for that. As much as I still love my dear Ahmad, I know that this is what he would want. I am so sorry that it has taken me thousands of years to realize this. I have been foolish at times in my life, but I would be the greatest fool the world has ever known if I could not see what is plainly in front of my face." Taking his hand, Selena said softly, "If you would wish it, I am happy to grant your wish. If you will have me, I will be your queen."

A smile slowly spreading across his face, Farzan managed to ask, "You... you mean it?"

"With all my heart."

Seemingly to prove her words to be true, Selena gently cupped Farzan's face in her hands and tilted her head to one side, moving closer to him. Almost breathless, she finally met his lips with her own, kissing him softly and lovingly with every fiber of her being. Farzan returned her affections in kind, gently stroking her black, curly hair as he began to explore her supple lips. They were more wonderful than he had ever imagined, soft and moist with a hint of strawberry flavor. Soon, he began to slip his tongue between her lips, which immediately parted to allow him entry. For no less than half an hour, the pair explored each other, their tongues dancing together the entire time. Finally parting, they breathed heavily as the caught their breath.

"Wow..." Selena marveled.

"Indeed," Farzan agreed. Looking down into the pool of water, he gently raised her foot out. "It seems your wound has fully healed."

"That is a relief," she sighed. "It took longer than I thought it would."

Drying her with a towel, he commented, "I think that is a testament to the level of power we are dealing with in all of this. It is clearly not something to be underestimated."

"You're right. But, enough talk of work. There is time enough for that after a restful night's sleep," Selena said playfully.


With a mischievous look in his eye, Farzan immediately scooped Selena up in his arms, feeling her squirm and giggle all the while. When she playfully slapped his shoulder in mock indignation, he simply threw her over one shoulder, causing the sound of her belly laughs to fill the room. Carrying her through a curtain, they arrived in his bedchambers. The room was lavishly decorated with dark blue couches and cushions, all made with the softest of velvet imaginable. Small tables sat at the ends of these sofas, holding lamps and candles that flickered with just the perfect amount of light for intimacy. In the center of the room stood Farzan's bed, an enormous circular structure that was at least fifteen feet in diameter.