A Christmas Carol

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A short adaptation of the Dickens classic.
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Charlotte, 'Chaz' Dickens is a slim, attractive redhead. Forty-six years old and the mother of two children she may be, but Chaz still 'turns heads' and is the envy of many women, ten, even fifteen years younger than herself. That said, by 9:30pm on Christmas Night, Charlotte was tucked-up in bed at home and all alone.

Their own children had grown and flown the nest, so nowadays Charlotte's husband Kris volunteered to pick-up double shifts at work over Christmas, allowing colleagues with younger families to be home for the holiday. Chaz and Kris would enjoy their own celebration on a Caribbean holiday in the New Year, partially funded by the bonus-pay and lieu-days Kris received for this week's efforts.

It was just after ten when a sliver of light squeezed around the bedroom door and Chaz heard footsteps on the staircase; Charlotte trembled and her heart-rate climbed. A few seconds later the door swung open and a man stepped into the room.

Charlotte released the breath she'd been holding and called out: "Jesus Christ, you scared the life out of me Jake... What the heck are you doing here?". In the light from the landing which had flooded into the room with him, the man was clearly recognisable as her Son-in-Law Jacob Marley.

Jake's face split in a wide and lewd grin: "A man walks into your bedroom and you ask that question? Come on Chaz, you're surely not that naïve... Emily's indisposed this week and I need some cunt; I knew Kris was working double-shifts all week and we've got a spare key for this place... Where else would I go looking for a quick fuck?"

Charlotte's eyes sprung wide and with Jake now advancing down the left side of her bed, Chaz threw off the covers and moved to make her escape via the right. Chaz had one foot on the floor and was almost upright when Jake caught her by the left wrist; he's a powerful man and one firm jerk saw Charlotte tumbling back onto the bed with a squeal.

Even as Charlotte landed Jake's other hand found the neckline of her nightdress; his first tug lifted Chaz clear of the mattress and tore the fragile garment to her navel. Jacob's second tug saw that rent extend to the hemline; Charlotte's nightdress parted to reveal the cotton panties and her naked breasts beneath.

This act drew a second squeal from Charlotte, whereafter there followed a few moments of stillness and save for Chaz's gasping breath, of silence too. Supine upon the bed Charlotte was trying to wrap her head around what'd just happened; Jake meanwhile was... just enjoying the view. It was Jake that eventually broke the silence.

"Fucking hell Chaz. I've always thought you'd a decent pair of tits hidden in there, but they're bloody awesome." Jake's diction may not have been especially literary, but his opinion was sound: Charlotte's breasts had lost a little of their lift due to motherhood and age, but they remained full, firm and were far bigger than her daughter's.

Sprawled upon her back with arms akimbo, Charlotte was providing Jake with perhaps the optimum view of her breasts; when that realisation struck Chaz threw her left arm across to hide them. For the second time Charlotte moved a fraction too slowly; once again Jake caught her by the left wrist whilst his own left hand dropped onto Chaz's right breast.

This time there was no hesitation, Jake's fingers sank into the yielding flesh immediately and it was no gentle caress or... fondle. Jake's fingers bit deeply, mauling, twisting and pulling at the tender flesh, drawing another squeal from Charlotte's lips as they pinched and twisted the nipple ahead of their final release.

Jake's finger marks were clear against Charlotte's pale skin, while her nipple was hard, bloated and an angry-red. Then again, Chaz's left nipple was equally swollen; perhaps in anticipation of receiving similar rough treatment? That didn't arrive, instead it was Jake's mouth which caught Charlotte's left nipple, his hand revisiting her right one.

This assault last longer... Far longer and while Charlotte made to greet it with another of those squeals of pain and frustration, what emerged from her lips was a febrile groan suggesting pleasure and submission. Jake noted Chaz's change in tone and marked it with a growled: "I knew you were game for a shag Chaz... A right horny MILF aren't you."

Charlotte didn't reply, or at least not verbally; though her grasping Jake's hair with her now released left hand and pressing his face back against her left breast perhaps sufficed? Jake spent a minute or more enjoying Charlotte's boobs; no doubt also revelling in the purrs of delight which his attention drew from Chaz's lips.

Jake's left hand then slid across Charlotte's flat belly to her pubis, it's arrival drew another febrile groan. Jake's hand grasped onto Chaz's panties and a savage jerk saw her lifted partially clear of the mattress once more. It required two tugs to devastate this garment too, but rather than a squeal Chaz greeted the destruction of her panties with a bestial growl.

In the moment Jake balled the shredded fabric in his fist and tossed them to the floor he commented, albeit crudely on how damp they'd felt and what this promised with regard to what they had so recently contained. Charlotte's again bestial response, while wordless indicated that Jake was more than welcome to find out.

Jake's hand returned to Charlotte's mons, his fingers raking through the coarse pelt of auburn hair which covered it en-route to her cleft. On arrival Jake's middle fingers sank easily into the delicate channel which he found there and these were greeted by a buck of Chaz's hips and yet another of her animalistic groans.

Jake plunged those fingers into Chaz's snatch a half dozen times before abruptly stopping, saying: "Your twat's fucking dripping Chaz; I need to get my cock in there while I can still touch the sides." With her back arched and bum lifted clear of the mattress Charlotte wailed in frustration; another few seconds and her orgasm would've been achieved.

Chaz watched as Jake stripped off his sweats and saw he was naked beneath them. Charlotte's groan off expectancy began when Jake's powerful shoulders, hirsute chest and slim waist came into view and strengthened when his cock sprang free. Emily had intimated that Jake was... well hung and Chaz was pleased to discover that her daughter hadn't exaggerated.

Jake was hung like that proverbial horse and stiff as an iron bar; his erect cock reaching half way to his ribcage. Jake took a moment to revel in Charlotte's obvious... interest in his physique, then moved back onto the bed growling: "Time for that juicy cunt to get filled Chaz; open your legs."

Charlotte didn't hesitate for an instant; her response being all and perhaps more than Jake could have wished for. Chaz not only spread her thighs wide, but in the same movement bent and raised her knees, knowing full well that so doing would invitingly part the delicate lips of her pussy too. Jake was quick to accept Charlotte's wanton invitation.

Jake was atop her in an instant, his advancing cock barely slowing as it parted Charlotte's labia; two hard, indeed almost brutal thrusts and Jake was buried deep inside her, snarling "You slick-bitch; you're fucking gagging for it aren't you."

Charlotte meanwhile was gasping for breath; Jake's violent penetration had knocked the breath from her lungs. Jake's judgement wasn't wrong regarding her... lubricity and in Chaz's opinion, fortunately so. Jake had looked 'big' but only now did Chaz appreciate exactly how big; Charlotte had never accommodated a cock this large in her whole life.

Not only was Jake's cock big, but he was using it aggressively too, ravaging Charlotte's pussy like a wild animal. Chaz knew that she couldn't cope long beneath such an assault, but that missed orgasm was fast re-ascending and she was loathe to call a halt before it arrived. Rather than pleading for mercy Chaz's cries were all shamelessly encouraging.

In hindsight, perhaps too encouraging? Charlotte was again on the precipice of an orgasm when Jake's cock delivered her of the hardest and deepest thrust of them all and then it stopped dead. Jake's cock was lodged deep and Chaz could feel his semen pumping into her womb as he growled "That's what your pretty cunt wanted wasn't it Chaz... filling with cum."

Charlotte could've screamed! Tears of frustration trickled down her cheeks; with Jake collapsed on top of her Chaz couldn't even squeeze a hand between them to finish things off with her fingers. When Jake eventually lifted himself off her he displayed a shit-eating grin and enquired "Are you feeling better for that Chaz?"

Charlotte slapped Jake's face... Hard! That certainly quelled Jake's grin and had him begging for Charlotte's forgiveness and silence. Jake too was now close to tears, while Charlotte was livid with frustration. Not just for that lost orgasm but from Jake having misunderstood things entirely; it took a second, albeit gentler slap, to stop Jake's blubbering and gain his attention.

Only then was Charlotte able to explain that the... rape wasn't a problem, indeed, far from it; Chaz's anger stemmed only from it's abrupt and premature conclusion. When realisation dawned Jake's shit-eating grin and dominant manner reasserted themselves in an instant and in that same instant Charlotte wondered if she'd perhaps made a mistake?

A second later, Jake was on his feet... well, one foot, the other remained knelt on the bed. Grasping Charlotte firmly by her hair Jake pulled her toward himself and snarled: "Well if the MILF-slut wants more cock, then she'd better get it hard again."

Jake's still semi-erect cock waved in the air bare inches from Charlotte's face and from this angle it looked even bigger. When Jake lunged forward his cock bumped against Chaz's cheek, the touch confirming that it remained wet and sticky with spent semen and her own juices. Charlotte had often sucked cock -- Kris' -- before, but only when it had arrived in her mouth... fresh.

Wrapping her lips around Jake's grungy shaft would be a whole different ball game, but the forceful grip on her head advised Chaz that Jake wasn't giving her a choice. Charlotte's tummy tingled and she smiled inwardly; in this moment there was nothing in the world she wanted more than to suck on Jake's fetid cock... Though she'd never admit to it.

Jake had one hand in Chaz's hair and the other now guiding his cock towards Charlotte's mouth; she struggled against his grip, but was careful not to resist sufficiently for Jake to be dissuaded. When Jake then slapped her cheeks with his shaft Chaz obscured her rising excitement with a girlish squeal; a lip-parting squeal which she maintained until Jake grabbed his chance.

Jesus but Jake's cock was big; Chaz took a while to learn how to accommodate it and still breathe. Charlotte relished every second of the effort though and the piquant mixture of bodily fluids which coated Jake's intruding shaft only added to her pleasure; while having Jake brand her a 'cock-sucking whore' simply put the cherry on top.

Having submitted to Jake's 'forced' intrusion Charlotte brought all her years of experience to bear on his cock; not just her lips and tongue, but her fingers too came into play... Jake just loved having Chaz's fingernails scrape across his balls. That tingle of expectancy was now returning to Charlotte's groin and the sensation of Jake's cock stiffening inside her mouth added that excitement.

Jake's wildly complimentary, albeit crude narration and encouragement to Charlotte's blow-job increased her arousal yet further. When those words began to incorporate favourable comparisons between Chaz's performance and the abilities of her daughter, Emily, Charlotte knew she should be appalled; shamefully, these especially added fuel to her fire.

It was Jake who brought this interlude to an end, yanking Charlotte away from his cock -- it left her mouth with and audible 'pop' -- he ordered: "Enough... Time to fill that sweet cunt again... you'll come this time." Charlotte hurried to comply but was checked by Jake's addendum: "Not on your back; up on your knees... like a bitch in heat."

Chaz had complied almost before Jake finished speaking; she knelt trembling as Jake settled down behind her. Of course Charlotte was aroused, but that wasn't the only reason for her tremors; the size of Jake's cock was at the forefront of her mind... How deep would he go from this angle, could she cope or would Jake split her in two?

Charlotte's trepidation won out; when she felt Jake's cock nuzzling at her vulva she called out "Gently Jake... Please don't go too hard."

Jake's wicked laugh did little to ease her fears, his pressing her face down against the pillow as he growled "You'll be fine Chaz... Isn't that the way you slick-bitches like it?" even less. A second later Jake's hips slammed forward and he buried himself into Charlotte every bit as hard and as deeply as he'd done earlier.

Unsurprisingly Jake's brutal penetration knocked the breath from Charlotte's lungs once more; but in the moments which followed, she found herself thinking 'Yes... Yes I do like it like this... Exactly like this.' A fortunate discovery; Jake was remorseless, pounding into Chaz as carelessly as he had the first time around.

This time Jake was penetrating more easily, perhaps Chaz had now stretched to accommodate his girth, though she suspected a more likely explanation might be the added lubrication of Jake's first emission? Jake was going deeper too and each stroke concluded with a jolt as his cock bumped against her cervix; another discovery... Chaz had never known a pain more pleasurable.

Their coupling again proved short-lived, though Charlotte couldn't blame Jake this time. Jake was still going strong when that long overdue orgasm ripped through Chaz's belly and left her screaming like a banshee. It was perhaps fortunate that Jake had the presence of mind to press her face into the pillow and quell the noise.

In the seconds which followed Charlotte was away with the fairies; only vaguely aware of Jake ceasing his brutal pounding, or the absolute torrent of fluids that poured from her pussy when he did. But little else, the... expectation which those two near misses had created seemed to have exacerbated the power of her climax now it had finally arrived.

This catatonia proved to be Charlotte's undoing; Jake's cock brushing against the rosebud of her bottom barely registered. Only in the moment Jake broached the muscular ring of Charlotte's bum did she become aware of his intention... painfully aware. But by then it was too late, Charlotte's protests were quelled by a hand pressing her face into the pillows once more.

For the first time Charlotte struggled for real; she'd never consented to anal sex, not even with Kris and Jake's harsh words confirmed that she wasn't alone in holding to that taboo. "Your tight-arsed daughter doesn't take it in there either... But I won't have to worry tonight will I Chaz; you're not going to complain to anybody if I take your arse are you."

Charlotte continued to struggle, but the moment had passed, her resistance had begun too late and Jake's cock continued forcing its inexorable way into Chaz's bowel. Jake's words only added to Charlotte's ire; he was right... After all that'd gone before she could never divulge this sordid assault and retain her good name.

With that conclusion reached all fight left Charlotte and she surrendered to her fate; taking solace from the fact that while insistent, Jake's assault was this time more... considerate. It was perhaps a minute before Jake penetrated fully, but exactly when during that minute Chaz's acceptance arrived couldn't be pin-pointed; it was long before Jake's scrotum slapped against her ravaged pussy.

Charlotte's heart-rate and breathing had both sky-rocketed from the off; soon after that came the heat, infusing Charlotte completely, leaving her whole body flushed and bathed in sweat. Only then did Chaz begin acknowledging the internal sensations from Jake's cock driving ever deeper into her over-stretched bowel:

It felt as if a greased baseball bat was being forced inside her, penetrating so deeply that Chaz was sure it'd reach her stomach; plus the distension... Charlotte felt fit to burst! And it wasn't just Jake's cock: While one hand still pinned Chaz's head against the pillow, Jakes other arm had snaked around and it too was now between her legs.

Reminiscent but oh so different to Jake's earlier assault: Jake's two middle fingers were again speared deep into Charlotte's pussy and being twisted aggressively, but this time to even greater effect. Her pussy was now constricted by the cock in her bum and Charlotte could feel the pressure of Jake's twin intrusions on either side of the delicate membrane which separated her passages.

Jake's thumb meanwhile had begun stroking against the delicate button of Charlotte's clitoris. That along with Jake's cock now pistoning into the very depths of Chaz's bowel while his fingers gouged into her tight pussy soon had every nerve-ending in Charlotte's body feel to be discharging at once; the outcome was inevitable.

Charlotte's second climax arrived like a tsunami, a tidal wave of pleasure rising up to break over her before crashing destructively onto the beach, carrying Chaz along with it. Charlotte's whole body shuddered and shook; her stomach roiled and her heart palpitated while she screamed into that pillow in her release.

Charlotte's orgasm was simply explosive, far and away the most powerful climax that she had ever experienced; it was minutes rather than seconds before Chaz recovered sufficient coherence to look around and see... Nothing. Charlotte was alone once more, surrounded by the darkness and silence of an empty house.

Reaching unseeingly across to her left, Charlotte found and grabbed a handful of tissues from their box atop the bedside table and used these mop-up the liquid mess between her legs. A second bunch of tissues Chaz balled-up in her hand, before pressing them into the entrance of her pussy; Charlotte could sense her juices still leaking freely.

Chaz used a third handful of tissues to mop-up the similar outpouring which coated her right hand and the huge dildo which was still clasped tightly within it. Charlotte had discovered this monster on the kitchen table soon after Kris had left for work that morning; it was gift wrapped and Kris had affixed a label which read 'To help you make it through the night'.

Charlotte lay back on the pillows and smiled around the dildo which she'd slipped between her lips once again. The box containing her husband's gift had told her that it was called a 'Dominator' so Kris could only be pleased with the way in which Charlotte had utilised it; though perhaps she might not mention whom she'd been dreaming of while she'd done so?

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Another one with a brillaint twist at the end

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Might be substantially improved were you to give characters only one name!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Wow 😳 stunning 🥰.. merry Christmas 🎁😜

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