A Couple and their Houseguest


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"Good morning, Babe," Roy said, "I was just telling her about what we were going on about last night."

"Ah," Vanessa said with a smile, "I completely agree with him. It was amazing to see that colorful side of you start to blossom. In fact, it has a little bit to do with what we wanted to talk to you about." Vanessa managed to sit straighter than she already was, a took on a serious tone. While she spoke, Roy made up three plates of bacon and eggs, laying them before each of them.

Vanessa looked Quinn right in the eye, "We want you to move in with us."

Quinn was so surprised, she was speechless for a long moment. Eventually, she managed to lower her eyes, "No, that's alright. I know I'm in a tough spot right now, but I'll figure it out. You guys already do so much for me. Besides, I don't want to intrude on you and Trish. I'd have to make it awkward for you guys in your own home."

Roy sat at the table, handing out some silverware, "That is actually a part of it. Trish doesn't live here anymore, so there is... a place for you, if you want it."

It took Quinn so long to understand the true meaning behind his words, that she was a few bites into breakfast before it hit her, "A place? Do you mean..."

Vanessa nodded, "Trish wasn't working out. Last night was just the final indicator of that."

Quinn remembered their party being interrupted for a moment when they had caught Trish peeking through the stairs, and how Vanessa had left to talk to her. She immediately felt guilty, "I hope I didn't get her in trouble. I didn't mean to-"

Roy held up a hand to quiet her, "No, no. It wasn't you. There were some compatibility issues from the start. We all came to a mutual agreement last night, and she left before you woke up."

"With all that said," Vanessa cut in, "We both want you to move in, and take her place. You already know the gist of what she was to us, but we need to know if this interests you at all."

Roy grew quite serious, not in a scary way, but in a genuine sincerity that softened his rugged demeanor, "To be clear, this is absolutely your decision. If you refuse, we will not be offended or hurt in any way."

Quinn had to take a full minute to just think, and the couple let her sit there in her silence to do so. The idea was so wild, but also wildly interesting. There was no illusion about it, no facade or hidden subtext. If she were to accept, she would be living in their house as their personal mistress. She would be humbly obedient in every way...

On one hand, it was a frightening prospect. Not that she feared they would hurt or abuse her in any way, she knew them too well to think that, but the thought of it all seemed so alien to her. Could she give up control of her life like that? Could she surrender to them, accepting how vulnerable that would make her?

On the other hand, what was her other option? Sure, she could survive on her own. It would be uncomfortable and trying for a while, but she would be okay in the long run. However, no matter how Quinn thought about her situation, she could not see a way for it to end. Eventually, she would get a new crappy apartment with probably another sleazy landlord, working her shitty dead end job. Perhaps it was time to try a new direction, if only to reset the deck.

"Okay," Quinn said, "What would it be like?"

Both Roy and Vanessa smiled broadly, and Quinn could understand why, she felt it too. Just asking the question was a step, the first step into something that she knew there would be no way to convince herself to walk away from. It was a beginning to something new, exciting, and terrifying.

Vanessa began to lay it out for her, "Some of this you know, but in the effort to be completely clear, I'll say it anyway. You will live here with us as our guest. You can stay for as long as you want, and you can leave at any time. You will have certain responsibilities, first of which is complete respect and obedience. The latter is absolute and unquestioning. Honesty is fundamental in this relationship, and we will be completely honest with you and only ask that you do the same. If something makes you uncomfortable, tell us, and it will end. If at any time you do not feel like moving forward, tell us, and we will stop. That rule has no exceptions."

Quinn nodded, taking it all in.

Roy took over, "I want you to know, straight from the start, that we will be pushing you, sometimes to the edge of your tolerances. While we do so, you have to trust us. Our goal is never to put you in any situation that you cannot handle. If we ask you to do something, even if it seems extreme, it is because we genuinely believe you can handle it, understand?"

She took a deep breath and nodded again.

Leaning in, Vanessa took her hand, "Now that you have heard all that, I'm going to ask you once. I won't push, nor will either of us be upset no matter the answer." She paused, then said slowly and definitively, "Do you want to do this?"

Quinn had already made up her mind, "Yes." She answered perhaps a bit too quickly, but the smiled that graced her face when she said it seemed to solidify her decision all the more.

Roy looked at his wife then grinned gleefully, "Great! Then after breakfast, we will start."


Quinn paced back and forth in the living room, not sure what to expect. She had seen their subs before, always quiet and obedient, but they never did anything with them while she was around. She also knew that they tended to steer clear of the stereotypes and hard terminology, taking a more personal approach, but she was clueless as to what that might entail.

The couple came out of the kitchen after clearing the dishes, and Quinn wiped her sweaty palms on her skirt. It was bizarre that she was so nervous in front of them since they had been hanging out for years.

Roy sat on the couch silently and watched, content to let Vanessa do most of the talking. The chestnut haired woman stepped up to Quinn with a soft smile but a commanding look on her eyes, "First things first, before you can be comfortable with us, you need to be comfortable with yourself."

Quinn listened intently, focusing her adrenaline fueled mind on every word, every syllable.

Vanessa seemed to notice the rapt attention and went on, "I want you to take off your clothes."

Quinn hesitated for just a moment, but was determined to dive into it all whole heartedly. Awkwardly, she stripped down, dropping her clothes into a pile on the floor. By the time she was down to her bra and panties, she was blushing furiously, but she forced her shaking hands to work at the clasp behind her back. Her fingers shook violently, her mind all too aware of the two people looking at her while she undressed.

Not very many had seen her naked. There were a couple of guys either in high school or college, and her friend Thrace one time when she convinced Quinn to go skinny dipping late one time at a camping trip. Other than that, no one. Now, she was undressing in front of a married couple, and not in some fit of passion or glee, but with them watching on in cool, controlled interest. It was so starkly different, that her hands refused to obey her brain's commands.

Vanessa stepped behind her, the touch of her warm hands resting on Quinn's shaking wrists. The woman's soft voice spoke calmly to her, "It's okay to be nervous. Push past it. Don't be embarrassed. You have a beautiful body. Accept that and be proud. Be comfortable with what you are and share that with us." The words helped, and she was able to remove the bra. Shortly after, her panties joined them in the pile, and she was standing in the living room naked, one hand covering the fuzzy patch between her legs, the other trying to cover her breasts.

The higher arm had trouble covering much. Quinn's limbs were slim, like the rest of her. Her breasts were no theatrically large mounds, but neither were they at all flat. It was one of her physical qualities that she was proud of, but rarely brave enough to show off. She thought about that for a moment. She truly was proud of her breasts. Slowly, she lowered that hand, baring them in the open. But by bit, she accepted the rest of herself. It was true, she had a beautiful body. Her pale skin was alabaster in the morning light, glowing with her new found freedom as she stood naked in front of the couple. Everything about her was beautiful, from her dainty bare feet, to the small scruff of red fur around her mound, to the nipples that grew hard and perky.

Looking up to Vanessa, Quinn smiled, still shaking with nervousness but seeing her own joy reflected in the other woman's eyes. Vanessa clapped giddily, "Good, Good! Now, that you accept yourself, I want you to become comfortable with us as well. Our bodies should be as familiar to you as your own." Vanessa pulled off the baggy shirt, and Quinn was surprised to see that she had not been wearing anything at all underneath the whole morning.

Vanessa was gorgeous, with sun kissed skin from head to toe. She had slightly more muscle tone than Quinn, but it was not hard to top the younger girl's incredibly slight frame. Her breasts were also slightly larger, now too perking up in the morning chill. She took Quinn's hands and placed them gently on her breasts, guiding them to move slowly over her body.

She looked at Quinn kindly, "Explore my body. Learn its curves and shapes as well as your own. Don't hesitate, don't hold back. Become familiar with this like you would if you sat in a new car or moved into a new home."

Quinn obeyed, feeling Vanessa's body with her hands, letting her fingertips glide over her supple skin like a blind person discovering a new object. Without realizing it, she was drawing Vanessa closer to her, until her hands were wrapped around her sides, feeling her hips and waist. Her eyes followed her hands, and she was mildly startled when their breasts began to press together, but she continued her exploration. Her right hand slid over Vanessa's stomach, and stopped, an awkward feeling making her restless.

"Don't hesitate," Vanessa repeated.

The command shook Quinn from her pause, and her hand slid downward. Two long fingers slipped between her legs, and she found that Vanessa was smooth as melted velvet, not even a stubble upon her mound. Quinn was so expecting to find some evidence of hair as she descended, that she was surprised when her fingers slid over a hot wetness, coating her fingertips instantly. Quinn looked up in embarrassment, but could not remove her hand. She found herself looking directly into the other woman's eyes, so close that their noses were almost touching. Without thinking, she leaned in and kissed her. It just seemed like the thing to do, their bodies so close and breath intertwining. It felt so natural, that she had not even thought whether or not she should until after their lips were already together.

While they kissed, Vanessa embraced her closely, her soft hands laying warmly on Quinn's behind. They both seemed to sink into each other, and Quinn felt like both bodies were one, a mix of soft touches and goosebumped flesh. When they finally broke, Quinn felt entirely different. Instead of being nervous or awkward, she stood naked with Vanessa in the middle of the room, only wanting to keep the contact to last for as long as possible. The older woman's soft, kind voice and delicate touch had comforted her to the point of true relaxation. A part of her was still trembling, but she was not sure if it was from her excited nerves or from the well of emotion pouring through her.

Quinn frowned a bit as Vanessa released her, but it was clear that she was to remain where she was. Interestingly enough, she had no desire to cover herself up with her hands anymore. It was as if the entanglement with the other woman had proved to her mind that she had nothing to hide. Vanessa waved her over, and walked her to where Roy was sitting.

"Now him," she told her, "Take your time, go at your own speed."

Frustratingly, Quinn's nervousness returned, though slightly less debilitating with Vanessa at her side. She did not know quite how to start, so she stood over him for a good moment wondering what to do. Unlike Vanessa, Roy remained completely dressed in his pajama flannels and old tee. Seeing her hesitation, he held out a large hand and took hers when she offered it o him. His massive paw dwarfed hers, and his grasp was gentle, if steadfastly firm. Slowly, he pulled her toward him, and she followed his guidance, sitting lightly on his knee. Once she was on his lap, he released her, allowing her to proceed on her own once again, his hand dropping to rest on her bare leg.

Quinn was trembling once again, but then she noticed his gaze gliding over her body. The realization opened her eyes to other subtle details she had been missing. Roy was no stoic observer, and he seemed just as taken with everything as well. When she paid attention, she could feel the slight shudder of his leg beneath her. When she rested her arm around his shoulders, she could hear his breathing quicken to match hers. To confirm her suspicions, She Quinn shifted slightly on his lap and almost immediately felt his manhood bulge and press against her from beneath. His reactions surprised her. As long as she had known him, Roy had been the cheerful face of steadfast resolve. Nothing fazed him, and even things that would send someone else into a fury just caused him to calmly handle them. Seeing him so unsteadied made Quinn feel incredibly sexy, since her own apparent abilities were enough to shake the ever-unchanging man.

By instinct, she looked down and only then was when she saw how remarkably wet she was. Light glistened off the juices that were already coating her inner thighs. She moved again and felt the lubrication swam between her legs. This drove her to grow bolder, pulling up on Roy's tee. He compliantly pulled the shirt up and over his head, baring his brawny chest. He was no body builder, but his muscle tone was clear under a thin, pale red dusting of hair. Even leaning back in the chair like that, he had practically no gut. Quinn ran her hands over his densely muscled chest and let her fingers run up his neck to his thick beard. He let her hands grope along, unmoving as if a kitten was playing upon him.

Quinn let her hands trace the outline of his jaw, more chiseled than she realized under the thick, curly red beard. She met his eyes for a moment, but looked away soon after. Unlike Vanessa, whose eyes were depths of joy and kindness, Roy had a gaze of pure intensity. It was not intimidating as much as just overwhelming. It was like having a staring contest with a great lion, stare too long and you felt as if you were challenging it. Instead, Quinn let her hands slide down, intertwining in his waistband.

Roy lifted himself slightly, pulling the flannel pants just past his hips. He lowered himself down again, and Quinn realized he had not seemed in any effort lifting himself up with her on his lap. Her slight frame seemed nothing to his powerful muscles, though he managed not to be rough at all, possessing all the delicacy of a painter despite his brutish strength.

Once his pants were lowered, his hearty manhood stood out in the open, as boldly presented as herself, sitting naked on his lap. Tentatively, she let her hand sneak toward it, her fingertips brushing his shaft ever so softly. The muscles twitched in response to the contact, making her flinch a bit, but she returned without hesitation, marveling at the thing.

Sure, Quinn had seen men naked before. She had been with two other guys, and there had been the memory from early in college she tried to forget, but never like this. It had always been a wrestle in the dark, tumbled and rushed. Never had she seen a man display himself for her inspection in the clear light with no reservations. Always, it had been a means to an end, just a step between them groping all over her and relieving themselves inside her. This was all so starkly different that her mind felt like it was an entirely new experience, as if this was her first... Slowly, Quinn wrapped her hand around it.

No... not "it"... his penis, his cock. She could not keep being timid around them like this. This whole exercise was to make them all comfortable with each other. She saw the looks in their eyes, the depth of acceptance and desire that had made her so aroused and excited, and Quinn let that same sentiment settle inside herself. Suddenly, she saw Roy not as a man so confident that it was intimidating, but as someone who was incredibly sexy and attractive as well. She wanted him to know that she knew that, that he deserved to feel like she was now. She wanted to show him how he affected her, to give him what he deserved. Her legs parted without her mind even wanting them to, opening so they could straddle his manhood.

"No," he said suddenly, his broad hand stopping her by her midsection, mere inches from dropping upon his waiting pillar. Quinn actually pushed against his palm for a moment before she realized what she was doing and stopped. Her mind was in a haze of emotion, the craving she was unexpectedly consumed with fighting the confusion by his refusal all mixed up with the astonishment that she had been so forward to begin with. She caught his gaze and saw a hesitation there. Clearly, he was fighting some of the same emotions as he told her to stop.

A light touch from behind took her hand and pulled her off of Roy's lap. Quinn suddenly remembered that Vanessa was there as well, so blinded by the moment, and she wondered if the woman had taken offense to her move on Roy. When she turned around, Vanessa was smiling brightly however.

The older woman stroked Quinn's hair back gently, explaining to her what had just happened, "You've done well here, learned to open up much more quickly than others. It means that this could work out for all of us really well, but there is no jumping into this head first."

Quinn began to understand, mainly that she would not be getting to satisfy the groaning between her legs.

Vanessa continued, walking her back to the middle of the room, "First, you learn, then you earn."

With her body frustrated so severely, Quinn forced herself to nod, though she was sure she was failing to hide the despair on her face.

Roy stood, pants pulled back into place but with his bulge still pressing against the thin fabric, "We understand that it isn't easy, but we told you we would push you to your limits. This is probably the easiest barrier of yours we can challenge. Learn patience, and it will make it easier. There is a lot to teach you before you will get the release you are craving right now."

Vanessa nodded in agreement and looked to her, "So I will give you a final chance, one last choice." She paused until Quinn looked up to her, "You can either continue, and commit fully, or we will give you that release now, but it will be the end of it. It's completely up to you."

Quinn felt supremely conflicted. Her body screamed at her for help, demanding she sate its primal hunger that had been stoked like a burning flame before suddenly held hostage. She wanted to leap across the room onto Roy and make him destroy her in a fit of raging passion.


Something sat calmly at the back of her mind, reminding her of one simple fact: Without question, this was merely the tip of the iceberg. If this frenzy in her could be produced in just minutes of opening up to them, what could they do to her in a day? A week? A year! There was no question that she would regret walking away from this, even if it meant denying herself what could easily be the greatest physical release she had ever experienced.

Slowly, Quinn replied, her voice almost gearing against the back of her throat as she forced the words out and the craving down, "I want more. I want to stay."