A Woman's Journal (Month 09)


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What a smart little girl she is.

So there I was lying over the side of a barrel with my handcuffed arms fully extended out in front of me, and my sheer nylon covered bottom sticking up in the air.

The realization that I was helpless, vulnerable and very exposed in front of so many people caused a very warm and wonderful sensation to pass through my entire body. I was starting to get very turned on.

I then noticed a small microphone sitting about two feet in front of my face and another one hooked to the side of the barrel, right about where my very exposed bottom was sticking up.

Well, as they say, my parents didn't raise any stupid kids.

I suddenly fully realized, OMG, I am going to be spanked in front of over 100 strangers.

I definitely had not been expecting this and I could tell that Veronica could see by the look on my face that I was starting to panic. At least she was one of the few people in the club still looking at my face.

She stepped over to me, covered the mic and said, "Don't worry, if you don't want us to continue, I will stop it, however this is where you can do the most good for the charity."

I guess being in the spotlight in my sexy little panties with a large crowd of people cheering and whistling at me affected my judgment, as I heard myself say, "Let's just give it a try and I will let you know if you should stop."

Veronica replied, "You're going to love it," and returned to face the audience.

She announced that it would require a donation of $150 for every smack on my exposed bottom.

She added, "So let's get the donations flowing."

The combination of the spotlight and my sexual tension resulted in my entire body starting to glisten from the external and internal heat being generated.

I could feel the sheer material on my bottom starting to stick to my skin.

Veronica picked up what appeared to be an oversize ping-pong paddle from the table and showed it to the audience as they enthusiastically applauded her choice of device or is it weapon?

As I saw the Halloween red light go on, I heard a slight whistle in the air and immediately felt a sharp exquisite pain course through my body.

"Oh my God" escaped from my mouth and was heard through 20 or so surround sound speakers throughout the club.

I have never had such a conflicting sensation within my body.

The pain was sharp and acute and yet a very pleasant shudder went through my body.

If there is such a thing as nipple popping, at the first feel of the paddle, my nipples literally popped to attention.

My bottom was throbbing, my nipples were throbbing, and that wonderful place inside of us woman where orgasms originate was waking up.

I saw the red light raised again as another smack hit my bottom and my entire body arched in ecstasy. My sexual excitement was building.

Another red light, and another smack was administered.

Each time I moaned in surround sound, "Oh God!"

I could feel the sensations building and knew that I was enjoying this much more than I ever thought I could: so much so that I was about to orgasm.

The next smack on my bottom opened the floodgates for me. I started to convulse in orgasmic spasms as the pain coursed through my body igniting every sexual nerve ending that I had. I ground my pelvis into the padded barrel with my bottom tightly clenched awaiting the next delicious smack.

I could see Linda and Ms. Court off to the side of the stage. They both seemed mesmerized with my performance.

The flashlight was going off repeatedly now and Veronica fell into an extraordinary rhythm matching my convulsions with the swing of her arm. As my body tensed with the next wave of pleasure, she would administer a sharp whack to my bottom, increasing the extraordinary sensations that I was feeling ten fold.

The surround sound was now a mix of moans and groans as my body rocked on the barrel.

I even heard someone that sounded just like me say, "Oh God, Spank me!"

I was completely oblivious to the number of smacks I was receiving as each smack took me further into a state of unconscious pleasure. I no longer knew or cared where I was, just as long as the feeling would never stop.

After what may have been a half hour or 5 minutes, way off in the distance I heard Veronica say, "It looks like we have a major contribution being offered from one of our audience."

Oh so slowly my orgasm, or more likely orgasms, subsided and I started to come back to reality.

Much to my surprise and confusion, Linda was on stage in her business suit. It turned out that she had offered another $1,000 if she could spank me herself.

Veronica held the microphone in front of my mouth and asked, "Are you in the mood for more?"

My logical mind was nowhere to be found and my sexual mind still wanted more of that exquisite sensation; much, much more.

Twenty stereo speakers responded, "Yes, please."

My crowd of voyeurs came alive with hoots and hollers for more.

The rope that held me to the barrel loosened and I was helped up off of the padded surface by Veronica. She unhooked the barrel rope and walked me over to what I previously described as a pommel horse without the handgrips.

I was told to straddle the pommel horse, which put the most sensitive area of my over excited body in direct contact with the leather surface of the horse.

God, it felt so good.

I had to slide my bottom forward on the leather horse to get into position. Again, it felt so good.

I noticed the strategically placed mics around the pommel horse as well.

Veronica then undid a cuff on one wrist and had me lay forward so I was now hugging the pommel horse with my upper torso, while my legs were wrapped around it underneath. This simple movement caused another shudder throughout my body.

I then had my free wrist put back in the handcuff, so now both hands were cuffed underneath the pommel horse. And surprise, surprise, my sheer nylon glad bottom was again the focus of attention as it faced directly north in a very come hither manner.

The sheer nylon was sticking so well to the curves of my bottom that I might as well have been nude.

Linda walked over to the table and looked the various spanking implements over and after a brief examination; she picked out a thin leather strap, much like a belt.

She held it about 12 inches from its end and gave it a flick with her wrist. It gave out a loud crack as again my roomful of voyeurs cheered.

I couldn't stop myself from gripping the pommel horse with my hands and thighs rocking my pelvis on the leather surface. My excitement was again building. My entire body was wet from the sexual fire burning inside of me.

Linda came over to me and gave me a little smack with her hand on one cheek and then the other. My mind screamed, " Come on and spank me!" as I clenched my bottom and again rubbed myself on the leather horse.

She knew exactly what she was doing as she again gripped the belt and give it a flick in the air. Another loud "crack" was heard through all of the speakers along with my "Oh God!" and I again pushed my pelvis into the leather surface of the horse.

I apologize, but I am not real creative in my sexual exclamations.

"Oh God!" seems to be the extent of my vocabulary when I am in the throes of an orgasm.

As I was starting to relax, Linda held the belt above my very moist bottom and the next "crack" ran up through my spine like a sexual lightning bolt. I had never felt such exquisite pain.

I immediately started another orgasm as now my body convulsed on the leather horse, only adding more intensity to my already extreme sensations.

Another "crack" and another convulsion followed. I heard my voice echo around the hall saying such a simple and yet so provocative a word, "Yes."

Linda had me performing a very personal and erotic gymnastics routine on the horse as my body rocked and convulsed on its leather-padded surface. I couldn't help but continuously grip the horse with my arms and legs and literally hump it. As I would move my bottom back and arch my back, Linda would flick her wrist and the crack of the belt on my bottom would drive my pelvis down on the horse creating a delicious sexual rhythm of pain and pleasure.

I thought that I was going to pass out from the unbelievable explosions of sexual sensation coursing through my body.

The speaker system seemed to be playing an acappella composition of uh, uh, and o, o in my exact vocal tones.

My muscles were getting exhausted as they continuously tensed and released with every "crack" of the belt and every convulsion. My multiple orgasms had merged to form one continuous orgasm that ebbed and flowed with every flick of Linda's wrist.

I was oblivious to the sound and staring eyes of the crowd as all five of my senses fully concentrated on my unending pleasure.

I was covered in sweat; so much so that I was starting to slip off of the horse.

Veronica later told me that every time Linda cracked me with the belt, a fine spray would rise up from my soaked panties. She said that the entire scene had transformed into a work of erotic art.

I had heard my voice make every moaning sound imaginable through the house speakers, and from the constant rocking of my body; my bra was no longer covering any part of my breasts.

Thank goodness I was covered in sweat or I would have rubbed myself raw in some very tender places.

Both Ms. Court and Linda knew that my performance was coming to an end or should I say a final climax. Ms. Court walked back onto the stage and took the belt from Linda's hand placing it back on the table.

As Veronica undid my leather cuffs, Linda and Ms. Court helped me up to a sitting position. I slid off the back of the pommel horse.

There I stood with my very erect nipples fully exposed, and my now even teenier (because they were wet) string panties, as every inch of fabric clung to my body. The audience was going crazy with cheering and applause. The sheer material on the back of my panties was completely transparent due to the moisture, and I had visible red streaks on my bottom.

I was unaware of my state of undress and wouldn't have cared anyway as Veronica rallied the audience to more cheers and applause.

Ms. Court came over to me and gave me a big hug and a very tender pat on my bottom. Veronica came over and whispered that this was undoubtedly the sexiest thing that she had ever been a part of, and also administered a big hug.

I walked down the stairs with Linda knowing that I needed something very large and very cold to drink. Everyone that I passed congratulated me and told me how fantastic I was.

It wasn't until I got to the booth that I realized that my pants were still on the stage and every time my unbuttoned blouse swung open, my nipples were at full attention and on full display.

Without a doubt I had died and gone to Heaven.

Linda helped get me covered up as Ms. Court came over with my pants and an ice-cold towel for me to sit on. At this point it really didn't matter to me. This crowd had witnessed such an intimate and private side of me, that getting dressed again seemed a ridiculous contradiction.

So I sat with Linda and Ms. Court in the booth with my blouse open and panties on display replenishing my exhausted electrolytes with large quantities of ice water and gin and tonics.

Ms. Court treated us to a trio of fabulous burgers and fries. I was famished from the erotic exercises that I had performed on stage.

People just constantly came over and told me how fabulous I was and what a sexy show that I had put on. Some asked to see my red bottom for which I was happy to stand up and show them my red streaks.

I seemed to blend so much better with the crowd in my panties and open blouse. Go figure!

By the end of the evening Ms. Court announced that the Bondage Ball for Charity was the most successful yet and thanked everyone for their donations.

She came back to the booth and said, "Oh my God, E, You are such a wonderful surprise. I hope to introduce you to many more adventures."

On the way home as I sat in Linda's car still with my pants off, she turned to me saying, "I can't quite explain what happened tonight, but when I watched you bounce and wiggle and orgasm over and over again, I just had to be a part of it."

Then she added, "You have no idea how incredibly sexy you are, do you?"

"You are like a blank canvas of sexuality and Mr. Von Elder, Mr. Valequez, Mr. Mayhew, Ms. Court, and myself all want to paint you to meet our own specific color scheme. But instead you become all colors."

"I don't know if you understand exactly what I am saying, E?" Linda continued, "But you are the ideal playmate."

As we pulled back into the parking lot at work next to my car, Linda put her right hand around the back of my head and pulled me towards her. She placed her left hand on the inside of my upper thigh and as she moved me closer, she slid it right up against my wet spot.

My thighs clamped firmly around her hand and we kissed pressing our lips tightly together.

An electrical connection hummed from my crotch to my open mouth creating a delirium of want, need and desire.

I wrapped my arms around her moaning as she kneaded the little knot of pleasure between my legs.

I let one of my hands slide down her back exploring the firm muscles of her bottom taking a firm hold as the fire raged below.

Linda pushed her tongue deep into my mouth pulling me tightly against her as the first spasms from her diligent rubbing started to take over my body.

I wrapped my arms around her, pressing my nylon covered crotch tightly against her hand and gave in to the orgasmic convulsions that ravaged my entire frame.

With each "oh" and "ah" my body shook in complete submission to the raw sexual energy taking me over.

Linda slipped her right hand from my neck sliding it inside the sheer back of my panties. She squeezed my buttocks in a grip of raw passion reigniting the conflicting pain and pleasure sensations from my earlier spanking as her own convulsions began.

As we both tried to maintain our holds on each other's bodies we simultaneously rocked to our own cadence of orgasmic rhythms until finally we collapsed from the unexpected pleasure and gratification that we had just experienced.

My body was covered in sweat as I released Linda from my deathlike grip and moved back towards the door.

Linda's right hand slowly slid out from the back of my panties lingering on my lower back.

I didn't know what to say as I was completely and utterly dumbfounded by what had just happened.

Linda gave me another kiss on my consenting lips and said, "You better get your pants on and head home."

I was in a daze as I got out of the car pulling my pants back on and opened my car door.

As I started my car I looked over at Linda and gave her a shy little wave of my hand, which she returned with one of her own.

When I got home, I took a nice cold bath to relieve some of the swelling on my tender backside and thought with a very confused feeling, "What is happening to me?"

Wednesday December 29, 2010

Today was just a bit awkward considering all that happened the night before.

Linda and I tried to stay busy so we were able to avoid each other throughout the day.

Although we did catch each other's eyes from time to time passing shy smiles between us.

Ms. Court called me to ask how my bottom was doing and to thank me over and over for helping out with her charity event.

She also intimated that she had some very exciting plans for me in the near future.

Every time I simply hear her voice I get goose bumps all over.

Friday December 30, 2010

I decided to talk to Linda today waiting for the opportunity to catch her alone in her office.

I hesitantly went in to find her behind her desk.

As I closed the door to address the proverbial elephant in the room, she came out from behind her desk giving me a big hug while saying, "I just don't want to let what happened the other night ruin our friendship."

I was so relieved as I hugged her back and replied, "You have a very magical way of making a girl feel all warm inside."

We both laughed knowing that our friendship was intact as well as realizing that it might have a broader definition to it.

Thank goodness we are over that awkward period, as I would miss her terribly if we no longer cared for each other.

Wow, what a 2010. I can only imagine what 2011 has in store for me.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
bubblehdbubblehdover 11 years ago

This was definitely the best one yet. I loved the BJ story....I could picture it. The lez scene was incredibly hot!!!!!!

pixandwordspixandwordsover 12 years ago

I am breathless! This is the best episode yet. This one pressed all the right buttons! The "Journal" just keeps getting better. Five 'stars' of course although it deserves ten.

TrevorvichTrevorvichover 12 years ago
a step beyond

As this story progresses I find E's exploration of her own sensuality deepening to the nexus of pleasure and pain. The fact this takes place in public makes it more erotic.

tarzanswingertarzanswingerover 12 years ago
lovely story

we enjoyed the story immensely! love the bdsm and les scene! something we can relate to! tarzan and jane (mike and lisa)

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