A Curious Day at the Spa


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Beatrice chuckled, "I'm sure they got quite an eyeful."

"What is this supposed to do?" Charlotte asked.

"This should draw out any toxins in your skin," Beatrice explained as she spread a leaf over Charlotte's breast.

"I feel like Poison Ivy," Charlotte said, looking at the way the green leaves clung to her body like a leotard.

The seaweed was warm and felt like a wet T-shirt. It smelled like the ocean. She watched Beatrice apply it all the way down her body. It covered her breasts, her abdomen and her thighs, but there was noticeable gap at her crotch, reminding her that she was naked.

"You missed a spot," Charlotte said.

"No." Beatrice replied, "It is supposed to be like that. I can cover you with a towel if you are uncomfortable, but that part of your body should not be covered with seaweed."

"Oh, okay. I'm good," Charlotte said.

Lifting Charlotte's leg, Beatrice completed the wrap. "Okay, you lie still. I will be back in 30 minutes to remove the wrap." She turned and walked out of the room, followed by Karen.

"Still thinking about the dive trip?" Charlotte asked.

"Yea, I think that was the first time I saw Brad without a shirt. He looked good on that boat. I'm glad he had the good taste to wear swim trunks instead of a Speedo, those banana hammocks are not sexy on anything less than an Olympic athlete," Sherry said.

"Yea, he says it bunches up in the wet suit, but I told him I appreciate his sacrifice," Charlotte said with laugh.

"It's also the first time I thought about fucking him. Not seriously, just as masturbation material," Sherry confessed.

"I would not have complained. He wore me out on that trip. Something about being on the ocean makes him really horny," Charlotte said.

"I think everything makes Brad really horny," Sherry replied.

"No, this was more than usual. You know we did it on the dive boat, right?"

"I noticed you guys vanished for a while, where did you do it? Bathroom?" Sherry replied.

"I wish, but no. He managed to sneak into the engine room. I'm pretty sure the bathroom would have been cleaner. He just bent me over and shoved it in. I think he enjoyed it more than I did, but he made up for it later," Charlotte said.

"That's right, "Sherry recalled. "I didn't see much of you two after dinner."

"He took me back to the room, gave me a nice back rub and foot massage. Then he tied me to the bed and... well, he did a lot. I'm sure you know what I mean," Charlotte said, her voice trailing off as she remembered what happened.

Sherry glanced over at her friend. Charlotte's eyes were closed and the corners of her mouth were turned up into a seductive grin. Sherry imagined the scene, Charlotte naked on the bed, ropes around her wrists and ankles, but her body still about to writhe with pleasure as Brad ran his tongue along her labia. Soon she would not have to imagine it; she would see it for herself.

Sherry had no idea how close she was to the truth. Charlotte moaned quietly as she remembered the way Brad had made her come with his mouth. Then his lips had found her breasts, teasing her with gentle kissing until she begged him to fuck her. He gave her everything she asked for and more, pounding his throbbing erection into her dripping wet pussy until she came again. She pleaded with him to come inside her, but he had pulled out and sprayed the thick, hot liquid all over her face.

Sherry sat up, peeling the seaweed off her body. She could hear Charlottes breathing getting rapid and shallow, she wanted to be closer to her friend. She wanted to see what Charlotte looked like when she was aroused.

The doorknob started to turn and Sherry quickly padded over to it, her breasts bouncing in a comical fashion. The door opened, Beatrice and Karen started to enter the room. Sherry put her finger to her lips, and then whispered, "Give us ten more minutes."

The two women smiled, then turned around and left. Sherry turned her attention back to Charlotte. She tip toed across the room. Much to her relief, it appeared the intrusion had not disturbed her friend. Mixed in with the smell of the seaweed wrap was the musky scent of sex. Sherry moved the Vichy shower into place and turned on the water, but did not turn the valve to activate the shower. She adjusted the water to a satisfactory temperature. Her fingers closed around the lever that diverted the water to the six shower heads. The water pressure was still low when it started to flow down the pipe; the escaping air was whisper quiet. At first the water was just a fine mist, but as Sherry opened the valve a bit more it turned to a gentle rain. She aimed one of the shower heads at the exposed patch of skin that was Charlotte sex, and then turned the water up a bit more. The moan that escaped Charlotte's lips told Sherry her wish had come true. The seaweed began to slide away, revealing more and more of Charlotte's body. Any doubts about the state of her arousal were washed away with the seaweed that had covered Charlotte's breasts, or more specifically her erect nipples.

Opening her eyes, she was a bit surprised to see Sherry. The dream about Brad had been so real; she expected to see his face next to her. As she focused on the room she remembered where she was.

"Did I?" she asked, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Yes, and it was beautiful," Sherry said, beaming.

"You... you saw me?" Charlotte asked, not sure how to feel.

"Yes, and if that's your reaction to a shower, I can't wait to see what Brad does to you," Sherry said.

"Did anyone else see?"

"No, just me," Sherry assured her.

Sherry considered offering to let Charlotte watch her come. It would not have taken much, given her current state of arousal, but she decided it would be too much.

Sherry turned off the shower and began to walk back to her massage table, "I think they'll be back soon."

The moment Sherry lay down the door swung open, Karen and Beatrice entered the room, each bearing a towel.

Sherry felt a chill and goose bumps formed on her skin.

"You must be cold," Karen said, laying a towel over Sherry's erect nipples, "I'm going to get another towel, I forgot your boobs got their own."

"Jealous?" Sherry teased.

"Maybe," Karen replied, patting Sherry's legs dry.

Sherry looked at the clock on the wall. "Looks like its closing time. I guess the hot stones will have to wait until next time. I made a deal with Maria, we are going to stay a little late, but you two don't have to."

Karen and Beatrice smiled at each other, said goodbye and left the room.

Charlotte put her robe back on and followed Sherry down the hall to the massage room.

The distinctive sound of the door being locked echoed through the room. Charlotte noticed that most of the lights were out and the staff was noticeably absent as she and Sherry had walked to the massage room. She glanced over at her friend. Sherry's hand was still on the latch of the door.

"I don't want the cleaning staff to barge in," Sherry explained.

"So who is going to give me a massage?"

"I thought we could give each other a rub down," Sherry replied.

"Uh, are you sure?"

"Think of it as a warm up for when we are with Brad. You know he is going to want us to touch each other. I think it will be less awkward if we have done it before," Sherry said. "And to be completely honest, being around you all day has brought out my bi-curiosity."

Sherry felt relieved at finally admitting that she found Charlotte sexually attractive. As she waited, her friend's response time seemed to slow down. She tried not to stare at Charlotte, but wondered what was going on under the robe her friend was wearing. Sherry's own body was not being shy about showing how aroused she was.

The words echoed in Charlotte's head. Sherry was rarely modest, but today she had taken every opportunity to be naked, and now Charlotte knew why. It had taken great effort not to stare, especially when Charlotte was showing off her breasts. Sherry imagined watching her husband caress and kiss them, and could not help but wonder what it would be like to do the same. She thought about what Sherry had just said. The word bi-curious suddenly fascinated her. What would it mean if she wanted to experiment with it? When did bi-curious become bisexual? Under her robe, Charlotte's nipples were hard and aching to be touched. More than once she had considered slipping away to the restroom to masturbate just to relieve the tension, but never had the nerve to go through with her plan. Now she was glad that she had not. She untied the belt of her robe and let the garment fall away from her body, revealing it to Sherry.

"You are right, I feel a bit...," Charlotte paused, not sure what to say next. Words like 'Horny', 'Turned on', and 'Confused' raced through her mind.

"Awkward?" Sherry suggested.

"A little," Charlotte said, grateful for being rescued from her state of confusion. "But also intrigued."

"Why don't you lie down on the table and I will give you a back rub," Sherry offered.

The first thing Charlotte noticed was how warm the massage table was. She had expected it to be cold like the exam table at the doctor's office, but it was not. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed a power cord leading away from the massage table, explaining the source of heat. She sat on the table and slowly lay down, keeping her legs together out of habit. One she was horizontal, she turned over.

Charlotte was relieved that the most visible sign of her arousal was now safely out of sight, pressed against the massage table. She closed her eyes and listened to what Sherry was doing. The first thing she heard was the soft sound of Sherry's robe hitting the floor. Having seen Sherry nude many times today it didn't take much imagination to picture what she looked like. The next sound was a bottle of massage oil opening. Charlotte jumped a bit when she felt the oil flowing onto her back.

"Sorry, I should have warned you. Is it cold?"

"No, it feels good. I just wasn't expecting it," Charlotte replied. She braced herself for what would be next, Sherry touching her naked body. It had been a very long time since someone other than her husband had touched her when she was completely naked. Even at the doctor's office she at least wore socks, but right now she did not have a stitch of clothing on. The idea of being naked with Sherry was getting more and more arousing.

Starting with the small of Charlotte's back, Sherry rubbed the oil into her skin. Touching another woman, a naked woman, made her whole body tingle. With each stroke she felt her friend's body relax a bit more. Each stroke covered a bit more of Charlotte's body and soon Sherry was running her hand over Charlotte's pleasantly round ass. It was easy to understand why Brad spent so much time staring at his wife's back side.

It wasn't a complete shock to Charlotte that she found the massage arousing, but she did not expect the urge to writhe under Sherry's hands. She also did not expect to feel her pussy getting hotter and wetter, and she certainly did not expect the low moan that somehow escaped from her mouth. Getting a massage from Sherry was noticeably different than getting one from her husband. Sherry's pace was much more languid. If it were Brad giving her a massage, his fingers would already be plying her legs apart or probing the side of her breast. Sherry's hands were wandering, but at a much slower pace. Rather than using the massage as an excuse to grope her, Sherry was focused on the task, but letting her hands wander just enough to tell Charlotte that she might get a happy ending.

Taking a deep breath Sherry slid her hands over Charlotte's ass and onto her thighs. She focused her eyes on Charlotte's feet as she worked her way down the smooth legs. She found it easier to concentrate on the massage now that she was no longer tempted by the sight of Charlotte's breasts bulging out from her body, although she could still see Charlotte's ass in her peripheral vision. When she reached the end of the table she lifted one of Charlotte's feet and began to squeeze it. The rewarding sound of her friend moaning reached her ears, bringing a smile to Sherry's face. When she lowered the foot back to the table, Sherry noticed that Charlotte let it fall near the corner of the table, widening the gap between her legs. Charlotte's sex was still hidden in the shadows, but knowing that her friend was dropping her guard encouraged Sherry to be a bit bolder. As she lifted Charlotte's other foot, she pulled her leg to the side, widening the gap even more.

The massage wasn't what Charlotte expected. The anxiety and awkwardness she anticipated never materialized. Instead she was feeling more and more aroused. It was clear that letting Sherry touch her during the threesome was not going to be a problem for either one of them. There was no reason for the massage to continue, but Charlotte did not want it to stop. She wondered if Sherry could see the beads of wetness on her labia. Sherry was beginning to act a bit like Brad, as her hands moved up Charlotte's leg then explored the gap between her thighs. When Sherry's hands glided up onto her ass without brushing against her sex Charlotte felt both frustrated and relieved. She ached to be penetrated, but wasn't quite ready to have Sherry's fingers slide between her labia.

"You still feel tense, I'm going to get up on the table so get better leverage," Sherry said. Leverage wasn't really the right word, but Charlotte would know what she meant. Taking her friends silence as an invitation she put one knee on the massage table then straddled Charlotte's ass. She placed her hands in the small of Charlotte's back and began to work her way up the woman's spine. Sherry knew there was now no way to hide the heat from between her legs as her sex hovered inches over Charlotte's ass. As the message continued, Sherry could feel the tension leave Charlotte's muscles. When her hands reached Charlotte's shoulder blades, Sherry began to feel off balance. The weight of her breasts put her center of gravity too high so she placed one hand on the table just above Charlotte's shoulder. The other hand found its way to Charlotte's neck. Sherry leaned down even more until she could use her elbows for support, which caused her breasts to rest on Charlotte's back.

"Sorry, sometimes my boobs get in the way," Sherry said, although it was hardly a sincere apology.

"It's a price I'm willing to pay for such a nice massage," Charlotte replied. Although she would not admit it, feeling Sherry's tits against her skin was something she wanted more of. Charlotte pressed her ass against Sherry's hip, relishing the way the warm spot between her friends legs felt.

"Turn over," Sherry said, lifting her body off of Charlotte's.

Almost right away Charlotte missed the feeling of Sherry's warm skin against her own. Although it was a simple act, Charlotte struggled with the idea of giving Sherry a full frontal view of her naked body. Suddenly she felt nervous, wondering what would happen next. Once she turned over, there would be no way to deny how aroused she was. Charlotte had considered giving Sherry a safe word, something to keep things from going too far, but decided to trust her friend. She lifted her body up and slowly rotated on the massage table. Seeing Sherry's smiling face put Charlotte at ease, and the sight her friends pendulous breasts was somehow more arousing now.

"You are one sexy bitch," Sherry said as her eyes feasted on Charlotte's perky breasts.

"Thanks, "Charlotte replied, feeling flattered rather than embarrassed. She could not take her eyes off Sherry's tits.

"You can touch them if you want," Sherry offered, noticing where Charlotte's eyes were focused.

"That won't be weird?"

"Brad did a lot more than just touch Chance's chest," Sherry said, knowing that Charlotte's competitive nature would not let that challenge rest unanswered.

"Well I'm not about let him get one up me," Charlotte replied, putting both her hands on Sherry's tits.

"Fuck, that feels good," Sherry moaned, not sure if she had said it aloud or just inside her head.

Emboldened by Sherry's remark, Charlotte gripped her friend's nipples between her fingers and gently tugged on them, playing with Sherry's breasts the way she would her own. The guttural moan that escaped Sherry's lips encouraged Charlotte to go a bit further. She lifted her head off the table and parted her lips. Charlotte felt nervous. She could feel her heart pounding as her lips moved closer and closer to Sherry's naked breast. She wondered how many times Brad had done exactly what she was doing. She wondered if she would have the nerve to do this with him watching. Charlotte stopped with her lips a fraction of an inch from Sherry's swollen nipple. She could feel her warm breath bouncing off Sherry's skin. She was trying to decide what to do next when she heard her friend's voice.

"Please, please kiss me there," She whispered. Her entire body was tingling.

Charlotte pressed her lips against Sherry's breast. As expected, it was completely different than kissing her husband's chest. Where Brad's chest was covered in hair, Sherry's skin was smooth and soft. Even more distinct were Sherry's nipples, it felt like the tip of a finger. Charlotte probed her friend's erect flesh with the tip of her tongue and was rewarded with a quiet moan. Sherry put her hand on the back of Charlotte's head. It was too much and too soon. Charlotte pulled her head back.

"Nice, but we should save something for the threesome with Brad," Charlotte said. She felt like things were about to spin out control.

"That's true, I'm sure he will love seeing you do that," Sherry replied, trying to hide her disappointment.

To her surprise, Charlotte saw her hand rising toward Sherry's tits, seemingly of its own accord. It stopped, hovering an inch above her skin.

"I don't mind if you touch me again," Sherry said, hoping to encourage her.

Charlotte moved her hand up and stroked Sherry's breast. The skin had a light coat of massage oil from rubbing against her back. Her tits felt warm and soft.

"Tell me what Brad and Chance did, I'm curious how high the bar has been set," Charlotte said.

"They started by taking off each other's clothes," Sherry replied.

Charlotte grinned. "I think we can check that off the list."

"They were standing," Sherry said as she climbed off of Charlotte.

Sitting up Charlotte found herself facing Sherry breasts. She smiled and slipped off the table, briefly letting her tits touch Sherry's.

"Once they were naked, Chance stepped behind Brad," Sherry said, putting her hands on Charlotte's shoulders and turning her around..

"Then what?" Charlotte asked.

"Then this," Sherry said, guiding Charlotte's hands to her full breasts.

At first Charlotte was stunned as her hands were pressed against Sherry's tits. Sherry's breasts were warm and soft as they engulfed her hands. It was easy to understand why her husband liked them so much.

"What would Brad do?" Charlotte asked softly as her fingers again sought out Sherry's erect nipples. Was this what it meant to be bi-curious? She pressed her body against Sherry, letting out a sigh as her breasts flattened against Sherry's back. Her friend smelled of massage oil with just a hint of the musky scent of sex. Charlotte inhaled deeply, knowing the next time she did this, Brad would be watching. Would he want them to put on a show? Or would he be unable to keep his hands off them.

"What else did they do?" Charlotte asked.

"I think he kissed Chance on the neck..." Sherry replied.

Lowering her head, Charlotte pressed her lips against Sherry's skin. It was different than kissing a man. Sherry was softer and her skin was much smoother. When Sherry moaned Charlotte felt her pulse quicken. She imagined Brad watching them, tied to a chair so he could not interfere. The idea of teasing him with Sherry's body sounded delightful