A D.Va, the Faire & a Waffle Ch. 02


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Tempest pulled him into her room and shut the door behind him.

Before he could stop her, she had dropped to her knees and was unbuckling his jeans and tugging at the zipper.

"What are you—"

"Shut up, Max."

His cock was hardening rapidly in her hand. Max's eyes rolled back in his head when she took him in her mouth.

It wasn't slow and sensual. Tempest seemed to be going for broke from the beginning.

She worked him back and forth between her lips. He had to steady himself by leaning back against the door frame.

Unable to move, Max clenched his teeth to keep from crying out at her oral assault.

Her tongue worked the underside of his cock as she cupped his balls in her hand.

Tempest's head bobbed up and down on his cock. He knew from their weekend together that her oral skills were unmatched, but she wasn't being seductive or taking her time.

She was hungry for him.

Max's toes started to tingle. A shiver ran the length of is body.

"I'm . . . fuck!" he gasped.

His cock exploded in Tempest's mouth. Her lips sealed around the head of his cock as it pulsed. She swallowed every bit.

When he was done, he struggled for breath.

Tempest smiled up at him mischieviously. She gave the tip of his cock a quick kiss. Then she tucked him back in his boxers, zipped up his jeans and buckled his belt.

"You are yummy," she whispered in his ear. Max feebly pulled her close to him.

They kissed tenderly. Her body pressed against his.

"Whatever you want, you can do," she said softly. "Fuck me, eat me . . . anything you want. I'm all yours . . . Just not in front of any of the kids."

Max's head still spun, unable to fully process what had just happened or what she was telling him.

It took him a minute for his heart rate to come down. Tempest stepped back from his embrace and went over to her desk. She drew out an envelope.

"I got my test results back last week," she handed it to him. He didn't bother to open it; if she were going through the trouble of getting checked out at a clinic, he trusted her word. "All clear, and I haven't been with anyone else."

"Same here," Max breathed. "Mine is in the outer pocket of the suitcase."

Tempest didn't bother to look. It seemed she trusted him, too. She returned to his arms. "Good, because tonight, I'm going to have you bareback, Max. We're going to fuck. All. Night. I don't care if we wake my sisters or half my family. But you're going to make me scream and I'd better be walking funny at Gabi's wedding on Saturday."

"I guess we've got two days to make that happen."


Max quietly slipped out of the bed and went into the bathroom to relieve himself. Tempest lay curled up under the comforter, even though it wasn't actually cold.

She looked so beautiful in the soft morning light that shone in from behind the curtains. He brushed the hair out of her face, then kissed her gently on the cheek.

Without a sound, he dressed and went out into the hallway, closing the door behind him.

The house was quiet. A few people were up, but they kept their voices down to avoid waking anyone who was sleeping on one of the couches, futons or air mattresses.

For the most part, the adults were billeted in the bedrooms and the kids were sharing the common rooms, like it was one big sleepover. Most of the wedding party and some of the grandparents were staying at the Grove Park Inn, where the ceremony and reception were being held.

Katie and her sister Pam were in the kitchen, prepping a large breakfast for everyone in the house. Each gave Max a familial hug.

It looked like they were mixing up pancakes. Packages of bacon and sausage lay on the counter along with pre-made canned biscuits and a couple of boxes of hashed browns. In addition to the large cooktop, they had set out some electric skillets so they could cook for more people.

He retrieved a bottle of cherry Pepsi out of the fridge and was headed back upstairs when Terra waved him over.

She sat at the dining room table, with her laptop, a tablet and a calculus textbook in front of her, while nursing a cup of hot tea.

"Sera is in my room with me while my cousins are here," Terra answered Max's unasked question.

"Can I get you anything?" he asked.

"No, thank you," she replied. He took a seat next to her. "Thank you for coming up this weekend. It means a lot to Tempest."

"I'm happy to be here."

"Mom thinks you're a serial killer," she said.

"She what?"

"Mom—Melinda—says you're too nice to be anything but either a sociopath or the perfect guy for Tempest." Terra put her tablet down. Of the four of sisters, she was the most level-headed and calm, although Tempest had told him when Terra got hot, he needed to find a place to hide and hunker down for a long, long time.

"What do you think?"

"I think you've treated her better than any guy she's met."

Max snorted. "Maybe she's been looking in the wrong places."

"That would be my sister," Terra rolled her eyes. "She's been chasing boys all her life. You're a man. I'm glad she met you."

"I'm happy she jumped out of the elevator." Max took a drink of his Pepsi. "But I'm not sure that she really wants me."

"Why not?"

"You guys are all nineteen years old. I'm not that much older than you, but I'm out of college and working. You're supposed to be young and wild and all that."

"She's had her share of wild," Terra's eyes got dark for a moment. "She needs someone who treats her well, and you do."

Terra didn't elaborate. Max didn't ask.

"I spend seven months year on the road," he sighed. "She deserves someone who will be with her all the time."

They sat at the table for a moment in silence.

"If you tell her I told you this, I will deny it until the day I die," Terra warned. Her voice was so soft, he could barely hear her. "Of the people in this family, she is the smartest. As in rocket scientist smart. She actually got into Cornell, but wouldn't go without the rest of us, even though we begged her to."

Max's eyebrow shot up.

"But she has a history of really bad decisions when it comes to guys," the young woman continued. "No one knows why she lets them treat her like shit, but she does. Last year, she met a guy who turned out to be physically abusive. He tried to isolate her from us. Gabi, Sera and a couple of guys in our dorm finally had to go get her. We haven't told our dad or brother because they'd have killed him. But after that, we talked our parents into renting a house for us so she'd be away from assholes like him."

Max's jaw fell open.

"Aside from not being a date rapist when you had the chance," Terra reached out and put her hand over his. He didn't realise he was shaking. "We've all noticed that over the last two months, you've never asked her for pictures of her tits or tried to do any stupid shit like that. At first, she didn't think you liked her, because everyone else who has ever paid any attention to her is fixated on her boobs. Hell, Brooke took her phone one night when she got drunk was going to send you some naked pictures of herself."

He started to say something, but couldn't find the words.

"At some point, she's going to throw a paranoid tantrum on you. She's going to think you're too good to be true, and that you're going to leave her for someone else. Eventually, she'll get over it, but that goes back to baggage that predates you." Terra stopped for a second to choose her next words carefully. "You two have known each other for less than two months. If you don't want to be with her, that's fine, and we understand. Tempest might not, but the rest of us do. All I ask . . . as her sister . . . and your friend . . . is if you're not serious about her, please walk away before she sets herself up to be hurt."

"I would never hurt her," Max said softly.

"I know you won't," Terra replied sympathetically.

"Anyway, I'm glad you came to visit us this weekend. And this conversation never happened."

"What conversation?"

Both smiled at their shared understanding.

As he got up to leave, Terra shot a quick glance towards the kitchen. She raised her voice a little and winked at Max. "Oh, and our moms are ready to eat you right up. Don't let them talk you into eloping with Tempest after this weekend. You're too young to settle down with someone you met in a hotel elevator."

"I heard that, Terra Danielle!" Katie called playfully.

Max only smiled. As he got up, he squeezed Terra's hand, then left her to her homework.

Back in the bedroom, Tempest had shifted slightly. Max set his drink on the nightstand and slipped underneath the covers. In her sleep, Tempest pressed back against him. Wrapping her in a protective embrace, Max fell back asleep to the sounds of her rhythmic breathing.


"Is there anything you need me to do?" Max sat on the back deck with Tempest's father and brother watching the family mill around in the yard. A Nerf war was raging on one side of the house; anyone holding a blaster was fair game. A couple of the extended family's dogs were in the middle of a wiffle ball game on the other side.

"I don't think so," her dad replied. Some of the groom's family had arrived early afternoon on Friday and were getting settled in. Most everyone was going over to the wedding rehearsal later that evening. "I figure if we're needed, someone will let us know. Otherwise, I say we keep our heads down and mouths shut."

"Always a good plan," Max nodded.

Tempest's dad was friendly and informal. For most of the girls's lives, he had been a stay-at-home parent, shuttling the kids where ever it was they needed to go. His wives all had careers; Melinda was an English professor at UNC Asheville, Leah ran a gallery and studio which showcased local artists, and Katie was a veterinarian. Now that they were empty nesters, they spent a lot of time traveling and enjoying not having their lives run by their childrens's schedules.

Her brother Bryan was quiet, but like his sisters and parents, very smart. After getting his engineering degree from Duke, he went to work for a defense contractor doing something involving lasers and targeting systems; Max wasn't quite sure what and didn't ask for any further explanation.

Bryan's girlfriend, Emily, had also come in for the wedding. She was off with the girls doing whatever it was that they needed to do. She and Bryan had been an item for a couple of years, and was accepted as part of the family.

Emily was a pretty Asian woman with long hair and glasses. She graduated from Duke in three years and was half way to her MBA. Max only had a couple of opportunities to talk to her, but she was fun and gregarious, almost the exact opposite of Bryan.

He talked with her family for a little bit about work and sports. The girls and their mothers were off at the hotel setting up.

Max didn't quite know what to expect when he agreed to come to the wedding. Tempest's family was inquisitive and only moderately prying. He introduced himself to the aunts and uncles and cousins, and was lucky to remember half of their names, but everyone was both friendly and welcoming.

"Are you coming to the rehearsal dinner?" Tempest asked. The girls made an appearance after lunch time and were buzzing around the house.

"I can," Max answered. "I don't have anything to do, so if it's an imposition or will cost extra, I'm okay with skipping it."

Tempest's father snorted. "One extra plate at the rehearsal dinner is nothing compared to what this thing is costing. Stormy, when you get married, how about I just give you some cash to elope and you can make a down payment on a house?"

"Daddy!" she blushed. "I'm not getting married any time soon."

Max could tell her dad was ready with a flippant reply, but instead he just smiled and took a sip of his beer.

The rest of the afternoon passed quickly. Max went to the dinner. He ended up sitting with Katie's sister, Pam, and her husband, Clive, during the actual rehearsal. Their four year old granddaughter was the ring-bearer. One of the groom's nieces was the flower girl.

"We're glad you came down for the wedding," she told Max.

"I come from a small family, so this is nice. Everyone is very friendly."

"It's probably overwhelming; there are eight grandparents on our side alone." Pam was a redhead, like her sister. She looked over at the new in-laws, who seemed nice enough, but were kind of withdrawn. And probably shell-shocked. "I don't know what his family thinks of all this."

"What about you guys? Was it strange when you found out your sister was going into a . . . plural marriage? Did I get that right?"

"When they started out, we thought Tempest's dad and Katie were dating, but it turned out he was with Melinda, and Katie and Leah were together," Pam frowned. "My dad came around pretty quick, but Mom flipped her shit. She wouldn't talk to Katie for years. I got an earful from Mom for bringing a black guy home, but she eventually got over it. I never thought she'd hold the grudge against Katie for so long just for loving another woman. Anyway, when the four of them moved up here, they went from being two couples to the gang. Kaylee was born first, then Bryan. They adopted Gabi and Gwen from an orphanage in Vietnam about a year after they had Bryan. The quads came along two years after that."

"We always knew something was different about them." Clive and Pam met while they were in college. He was a construction contractor and she taught elementary school. "Even when we only knew about Katie and Leah. They were four best friends before they got serious about each other."

"What about the quads?" Max asked. "Are they as inseparable as they seem?"

"Yes . . . and no. I know; not helpful," Pam smirked. "They each have their own interests and talents. But I think if you left them to their own devices, they'd spend the rest of their lives living within fifty miles of each other. I also think Tempest and—"

"Dinner's ready!" someone called from the stage. Pam winked and shot him a we'll-talk-later look.

Tempest and Brooke found Max right as the bar opened. They went through the buffet line and returned to the table.

"I hope Aunt Pam didn't go too rough on you."

"She was fine," Max said with a smile. Truly, he didn't mind getting to know Tempest's family. "Your family has all been very nice."

The rest of the dinner passed uneventfully. The bride and groom introduced their families and gave gifts to the wedding party.

Tempest rode back to the house in Max's car along with Brooke and their cousin Marshalena.

The family was gathered around the firepit in the back yard. In their upscale subdivision, the house was far enough away from the nearest neighbours that they could make a little noise without drawing any complaints. Theirs was the first house in the area, and they owned several of the adjoining wooded lots with no intention of selling or letting anyone encroach on their sanctuary, even though they had apparently had several very lucrative offers.

A couple of the cousins were playing guitars. Some of the kids were in the hottub. The rest of the family milled around on the deck and in the yard. There was an abundance of food and drink and company. The Nerf war had been replaced by flashlight tag since no one wanted to be hunting around in the dark picking up darts.

"It's nice to see you when it's not three in the morning!" Gabrielle gave him a warm hug. "This is the groom, Kristopher, and my sister, Gwendollyn."

Unlike Gabi, who was a petite Asian woman, Kris was tall, with Nordic blond hair and the body of a rugby player. Tempest said he was an administrator at the hospital where Gabi was doing her residency.

Tempest previously told Max that Gwendollyn and Gabrielle were identical twins, but he didn't see the resemblance until they were standing next to each other. Both were slim and athletic. Where Gabi wore her dark hair in a short pixie cut with frosted tips, Gwen's hair was a glorious jet-black mane that hung down past her waist. Gwen had glasses, and Gabi's arms and shoulders were covered in exquisite tattoos.

Seeing them together, they carried themselves with the same confidence and had many of the same mannerisms.

"Yes, this meeting is much nicer than our last," Max smiled.

"Thank you for coming down for the wedding," Kris gave him a familial bro-hug.

"Where's Amy?" Gabi asked.

"She's around somewhere," Gwendollyn took her turn to give Max a hug. "I'll introduce her if I can pry her away from Aunt Mimi."

"They're getting married next year," Tempest answered the question Max was too polite to ask.

"We're having the small wedding. My sister is the one who wanted the production. I just want to be on a quiet beach somewhere." Gwen gave Max a sly wink. "You'll have to come down for it."

"I'll see what I can do."

Gabi snorted. "I told Tempest if you two break up, we're getting rid of her and keeping you. We need another brother to balance out all the estrogen in this house."

Tempest stuck her tongue out at her sister, then hooked Max by the arm and pulled him towards the deck.

"All of my family loves you," she said dreamily.

"They've only known me for two days," Max laughed. "I'm sure they'll get tired of me when they find out how boring I am or that I'm a terrible shot with a Nerf gun. Your family has been very good to me."

"They like that you're not an asshole. And you know the difference between 'there', 'they're' and 'their'," Tempest stopped and pulled Max into a tight embrace. They kissed eagerly, but not for long, lest they draw too much attention from a family that had no problem calling people out for excessive PDA. She lifted herself up on her toes and whispered in his ear. "Let's go inside and fuck while everyone's outside."

Max's pulse raced. "Your bed. Naked. I'll be there in five minutes."

"I'll be waiting."

Tempest bounded off, pausing only to scoop up one of the young cousins, flip him over and give him a good tickling before heading into the house. Max waited a couple of minutes, trying not to be obvious that they were sneaking off for some nookie.

In the kitchen, Max ran into Melinda, who was directing traffic in the kitchen. They say that you can tell how a woman will look in twenty years by seeing her mother. If that was the case, Max would still find Tempest attractive for many decades to come. She caught him checking her out, but only smiled knowingly.

"Tempest hasn't been this happy in a long time," she told him. "The girls all say good things about you."

"I just do what I can," he shrugged.

"Then you're doing very well. I don't know where Tempest went—" which was surely a lie "—but she came through here a few minutes ago."

"I'll go find her."

"I'm sure you will," Melinda gave him a conspiratorial grin. Max blushed. There was no sliding anything by his girlfriend's mom. "Can you do me a favour first? Go up to my office and get my iPad off the desk, please."

"Sure thing," he hated to get sidetracked from his tryst with Tempest, but he wasn't about to turn down a request from Melinda.

He bounded up the steps, and started peeking into rooms, looking for Melinda's study. He passed two bedrooms, and then felt someone tug at his arm.

Surprised, he found himself face to face with Tempest. She put her finger to her lips, signaling him to be quiet. She pulled him into her mom's office and quietly shut the door.

She bent over the desk and flipped up her skirt. Her panties had disappeared.

"Do it!" she hissed through clenched teeth.

Max pulled at his belt and zipper. His khakis fell around his ankles. In only a couple of strokes, his cock was hard.

He filled her up with one swift push. Tempest moaned.