A Common Man

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Chelsea runs away from her life and meets a common man.
8.1k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/14/2020
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Chelsea had been driving north for two days. She had no idea where she was other than being some where along the Pacific coast. She had stopped a few times for gas and food, had caught a few hours of sleep several times parked in turn outs along the coast close to the ocean. Each time she stopped, she paid with cash, wore a pair of large sun glasses and an old overcoat and large hat she kept in her car to wear when she wanted to be inconspicuous. Almost everyone knew who she was and if she was recognized it wouldn't be long before her agent and promoter found her. And she didn't want to be found. Not for a while anyway.

Chelsea was a pop star. She had rocketed to the top in a very short while and had become a house hold name in a very few years. But the pressure of stardom was tremendous on her and she had finally cracked. She was tired of it, all of it: the lights, the people, the back stabbing, the infighting and most of all trying to stay in control, had finally gotten to her. She had run out of the theater where she was to perform in LA, jumped into her car and drove away. She knew that everyone involved was looking for her. And she was sure they were scouring LA for her. That's why she was headed up the coast trying to put miles between her and LA.


"Damn!" David grunted as he listened to the weather report on his radio.

He was looking at a satellite image of the on coming storm in the paper as the girl on the radio talked about it and it looked to be a doozy: winds in excess of 70 miles per hour accompanied by torrential rains and temperatures in the mid 30's.

David owned a campground with a few cabins, a gas station and small general store that was located in a tiny town on the Pacific coast in Washington state. Thankfully this time of the year he didn't have any campers or tenants so he didn't have to worry about that, but he also knew he had things he had to do to prepare for the storm. He sighed, pulled on his coat and stepped out into the cool wind coming off the ocean. He felt the breeze on his cheeks and knew in a few hours that breeze would be a wild, howling wind.

David checked everything in the camp ground, then checked the cabins to make sure the doors were closed and windows were shuttered. It took him two hours to make the complete rounds and by the time he got back to the gas station/office the wind was already picking up. The last thing he did before he went inside was to check the emergency power generator. Everything appeared to be in order as he went through his checks. When he was done he went inside and started to turn off the business sign, then thought better of it. If someone got in trouble during the storm he figured they might see his sign. At least he could put them up until it blew over.


Chelsea realized she had driven onto a long bridge and wondered where she was. As she drove along she could feel her Mercedes dodge and shutter as the wind pushed at it. She looked down into the water and saw curling waves with caps of white. Fear began to creep into her mind as she thought about the bridge collapsing into the boiling caldron below here. She pressed harder on the accelerator and before long she was flying over the bridge at 70 MPH. Ahead she saw a stop light and realized she was close to the end. She hit the brakes to slow down, then a moment later rolled off the bridge, through the flashing yellow light and found herself driving on a narrow two lane highway along the waters edge.

She kept driving and as she did the wind began to pick up. Soon it felt like each gust was going to push her right off the road. She wanted to stop but she hadn't seen a building for the last 10 miles so didn't want to in the middle of no where. She saw a sign for lodging pointing down a smaller road that intersected with the highway. On impulse she turned and before long found herself driving down a narrow road with towering trees on each side.

After a while she thought about turning around because she hadn't seen a house or building since she had turned off the highway. A few minutes more and it began to rain. At first only a few drops but within a short time it was raining so hard the windshield wipers were having a difficult time keeping up with it. Chelsea slowed down enough so she could see the road but kept driving hoping to find some place to stop.

After another 10 minutes she spotted the lights of a service station. She pulled in and as she did she saw it was also a camp ground with an advertisement for rental cabins. Just as she stopped in front of the pumps a tremendous crash filled the air. Chelsea gasped in terror turned off her car, jumped out and in a panic ran into the station. A bell tinkled as she entered. She closed the door and stood with her back to it panting.

As she stood there her heart pounding a voice from the direction of the till said, "It's getting pretty damned nasty out there."

Chelsea looked up to see a man who appeared to be in his early forties standing behind the counter.

'Yes it is." She replied, then straightened up and asked, "Will it get worse?"

The man grinned and replied, "Unfortunately, yes. It's suppose to last for the next couple of days."

As he said the last word the lights flickered, then blinked out.

"Damn." He said, "I was hoping they would stay on longer. Aw well. No worries. I'll go start the gen set. Sit tight. I'll be right back."

He disappeared out a door behind the counter. Chelsea stood waiting and a few moments later the lights flickered and came back on. A minute or two more and the man returned.

"So, are you headed up the coast? If so I'd advise you to stay here at least until the storm blows over. It would be exceedingly dangerous to drive in these conditions."

Chelsea nodded and replied, "Yes...I aw think you're right. Do you have a cabin for rent?"

"I do but I don't think it would be wise for you to be out there in one of them. I have an extra room here in the back if you'd like it."

"Sure." Chelsea replied. "How much is it?"

"Nothing." The man said.

"Nothing?" She asked puzzled.

"Nothing." He said again with a grin, "I don't charge stranded people for shelter. I'm David by the way. And you are?"

For the first time since she entered the store Chelsea realized she didn't have on her hat and glasses. He must recognize her!

"I'm..aw...Chelsea." She said with resignation thinking he would know who she was and begin the same old crap most people did when they met her.

"Hi Chelsea." He said with a grin holding out his hand, "Welcome to Surf Side Park."

For a moment she didn't understand then it hit her, he didn't know who she was! At first she was relieved then her ego woke as she thought, 'WTF??? He doesn't know who I am?'

Before she could stop herself she said, "I'm a singer. An entertainer."

"Really? Where? Around here some where? A lounge or a club? I'll come see your show if you tell me where you'll be playing."

It again struck her that David didn't have a clue who she was. She was about to explode on him when she stopped. If he didn't know who she was why not enjoy some anonymity for a short while?

"I'm between gigs at the moment." She said, "but I'll let you know the next time I play."

"Ok, it's a deal." David said with a grin, "Come on. I'll show you your room and the livingroom and kitchen. I normally don't have boarders in here, so we'll have to share the common living space. But I don't mind if you don't mind my company."

Chelsea could feel the fatigue that had been building over the last months starting to grip her as she said, "I don't mind. I'd love a shower and some sleep."

David showed her the living room and kitchen. She was surprised to see he didn't have a TV.

When she asked about it he pointed to one wall that was covered by a bookcase and was stuffed from floor to ceiling with books as he said, "I do apologize but my entertainment is in those."

He lead her down a hallway to a small bedroom and said, "Here you go. It's small but clean and cozy. The bathroom with the shower is right next door. Towels are in the closet right across the hall from the bathroom. Would you like me to get your luggage?"

For the first time Chelsea realized she had left in such a huff she hadn't brought anything with her.

"I don't have any." She said.

"No problem." David replied as he turned and disappeared.

He reappeared a few minutes later with a large T-shirt in one hand and a terry cloth robe in the other.

"Here you go. Something to sleep in and something to keep you warm. I try to keep some of these around for stranded travelers. You aren't the first one to involuntarily end up here." He said as he handed her the clothes.

"Thanks." Chelsea said as she took the items from him.

"I'm going to go check the store then have a drink if you'd like to join me."

"I...aw...sure why not?" she replied.

Chelsea stepped into the bathroom and stripped, dropping her clothes on the floor. She stepped into the shower and stood under the cascading water as she thought about her life. She had been singing and dancing since she was 5. Up until she was 18 it had been small clubs and openers for other acts at theaters. That had all changed when George Penos had come to a show which she was the opening act.

He was a big time producer and immediately recognized her potential. He had come back stage after the show that night and offered her a contract, which she excitedly accepted. She didn't realize how radically her life was going to change. Within a year she had released several records and was a household name. By the time she was 21 she was living in a mansion with armed guards all around to keep the fans away.

George drove her hard, insisting she do every show offered and release at least two or three new songs a year. She worked 7 days a week, sometimes 12 to 14 hours a day. By the time she was 24 she felt like she was burned out and hollow. That was the reason she had walked out on the show and drove away.

Chelsea finally turned off the water, toweled herself dry and pulled on the large T-shirt. As she did, just for an instant she was transported back to her teen years and the remembered feel of pulling on one of her fathers large T-shirts as sleep wear. As that thought hit her a stab of sorrow coursed through her as she remembered that she hadn't seen or spoken to her parents for over 5 years. She didn't hate them, she had just been too busy to see them. As she pulled on the terry robe she decided when she got back it was time to call them. Chelsea wandered out to the livingroom, her bare feet slapping gently on the hardwood floor. David was sitting on the end of the sofa, his feet up on a hassock and his nose buried in a book. She could hear the crackle of the fire burning in the fireplace and the room was cozy warm.

As she walked in he looked up and asked, "Feeling better?"

She smiled at him and nodded as she curled up on the opposite end of the couch.

"Something to drink?" David asked, "I have hot chocolate, coffee, juice and some alcoholic drinks...aw you are old enough to drink alcohol?"

That caused Chelsea to giggle. No one had asked her if she was old enough since she had hit stardom.

"Yes I am." She said.

"Ok then," David continued, "As far as alcohol, I also have some vodka and some whiskey a small selection of wine and a much larger selection beer in the store."

As Chelsea stared into the fire she began to realize she hadn't brought any of her pills. The last 6 months or so her personal doctor had prescribed sedatives to help her go to sleep and keep calm. Now that she was settled for the night, she could feel the urge to take a pill.

To keep her mind off the drugs she was beginning to crave she asked, "David, you really don't know who I am?"

David stared at her for a moment then said, "I get the feeling you think I should know who you are. I am sorry Chelsea, I really don't."

Again, she was a bit shocked that he really didn't know who she was. Chelsea found herself in a quandary. Her ego wanted to brag about who she was, but another part wanted to just enjoy the anonymity. Her ego won.

"I'm Chelsea Fortnier." She said with a bit of arrogance creeping into her voice, "I'm one of the hottest talents in show business right now. I've had 5 hit singles over the last two years."

"Really?" David said with a smile, "What are they?"

Chelsea rattled off the names of all five singles.

David nodded, smiled and said, "Yea I've heard them. Good music that. And they're yours? I am impressed. You are a talented young lady. Good job."

For a moment Chelsea was stunned and her ego was bruised. Good job? That's all he could say, good job? The lack of reverence he showed for her fame caused her to begin to get angry.

"I don't think you understand." she said, her voice starting to rise, "I'm one of the greatest pop musician in the world!"

"Yes, yes you are." David replied with a grin, "But I'm one of the greatest camp ground owners on the west coast, so I guess we are in good company with each other!"

"WHAT?"She screamed as she jumped to her feet, "You dare to compare owning a grubby little camp ground to my talent? Really?"

She stomped out of the room, down the hall and into her bedroom. She couldn't believe he would compare her with himself, a nobody. She threw the robe onto the end of the bed and climbed under the thick covers. She lay there stewing on his slight for a few minutes, but sleep quickly caught up to her.

Chelsea was startled awake by a huge clap of thunder and the building shuddering as the wind hammered against it. She sat there disoriented trying to remember where she was. A moment later another huge clap of thunder sounded directly above, accompanied by a blinding flash of lightning. In a panic Chelsea jumped out of bed and ran down the hall. She dashed into the living room to find David still sitting on the couch dozing. Without pause she ran over to him and jumped into his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck and clinging to him as she whimpered. David started awake as she landed on his lap.

It took him a moment to realize what was going on, then he wrapped his arms around her, stroked her hair and said, "It's ok. This place has been through worse."

Chelsea shivered as another huge clap of thunder sounded. David pulled her closer, then grabbed the knitted afghan laying on the back of the couch and wrapped it around her.

He stroked her hair and murmured to her, "Easy girl, easy. We'll be ok. We'll be ok."

As he whispered to her Chelsea began to relax and enjoy the fell of his strong male body against hers. She had broken up with her boyfriend 3 months before and even though she didn't realize it, because of her brutal work schedule, she had missed the feel of another body close to her. A moment later David began to rub her back as he stroked her hair. That woke something it Chelsea, a hunger for something, but she didn't quite realize what.

David hadn't been with a woman for over 6 months and the feel of Chelsea's young firm sexy body on his lap made his react. He felt himself begin to get hard. She was curled up with her hip directly on his crotch and he knew if he did get hard she'd feel it. He didn't want her thinking he was a perv, so he shifted her around until she wasn't laying on his manhood.

As he moved her Chelsea realized what he was doing. At first she began to get angry at the thought of him getting sexually excited from her being on his lap. Than the thoughts spun as she realized that the thought of him getting hard because of her was stirring something in her. She was starting to feel a sexual urge.

"David?" She whispered.

"Yes?" He whispered back between the thunderclaps.

"Do you really think so little of me?"

"How do you mean?" He asked.

"Well, you compared me to being a camp park owner like you. But I'm very talented; I'm very famous. Doesn't that make me more important?"

"It depends." He replied.

"On what?" She asked puzzled at his reply.

"Whether you need to listen to music or have a place to camp. I can't make music like you can, not even close. So if I need music to lift me, entertain me, you are more important. But if I need a place to kick back and enjoy some leisure time, or if I need a port in a storm," He grinned, "A camp ground owner is more important."

For an instant Chelsea was filled with white hot angry at his reply.

"But I'm rich to! I make more money in a night then you'll ever have!" She snarled.

"True," he said, "but money isn't everything. I have peace of mind, true friends and a beautiful place to live. That's worth more then money."

As his words sunk in Chelsea realized that he was at peace and loved the place he lived. That caused her hot anger to rise higher. She didn't want to admit she wanted what he had, wanted that peace and contentment she had as a child with her parents. Without thinking she swung a slap at his face.

David wasn't expecting it and her palm landed hard on his cheek. As the sting registered on his brain, before he could stop himself he raised his hand and slapped her on the cheek. Chelsea was stunned. No one had dared touch her like that, ever.

"You...you...you hit me." She stammered her hand covering the spot where had slapped her.

"Yea." He said, "I reacted without thinking. I am truly sorry, but you shouldn't have slapped me, especially for nothing. There isn't any call for it and I will not abide it, understand?"

Chelsea sat staring at him and as she did the anger that was simmering in her boiled over again and she swung another slap at his face. This time David was ready. He blocked her arm, grabbed her wrist and pulled it behind her. The anger in Chelsea was still hot so she swung a slap at him with her other hand. David blocked that one too and a moment later she found both her hands pinned behind he back. As she sat on his lap with him holding her immobile, a funny thing happened, she could feel herself getting sexually excited. She realized that David wasn't going to put up with any of her regular antics like all those back in LA would. She shifted slightly to change her position and realized she was now sitting on the hard lump of his cock.

"You're...you're hard." she whispered.

"What did you expect?" He replied in a firm slightly angry tone, "You come in here throw yourself on my lap in nothing but that T-shirt and expect me to ignore it? Maybe you can pull that crap in LA, but you're in my territory now. I am usually very courteous to my guests, but you're pushing my good will. I think you had better go back to bed and leave as soon as you can tomorrow."

He started to push her off his lap. As she felt him do that she instantly decided she didn't want to leave the snug safe confines.

She grabbed his neck with her arms and held on as she whimpered, "No! No! Please don't make me go! I'll be good! I'll...I'll do anything you want."

As she spoke the last she could feel her nethers growing warm and moist at the thought of not being in control, of doing what ever she could to please him rather than being the diva and the center.

"What? You can't get what you want by being a little spoiled entitled bitch, so now you're going to try flirting and teasing? What the fuck? Get out of here!" He yelled trying to pry her arms loose from his neck.

"NO! NO!" she cried, "Please! I mean it! I'm not teasing! I'll do anything you want! Anything!"

David stopped trying to remove her arms from around his neck, looked at her cautiously and asked, "Why should I believe you?"

For an instant Chelsea didn't know how to answer, then the perfect solution hit her.

"Let me prove it." she said as she let go of his neck and slid to her knees on the floor.