A Day Off Pt. 03


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I watched Becky present her perfectly tight little ass to me, as she bent to grab the shirt from the night before. My thoughts immediately went to her movie idea and I started to get hard thinking about sliding my cock into that ass of hers.

"Come out when you're ready." She said, turning and smiling, before sauntering out of the bedroom.

When I finally made it out to the kitchen, Becky was gone. A note lie on the table which read,

"Gone to mom's house, be right back! Love Beck."

When she returned, we finished up our simple breakfast and she explained she had took the video and taped it to the front door, with a "For your eyes only" message written on it.

Of course I wanted to know why and Becky explained it was all in the timing, mailing would have been too slow.

"OK, now what?" I asked.

"Well dear, I've got to go and get fresh clothes and you, I believe, have to review the photos, right?" Becky commented, a little too well rehearsed.

"But..." I started in to say.

"But nothing darling, you work and I play, but you do get some extreme benefits now, don't you?" Becky beamed back, cutting me off and headed for the door.

"Fine – see you in a couple of hours?" I asked, unsure of what Rebecca had in mind.

"Ya, or there about-ish!" She cracked up, trying to get the words out, as she closed the door.

"Fuckin' women!" I thought, as I turned for the office and the work ahead of me.


Three hours later, Rebecca returned, wearing a light, multi-colored sarong, tied just above her tits, with the split running down her front, just off center and a pair of slippers.

"Ready, big boy?" She called out, entering the front door.

"I've been ready - for an hour!" I called back from the bedroom.

"Don't get huffy, lets fly, mom's waiting." And off we went for the 30 minute drive to Paia and Charlies.

Charlies is a local restaurant, well known by tourists and locals, famous for great food and multiple visits by Willie Nelson, a part time resident.

In fact, the interior décor proudly displays Willie, his albums and more. To my dismay, I have never been present when Willie showed up, but I always hold out hope.

Renee sat at the bar, waiting our arrival and was well finished with whatever, numbered, drink it was, when we walked in.

"Over here you two!" She called out, waving madly, like we'd never find her.

Beck and Renee exchanged cheek kisses and when they finished Renee reached for me, pulling me down and in, kissing me fully and deeply.

"Thank you, to both of you! That Manna was terrific, let me tell you. I hope your photo shoot turned out well." Renee started out, adding, "What'ya have, I'm buying."

"Moom, I'm old enough yet." Becky whispered, bending towards Renee's ear.

"I know dear, but you look the part and besides they're all friends of mine." Renee responded, and winked at the bartender, placing our order.

I indicated we should grab a table, the one left open, as we waited. We'd just settled in when the waitress brought us our round and I headed into unknown territory.

"Here's to you both." I started out, raising my glass in a toast.

With glasses klinking, "Cheers!" was called out by all.

"So ladies – I had this wild idea last night. Don't ask me why or how, it just came to me and I want to bring it up and see what you think. OK?"

I sat between the women and almost in unison they grabbed my legs under the table, squeezing me and with anticipating looks asked, "What, what tell us!"

"Well, if not already too obvious, I'm in total lust with both of you. I find myself thinking about you both constantly and I was thinking we could all live together, you know? I mean Renee, Rebecca seems to enjoy our fucking one another and you sure didn't seem to mind when Rebecca was enjoying my cock, sooooo...." I paused for effect.

I felt their hands tighten on my legs and move towards my cock, as they turned slowly looking at one another, smiles on their faces.

"You're asking us to move in with you?" Renee asked, first.

"You want to fuck us both...share us?" Rebecca added immediately after.

"In a nut shell, yes!" I responded to their inquiries.

Turning, they looked at one another again, each grabbed their drinks and took a sip, winking over the glass rims, or so I thought, and then turned back to face me.

"We will share the same bed...right?" Rebecca started out, as Renee cut her off and added,

"What if we both want you the same night?"

I shrugged and said, "So?"

Their hands met at my crotch, gently squeezing my stiffening cock, as they reached up and kissed my cheeks, simultaneously.

"We gotta talk about this." Renee said, rising and beckoning Becky to follow her to the restroom.

Leaving, I sat wondering just how bad I fucked up and thinking perhaps I should leave them, not wanting a full blow out in the middle of Charlies.

I mean, my God, what was I thinking? Asking a mother and daughter to be my lovers and live with me too boot!

I was just starting to rise when they returned, holding hands and laughing. I started to worry even more, as they sat and both stared at me, not giving any indication of what was on their minds.

"We'd love to Michael, but..." Renee began, being cut off by Becky this time.

"Ya, but we want to be apart of your business, your sex photo business, too!" Becky finished up, smiling and reached out for her mother's hand.

I sat dumb founded, my mouth open, like I had just escaped a near death experience. Slowly a smile came to my face and I said,

"Fair enough, because I actually had that in mind. I just never got to it. My idea is to start with Becky's movie idea first, whatta ya think?"

I could see the wheels turning behind their eyes, neither one speaking for a moment, lost in thought, when Renee blurted out,

"Christ yes! If we move in with you we can turn our house into a movie studio, or photo studio or whatever we want!"

"Mom, that's at great idea! I was thinking the same thing!" Rebecca half shouted out, turning to look at me, beaming with excitement!

I relaxed, grabbed my drink and polished it off, beckoning the waitress for another round, thinking, I was in heaven.

I had a porn star and her, 19 year old, over sexed, daughter as playmates and a growing sex business to boot, what more could a man ask for?

We finished our meeting at Charlies talking excitedly about the business and our coming together, discussing all the details about moving, the when and hows, and ended up deciding on having supper at my house that evening, to further finalize things.

Becky informed me she was staying with her mom, as I stood up to leave. I smiled and bent to kiss them both and said I would see them later.

"Oh no, you don't get away that easy mister!" Renee spoke up, rising and nodded at Becky to follow suit.

They escorted me to my car, arm in arm in arm and when we arrived each took their sweet time in expressing their love and approval of our decision.

As Rebecca kissed me deeply, Renee reached in to fondle my cock, shielding her actions by standing sideways to any on-lookers.

Switching positions, Rebecca massaged my cock while Renee, dropped her tube top and shot her tongue in my mouth looking to choke me with a deep passionate kiss!

Slyly pulling her top back up, Renee winked at me and Becky gave my, hard, cock a last squeeze, before they turned and went back in to Charlies and I thought to myself,

"My God, what have I gotten myself into?"

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