A Devil to Dinner

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A devil saves a woman.
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It was a cold winter's night in mid-February and Molly was out on her nightly run. She ran the same course every evening and never had any trouble before. Most of her run was under street lights, it was just a bend by the wood that didn't have streetlights. Molly was always leary about running through there especially since black ice built up in winter. Not to mention the local myth that something large and dark lived deep in the woods. Still it was a nice trail to run on so she jogged there nightly.

Little did she know that Jerry Byrne had been watching her for the past few weeks. He had just been released from prison a few months ago. During that time he had been watching her from his apartment balcony. Jerry had seen Molly running and had wanted her more than anything. He hadn't had a woman the entire five years he'd been in prison. Jerry had never been popular with women before that. Molly was everything he desired. He was determined to have her one way or the other.

The next night as Molly rounded the dark corner, she was blitzed out of the darkness by Jerry. He hit her over the head with a branch and tried to drag her into the woods to have his way with her.

Molly slid on the black ice and fell. Pain seared through her body. She at least had twisted her ankle. The branch to the head had caused Molly to pass out. Before she passed out, she could have sworn she saw a huge creature with wings towering in the woods. Molly thought she'd heard her attempted rapist yell

"What the fuck?" Then screams of pain.

Jerry didn't know that while he had been watching Molly someone else had been watching him. This creature knew the malicious thoughts that had been percolating in Jerry's mind. This beautiful young woman did not deserve the terrible fate that Jerry had planned for her.

The creature had waited for Jerry to attack Molly before he acted. The man still had free will and a chance to back out of his evil plans.

"Are you alright?" came a voice out of the shadows. It was low and breathy. " He didn't hurt you did he?"

Molly was still recovering from the blow to her head and a twisted ankle. "Uhmm, sure I'm alright. I think... how can I thank you for saving me? How can I repay you?" Molly questioned in earnest.

A sad sigh came from the dark. "I don't want repayment. Just knowing you're safe is enough for me."

Molly's head was becoming clearer and clearer. "No please, I insist on thanking you somehow. How about you come over to my apartment for dinner tomorrow night? It's the very least I could do."

"Alright, if that's what you want. I'll be there tomorrow night." said the sad voice. Molly heard footsteps departing into the woods. She continued back to her apartment, limping all the way. It was only when she got home that she realized she had forgotten to give her savior her address. She also realized that tomorrow was Valentine's Day. Molly hadn't meant anything by it. She just wanted to repay him by having him to dinner.

The next night Molly was at her stove making a pot of Minestrone. She hadn't forgotten the kindness of the stranger but she didn't expect him to show up for dinner. He didn't have her address after all. That's why she was startled when a knock came at her door. She limped over to it.

Looking through the peephole, she saw a very tall man. Still nervous from last night, Molly grabbed her baseball bat from the closet and opened the door a crack.

"Can I help you?" she questioned timidly.

The man was tall, tan and had very messy black hair. Molly thought looked like a young Bruce Springsteen. She could have taken him then and there but she wanted to know what the hell was going on.

"Can I help you?" she repeated.

" err...my name is Elessar. I was the one who helped you in the woods last night. You invited me here for dinner. Does your invite still stand?" asked Elessar cautiously but kindly. It had been a long time since he had a conversation with anyone, especially a mortal woman.

"Sure, sure, sure Elessar. Please come in...I just wasn't sure since you were coming since I forgot to give you my address last night. I'm Molly by the way. I'm making Minestrone since it's wicked cold out. I hope you're not vegetarian or vegan or anything...if you are we can order something or toss one of my frozen pizzas in the oven." said Molly. She was nervous so she was babbling.

"I'm sure whatever you have cooking will be fine." said Elessar. He strode in. Molly noticed that despite the cold mid-February weather he wasn't wearing a coat. She knew she had to make conversation but how do you make conversation with a stranger? She was shy around new people too, still she owed this man a debt of gratitude. She probably owed him her life.

"You from around here?" asked Molly.

"Not really, I'm from a long way away. But, I had to leave." said Elessar with a despairing sigh.

"I'm not from here either. I'm from Boston and sometimes it just seems so far away. I miss the ocean so much." said Molly.

Elessar smiled sadly "I'm from alot father away than Boston. I'm not even from this country."

"Are you from Ireland?" Your name sounds Irish?" asked Molly.

Elessar laughed softly. "I'm from farther away than Ireland too."

Molly was still nervous. So she spoke very fast. "You'll have to tell me about it someday...oh look the soup is boiling over...let me get it." She limped very fast over to the stove to turn it off.

Elessar wasn't about to tell Molly that he wasn't even from this world...not yet. It had been a long time since he had anyone to talk to. Molly was kind and he felt like they could get along. So he continued to spend the evening with Molly. The two had Minestrone, bread and a bottle of red wine. Then they talked, played checkers and enjoyed one another's company.

"Holy shit! It's 2 am. I have work tomorrow. It's time for me to go to bed. We've talked the whole night away." exclaimed Molly.

"Goodnight then Molly, I hope to see you another time." said Elessar. He really meant it too. It had been a long time since he had anyone to spend time with.

"Well, how about we go bowling this Saturday...then dinner?" Asked Molly. She had never asked anyone on a date before and was afraid to do it. But, she was lonely in this new town and wanted someone to talk too.

"Alright, it's a date then. Sleep well, Molly." he said as he departed.

Elessar left the apartment and morphed into his usual form as soon as he had rounded the corner. Now he was nine feet tall, with fangs, claws and wings. He was emerald green with long electric blue hair. It had been hard for him to maintain his human form for so long and he was tired. He was exhausted but he was happy. He had made a friend and it had been a long time since he had one of those. His cock twitched and he grew hard when he thought of her.

Molly was so beautiful with her chestnut brown hair and green eyes. He imagined pinning her against a wall, ripping off all her clothes and taking advantage of her. Eons ago he would have done that and enjoyed it.

That had been a long time ago and he was a different person now. Well, as much as he wished to be he wasn't a person. He was a devil, cursed or blessed depending on how you looked at it to walk this abyssal plane for eternity.

Elessar had been banished from Hell because he had taken mercy on humans. Due to his past as a devil he couldn't seek protection in Heaven. So he was condemned to the Earth, to spend eternity with the mortals that he had pitted.

He returned to his small shack deep in the woods. He had lived there for centuries. Mortals never came this way so he had his privacy. Still a rumor persisted in the town of something big living in the woods. But, no mortals knew his secret. But, he smiled to himself. He had a date with Molly this weekend and that was something to look forward to. He hadn't had anything to look forward to in a long time. He had just been existing.

For the rest of the week, Molly continued her job at the daycare. It went on the same as always. She found herself waiting for the weekend to see Elessar again. The weekend came and she met Elessar at the bowling alley.

"How was the rest of your week? Mine was mostly the same diaper changes, making bottles, cleaning up after the kids...that's my life. But, I like it...enough." said Molly with a resigned sigh. Life was life but she'd like it to be a bit better.

"Oh, my week was good too, processing insurance TPS papers. Let's get to bowling." Elessar didn't really have a job. He had just picked the job that humans found the most boring so he wouldn't get asked questions about it. Elessar could have easily used his powers to win the game but for some reason he wanted to play with this woman SO Molly beat him.

"Ah, ha...I won! You lost. I'm the winner, you're the LOSER. LOSER. LOSER." laughed Molly teasing him.

Anger stirred in Elessar he wanted to smack her. Who was Molly to call him a loser? He was an immortal devil. He could have won if he had wanted to. He just wanted to give this mortal woman a chance. He should really smack her across the face. That would teach her to respect him.

Molly could sense his anger. "I'm sorry, that was rude of me...I'll make it up to you by buying dinner. Anywhere you want to go...".

Elessar smiled despite his recent loss at bowling. He knew she didn't mean it. She was just teasing him. Sometimes his demonic nature just flared up as much as he tried to suppress it and be human. "Sure, let's go to Burger Shack."

The couple had dinner at Burger Shack. They joked and laughed together. Outside of Burger Shack there was a band playing. The couple danced together. Elessar and Molly twisted together. He was able to flip her upside down. This caused her to burst into a fit of giggles. Next a slow song came on. The couple danced to "A Wonderful World". Elessar thought of how long he had been on earth, what a wonderful world it was and how this moment with Molly was one of his favorite moments in all his being. Elessar and Molly continued their slow dances to "Can't Take My Eyes Off of You".

Elessar thought of how simply pretty Molly was. A pretty woman like her didn't deserve the devil stewing deep within him.The music ended, the crowd departed, Then Elessar walked Molly home.

"You could come in if you want...spend the night. We could do breakfast in the morning. I can make you pancakes or whatever." said Molly. She cupped his face in her hands and passionately kissed him. She wanted so much more. She wanted to have him tonight. To belong to only him.

It was so hard for Elessar not to transform into his demonic form right there. He wanted Molly SO badly. He ached for her deep down inside. Still if she knew what he really was, she'd run away. Elessar knew he couldn't lose control and scare her. He'd rather they keep their platonic friendship than have her run away.

"I have to go...I'll see you another time. Perhaps coffee tomorrow at the cafe." his voice was strained as he quickly kissed her on the top of her head and left.

"Oh...alright...another time then." Molly wondered what was wrong with her. She loved this man but she didn't even have his phone number. Maybe she just wasn't being direct enough. It was the 21st century. Women could take control of their own destiny. She just needed to tell him what she wanted. Tomorrow was another day and she'd tell him at coffee. Then hopefully they could be together.

The next morning Elessar met Molly for coffee. They had breakfast and then went for a stroll in the woods. Elessar needed to be away from town before he showed her his true nature.

"Molly, I have something to tell you, something that will change our relationship forever. I hope you're not mad with me. I've never told anyone else before."

"Fuck...you're gay aren't you? It's just my luck. I honestly didn't know...I just like you...you're fun to spend time with." Molly was babbling again. She had a major crush on Elessar.

"Woman, be quiet!" yelled Elessar. "I'm not gay...but this conversation would be easier if I was...just trust me and hear me out for five minutes...okay?"

"Okay, I trust you." Molly was wondering what was the worst that could happen.

"I'll show you now." said Elessar. With that he instantaneously morphed out of his handsome human form and into that of a demon. Elessar was now emerald green, nine feet tall, with a tail, wings and fangs.

After he had morphed he started at Molly. His green eyes and smile were the same.

"Hello Molly...this is the real me. I'm a devil. But, I'm still me." said Elessar. Then he caught Molly as she fainted.

Molly awoke sometime later in a small cabin. The sun was going down and she didn't know where she was.

"You're awake now...can I get you something to eat?" asked Elessar. He had never wanted to use his mind reading powers more. But at the same time, he didn't want to violate her privacy and he was afraid of what he'd find there.

Molly was still really afraid of him. He was so tall and so different. He looked like a demon instead of a man. He was terrifying. What would he do to her? How could she have wanted this man...no devil she corrected herself? He had lied to her.

"So it wasn't a dream...I'm really here...with...you...whatever you are." said Molly accenting each word. She didn't know how to feel. Part of her was pissed off and the other part was excited. The fantasy world she had always dreamed about existed.

"You're that thing I thought I dreamed of that night. What am I like your prisoner now?" she asked Elessar angrily.

"No, please don't think that. You're free to go anytime you'd like. I'll even walk you home but it is snowing out. Are you sure you don't want anything to eat?" Elessar asked again.

Molly stared at Elessar for a long time reading him. He was big, green and different but his body mannerisms and eyes were still the same.

"I'll have one cup of tea before I leave." she said in a small voice.

"Great, I'll join you Then maybe we can talk.." said Elessar. He hoped Molly would stay. So far he admired her chutzpah for not running out the door.

"Well, I'm going to assume you don't sell insurance at State Farm." laughed Molly bitterly.

"No, that's just something I tell mortals when they ask me about my life. I've got to tell them something. I can't just come out and say I'm a devil." said Elessar as he made and poured the tea.

"Obviously, you can't tell people you're a devil. They might not believe it...I'm still not sure I believe it. I think I could be in some sort of trance or on some drugs..."

"You're nervous Molly...you're babbling you always babble when you get nervous." Elessar put his hand on Molly's hand. It was his gesture to try and calm her down. He was impressed when Molly didn't yank her hand away. She caressed his huge hand in her small one.

"Your hand feels normal...and warm." she said. Molly wondered what the rest of his body was like. She wanted to kiss him and take all of him in her. Thoughts of them entwined together as lovers percolated in her mind.

"I probably should warn you that when I'm in my demon form...I can read minds." said Elessar.

Molly blushed a deep crimson. She wondered if he had seen all the thoughts she had about him in his human form.

Elessar blushed too. He had similar thoughts about Molly. But, didn't know she thought that way about him. No one had thoughts like that about him while he was on the mortal plateau.

"Don't worry, my powers only work when I'm in this form." Elessar said this with a smirk.

"Well, uhmm thanks again for that. I'm still curious about your er...current state. Can you tell me more about that? It's very different. I've never known anyone like you." asked Molly.

Elessar drew himself up to his full height of nine feet. "I suppose you have never met anyone like me although every human runs into a few mystic creatures in his or her lifetime. Vampires, werewolves, demons, angels...we all are here on earth and that's where the stories come from. At any rate, as I told you I'm a devil. I was expelled from Hell a long long time ago because I disagreed with what was happening there. I thought we should take pity on mortals because they didn't have the knowledge of the workings of the universe that we devils and angels had. I couldn't go to heaven because of all the harm I'd caused mankind. So I'm stuck here in the mortal realm perpetually."

"It must be lonely for you...not having anyone to talk to. I don't have anyone to talk to either. You're the first person...err thing I've had a relationship with in a long time." said Molly.

"You can call me a person. I know what you mean. Sometimes I wish I was one despite the obvious drawbacks of being mortal and not being able to read minds or super strength...it would be nice." said Elessar.

"Why would you want something like that? To give up your strength...to give up who you are?" asked Molly.

"I want relationships...can't you tell how much I want you Molly?" asked Elessar.

"Me??? What's so special about me?" inquired Molly curiously.

"Nothing and everything. I love how kind you are, the way you move and dance. You're just a wonderful person Molly...please let me try something that I've been wanting to do since that night?" asked Elessar.

"Okay, I still trust you even though you look different...you're still Elessar...I guess." said Molly.

"I just need you to close your eyes." ordered Elessar.

Molly obeyed and closed her eyes. She supposed she trusted him. It was worth a shot anyways.

Elessar gently brushed his lips against hers. He was worried he might bite her with his fangs. He was surprised when he felt Molly's tongue push into his mouth. Elessar opened to Molly. He couldn't get enough of her. He wanted to devour her and own her. Elessar tore Molly's shirt off and he kissed her from her mouth to her breasts. There he suckled and nipped at them.

Molly let out a moan of passion and desire. She wanted and needed more. Halabard continued to suck and play with her breasts. He was only slightly aware of Molly's hand working away at his pants. Suddenly, he felt her little hands against him. She moved them up and down. They both wanted more from each other.

"Elessar..Elessar...please." begged Molly. Molly didn't think that she needed to ask. He could tell what she was thinking. She could tell what he was thinking or at least she thought she did.

Elessar shoved Molly's passionate overtures away. "I can't woman, for the love of all things, I just can't". His voice was heavy with remorse and frustration.

"What's wrong?" asked Molly. She was very confused. She had thought they wanted each other.

"I DO want you woman...Molly. It's just that I'm a devil and I might hurt you. You don't know what you're getting into. You don't understand that I could use my magic to make you go or make you stay. You don't understand at all." remorsefully said Elessar with his head buried in his hands.

Molly slowly made her way back to Elessar. She drew herself up to her full height and barely reached his head. Molly ran her little hands through his electric blue hair, trying to straighten it. She kissed his forehead. "Well, what do you...what does your inner self want? Forget the world, heaven, hell, mortals, immortals...morals. What do YOU, you Elessar want?" Molly was kissing his forehead and running her hands gently through his electric blue hair.

Elessar sat up and looked squarely at this woman. He had never really thought about himself before. What DID he want? Elessar had always played the rules of Hell, Heaven or mortals. He had never made them for himself...what did he want? What were HIS rules. He trusted his instincts.

Over the time that he had become bewitched by Molly, Elessar been wondering what to do with her. She was only a human, so why did he care so much about her? He'd considered using his powers to send her away. But he couldn't bring himself to part with her. There was something about this woman. He was drawn to her like a moth to a flame. She was beautiful, yes, but he'd seen many beautiful women in his time. She was intelligent and intriguing; her conversations with him had been like a ray of light in the neverending monotony of the human world. But...there was something more. In all his time on this mortal plateau, Elessar had never been so inexplicably drawn to anyone like he was drawn to her.