A Woman's Journal (Month 05)

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A middle-aged woman experiences a sexual awakening.
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Part 4 of the 17 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 08/31/2011
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In the event that you are reading this series for the first time, I have already posted 3 previous segments for A BusinessWoman's Journal.

Please take the time to read them in order starting with April/May.


August 2010

Friday, August 12, 2010

I met Mr. Mayhew at a local restaurant located in the Mall.

Once we were seated at our table, I noticed a strange look on his face. It was the kind of look that indicates a set determination of purpose.

I felt very exposed as he stared at me, even though I was wearing a flowered summer skirt with a beige linen blouse.

Although he had told me to wear anything that I wanted to, I still felt it appropriate to dress somewhat professionally so as to avoid Ms. Spencer's firm hand placement on my exposed bottom.

I attempted to focus Mr. Mayhew's attention on his second quarter investment report however his only response to my explanations and comments was a somewhat muffled "uh huh" or "I see".

His focus was obviously elsewhere.

Since my intention was to go over his latest report, I had sat at the table on his left hand side as opposed to directly across from him, making it easier to review it with him.

Once our meal was served and I put the report away, he turned to me and commanded me to lift my skirt up over my panties.

Stripping while alone with him was one thing, but exposing myself in public was another.

As I hesitantly looked around the restaurant to see who might notice me, Mr. Mayhew took a hold of the hem of my dress and threw it up towards my waist suddenly and effectively exposing my bare legs right up to my crotch as well as a flash of blue colored nylon.

I was wearing a pale blue-colored nylon bikini panty and a matching bra.

He glared at me as he sternly dictated, "When I tell you to do something, I expect you to do it immediately!"

I flushed with embarrassment and shame responding, "I am sorry. I just didn't want anyone to see me lift my dress."

Mr. Mayhew barely let me finish my excuse saying, " I don't care who else might see your little panties. I expect to be obeyed or Mr. Von Elder will hear of my displeasure with you."

This time I didn't hesitate as I uncovered the rest of my panties and held the hem of my dress up over my waist.

I felt so defeated as my will to resist was completely absent.

All I could do was to try to ignore the fact that my lap was completely exposed in a public restaurant.

Immediately I saw Mr. Mayhew's face relax as he stared at my uncovered lap.

My panties were of such a thin nylon material that they gave a glimpse of my dark patch.

Mr. Mayhew smiled saying, "I just love the panties that you wear, Ms. Harley. They are always so tiny and colorful."

I thought that at this point I might be able to lower my skirt, but as I looked again into Mr. Mayhew's eyes, I knew differently.

My previous hunger had disappeared and was replaced by a knot in my stomach and a very unexpected subtle twitching between my legs.

"My God!" I shamefully realized to myself, "I am getting turned on by this."

So many of us go through life with various fantasies and dreams that we often are quite unaware of until we find ourselves in a position that directly relates to them. My body was getting quite good at alerting myself physically to those desires that I hid deep within my sexual psyche.

As I continued to stare into Mr. Mayhew's face, our waiter appeared out of nowhere and stood at the corner of the table between us getting a full view of my almost naked lap.

He faltered for just a second, but composed himself enough to ask, "Will that be all?" which elicited a very sordid sneer from Mr. Mayhew, who responded, "I believe that we have everything that we desire for now."

He added, "Why don't you get us the check, so we can be on our way."

"Thank God" I thought.

And yet through all of this exchange my lower twitching intensified.

When the waiter returned, he again made sure to position himself for the best view of my pale blue panties as he thanked us saying "I hope you join us again soon."

"I bet you do," I thought to myself sarcastically.

Mr. Mayhew took my hand pulling me up from my chair allowing my skirt to slide back down my legs to its original position, but not before a number of the other patrons and the now clued in wait staff caught a good glimpse of me.

As we walked to our cars in the parking structure, Mr. Mayhew told me to take off my skirt and blouse and to follow him.

I again felt no compulsion to object or to disagree as I almost eagerly unzipped my flowered skirt and leaned against his car in order to pull it off over my high heels.

I kept my blouse on to provide some sense of modesty as I followed Mr. Mayhew into the parking structure's stair well.

I can't explain the feeling that goes through me as I am ordered to expose myself. I am filled with a sense of shame and mortification, but at the same time my entire body quivers in anticipation.

But what is the anticipation for? Am I hoping to be seen by others? Or am I enjoying the sexual freedom of being told to do something that I would never do on my own?

My mixed emotions of hating the way I just do as I am told i.e. being totally submissive to another person's sexual appetites and at the same time wanting to be treated as a sexual and desirable being plagued me as I followed Mr. Mayhew away from his car.

He told me to remove my blouse and to hand it to him along with my skirt.

He placed my clothes on the stair along side of him and told me to stand on the landing just below him.

I stood there in nothing but my matching pale blue panties and bra while Mr. Mayhew recorded his latest triumph with his cell phone.

Just as my mind started wondering, "What if someone opens the door to this particular stairwell?" I heard the door just above the stairs that Mr. Mayhew was standing on start to open.

There was absolutely nothing that I could do to cover myself as Mr. Mayhew had my blouse and skirt, so I just stood there looking at the door resolved to my situation.

A very well dressed businesswoman dressed in a beautifully tailored black pin stripe pants suit with 5-inch stiletto heels entered what previously was Mr. Mayhew's private peep show.

She quickly eyed us both and instead of saying "Excuse me" or "Oh Dear", said quite matter of factly, "Well, this looks like fun."

She introduced herself to us both although her concentration was on me in my bra and panties. Her name was Ms. Court and she looked like a Viking princess standing close to 6 feet tall, with short spiked blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. She had a very athletic and tightly toned body that was easily revealed by her form fitting pants suit.

I found myself immediately drawn to her energy, as she seemed to take over our intimate group making it her own.

She stepped down to the landing that I was on and ran her hand across my lower back sending shivers up and down my spine.

Mr. Mayhew was clearly uncomfortable with the change in circumstances and excused himself by saying, "E, I have to get going, but I will give you a call when we can get together again. It was nice meeting you, Ms. Court."

With that Mr. Mayhew exited the stairwell and was gone leaving me standing half naked talking to this captivating woman.

Ms. Court barely acknowledged his departure focusing entirely on my nakedness and me.

Ms. Court played with the elastic of my panties as she stated, "I assume that it was his idea for you to strip in a public stairwell?"

I responded that he was a client and required certain qualities from me as his customer liaison.

"So do you always try to please, Ms. Harley?" she continued.

"I guess that I do." I stammered and flushed with embarrassment.

She then asked what manner of business I was in and where I worked.

After I answered her questions she did the oddest and most arousing thing.

Ms. Court guided me forward so my panty-covered mound was pressed against the metal railing of the stairwell. She directed me to press myself against the cool metal and then hit the metal with her fist.

The resulting vibrations ignited such a sexual sensation in my lower region that I moaned aloud.

Ms. Court smiled and then slapped my bottom hard enough to clearly sting, but not hard enough to actually hurt. My lower lips quivered in response as she said, "I have some wonderful little tricks that I know you would enjoy."

Then she left while I stood there in just my undies with two very rigid pebbles poking against my bra and building moisture between my legs.

I got dressed and drove back to work in somewhat of a daze thinking about what had just transpired.

Although before I got dressed, I tried the metal railing technique a few more times allowing those delectable little vibrations to perform some real magic on my suppressed libido.

Saturday, August 13, 2010

My husband was home this weekend and we enjoyed time with our children.

So why am I so bored? I love my family although my relationship with my often-absent husband isn't the best. I am beginning to prefer his lack of presence in my and my children's lives.

It allows me to find how who and what I really am, i.e. my true sexual self.

I find that I can't wait until Monday mornings.

Monday, August 15, 2010

Mr. Mayhew called me to thank me for the wonderful time on Friday and emphasized how much he enjoys working with me.

I didn't know how to respond as I thanked him and said something about enjoying myself as well.

Was this true or was I just being polite?

Mr. Von Elder stopped by my desk to tell me how well I was doing and that he might want to expand on my exposure to other clients as well as prospective clients.

I am sure that I saw a little smirk on his face when he used the term "exposure", but I can't be sure.

Tonight I lay awake and thought about Mr. Mayhew and his panty fetish. It seems that sex for him is finding enough leverage to control a woman into doing something that she normally wouldn't.

In this case it relates directly to his fetish for worn panties. It seems that I am either unfortunate enough or fortunate enough to wear the style and fabrics that give him the most satisfaction.

The climax for him is when the woman removes her panties and hands them to him displaying her total submission and vulnerability and confirming his dominance over her.

And what about Ms. Court?

So why am I getting wet just thinking about her?

At some point I need to spend some time figuring out my latent desires and recently exposed sexual quirks.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mr. Von Elder called me into his office today and much to my shock and surprise Ms. Court was sitting in one of the leather chairs set before his desk.

Mr. Von Elder informed me that she was just added as a new client for S&M and specifically asked to work with me.

It turns out that Ms. Court comes from old money that she has partially used to open some very popular and discreet fetish clubs throughout the Midwest

I felt such an odd mixture of excitement and apprehension as Ms. Court shook my hand and told me how much she looked forward to working with me.

Have I heard this sentiment before? Yes!

Has it always resulted in new self-discoveries? Yes!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mr. Von Elder surprised me today by asking me to accompany him to a Chamber of Commerce get together after work to meet with some of our clients and possibly attract new ones.

He told me to bring a casual change of clothes for the event, as my office attire would probably be too formal.

At the end of the day I changed into a white cotton jacket and matching skirt along with a light blue summer bustier to wear under the jacket.

The event was on the shore of our local lake and the weather was magnificent.

We met some wonderful people and surprisingly I was quite comfortable spending time with Mr. Von Elder.

He is quite personable around business people along with having a very impressive reputation for taking care of his clients.

I guess I understand why he runs his business the way he does.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ms. Spencer informed me that Mr. Von Elder wanted to see me immediately today around 11:30.

After I entered his office, he told me to come around his desk and to look at what was displayed on his monitor.

I was horrified.

It was an article from the local newspaper describing last night's Chamber of Commerce event with an accompanying photo of me sitting on a piece of driftwood oblivious to the fact that anyone could see right up my skirt.

My matching light blue panties were on full display, so much so that the top of my teeny panties could be seen along with the skin of my lower abdomen.

Mr. Von Elder screamed at me about how I represented the firm and is this how I conduct myself in public and on and on.

I would like to tell him that he is being a bit of a hypocrite, as he knows very well how my clients are conducting me, but I wouldn't dare.

He commanded me to remove my skirt.

As I undid the clasp and zipper of my navy blue skirt, I experienced the same conflicting feelings that I had when undressing in front of Mr. Mayhew and Mr. Valequez, only the intensity was much greater.

My body couldn't wait to undress for Mr. Von Elder as I craved any indication that he found me desirable.

I was again told to bend over his desk.

As I stretched my body across the black marble I took a quick glance over my shoulder to see his reaction to my exposure.

I was wearing a pair of beige string bikini silk panties with a light blue suspender belt, and I could see in his eyes that he approved of how everything fit, i.e. tight and teeny.

I was delighted to record his response in my memory bank.

His hand placed firmly on the middle of my lower back held me down and as I tensed myself to receive the first smack, there was a hesitation. I knew that he was admiring the view as my silk panties have a tendency to creep between my checks exposing quite a bit of my flesh.

Although I was to be punished, I wanted him to feel aroused as my taut bottom squirmed and jiggled to his firm slaps.

The first smack was so intense that the stinging sensation coursed through my entire body causing me to lift both legs completely off of the floor as I bit my lips to keep from screaming, "OUCH!!!!"

The thing that I still remember so vividly was the raw and primal sexual energy that coursed through my body along with the stinging pain of the smack.

I don't know if this energy was being transmitted from Mr. Von Elder, from me, or both, but it was overwhelming.

Then came the second and the third and the fourth in rapid succession. All applied on the bare skin exposed by my teeny panties.

I tried to turn my bottom away from the origination of the blows, but his hand held me firmly in place.

Tears formed in my eyes as my head lifted up from the desk in a grimace of pain and humiliation.

Each smack ground my pelvis into the desktop, which only served to intensify this primal energy. The pain was intense and yet something deep inside of me wanted more.

The contradiction was maddening for me, since it felt so degrading to be splayed out like a child on his desktop, being spanked repeatedly for not sitting properly in public.

At the same time I felt a repressed sexual pleasure having such a powerful man forcibly placing his hand on my panty covered bottom.

Each stinging slap of his hand ignited an electric spark that vibrated down my spine settling most seductively in that very sensitive spot between my legs.

I wanted him to stop and yet the feel of his firm hand on my almost naked bottom filled me with such a raw longing for pleasure, it took everything that I had to keep from placing my right hand under my pubis and touching myself.

I don't know whether Mr. Von Elder knew that my moans originated from enjoyment or pain. I was flushed and sweaty from his manhandling as well as very wet.

When he was done with me, Mr. Von Elder did the oddest thing. He slid two fingers from each hand under the elastic of my panties and pulled the fabric apart to properly cover my very sore and reddened checks.

It was almost as if he were saying with his gesture that he was sorry for yelling at me, but the spanking was necessary.

Those same fingers were only a fraction of an inch from my very swollen lower lips. I am sure that he could feel the heat emanating from between my legs.

As he helped me up from his desktop, my bare hip brushed against his groin making it very obvious to me that his physical reaction to our recent activity was every bit as intense as mine.

I actually felt quite pleased.

As I was trying to regain my composure as well as my skirt, we looked at each other with a knowing that we had just shared an intimacy that could change our relationship going forward.

Although he told me to be more careful in the future, I could tell that he relished my unconcerned exhibitionism as well as the unveiling of my true uninhibited self.

I retreated to the ladies room to allow the stinging to subside and found my panties were soaked with my sexual juices.

Surprising to both of us, Mr. Von Elder and I had just performed a mutually satisfying sexual act of control and submission

I couldn't help myself, as I slid my right hand down the front of my panties and used my index and middle finger to massage my protruding female nub until I convulsed in pleasure.

The orgasm was so intense that I stayed sitting on the toilet lid for another 15 minutes to compose myself and allow the moisture on my forehead and between my legs to dry.

Friday, August 27, 2010

I received this email form Mr. Von Elder:


My intention with punishing you is to make you a better employee as well as a better person.

I would be quite disappointed if you misinterpreted my actions as abusive and considered either leaving or commencing any legal actions.

I am afraid that either decision would result in a very difficult future for you from a reputation standpoint as well as opportunities for future employment.

It is with your own interest in mind that I provide this admonition.

I believe that you have a wonderful future with our firm and would be quite disappointed if you felt otherwise.

I sat at my desk smiling to myself knowing that we would both be deeply disappointed if I left.

Please rate this story
The author would appreciate your feedback.
Firmhands5Firmhands5almost 7 years ago
so well written

Your photos are so well done - just enough to entice like your story!

liz33ndliz33ndover 8 years ago

Let this story continue. ✴

BiskitBiskitover 10 years ago
So fun

Thank you again E for getting me off. Those heels-those fantastic panties covering that tight butt make me so hard.

pixandwordspixandwordsover 12 years ago
Another breathtaking episode

Pauline Reage's "O" has found a worthy successor in "E" the beautiful submissive/exhibitionist created by HarleyFatboy1! From the ordered exposure in the restaurant to the strangely arousing episode in the stairwell to the punishment at the firm hand of Mr Von Elder, this story arc just builds one erotic scene after another. I am sure that many readers shared Mr Von Elder's "intense physical reaction" by the time they finished the story. Then there are the accompanying 'illustrations.' Whew! Those legs just go on for ever! :)

Longmichael2655Longmichael2655over 12 years ago
Such wonderful story

I can't believe how erotic this series is


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