A Day in Gotham - Batgirl Wishes Pt. 01

Story Info
Catgirl helps Batgirl recover, but new enemies appear!
14.8k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/30/2015
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((Authors Note -

Please note that this is adult fiction, so only read further if you qualify!

I've received a number of queries about whether I was going to come up with any more Batgirl stories, and I must confess that I do enjoy writing them, so here's a little series taking our intrepid young warrior beyond that rather traumatic ending in the last story - Batgirl Wins 04.

I hope you enjoy, and please comment and/or vote. I love to hear from you...

Duke ))

Index :-

1. The Start of Things

2. Turmoil

3. Shirley Gets Her Reward

4. Dark Moments in the Batcave

5. Shirley Gets More And Zynn Gets Excited

6. Friend or Foe?

7. Two's Company, Three's...

8. A Summons from Catwoman

9. Two Deadly Enemies and a Businesswoman

10. An Unusual Way To Deliver a Message

11. Handling A Threat


1. The Start of Things

Alchemy sat forward in his swivel chair.

It was comfortably padded with black leather, but he wanted to get a clearer view of the monitor that was gripping his attention in the control room.

The flashing torch-lights were making it difficult to follow what was happening in the smart, uptown office. Clearly there were three powerfully built men searching for something. Their torch beams darted around the room, briefly roving over an expensive looking oak desk, covered in a rust coloured leather. Then they settled on a bank of grey metal filing cabinets along one wall.

"That'll be it men," said the largest intruder gruffly, "... here, we might as well have some light on the subject." He leaned over the desk and switched on an angular desk-lamp, swivelling it in the direction of the cabinets.

He was clearly the leader as he settled himself possessively into the big leather chair behind the desk and watched as his companions began to slide open drawers and pull out files. They were dressed in a variety of dark clothing, mainly black, but the only common article between the three of them was the sinister black balaclavas covering all their heads.

They'd spent a good few minutes rifling through files before a sound caught their leaders attention. He turned his head to hear better.

"Damn, that's the lift! Someone's coming!" he announced.

There was no more sound as he silently indicated hiding places for his two men who, incredibly light on their feet for such big men were soon in position, and then he switched off the light, plunging the room into darkness again.

Alchemy watched closely as the monitor switched to a brighter scene in a lobby area where a pair of silver/grey lift doors were sliding smoothly open. Out stepped a business woman carrying an old, brown leather briefcase. She had shoulder length, mousy hair, looked about five seven or eight high and her tidy figure was wrapped up in a smart, navy pin striped jacket over a matching pencil skirt that hugged her slim hips. Alchemy thought that she looked to be in her mid-thirties, but the big round spectacles nestling on her cute nose made it difficult to be precise.

But then she was moving down the dully lit corridor between offices and the camera seemed to follow her, the monitor displaying her suggestive, swaying hips as her high heels clicked out a regular beat on the hard floor. He'd already decided that this was a very sexy lady, and he was getting concerned about her fate because it seemed inevitable which office she'd enter!

When she finally reached her destination, she paused, fished out some keys from her black shoulder bag and inserted them into the lock of the office door. There was gold lettering on the glass front, but Alchemy couldn't make out the writing. Her face looked puzzled for a moment as she realised that the door was unlocked, and Alchemy thought that he saw a flash of something like excitement in her eyes but the glasses could easily have disguised her true feelings as she seemed to shrug her shoulders, and pushed open the door.

Then everything happened at once!

She'd reached sideways to turn on the light, but then she stumbled forward and the door slammed shut!

The view switched to the inside of the office and Alchemy saw that he'd been right. She'd walked right into a trap! One of the villains had been behind the door and as she'd entered he'd pulled her in and now had his arms wrapped around her in a big bear hug. She shouted out in surprise and fear and struggled wildly for a moment until the big man simply leaned back, lifting her off her feet so that her efforts to wriggle and squirm away were futile!

The big man behind the desk was the first to speak, "Well, if it isn't the delectable Shirley!" He got up and walked around to stand in front of the still struggling woman.

She had spirit.

"Who the hell are you fuckers?! Let me go or else...!!"

Her suit jacket had popped open in the struggle, and her skirt had ridden high up her thighs, high enough to show a flash of white stocking tops and giving her the freedom to lash out with a foot. But she missed, and the big man just laughed. Then, finally, she let a long high pitched scream!

This time he did react, grabbing hold of a pale blue silk scarf that had nestled around the woman's neck and quickly stuffing it into her open mouth, strangling the scream and making the woman's eyes widen with surprise or fury. It was hard to tell which. She lashed out with a foot again and this time caught the man on the thigh.

He grunted with annoyance, reached forward to take hold of the open neck of her smart white blouse and simply tore the two sides apart sending buttons flying in all directions! Everyone stopped for a second, shocked at the action maybe, but maybe also pausing to enjoy the sight of Shirley's bust heaving up and down after her exertions. Her turquoise, lacy, half cup bra was only just holding in her substantial, firm breasts in place as her bosom heaved!

The pause wasn't long though and he reached forward again, taking care to sidestep her flailing feet this time and took an orb in each hand, rubbing and mauling them mercilessly.

"Right then Shirley," he snarled into her face, "if that's the way you want to play it, me and the boys are going to have some fun!"

He continued to massage her breasts for a few more minutes before seeming to glance at the camera. Alchemy thought for a second that he was looking straight at him, but the mobster quickly looked back at his prey, grinned sickeningly before grasping the thin, lacy material and simply tearing the bra apart! This was a seriously strong guy!

Now, as the flimsy material fell away, Shirley's boobs were fully on display and Alchemy's eyes widened as they fixated on her dancing nipples. They were long, dark pink and hard looking, standing out perkily from the tiny light brown rings atop each magnificent orb. Everyone seemed to be admiring them!

Her eyes looked worried now, and she glanced around desperately, searching vainly for an escape route, or maybe someone to rescue her. But there was no way that she could break free, and no sign of the cavalry breaking down the door to help!

Instead she gasped into her gag as the gang leader's head bent forward to capture one of the dancing nipples in his mouth whilst the other was nipped tightly between the finger and thumb of one hand. She was struggling to suck in air and her eyes had lifted to the ceiling as she fought to deal with the sudden burst of sensations as his teeth and fingers got to work on her. She was still squirming in the other man's arms, but the intensity of her struggles was slowing. Then she seemed to stiffen as Alchemy watched the man's hand drop down over her stomach to slip down under the hem of her tight skirt, dragging it upwards before disappearing inside and now her eyes widened again in shock as she felt him cup her pussy through her panties and start to rub hard between her helpless legs!

He seemed to be enjoying himself and prolonged her ordeal for long minutes until, finally, he lifted his head from teasing her breasts, fingers still busy between her legs and looked intently into her tortured face.

"Ready for us now Shirley?" he whispered nastily, "You certainly feel wet enough!"

The woman seemed to groan into her gag, all the fight draining out of her!

That was enough for him and he seemed to glance up towards the camera again. It was strange and Alchemy almost ducked instinctively, even though he knew he couldn't be seen.

"Right, sort out the desk!" he ordered and the man who had been watching stepped forward to sweep clear the top of the desk, sending files, pens and trays flying in all directions. As if from nowhere he produced some lengths of rope and then the man holding the woman almost threw her on top of the flat surface on her back. Before she could react, the ropes had been looped around her legs above the knee and her legs pulled wide apart as they fastened the other ends to the desk legs.

She was struggling again now, hard! But it was too late.

Her legs were anchored and the men were too strong and heavy. In a matter of moments her wrists had been bound, pulled sideways and fixed to the other desk legs.

Then they stepped back to admire their handy work.

Shirley's sexy figure was now spread-eagled across the width of the big desk. Her blouse was wide open and the remnants of her bra lay on each side of her heaving, bare breasts. Her skirt had ridden right up her thighs as her legs had been pulled wide by her bindings, her matching turquoise bikini panties now in view and stretched tightly over her prominently mound before disappearing under her exposed crotch. Alchemy thought that she looked quite breathtaking... and distinctly vulnerable!

The leader didn't seem satisfied though and he stepped forward again between her legs, grabbing the skirt and rolling it higher up her waist, revealing all of her panties and then sliding his hands under her buttocks and dragging her forward a couple of inches so that her crotch was right up against the edge of the desk.

He stepped back and admired his handy-work again, "Now then you whore, how does that feel?!"

The monitor suddenly went split screen. One half concentrating on her frightened face as she twisted from side to side, her mousy hair now sticking to her face as the sweat sprang out of her pores. The other showed a new angle as it slowly tracked down the length of her straining body, pausing lingeringly on her heaving breasts and swaying nipples before sliding downwards, over her ruffled skirt and then concentrating on the tight material of her panties, zooming down to show the hidden mound and the hint of her slit as it swivelled down further between her legs to follow the narrow band of the panties diving between her widespread legs before disappearing under her bum.

Then Alchemy saw her face tense and there was a muffled cry. On the other half of the screen the camera had panned back and was showing the man back between her legs, his hand resting on her mound and massaging it, two fingers sliding around her slit and squeezing the puffy flesh. Almost immediately a damp, darker patch began to spread in the stretched, blue material. He continued to massage her pussy and slit for a few, long minutes, letting his fingers push the damp material deeper between her soft, engorged lips, sliding his fingertips up and down as he worked on her most sensitive parts. Her thighs had been strained by her the bindings, but now they seemed to quiver as Shirley struggled to control the hot sensations that his rough fingers were stirring!

It didn't last long though as he seemed to lose patience quickly with this rough foreplay. In a sudden movement he slid his hand inside her panties, coursing briefly through her hidden bush, before twisting it round and grasping the material from beneath. His face was covered in a cruel grin as he pulled upwards and twisted, the thin blue material stretching upwards at first as her curly blonde bush came into view and then there was another loud tearing sound as the stitching gave way and he pulled the torn remnants of her panties out from under her and threw them casually to one side. Now she really was exposed!

The camera immediately focussed on her small, curly bush and began to zoom in as it tracked down and over until it seemed to be hovering right over her slit. Shirley's splayed out legs had already dragged open her aroused labia lips and every detail inside was on display. The little inner folds of dark skin, the pinky hood only partially covering her throbbing clit. And, of course, the bit that most male eyes were focussing on, the tight little pink ring that guarded her hot, inner cavern!

Alchemy was trying hard not to react, but even for someone with his control, he couldn't help but feel a stirring between his legs at the sight. The zoomed-in close-up of her sensitive skin, little twists of blonde hair, small drops of sweat was so clear that he almost felt that he could reach out and touch her. It would have been so good to let his fingers trail across that erotic landscape and caress her!

And poor old Shirley he thought. It was pretty obvious what was going to be happening to that gorgeous looking pink hole when these intruders got started on her!

But then his fantasy was interrupted as a short, dark figure dropped into the chair next to him, taking in the screen display, and exclaiming in apparent disgust.

"My God, have they only just got her knickers off! They really are playing with her aren't they?! Still, at least it's given us a slot to run the adverts," before adding with glee, "... and more money rolling into my bank account!"

Alchemy glanced at the monitors further down the room and, sure enough, the ones showing the internet feed had changed to show Shirley's spectacular slit in a small window at the bottom corner while the main screen had a variety of adverts for a range of sexual paraphernalia and services scrolling across the centre.

He turned to his new companion and smiled, "Amazing Zynn... I've got to admit that you really know how to put on a show... and tell me again... do these women REALLY pay for the privilege of starring in these errr... assaults?!"

2. Turmoil

It was a long way down.

The metal rungs of the fire-escape seemed to drop away alarmingly down the side of the building as the dark, lithe figure paused, holding onto the metal railing that surrounded the wet, flat top of the industrial unit.

Should she climb back down? Retreat from the imminent danger that she knew that she was in?

She gave a quick, annoyed shake of her purple-cowled head, her ginger locks shivering over her yellow cape. Her eyes darted around the deserted rooftop. All was quiet. Maybe too quiet? She zeroed in on the glass skylight, and drew in a deep breath before striding the six or seven yards to where it sat, invitingly half open , almost dragging her in!

She paused again, indecisively, as she lifted the latch. It was the fourth time in the last few minutes that she'd come this far. And she was getting really annoyed with herself!

'Come on Batgirl! Get a grip of yourself will you!' she almost hissed to herself as she took a quick, last look around. It was still quiet. It was still dark. It was in the early hours of a Gotham night, a diffuse glow from the city lights dimming the stars shining brightly from a moonless sky. Only the bright orange glare of Mars seemed to really pierce the haze, directly above her.

Mars, the Roman god of war, was it an omen?! Was that why she'd come to the lion's den? Or, in this case, Catwoman's lair! She shook her head in confusion. That was the problem. She really didn't know why she was here at all!

Her head had been spinning for hours now. She'd been through every emotion that she could imagine. Anger, fury even, helplessness, doubt, self-pity, disbelief. They'd all chased each other around her head since she'd fled from Wayne Mansion yesterday. Was it really 'yesterday' already?! She shook her head sadly again.

How could it have happened? She'd spent years trying to seduce Batman. Trying to get him into her bed. But up until yesterday it had been in vain. He'd always kept her at arm's length. Always been the 'gentleman', even though she'd known that he was attracted to her. Then she'd literally swooned into his arms in a moments weakness, and suddenly it had all fallen into place. Suddenly she really was in his bed. Really was making love with him. A shiver ran down her spine as she remembered the way that he'd taken her. The power in his body, the way that he'd dominated her!

She felt a quick tremor run around her tingling pussy as, even now, after all these hours, she could still almost feel his hardness filling her. Powering in and out of her sopping vagina, fucking her just as hard as she'd cried out for!

She shook her head again, her eyes going watery as she remembered the excitement, the sheer unadulterated ecstasy that had coursed through her willing body. The earth-shattering climax!

And then... and then... the moment that had finally shattered her dreams. That had sent her fleeing from his bed, from his house, maybe from his life forever! The pain had been almost too much to bear. She'd gone back to her apartment in despair, shattered a few ornaments, ignored all of Batman's increasingly urgent calls and, eventually, fled from there too.

She'd suited up, transforming from pretty, but rather plain Barbara Gordan, Gotham City Librarian, into the lithe purple suited figure of Batgirl, arch-enemy of the Gotham City underground. Then she'd gone on patrol... with a vengeance! She'd blitzed Gotham, rounding up low-lifes from every quarter, amazing the local police precincts with the volume of traffic that she'd thrown at them!

But even that had had to stop.

It was a kindly old Irish desk sergeant who'd finally put a fatherly arm around her tense shoulders and suggested that she needed to ease up a bit. He'd joked that there was a limit, even for him, on how many bruised and broken limbs he could put down to 'resisting arrest'! She'd looked back into his eyes angrily, ready to vent her fury on him. On anyone in fact. But then she'd seen the friendly concern in his eyes and her shoulders had sagged as she'd taken in a deep breath, realising then that he was right. It really couldn't go on like that. She'd have to find another way of getting over it.

"Why don't you meet up with a friend and talk about it?" he'd said as she'd waved farewell at the precinct door. She'd known that it was sound advice, but the problem was that she was pretty much right out of 'friends' at the moment!

She'd considered seeking out Sister Allison at the hospital, but then she'd realised that Katy, her new and exciting love interest would be at home with her husband and family. So who else was there? Susan was abroad, Louise on the other side of the country. And she couldn't possibly discuss it with her father, Police Commissioner Gordon! So who...?

Or maybe she should just go for revenge she'd thought, her lips tightening!

Which was why she'd eventually ended up on this roof. Why she was finally raising the skylight and slipping through to drop down into a dark, sparsely lit corridor! She stopped there for a few moments to check for threats, and to assimilate the atmosphere, to get a feel for this dangerous place. But it wasn't as if she didn't know her way. She'd been down this route plenty of times in the past and she knew exactly where Catwoman's security cameras and devices were. It didn't stop her being ultra cautious though as she made her way down the silent, grey corridor. Being caught here and perhaps being 'entertained' by Catwoman or, more likely, her devilish 'Kittens' didn't bear thinking about!

So when she finally reached the doorway she sought, she paused again for a few seconds to steady her breathing before easing open the door and slipping inside.