A Bridge Between Worlds Ch. 09


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Looking at the images of San Francisco, Edward could scarcely believe his eyes. The leaders of the street gang had turned on the lower members of their gang that were attempting to rape and pillage the citizens of the crumbling city. Young men who had always described themselves as gang-bangers suddenly began aiding people in trouble, freeing a shop owner trapped under a pile of rubble, helping a young mother pull her child out of a storm drain the boy had fallen into. Despite all his efforts, Edward watched as the worst situation imaginable brought out the best that humanity had to offer.

"How sweet... if only their efforts weren't futile," he hissed. "They are merely delaying the inevitable." Turning to his group of captives, Edward said, "I don't know what you hoped to accomplish by coming here today, but you must realize by now that your lives are over. Such foolishness... siding with a pathetic god that does not even claim you as one of his creations? Out of mercy, I offer a single chance to the five of you," he said to Selena and the Council of Four. "Pledge your allegiance to Lucifer and his will, and your lives will be spared. Refuse... and your execution shall commence."

The Jinn did not even need to confer. Speaking for them all, Selena replied, "Our allegiance is to all of humanity. Their safety and well-being has always been our primary concern. Your silver tongue cannot fool us; your evil intentions are clear. We would rather die than serve with a monster such as you."

Sighing in understanding, Edward simply said, "So be it."

With a wave of his hand, Edward separated Melody from the group, pulling her into a separate pillar of fire. "For you, my dear, I have something far worse than death in store. You shall bear witness to the coming of the mighty Lucifer, and will watch as all mankind declares him to be their lord and savior. As for your friends..."

Edward snapped his fingers once, causing the flaming pillar to slowly begin to close in around Selena and the Council. They clustered together in the center, trying to push back with every ounce of magic they could muster, but to no avail; the flames only grew hotter and hotter by the second. One-by-one, they fell to their knees, beginning to collapse from the sheer intensity of the heat.

"No... no..." Melody mewed, watching helplessly in horror as her friends began to be engulfed.

Tears began to stream down her cheek, but still she refused to look away; if her friends were to die, she would watch their final act of courage without fear or regret. As it seemed like their deaths were imminent, and the group had become little more than shadows within the flaming column, a loud crack of thunder boomed through the cavern, and a bolt of lightning struck from the hole leading to the surface. Every occupant of the cavern was momentarily blinded by the sheer brilliance of the lightning bolt. When she finally opened her eyes, Melody knew what her eyes saw, but could hardly manage to form the words from her lips.

"M... Mike?"

Smirking, he replied, "Who were you expecting? Superman?"

With his witticism, she knew full and well it was really her husband. "Mike! Selena is trapped in there, she needs your help!" she shouted, pointing to the flaming pillar. Instantly drawing his sword from his back, Mike ran directly for the pillar, beginning to charge his sword with an enormous amount of energy. As he began to approach, a shout came from the other side of the cavern.

"Not so fast!"

Edward tried to stop his momentum, erecting a flaming wall between Mike and pillar. Mike, however, was undeterred, and simply lowered his head, charging straight through the wall without even breaking a sweat. Arriving at the pillar, he swung his sword, firing off a disc of blue light that landed inside the base of the flames. The disc began to glow brilliantly before firing off a torrent of water straight upward, dousing the flames and freeing Selena and the Council. Mike quickly approached and extended his hand, helping a coughing Selena to her feet.

"You alright?" he asked.

"Took you... long enough..." she replied.

"Hey, I gotta make an entrance!"

Edward approached the group, laughing and applauding sarcastically. "Well done, well done indeed. A noble and valiant effort, to be sure. Not that it matters; there is nothing you can do to stop what I've set in motion."

Smiling right back at him, Mike replied, "We'll see about that."

From behind him, Farzan said, "We need a plan of attack. The Council may be able to contain that machine, if you can buy us some time with Edward. Selena, you must find Hiro and Kimiko. Get them to safety immediately."

"I will," she replied. "Please, be careful, my love."

"Of course," Farzan said, kissing her sweetly as they parted.

As Selena ran down a nearby passage to look for Hiro and Kimiko, Mike turned to Farzan with a sly look in his eye.

"My love?"

"Later," Farzan replied with a chuckle.


Hiro sat on the floor of the dark cage, his head hung low. He could feel the tremors being created by the machine he had helped to assemble, and knew innocent people were dying because of him. Thoughts of doubt and guilt began to creep into his mind. If only he'd anticipated better. If only he had been stronger and able to refuse Edward. If only...

"Hiro? Are you ok?" Kimiko said sweetly, sitting beside him on the ground.

Words escaped him; he could only shake his head no in reply.

Feeling his distress, Kimiko wrapped her arms around his neck and laid her head on his shoulder. "Hiro, you must not blame yourself. None of this is your fault."

"I helped him, Kimiko!" he exploded in anger and frustration. "I helped that bastard, and now people are dying because of me!"

Kimiko was undeterred. Placing her hand on his chin, she softly turned him to face her and asked, "Then why did you do what you did?"

Hiro trembled, replying, "Because... I love you. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I had let him harm you."

"And I love you. Master, you can do no wrong by me; you have made the right choice as far as I am concerned."

"I'm sure others would disagree with you..."

Sighing, Kimiko said, "There is nothing you can say that will make you believe me in this moment. Still, that does not change my feelings for you." As her face began to move closer to his, she continued, "You are my perfect man. I do not weep for what Edward forced you to do. I marvel at your resolve to ensure my safety above all. No matter what happens to us, nothing will cause me to love you any less than I always have."

Hiro was breathless at hearing her words of devotion. Gazing into her large brown eyes, he felt his guilt and shame begin to recede for the moment. Though Kimiko was dirty, naked, and her silky black hair in a tousled mess, she had never looked more beautiful in all his life. Overcome with emotion, tears began to stream down his face as he moved closer to her. After what seemed like an eternity, he met her lips with his own. Hiro savored their kiss more than he normally did, tasting the slight almond flavor of her supple lips. Kimiko returned his affections wholeheartedly, throwing her body into his to lay Hiro on his back.

Breaking from him momentarily, Kimiko said, "I'm sorry. I know you love my submissive nature, but in this moment, I find that I have never desired you more than I do right now. I simply must have you. I... I do not know what Edward plans to do to us. He may be on his way to finish us off right now. I just feel that I must show you, one final time, how much you mean to me."

Kimiko ran her hands down Hiro's chest, tracing the outline of the Japanese character on his t-shirt. Arriving at his jeans, she playfully kissed his belly button as she lowered the zipper. His erect, six-inch cock was immediately exposed, as Hiro had developed a habit of going commando since meeting Kimiko. After pulling his pants off of his legs, Kimiko brought him to full attention with a few gentle strokes, kissing his tip a couple of times for good measure. She slowly crawled her way up to straddle him, lying on his chest to bring them face-to-face. Hiro's cock began to twitch at feeling Kimiko's firm and perky B-cup breasts graze across his chest, her hard nipples poking him through his shirt.

Still pressing her chest firmly against his, Kimiko guided her sopping wet entrance to his cock, grinding against his length to get him lubricated. She soon sat up straight and held his cock straight up with one hand, positioning herself to take him into her. Hiro gently caressed her hips and breasts with his hands, savoring every moment of their time together. Her warm face, gorgeous breasts, soft skin, everything about her was perfect, right down to the small tuft of black hair marking the top of her pussy.

Hiro smiled widely as Kimiko slowly descended onto his cock, her exceptionally tight womanhood milking him for everything he was worth. She kept her pace moderate and steady at first, savoring every bit of him just as he did with her. Soon, however, their passions and emotions from the situation they found themselves in began to boil over. Hiro sat up straight and wrapped her tightly in his arms, exploring her stomach and breasts with his tongue as she continued to fuck him. Kimiko began to squeal with delight as he flicked her nipples in his mouth, her cries of ecstasy echoing through the cavern.

Kimiko continued sliding along his shaft, running her hands through Hiro's hair all the while. Cupping his face in her hands, she tilted his head up and kissed his lips deeply, probing his mouth with her tongue as they made love. He responded with a playful smack on her ass, eliciting a muffled yelp from Kimiko as they kissed.

"Oh! Oh yes, spank my ass, Master. You know I love that."

"You mean this?" Hiro asked with a grin, beginning to rhythmically slap her butt cheeks, alternating between each hand to keep her primed.

"Yes, yes! Just like that!"

Kimiko's movements soon became more labored and passionate. She pushed Hiro back down onto his back and began riding his cock at top speed, her magnificent breasts jiggling all the while. Hiro helped the process by grabbing her hips and thrusting upward as best as he was able, keeping time with her pace. Normally, he could go for hours at a time, but Hiro didn't want that today; he simply wanted to love her, to join with her for what could be the last time.

The couple soon felt their orgasms building, resulting in Kimiko shifting to quicker, shorter strokes, effectively jacking his cock off with her pussy. Hiro's eyes rolled back into his head at the sensation, knowing he would not be able to hold back for more than a few seconds. Still, he managed to keep his eyes open, not averting his gaze from Kimiko's for even a moment.

"I love you... Kimiko."

"I love you too," she replied with a smile. "Now, I think it is time you show me how much you love me. I know what you need, and what you need is to cum inside my tight little pussy."

Slipping past the point of no return, Hiro groaned, "If... you insist,"

Leaning forward while continuing her milking of his cock, she whispered into his ear, "I do insist."

That did it; Hiro could stand no more. With a guttural moan, his long-awaited orgasm erupted, spewing rope after rope of cum into Kimiko's awaiting pussy. She squealed and panted in bliss as her orgasm began, triggered by Hiro's explosion within her. The pair savored every second of their dual climax, their hands gripping each other intently as they rode out the last waves of pleasure. Finally, Kimiko collapsed, lying on Hiro's chest as she caught her breath. They said nothing, but simply smiled at each other, kissing lovingly and tenderly for quite some time.

Their bliss was soon interrupted by the sound of their cell door being kicked open. Instinctively, Hiro rolled Kimiko onto her back and attempted to shield her with his body, anticipating that Edward was there to finish them off. However, he was surprised to hear a sweet, feminine laugh behind him.

"How very romantic."

Turning, he saw that a tall, gorgeous woman with raven hair and mocha skin had joined them.

"Selena? Is that you?" Kimiko asked.

"Indeed it is. I know you two are having a moment, but if you are agreeable, I am actually here to rescue you," she said with a laugh.

"How did you get in? I thought Edward's cell was impenetrable," Hiro asked.

"Let us just say that Edward is a bit preoccupied right now, and has had to divert his power away from the two of you," Selena replied. "Still, we haven't much time; I'm getting you two out of here, right now."


Before Edward had time to react, Mike was already barreling straight for him, sword at the ready. Edward barely managed to draw his katana in time to defend against Mike's furious melee, desperately blocking his first several strikes. As their blades locked momentarily, Mike took advantage of the opportunity by blasting Edward in the face with a shot of spiritual energy from his left hand, throwing him back against the wall of the cavern. This broke his concentration enough to cause the flaming barrier still trapping Melody to begin to falter, the fire flickering and growing less intense. With a moment's concentration, Melody managed to extinguish the last of the flames with a few swipes of her scimitar. She immediately readied her weapon and rushed to her husband's side to aid him.

"Glad you could make it, baby," she said with a grin.

"You kiddin' me? I wouldn't miss this for the world."

In the meantime, the four King Jinn had gathered around the sonic agitator, attempting to find some way to shut it down. Though Mike and Melody were distracting Edward, he still had enough power diverted to protecting the machine, preventing the kings from gaining access to it. The group attempted to penetrate the barrier with their power, but to no avail; nothing they could muster was able to even leave a dent.

"This is hopeless!" Salim moaned, striking with his flaming spear.

"We cannot give up! There is too much at stake!" Farzan replied forcefully.

"If we cannot penetrate Edward's protections, could we do something about the sound waves the machine is emitting?" Nadir wondered.

"Of course!" Ardashir exclaimed. "If we cannot stop this weapon, we can at least contain its effects!"

"Alright then, Nadir, you are with me. Salim, Ardashir, keep us covered," Farzan said.

Salim and Ardashir stood on either side of the weapon, facing outward and preparing to fend off any attack on Farzan and Nadir. As they approached the ceiling of the cavern, it was immediately obvious that Edward had cast some manner of protection on the cavern walls itself, preventing the entire room from collapsing as the weapon fired sonic waves through the hole in the ceiling. The two kings prepared themselves, as what they were about to attempt would take an enormous amount of magic and willpower.

"Nadir, I will go first and attempt to slow the sound waves to a manageable level. Once I've done that, can you handle the rest?" Farzan asked.

"It will be my pleasure."

After charging his power for several seconds, Farzan transformed the column of sound waves into an area of dense water, extending from the dish of the weapon and up into the hole in the ceiling. He strained immensely with the sheer power of the machine, but after a minute or two managed to keep the water consistent enough that the sound waves had slowed considerably. Further, the waves were beginning to lose momentum very early in their journey, resulting in a dramatic weakening of the tremors in San Francisco. Still, the weapon continued to fire, and Farzan knew he had only bought them a moment's respite.

"Nadir, it is your turn!" he shouted.

"Alright, charging now!"

As Nadir began to ready his power, Edward broke off from his bout with the Braxtons in time to notice the large column of water extending through the roof of the cavern.

"What the bloody hell?" he seethed, trying to figure out what their plan was.

Melody attempted to reengage with him, but was tossed aside swiftly as Edward took to the air in an attempt to stop Farzan and Nadir. As he drew close, however, an enormous stalagmite, conjured up by Ardashir as a protective barrier, suddenly blocked his path. Still, Edward remained undeterred, and summoned up enough strength to plow through the rock with his bare hands.

"Is that the best you can do, you senile old man?!" he shouted.

"You will NOT speak to King Ardashir in such a manner!" Salim roared.

Salim immediately charged a large amount of magic in his spear, clenching it tightly in his fists. At first Edward was prepared for a frontal assault from him, but Salim instead pounded pressed the spearhead against his chest. Upon doing so, the Chinese dragon tattoo that wrapped around his torso began to glow in a bright orange light. Edward thought it may have only been an illusion, but he could have sworn that he saw the dragon blink.

"I only bring my pet out to play on special occasions. You should feel very honored, Baldwin," Salim called out.

As he finished speaking, the dragon suddenly burst into flames, literally coming to life and jumping off of Salim's body. The enormous flaming serpent took flight, targeting Edward with an intense stream of fire. Edward was forced to retreat, and attempted to circle around the room to take on Farzan and Nadir from a different angle, but the dragon followed him all the while, encircling the two kings to ensure their protection.

"That's it, I've had enough!" Edward seethed in rage. "Time to fight fire with fire!"

Edward's eyes began to glow with an intense red light as he prepared for his attack. Taking in a deep breath, he finally exhaled an enormous fireball as big as the dragon itself. The creature took a direct hit, roaring in pain as the flames around it began to disperse. Flying forward with his katana in hand, Edward pierced the throat of the dragon, causing him to disappear from view, reappearing on Salim's chest as a harmless tattoo once more.

"Now you're mine!"

Edward careened towards Farzan and Nadir, preparing to take them out once and for all. Just as he was about to reach them, however, a sharp object sliced him on the leg, causing him to yelp in pain. Turning around, he saw that Mike had thrown his sword, grazing his thigh before it became lodged in the ceiling.

"Nice trick," Edward said with a chuckle. "Bet ya can't bloody do it again!"

"Challenge accepted!" Mike shot back.

Mike's sword began to glow bright blue, shaking and grinding against the rock it was lodged in. After a moment, the sword flew out of the ceiling, again flying straight towards Edward. He managed to defend with his katana this time, but was driven back nonetheless, back flipping in midair as he blocked the sword. Turning as it passed him, he now saw that Mike was controlling the weapon's every movement, as it was circling around again for another pass. Beginning to fly at high speed to put some distance between him and the sword, Edward took off in the opposite direction. Still, Mike deftly maneuvered his weapon, continuing to track Edward's every movement. Having had enough, Edward again decided to fight fire with fire, flinging his own sword towards Mike's, causing the two blades to clash in the air in a complete deadlock.

"Sorry, love. Looks like a stalemate," he scoffed down to his rival.

"NOW!" Farzan shouted.

Nadir immediately released an enormous amount of magic from his staff, having been given the time he needed to prepare. As he waved his weapon, the column of water containing the sonic blasts instantly disappeared, seemingly turning to nothing but air. Mike and Melody were confused as to what he had done, and Edward began to laugh at his apparent victory.