A Divorce Party Pt. 01


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My chain is jerked down. I resist as much as possible to wear her out. I go down to the ground and rollover. The bitch pulls my legs straight.

Ann says with amusement in her voice, "The idea here is to straddle his waist behind his cock and move your pussy up to his cock, so it touches. I then want you to slide up and down his cock, so you feel it on your mons, folds, lips, and clit. You can touch anything with his dick except the inside of your vagina.

"You will get stimulation from sliding up and down his cock, from hearing him groan, and from watching him spew his semen all over himself. He will coat the shroud over his head and shoulders the way he has been showering you. It's fabric. Imagine his cum hitting the fabric. It seeps through. With the ball gag, he can't prevent tasting his own sperm."

She cackles in glee with her description. Ha, ha, like I haven't done that before. Yes, it's not my favorite thing. However, nothing turns on Stacy more than me fucking her and then eating her. She loses her mind, and I can literally do anything I want to her after the act. That's how I got her to start doing anal.

There is a scramble to be first. Ann generally selected the order, but they all wanted to be first this time. Stacy is the first to jump on and take a ride.

Ann doesn't sound happy as she says, "You get five minutes, or you orgasm, whichever comes first. If he shoots, I will stop the clock until he is hard again."

The first woman is aggressive. She doesn't use my whole length but is quick, humping like a bunny rabbit. She feels light, meaning this is Connie or Jane. Mom or Patty will be heavier. I need this done to me more often; this feels amazing. It's not as good as fucking, but damn, it feels good. Well, it felt good until she ran out of energy. She's going slow, and now she's moaning more while it does less for me. This isn't good. I want fast.

Suddenly, she stops, and I feel her pussy's liquids running tiny rivers down the sides of my groin.

It didn't take long for the woman to get up. She must have been unsteady because she stepped on me as she moved. Someone was helping her, or she would have fallen, which would have hurt. A very light and thin woman is next. She slowly glides along my shaft and is almost screaming in pleasure. It sounds like Gina to me. After three minutes of feeling good and screaming out her pleasure, my balls fire a load of cum.

The first volley is driven into my stomach because Gina is on me. As she feels the cum, she slides back and uses a hand to guide my cock. She aims my cock, hitting my chest, neck, chin, and then my shroud. As it hits the fabric above my face, all the women cheer and congratulate her on hitting the target. I would have stuck out my tongue, but no chance of that. The really annoying thing was the cum in my eyes.

I had my eyes closed, but having a liquid on your face is annoying.

It feels disgusting. It's sticky and feels like it won't roll off my body. I know some does roll off my face, but a lot remains. Too much remains, and this sucks. This is the first time that I have felt humiliated. Nobody is defending me or suggesting an alternative. They all want to make me suffer, and tears start to come to my eyes. My wife hates me.

Let me explain better. The cum took no time at all to seep onto my face. It wasn't a direct hit, bet the effect was the same. No, it was worse because the shroud moves, so it spreads it around more than a direct hit would have. Yes, this part sucks as my cum cools quickly.

Ann changes the rules, "That was amazing. From now on, no clock and you aim for his face. Everyone gets a chance."

The next two women are excited and are ready to grab my cock and zero in on my face. The last one hurt the most.

I hear Stacy scream, "Look, he looks like a glazed donut."

They all laughed. Then it got worse. I hear that noise of several cell phones taking pictures. I literally wanted to die. If it were possible to stop my heart, I would have done it.

The worst thing I heard was Stacy saying, "Wait until I show these at work."

Naturally, they all thought that was a good idea.

When they finish clicking, a heavier woman mounts me. She uses a better speed and uses all of my cock. She comes all the way up to my crown.

Mom says in a heavenly voice, "Oh, what I could have done with this all my life. I had average and it was good. I can only imagine what this would feel like."

As mom is saying that, I am freaking out because my mother is sliding along my cock with her vagina dragging all over it. Go ahead and imagine that with your parents in one of these two positions with you! It's traumatizing.

Then. Like everything else tonight. It got worse. How? My mother slid too far forward. No problem, lift, slide back, and then slide back. Except this time, my mother didn't raise up. As she slid back, my cock filled my mother's vagina. OK, you slide back and then off. Nope. Not mom. She slid back but did not go far enough to pull out. She slid back faster, allowing more of my cock to fill her pussy.

While the others argue about what to do, mom moans in delight as she says, "I've waited all my life for a cock like this. It feels amazing."

Ann makes the mistake of trying to pull mom off me.

I feel Mom leaning to the side, and she stops fucking me. I hear a sharp crack of a fist hitting a face. Mom has centered again and continues fucking me. I know that sound because Mom taught me how to fight and defend myself. I took many strikes to the face, ass, ribs, and arms. I can tell you exactly what each body part being struck sounds like. Mom doesn't like sparring anymore. I use my sheer size and strength to overwhelm her. She still gets her damage in. Was that Mom or Patty defending me?

Mom rides me for a while as Ann screams at her for ruining the party. Mom promptly falls to the side as the last woman, Patty climbs on. All pretense of humiliating and teasing me is gone. She goes straight to cowgirl and is screaming at the top of her lungs.

The scream goes like this, "OH MY GOD!! So full! He's HUGE! OH, IT FEELS GOOD! I'm walking on sunshine! Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Damn this is awesome! I'm taking him home! This is mine, all mine! Oh FUCK he drills me deep!

I think it's odd that I hear someone texting during this display of wanton lust. Is Ann leaving because she lost control?

It takes a while, but Patty orgasms and falls off me. Then my day gets worse. From her slipping off, that sets me off and nobody is pointing my cock. All seven ropes hit my forehead and hair.

I have had enough of this.

Chapter 6 - Now the fun begins

Ann is furious with me. I can hear the deep breaths, and she tries to strangle me by lifting my leash and me by way of my neck. As that happens, I hear the front door open, and the room goes silent. Everyone, I guess, is scrambling for their clothes.

Stacy screams, "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!"

I hear a smack and then a body crumbles to the floor at my feet. I hear the person crying. What's going on?

Ann fills me in, "Everyone freeze! You all have been whiny pain in the ass, bitches. You didn't play well, so I will enforce some fun. Juan and Paco, I want you two to take these two old bitches into the bedroom. You can be as rough as you want but no killing. In fact, these two were a royal pain in the ass; make sure it hurts."

I almost smile as I hear what I think is my mother and Patty probably being escorted to the bedroom. Why am I smiling? They aren't resisting. Why would two women trained in these situations be so calm and collected? They are going to seriously fuck up those two meatheads.

Gina is very helpful when she says in a scared voice, like she fears for her life voice, "No. No. Please, no. Don't shoot me."

I heard a guy say, "Do I have to hold you down? You don't want to fight us; I will cut you."

Now all the women are crying and saying, "No."

I thought that they were just going to let me stand there. Oh no, not with as joyous as my day has been. I fell to my knees and felt a sharp pain rip into my left shoulder. The mother fucker stabbed me in the back! He pulls out the knife, and I hit twenty-two on that ten-point pain scale. THAT ENRAGES ME!!

Adding to that is the background noise of the women screaming and bawling their eyes out. The combined experience plus the thought of those guys raping my wife shoved me over the edge of normal behavior.

I'm not Rambo or some special forces dude that kills people with a spoon. I manage construction projects and fill in where needed when I have time. I lift weights and jog some to stay in shape. I have no training in self-defense and showed no special skills. I have a body full of muscles hyped up on adrenaline and am filled with enough rage to rip a phone book in half. I'm talking about one of those old 400-page phone books with the white pages, not these flimsy yellow-page phone books that a third-grade girl can rip in half. I am pissed, and I am going to hurt someone.

I don't remember getting to my feet, but I remember popping the bracers as I pulled my arms apart. I reached down and yanked the chains off my feet. My last bit of freedom is ripping the Goddamn shroud off my head, wiping the cum out of my eyes, and pulling the ball gag out of my mouth. It makes a fine necklase.

One of the two guys hit me in the face, and it didn't even register. I returned the favor, and the guy stumbled backward and fell to the floor out cold. I see the gun guy looking at me as if he's just slapped the shit out of my wife. I take two long steps towards him, grab him like a quarterback, and run full speed into the wall where I think I broke the wall, the man, and my arm.

As I am slamming him into the wall, I hear a loud noise and another sharp pain in my hip. This one hurts like hell. I am leaking blood in two places, I'm not going to make it. What a terrible idea this was. My vision slowly dissolves as my life force is leaking out of my body.

"I never got to have kids," is my last thought.


Point of view: Daisy

The door to the bedroom slams open, with Patty and I running down the hallway. The other two attackers are out, and the slave escort is not moving. Blood is around the man, and everyone is silent.

I go to the man and wail a cry of agony as I see my son bleeding; he's leaking blood from two places at an alarming rate, and it appears he might be dead. WAIT! He's dripping blood. His heart is still pumping! I apply pressure to the two places that he's leaking from. I cry uncontrollably.

Patty goes to her purse, grabs her cell phone, and calls 911, "My name is Patty, and I am at (blah, blah, blah), and I need four ambulances, police, and a fire truck. One victim looks to have been stabbed in the back and shot in the gut. HURRY! Yes, I'll stay on the line."

Stacy runs to the bedroom and sees two unconscious men with arms in unnatural angles on the floor. She grabs six robes. She can hear the sirens already.

Ann is trying to slowly make her way around the room. She wants to get away before the police come. As her head turns to open the door for her freedom, Ann gets an up close and personal look of a fist hitting her face and then knocking her out. Connie has a look of satisfaction as she stands over the woman. Ann does not move a muscle.


I am in the ambulance with my son. Stacy did not want to come with Stan. Something odd is going on in that house. I am crying as they work on Stan to keep him alive.

With Stan now stabilized and nothing else to do, the two women, one from the ambulance and one was a paramedic, are looking at Stan.

The paramedic looks shy as she says, "I will definitely be coming back to look up this guy. My God, he is huge. Look at those muscles. He isn't an asshole, is he?"

I laugh as I cry, "He may look like Godzilla, but inside, he's a plush teddy bear. He's married."

Both women groaned.

I give them hope, "His wife set him up for a party as a slave. A friend said she slept with him, and his wife believed her. Their marriage is going to crumble and there's no way my Stan cheated on his wife. Nothing made him madder than a friend that cheated on a girlfriend. He's a one-woman man."

Both women are hanging on my words until the ambulance skids to a sharp halt and the back doors are flung open. In a flash he was taken from me. I couldn't keep up. I went searching and couldn't find him.

I'm wandering aimlessly around the ER before a nurse grabs me by the shoulders and asks, "Who are you looking for?"

I replied tersely, "Stan, stab, gunshot."

God bless her heart; she hugs me and guides me to the OR waiting room.

The nurse tells me, "Watch the board. You will see an estimated finish time, when they start closing, and the doctor might post notes for you. Sometimes you might see, 'He's going to be fine,' up on the board in situations like this. Good luck."

She gave me a warm hug and for the first time since the incident, I felt better.

Stan spent six hours in surgery. Stacy never stopped by.


What Daisy doesn't know is that everyone else at the party was allowed to dress and then was taken to the police station where it took eight hours to untangle the mess that happened at the party. The stories did not sync with each other. The police suspected a plot to kill Stan because of his adulterous behavior.

After re-interviewing each woman three times, it was determined that Ann manipulated the women. It was dumb luck that two Marines were there and a hardworking, muscular husband that was hung like a porn star had an exciting and lifesaving night.

Chapter 7 -- Yup, I didn't die

Point of view: Stan

I am amazed that I am waking up. I thought I was done. How did I survive? Oh hell, I hurt like a mother fucker. I grin to myself; I need to come up with a new phrase, as that one hits way too close to home as I remember Mom fucking me.

I can't open my eyes yet, but I feel two sets of hands holding mine.

I hear my mom say excitedly, "He's waking up!"

I started to panic. I don't want to see anyone. I want to curl up in a ball. It hurts to move, so I will stay still.

I heard a nurse rush into the room and her first commands were, "You two. Out! We need space. Please wait in the waiting room. I will come get you."

As my eyes start to crack open, I hear a lot of noise from machines. I see a middle-aged woman filling my field of view. I hurt like hell.

The nurse asks me, "Does it hurt?"

I want to reply sarcastically, but all my mouth gets out is, "Hell, yes. Please kill me now."

I feel pathetic because I'm crying. I can't help it; I have two parts of my body sending my brain signals of massive pain. I see and hear her poke buttons on some type of machine for IV. It's not long before the pain is manageable.

The nurse says, "You should ..."

I fill in with a soft voice, "I love you."

She continues, "... feel better now," and smiles.

As the lovely nurse squeezes my hand, she asks, "Anything I can do for you?"

I feel myself slipping away, but I managed to say, "No visitors." I hope she heard me.


Point of view: Daisy

A few minutes later:

The nurse enters the room, and Stacy and I stand up.

The nurse says, "He's in considerable pain, which was expected. The doctor prescribed a painkiller, and he's getting it now."

I ask, "When can we see him?"

Stacy wants to know that answer as well. She looks at the nurse with expectant eyes.

The nurse is uncomfortable. Oh shit, this is going to be bad.

The guilty-looking nurse feels terrible, saying, "He requested no visitors."

Stacy doesn't handle that well and screams out, "WHAT! I'm his WIFE!! He can't do this to me!"

I'm not surprised by her behavior tonight; err, last night.

The nurse has had enough of us. Her whole mood has changed one-hundred and eighty degrees.

The nurse is commanding with her voice, "Look. He was resting, and his stats were good. He wakes up and sees you two, and his stats skyrocket. I don't know why, and I don't give a damn. I have a patient that came close to dying last night, and you two bimbos will not do anything to endanger his life anymore. I think you two have already done enough tonight. This morning."

The nurse had no idea what happened. She read the situation and guessed close enough to put the two women on the defensive so she can get back to her patient. Stacy and Daisy are left devastated.

Stacy's mother shows up hours later, looking like she slept well. We compare notes which take two minutes. Last night the doctor said that he was barely awake and needed sleep. He said that Stan would be OK and would explain more tomorrow. Due to his request for no visitors, we got no updates.


At the end of three weeks, we learned that he will be released tomorrow. We showed up with clothes and to take him home. He took the clothes but went home with Wendy and his best friend, Gordon. He would not look at or talk to us. We didn't exist. We stopped at Starbucks and made many people uncomfortable as we held each other and cried.


Point of view: Stacy

The doorbell rings. I'm not expecting anyone. I looked through the security hole, and it was my mom.

I open the door lethargically, "Hi, Mom. Come on it."

Mom comes in and walks to the kitchen. She pulls out two mint K-cups and starts the coffee. She had a hidden bag from a local chocolate store. We each sit down. I don't know where to start.

Mom asks, "Have you talked to or emailed him yet?"

I reply, "Email isn't answered. Calls go to voicemail, and I get no reply to my messages. He's ghosted me."

Mom asks, "What happened? Why is he doing this? I thought he loved you."

I sniffled before saying, "I was supposed to hire an escort. They were too expensive. I talked Stan into assisting a sex toy sale, and we needed a model."

Mom shouts, "You what? That was BDSM!"

Now I'm crying, "Ann lied to me. Once she got here, what could I do? Then Connie makes me mad by admitting she had an affair with Stan. I was ready to stab him right then. I'm still pissed at him! How could he cheat on me?"

Mom looks at me, and then in a commanding and disgusted voice, she scolds me, "You believed that bullshit? Ann mentioned how terrible men are. All of us are divorced but you. You have a stud, and I will now add, a well-hung husband. He can't defend himself. Do you think it's possible she wanted you to feel as miserable as she does? Hmmmm?"

I'm not falling for this, "Men cheat. It's what they do. Am I any better than the rest of you?"

Mom tries a different approach, "Of all your friends, why does he pick Connie? You know she sleeps around. How many men has she picked up at the bar in the last six months? Your other friends are all better looking. He loves you, so I don't buy her story. I don't think that man is capable of cheating."

I reply, "You said the same thing about Dad."

Mom's eyes puff up with tears. Oh hell.

She stands up and quickly walks out of my house as I apologize non-stop while following her to her car. She never looked at or acknowledged me. She drove away. Now I really feel bad.

I don't go out for drinks on Fridays anymore. I sit at home and sulk.


Point of view: Gina

Late Friday night...

I ask my husband while we're sitting in bed, "Gordon. When is Stan moving out? He's mostly healed. He's a nice guy, and he's helped around the house a lot but can't live here. He needs to start his life again."

Gordon asks, "Do you know what his problem is?"

I question, "You don't know?"

Gordon looks at me crossly, "Has he ever talked about what happened? Has anyone talked about it?"

I blow the raspberries at him, "I'll talk to Stacy."

Gordon infuriates me, "Yes, dear."

I roll over.


"Overland Ford, how may I direct your call?"