A Demon...Or Two Just For Me Ch. 03

Story Info
Violet learns where she really came from.
6.7k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 08/07/2013
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(*Skip over if you don't care about the answers*Thanks guys and gals! So far it appears this story is the favorite out of my little group, I hope I can keep some of you interested all the way through the end but we'll see.

Answer a couple of questions: Stefanos was explaining everything to Vi I suppose I should add more "he said" "she said".

Secondly, Katie is an idiotic bitch he agreed to marry her so he could get her off his back and got her a car to convince her he only has feelings for her. Simply put, stupid bitches are easy to play.

Thirdly, Vi wanted her family to love her she always has, A.J. and Stefanos knew this and wanted to give their beloved's family a chance to change. That is why they kept putting up with Katie.

Fourth and final: Yes chapter two was rushed, I know I could have done better with it but that was really one of those filler/transition chapters sorry about that. When in doubt add a filler. Vi returns to school quickly....the reason will be seen in this chapter.

Several holes in the plot will be filled in in this chapter. The university for Vi is made up to my knowledge and similarities to any actual college are coincidental. I made a mistake and didn't even realize it, sorry for placing the wrong name. They are both bitch characters so maybe that's how Kelly made it in Katie's spot -_- OK that's enough gabbing, enjoy....seeing A.J. as a woman.)


Stefanos's POV

Later that night I couldn't sleep, had they been a demon family I would have killed them for just insulting her. It was even worse that they went out of their way to try and hurt her feelings. It doesn't matter to me what they don't know, hurting a woman pregnant with a demonic angel prince or princess is inexcusable. Demon babies are very responsive to stress, angels are naturally empathic right from the womb, with them together the child would be even more sensitive.

Demon babies normally remain in the womb for a couple of months growing inside a protective cocoon. Angels didn't stay in womb very long either, both species of baby tend to grow faster through the safe use of magic right from the beginning.

Since our mate is human and her body doesn't yet have the magical charge she should be expectant for five to six months. I'm worried about her returning to school but I wont try and force her to take time off when she's worked so hard.

I watched her shift in her sleep, my eyes darted to her stomach then I pulled her closer. I liked feeling more than her own energy coming from her. I wondered if she would have two children or if they would be fused like their fathers are.

Only time can tell..


Violet's POV

Six days later Stefanos went to my parent's house to get my things, and drive my truck back. I knew he wouldn't let me drive something that was falling apart, but I hadn't expected that he would park it in the garage and cover it with caution tape. After trying my hardest to fight with him about it he finally won and bought a new truck for me. A shiny black one with extra safety features I had a feeling he had bought the truck a head of time and had just been waiting for the right time to bring it home.

When it was time for me to leave I was surprised he let me drive myself after watching me so closely the past few days. I was worried about not being able to finish my studies and contacted my professors to let them know my concerns without telling them that I was pregnant. All of them agreed to send work to my email so I could get ahead outside of class. Well almost all of them I couldn't get ahold of two of them but maybe if I tried extra hard in class they would do me the same favor.

I dropped my things off in my dorm and saw that the other two rooms were occupied, the dorm room was fairly large. There were three small rooms connected to a simple living room that held a small kitchen, a place for eating, and a television. There were also televisions in the bedroom. The rooms had small bathrooms, just Z.U.'s way of stopping the most basic fights in the dorms before they could happen.

It was policy for the owners of the rooms to send pictures ahead of time so the dean knew who was suppose to be in each specific room and who wasn't. On one of the doors was a picture of a pretty brunette with rosy skin and big brown eyes, next to that room was the picture of a blond that seemed all too familiar. I knocked on her door and heard some shuffling and then the door opened.

The woman squealed and threw her arms around me.

"Jane she's here!"

It suddenly clicked as to why she seemed familiar.


"Yeah huh that's me."

Jane came out of her room and smiled at me.

"Hello Miss. Violet it's so nice to meet you."

I shook her hand since Nadi still hadn't let go of me, Jane cleared her throat.

"Miss. Nadiya, Mr. Stefanos said not to overwhelm her...remember?"

Nadi giggled and let go of me.

"Oh right, sorry about that young dark angels tend to be as easily excitable as puppies."

I smiled at her and laughed.

"That's OK."

She smiled right back.

"I know we have to get to class, we'll explain a few things on the way." she added.

I grabbed my pre-packed bag and walked with them to class Z.U. didn't waste any time on the first day back. Jane explained that Stefanos and A.J. had asked them to pose as students so they could keep a better eye on me than he could. That would probably bother other people but I thought it was sweet of them to do. They gave me their numbers for those times when we weren't together.

Nadi explained that she was there as a constant blood relative to keep the child calm when his or her other parent wasn't available. She also explained that while the physical child wasn't really formed his or her soul was already in place and was using a cocoon type thing as a vessel while the body formed. Nadi could feel that our baby would be healthy. She knew quite a bit but there were still some things she didn't know and said A.J. or Stefanos would be able to tell me more. Non-human pregnancies were strange, but at least I knew now why my morning sickness had stopped, my message had reached my child; awesome.

Their first class was English Lit. but they walked me to mine, History, I had avoided taking it because it seemed like such a waste because of my field of choice. Though that's how college is sometimes, you think you don't need something and then all of a sudden you're told that you don't have the credits you need to graduate. I was just glad I had a scholarship paying for this.

I walked in the room and took a seat in the front row I heard wolf whistles but I knew they couldn't be for me, I was a mess this morning. I turned to the door as the professor walked in, she was gorgeous. She had black hair and kept it in a low bun, she had pale skin, dark almost black eyes and plump, pouty lips. She was very curvy and her knee length pencil skirt and tight button up showed off everything. My preferred type of woman, I blushed and looked down.

I shook my head to clear it, I was expecting a child with two men that I was starting to deeply love I didn't have any reason to be ogling a hot female authority figure. I looked up as my phone buzzed, telling me I had a text message, class hadn't started so I hurried to answer in case it was important.

[ Just so you know, there is a reason we don't have every class with you.] Nadi wrote.

I cocked my head and glanced around thinking there was someone else who would be watching me. A couple of people glanced up but only because they noticed I was staring, I turned my gaze toward the front and almost swallowed my gum. Professor Sinclair was written on the board, but neither parent had eyes like that. She walked around introducing herself while she handed out the syllabus for the class. I saw there was a little arrow on the corner of the sheet she gave me and turned it around.

- So have you figured out who I am yet? Here's a hint, we have a ton of neat little tricks to get around.

I cocked my head and stared at her wondering if this was Dia, I glanced back down at the sheet.

- I picked a female teacher because I knew it would make you uncomfortable if other women hung around me for "extra help". As a rule our kind is only attracted to our mate and their gender so now you have nothing to worry about. I'll explain more at the end of the school day, when you finish reading, this note will disappear.

Sure enough the note faded when my eyes landed on the end of the sentence and it clicked into place. This wasn't Dia, what a couple of jerks I'm mated to, how am I suppose to concentrate when I'm dying to know what my practically perfect boyfriends look like naked in a female body?


Nadi and Jane seemed to think it was the funniest thing while I complained about my dilemma. Nadi was excited to be an aunt again, she said Sandra had just had a baby and Dia was pregnant too. Her other older siblings had waited to see that the demon realm was really safe before making families of their own.

"So since your realm is safe, did they intend to impregnate me from the start?" I asked.

Nadi shook her head.

"They don't really get a choice it's instinct, the body of an incubus will automatically choose when to stop releasing sterile sperm. It's how sex demons enjoy their nature safely, condoms are a human thing." she said with a smirk.

I laughed.

"You know that, but you don't know everything about the pregnancy?"

"Well you're a human, they are one demon and one angel together who knows how it'll be for you. For all I know you could have a normal human pregnancy, better double check with my brothers, they know more than I do."

I nodded, I couldn't help but think that if humans could figure out how to evolve enough to have bodies that worked like that, condom factories would practically go out of business.


At the end of the school day I got a text to meet A.J. and Stefanos in their office, Jane and Nadi said they would be around when I left. I walked to their office and saw they had one all to themselves. A.J. was sitting behind his desk working on paperwork like he was born to do it. He, er, she looked up when I walked over then grinned.

"So, what do you think?" she asked.

"I don't know, what should I think?"

"Oh drop the act, I know you've played around with women in your day." she said with a smile.

"How?....wait, let me guess, Katie told you?"

She nodded, I rolled my eyes but smiled she sat on her desk and hooked a finger in my jeans to pull me close enough to whisper in my ear.

"Now in this form we can have a few quickies throughout the day without making a mess."

I blushed.

"A few? Just how often do you think I'll come looking for you two?"

"More and more as time goes on, your body will start going through a heat phase as your change from human to demon begins."

"What do you mean?"

"Remember when I said you could die later in life if you sent us away? That doesn't apply to you because you accepted your role as our mate and we've bitten you before. So you should be a full demon or close to it before the baby is born. Our DNA will fill in the blanks so our child won't have any human in his or her genetic make up."

I scratched my head and thought about that she smiled wider.

"Were you expecting us to watch you die of old age?"

"No, I was trying to picture what I would look like...will I only be a demon?"

She nodded.

"But only for a short time, angels don't pass on their DNA through biting, they have a different ritual." she said.

"But you said I would be expecting for five or six months if my body is changing at the same time wouldn't my pregnancy move along faster?"

"Not really, the cocoon will harden for a few months then you'll lay an egg and the child will spend his or her remaining growing time in there."

"An egg?....now I'm a chicken?"

She laughed.

"It's how the succubi reproduced when our great-grandparents had our grandparents, the shell can not be destroyed or pierced while the child finishes growing. During the time before the treaty when it could be safe for only a few weeks at a time it was how the women evolved so they could help fight if they needed to. Jane is here to make sure your human body is safe until you can defend yourself."

"And why didn't you tell me any of that earlier?" I asked.

"I thought it was obvious I even let you drive yourself here so I could come ahead and get things ready for you. Stefanos wouldn't want you to throw away all the time and effort you have put into your schooling but I wouldn't have let you come back if I thought it was too dangerous. That is what online classes are for."

I frowned and she smiled.

"Anything else I should know?" I asked.

She reached up to stroke my breasts through my shirt, I moaned.

"Not right now, you look tense, let me help you relax." she purred.

I blushed and pulled away from her.

"Stop trying to distract me."

"Oh I'm distracting am I?"

I huffed and she grinned.

"OK OK, is there anything you would like to ask me about?" she asked.

"Why does Jane call me 'miss'?"

"It's a show of respect."

"Is she a lesser demon?"

"Something like that."

"Why do I feel you're still keeping secrets from me?"

"Maybe because most pregnant women go through bouts of paranoia." she offered.

I punched her arm and she laughed.

"I'm kidding, it's not secrets that I'm keeping there is simply more for you to learn."

I sighed, I had a feeling I would have years of school to learn about the world that most humans thought didn't exist.

"How about we go out for dinner?"

I kissed her to give her an answer but bounced away before she could slide her arms around me.

"You're on probation." I said.

"What for?"

I gasped and pretended to be offended.

"How dare you, pregnant woman don't have to have reasons for anything."

She laughed and followed me out of the building, Nadi and Jane were waiting for us by a pink and white convertible that I just knew belonged to Nadi.


.A.J.'s POV

The next morning before class I slipped a note to Vi and told her to meet us by the front entrance again. Last night before I left her room she insisted that I let Stefanos show his female half, she seemed to find it amusing that his...erm her breasts were larger than mine. In that form her hair was wavy and fell to her ankles. Vi also thought it was amusing to call us Alexis and Stephanie. I suppose she could have picked anything really.

I scanned the room and made a note to give hell to any little bastard making eyes at Vi. She just had to wear a clingy sweater and mini skirt combination.

I watched her throughout the class while giving a lecture, there was another more obvious reason why I chose to be a female teacher. I don't think the dean would approve of me springing a boner in the middle of class every day.

When class was over she slyly blew a kiss and left to meet Nadi and Jane in the hall, I was missing her already.


Violet's POV

I walked between Nadi and Jane and when we walked into our Biology class I noticed there was a new professor. She was really pretty, her black hair was cut in a bob, her eyes were really bright green, and her skin was the color of mocha. She smiled at me and waved me over to the desk, Professor Aarons was written on the board.

"Hi, Violetta Stanley correct?"

She held a light French accent, as if both English and French had been spoken in her home her entire life.

"Yes that's me."

She smiled wider.

"Frank told me you were concerned about graduating, I put a little something together for you so please meet me here at the end of the school day so I can give it to you."

I smiled.

"Oh thank you so much...are you a substitute?"

"Oh no my dear, this is my class, the dean sprung some last minute paperwork on me and I couldn't come yesterday."

I nodded and walked to our table, she introduced herself to the class and began the lesson for the day.


At the end of the day I left Nadi and Jane in the bathroom while I went to talk to Professor Aarons. It wasn't like I needed protection from a human, I knocked on her door and she was sitting on her desk. I noticed she was on the phone but she waved me in, I stepped in the room and walked over to her. She hung up and smiled.

"So, feeling a little overwhelmed?" she asked.

I nodded, she reached behind her and handed me a folder I opened it and scanned the papers. It was information and assignments that I could work on to boost my grade, I cursed when got a paper cut. I stuck my finger in my mouth and smiled at her.

"Thanks again."

"Not a problem, I admire students who push to work harder when overwhelmed instead of quitting."

I nodded and moved to leave, that was when my body stopped moving, I dropped the folder and my bag. She hopped off of the desk and walked in front of me.

"Rest easy my dear."

My eyesight blurred then everything around me faded.


"Young miss?"

The voice sounded deep, as if the speaker was trying to call me through a broken megaphone.

"Young miss, wake up."

I groaned, my body felt like jello.

"Just open your eyes, you can do it."

I did, though I could only make out shapes and blobs of color, the lights were too bright.

"....Can you turn down...the lights?" I mumbled.

"Of course young miss."

Now the voice sounded like your average English governess, but still kind and sweet like your favorite grandmother. I watched the lights dim and blinked trying to focus on the blobs as they smoothed into more detailed shapes, and the shapes smoothed into single colors.

"How many fingers am I holding up?"

I glanced at the pale hand held in front of me then frowned as I tried to make the fingers stop moving.


"Not on one hand." she said with a laugh.

I shook my head then closed my eyes and opened them again, slowly the woman came into view. She wasn't really old she didn't even seem to have any wrinkles but she did have gray hair. Her eyes were blue and hidden behind plain wire glasses, she was wearing a maid's uniform but instead of black and white it was blue and silver.

"Who are you...?"

She smiled.

"My name is Christina."

I glanced around the room, it was much like I had stepped into an old English bedroom, the room was white and held a purple vanity, a black wardrobe, a large bookcase sat next to the fire place in the sitting area, and I was on a large canopy bed. The curtains on the windows and on the bed were purple, the comforter was purple and white but the bed frame was black. I glanced at the white carpet and saw a pair of black slippers waiting down there.

I wasn't sure where I was, but whoever decorated this must have done it with me in mind this is one of my favorite color schemes. It made me feel more comfortable than I probably should have felt, I turned back toward Christina.


"Yes young miss?"

"Where am I?"

I paused.

"And why are you calling me 'young miss'?"

"Because you are the baby of the family." she said.

"....I repeat, where am I?"

"You're in your bedroom in your parent's house."

I shook my head.

"My parents would never put me in a fancy bedroom like this, and we don't have maids."

She smiled brightly.

"Your real parents would, and your real parents do in fact have maids....and butlers and cooks etc etc."

I stared at her.

"Excuse me?"

She smiled and patted my shoulder then took a single strand of hair and yanked it out, I cursed then relaxed. I wish people would warn me before showing me that I was awake, I frowned and my brain finished starting up.

"Where's Professor Aarons....she abducted me."

"Oh you mean Sylvia, she had to take you it was an order." she said softly.