A Demon's Lust Ch. 10

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Saban has gotten the upper hand at last.
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Part 10 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/28/2014
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Awareness came back to me abruptly. So, too, did the knowledge of my situation. I was, through the betrayal of Master Yuriel and my own stupidity, in the hands of a demon lord. I couldn't blame Master Evona, really. She had just been trying to clean up my mess. But, whoever I blamed for my predicament, death was inevitable. The only question was how long would the demon toy with me first. Perhaps, if I pretended to sleep, I could stave off my death for a little while...

"I know you're awake, you know." I could feel Saban's breath against my cheek. His voice was quietly amused. "I heard your heartbeat speed up. You might as well open your eyes."

Shit. So much for that idea. I opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was Saban on top of me. He was, oddly enough, still wearing the handsome male form I had chosen for him when I had first summoned him. I wondered why he hadn't returned to his natural form. He couldn't like the form I had forced him to wear for so long... Could he?

His lips brushed my cheek, and he murmured, "I see your magical reserves have somewhat recovered in sleep. Your mind, however, has not. This means you can neither wield magic nor command me with any real chance of success. Please do not try. I would hate for you to hurt yourself."

Saban was right, I realized as I probed the mental channels through which magic flowed. It would be at least another few days before I would be capable of doing anything to free myself. I wouldn't even be able to try until then.

This was probably why he wasn't bothering to gag me. He knew I was no threat, and he was probably hoping I would beg for mercy. Well, I would not give him the satisfaction. Glaring defiantly, I spat in his face.

Saban wiped it away and shook his head, smiling. "Brave to the end, I see."

I began to try to squirm out from under his body. "Fucking bastard!"

"You know, a more impulsive demon lord than I might decide that you needed to learn some manners," Saban mused. Abruptly, I was pinned to the bed by tentacles extending from his back. Saban move back until his head was level with my pussy. "Fortunately for you, I am a very patient demon."

His tongue flicked out. Found my clit. Caressed it. Saban delicately licked a finger, and then inserted it into my pussy before returning his attention to my clit.

I ignored the rising waves of lust. "Go back to hell," I snapped, struggling.

Saban shook his head, sighing, as his finger began to work in and out. "Your mouth says one thing, but your body says another." A smile flickered across his face. "I think I know the problem."

Removing his finger from my pussy, he moved up my body to murmur in my ear, "I think the problem is that you're use to being on top."

Swiftly we switched positions. Soon, instead of being pinned beneath my captor, I was being held in a kneeling position above him, with my pussy carefully positioned just over his mouth. Tentacles around my legs prevented me from moving, and another tentacle bound my hands behind me.

"See? Easy fix," Saban said with a chuckle before burying his face in my pussy. I felt his tongue flick out again.

It was eerie. We had held this same position so many times before, as I allowed Saban to feed, but, now, he was in control. The sense of powerlessness, of being held helpless, was oddly arousing. As Saban slipped his finger into me once more, I moaned.

"Good girl. Just relax, let the pleasure flow through you." Saban's voice was muffled as he continued to lick me.

"Like hell I will!" I growled. "I am not cooperating! I will never cooperate with you!"

He pulled back, laughing. "Oh, you will, whether you wish it or no. It's only a matter of time. And speaking of time..."

I was lifted and moved away from Saban's mouth. The tentacles positioned me just above his enormous cock. "Don't you dare!" I yelled. "I'll kill you! Let me go! I'll kill you, you fucking bastard!"

I continued to scream threats and insults as I was slowly lowered onto his cock. First it brushed past my clit. Then it entered me, moving slowly deeper and deeper. Finally I was sitting astride the demon's hips, his cock buried within me, glowering down at him. "You'll pay for this!" I threatened, impotent.

Saban bucked his hips up briefly, and I gasped. "Once again, your mouth says one thing, while the rest of you says something else entirely," Saban mused. "Which should I believe?"

He grinned. "I think I'll listen to your body. Now, there is something I've been wanting to try..."

He lifted a finger. As I watched, it began to blur and buzz with vibration. My eyes tracked it, horrified, as Saban moved it towards my clit.

The merest brush was like fire in my belly. I screamed. Saban jerked back. Head cocked, he looked up at me. "Now that," he admitted, "was a bit more extreme of a reaction than I had expected." He smiled. "Let's try that again, shall we?"

I shook my head, my vow not to plead for mercy forgotten. "No, please," I begged. "Please, I can't take that. Not again. You'll drive me mad!"

Saban ignored me. Once again, his finger brushed my clit.

I tried to jerk away, and found, to my amazement, the bonds around my legs had loosened. I pulled up, trying to get off Saban's cock, away from the-

Except I couldn't. I was brought up short just as I was about to dislodge to intruder, and free my clit from the overpowering vibration. Sobbing, I moved in small circles around Saban's supernaturally hard cock, inadvertently working it inside me as I struggled to get away. The fire in my nether regions increased.

Then, with a jerk, I was pressed against Saban's hips once more. I struggled, and, almost instantly, the pressure forcing me down loosened. I rose to the end of my tether once more, gasping. Again, I was pulled back down.

Soon a rhythm was established. I would jerk up and away in an instinctive motion, and Saban would force me back down again, working his cock within me. All the while the burning feeling in my nether regions increased. I soon realized I was about to cum.

I'd only ever experienced a forced orgasm once before. That had been a bit more intense than a regular orgasm. This was...

As it began, my scream caught in my throat as every muscle in my body tightened to the point of pain. Distantly, I could feel the tug on my magic as Saban fed. I could also feel the continuing, intensifying vibration, and the movement of Saban's cock within me as he moved my frozen body up and down.

I came down from the high slowly, as if the orgasm was reluctant to let me go. As it ended, I was almost instantly catapulted back into the arms of bliss. This happened two more times before I managed to come down enough for rational thought.

Saban wasn't going to end this, I realized. I was going to die too busy orgasming to realize I was dead.


My beloved came again, this time cursing like a sailor. She came down slowly, and met my gaze, pleading in her eyes. I shook my head, laughing, and, with a yelp, she came once more.

I wondered when I should end this. I had finished draining all of Anita's magic a few orgasms ago, but I was enjoying watching her cum again and again, helpless to resist. As an added bonus, with the pledge intact, the bond between us remained, so I could distantly feel the intensity of her pleasure. Perhaps I should wait until she was too exhausted to cum any more?

No, I decided. I wasn't sure if she would be conscious after that, and she would need to be conscious to eat and regain her strength. Reluctantly, I stopped vibrating my finger, and lifted her off my cock.

Anita came down from her final orgasm, gasping. She looked dizzily down at me from her place astride my chest, and blinked slowly. "Am I dead?" she slurred.

I shook my head, frowning. "No."

She blinked again. My grip on her was the only thing keeping her from tipping over, I

realized. Perhaps I had overdone it a bit?

"I was expecting," Anita told me, voice still slurring, "To be dead."

I felt a slight pang of guilt and pity. Of course she was expecting me to kill her. I had never told her otherwise.

Gently, I laid her down beside me. Then I released her. She didn't try to move. Through the bond, I felt the beginnings of despair.

As I was trying to figure out what to say, Anita spoke. "When?"

"Excuse me?" I asked, sitting up so I could look over at her.

"When are you going to kill me?" She sounded very young, and small. "I'd really like to know. Please?"

I mulled over how much to tell her. How to get her to believe. "I suppose you have a right to know."

She shook her head. "I don't have any rights. Not anymore."

I blinked. "Anita, I-" I struggled to find the right words. How should I tell her this? Would she believe me? Or would she think it a cruel lie?

Finally I decided to just spit it out. "Anita, I love you." But, I realized, I had waited too long. Anita had drifted off to sleep.


I woke up in Saban's arms, clutched to his chest like a child's favorite toy. Several long, black tentacles growing from Saban's back were wrapped around me as well. I squirmed uneasily. Saban shifted in his sleep, sighed softly, and tightened his grip on me.

If I had been any sort of threat, I knew, the demon would already be awake. Even in sleep, some small part of his mind was aware and searching for danger. But, as I could do nothing to harm him, or even free myself, he slept on.

While we slept, darkness had fallen outside, and someone had brought dinner. Roast chicken, carrots, and potatoes. My stomach rumbled. Having low magical reserves always made me hungry.

But should I eat, I wondered. I was done for. I didn't doubt that now. But, outside this room, the rest of my order, of my kingdom, still had a chance. If I didn't eat, my magical reserves wouldn't restore themselves anywhere near as quickly, which meant that Saban wouldn't be able to feed as deeply, which would weaken him. Hungry as I was, for the good of my people, I couldn't eat.

Saban's eyes opened. He looked at me, at my defiant expression, and smiled. "Still full of spirit, I see. How are you planning to fight me today?"

I didn't answer. I just glared at him.

Saban stretched, and glanced over at the table. "Looks like Evona was held up her end of the bargain," he said. "We have food. Time, I suppose, for you to eat."

He rose, and then scooped me up in his arms. After carrying me over to the table, he sat me down in his lap. My arms were free, but a tentacle wrapping around my legs prevented me from rising. Saban pulled the plate over, filled a glass of water from the pitcher, and then patted me on the thigh. "Eat up, little one," he said.

I shook my head. My belly growled.

Saban sighed. "This gesture of defiance will get you nowhere."

Still I refused to eat or drink.

Saban sighed again. "Very well, then. If I must demonstrate my power to you, I will."

He wrapped a tentacle around my torso, pinning my arms to my sides. A hand in my hair and another under my chin tilted my head back. I clamped my jaw shut tight, but it was no use. A tentacle forced my jaw opened, invading my mouth and sliding down my throat. I fought, but Saban had always been much stronger than I. I was helpless. He could do as he wished with me.

Another tentacle slid into the pitcher of water. For a moment, nothing happened. Then water began to pour down my throat, straight into my stomach.

"Nmmmmmph!" I protested. I struggled, but Saban's grip on my head was firm, and his tentacles were too strong to resist and too tough to bite. "Nnnnn..."

Saban kissed me lightly on the forehead. The flow of water ceased. "Now," said Saban, "do I have to repeat my demonstration with the food and the rest of the water, or will you eat?"

His tentacle withdrew, allowing me to speak. "I'll eat," I said in a small voice. I was a wizard; wielding power was what I did. What I was, to a certain extent. I hadn't felt this weak since before I had Awakened. Suddenly I was 5 years old again, and the village bully was taking my sweets.

The food was tasteless in my mouth. I felt my eyes burn with the beginnings of tears. I would not cry, I told myself. I would not give that monster the satisfaction. But, eventually, a single tear trickled down my cheek. Soon it was joined by many more. I put my head down on the empty plate and wept.

I had expected laughter from the demon. I had expected glee. But Saban's hand stroked my hair, and his voice murmured in my ear, "It's ok. It'll be ok. Please, don't cry. Please."

I blinked in surprise. My tears stopped. I turned to look up a Saban. "Why?" My voice was barely a whisper.

Saban opened his mouth. Shut it again. Opened it again, grimaced, and shut it. Finally he said, "Remember when I saved you from the spider?"

I nodded. That had been... Puzzling.

"I've been around for a long time, Anita," Saban told me. "It gets boring. This world, though, you, well, it's interesting. So is this new way of feeding you inadvertently showed me."

He leaned back in his chair and pulled me close. "I like it here. I don't really want to rule. I'd just spoil it, if I was in control. And if I have to obey you to stay here, well, that's a small price to pay."

I blinked. "You... You're not going to kill me?"

Saban shook his head. "No. I'd like to make an agreement with you, Anita. I'll behave. I'll won't hurt anyone, and I certainly won't hurt you. I'll do pretty much everything the binding told me to do. In return, when I release you, you won't bind me again. And you won't use the cage, or the chains. And you won't dismiss me. " He paused. I got the impression there was more he wanted to say. Then the moment passed, and he said, "Deal?"

I blinked. This was... Unprecedented. So he liked it here. Huh. That was interesting. And normally demons didn't make this kind of fair deal unless they were completely backed into a corner. "Deal," I agreed.

The question was, of course, should I honor our agreement? There was little doubt in my mind, though, that, if I didn't dismiss him, I'd end up at Saban's mercy again, and if I hadn't been honoring the agreement, things wouldn't end well for me. As for dismissing him, well, I liked the idea of having a demon lord at my beck and call. It would mean I was well protected from any future assassination attempts, for one. And he, I knew, would honor his half of the agreement, out of fear of being dismissed.

I yawned. Saban smiled. "I'll let you go in three days, when your mind starts to recover enough for you to command me. Until then, though," Saban said, scooping me up into his arms, "You are mine. Agreed?"

I nodded sleepily, my body already slipping into a healing slumber. "Agreed."

I woke slowly. Again, I was clutched against Saban's chest, but, this time, I didn't feel like his helpless toy. I sort of was, until he released me, but at least I knew I wasn't going to die now. I

looked up at Saban's face. He was already awake. He smiled. "Good morning, pet. You slept well?"

I nodded. A quick probe of my magical reserves showed that they were almost full again, courtesy of a good meal and a full night's sleep. Well, time to start feeding my magic to Saban. I shoved the demon onto his back.

He chuckled. "Enthusiastic this morning, I see." Before I could mount him, suddenly, he was on top of me. "But who says that, this time, you get to be on top?"

I sighed. "I won't fight you. We might as well do this on my terms."

Saban grinned evilly and, suddenly, there was a tentacle in my mouth. "Mmmmph!" I protested.

"It's a funny thing, little one," Saban began, "but I've noticed a strange trend." A vibrating tentacle brushed my clit. I protested again, louder. "You tend to cum harder," Saban added, pinning my arms and legs, "When you're not the one in control."

Pinned in a spread eagled position, and gagged, I couldn't do much to fight back. A few more seconds of hard vibration, and Saban decided I was ready. He slid into me. I moaned. Saban chuckled. "See my point? You wouldn't be anywhere near this aroused if you were telling me what to do."

I closed my eyes, waiting for Saban to start moving within me. Instead, I felt something probe my asshole. My eyes flicked opened. "Mmmmph?"

"Yes," Saban said, chuckling. "Exactly."

Gently, the oddly shaped tentacle slid into my ass, one rounded segment at a time. I'd let a lover enter my back door once before, but that hadn't been much fun. This was different. This felt good. I shuddered, and then shuddered again as Saban began to move within me.

The tentacle gagging me slid aside as two other tentacles began to play with my nipples. "Fun?" Saban asked.

Another segment of tentacle slid into me. "Fuck you!" I snapped, my voice high pitched, breathy, and wobbling slightly.

Saban laughed, and pressed his mouth to mine. I twisted away until he caught my head in his hands and forced me to be still. Then his tongue slithered into my mouth to brush the tip of my tongue. Another segment of tentacle was forced into my ass.

The vibration and the movement in my pussy and the weird stuff going on in my asshole was too much, too much. When one of the tentacles tending to my nipples developed a mouth and started to suck, I slipped over the edge into orgasm.

Saban surprised me by immediately pulling the tentacle in my ass out, segment my rounded segment popping free. I screamed as my orgasm intensified.

This time, Saban let me come all the way down from the orgasm, instead of forcing me into another. It was a relief. Or, at least, it was a relief until Saban murmured into my ear, "Let's do that again."

To be continued in A Demon's Child...

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BigotedeFocaBigotedeFoca4 months ago

Just like Maximguy I waited till the end to comment, great story ! Superb mix of erotica, magic, and suspense. I’m off to Demons Child. Easy 5⭐️s

MaximguyMaximguyover 4 years ago
I waited till the end to vote.

This is really fun. Well written, good plot, fun characters, steamy sex. What this site was meant for! Well done. Looking forward to reading your other stories.

charmscalecharmscaleover 7 years agoAuthor
A Demon's Lust is now a book

A Demon's Lust is now a book. It is better edited and contains a special bonus chapters. It is at:


Check it out! Also, check out my patreon:


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Finally get to Saban-getting-his, and its over!? lol! Great read! Hope you continue the next book!

DenkkarDenkkarover 8 years ago
Big grin

Love this story, every new chapter just leaves me hungering for more. Can't wait to find out how the world will react to an unbound demon lord running around. Anita is definitely not safe once the 3 days are up so I expect some sparks to fly there.

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