A Dom's Revenge Ch. 06


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Shortly, a knock at the bedroom door was heard and Teresa opened the door after I acknowledged it, all fresh and showered and clean in her own short silk bathrobe, with girl in tow by the clover clamps. A little surprised at the sight of the pink haired, bruised fat girl, Teresa, tentatively overstepped her bounds by asking me if, for girls training sake, girl would be permitted to sleep on the floor at the foot of Master's bed this evening to know what her true status was.

I was hesitant, for a moment, but trusted Teresa's instincts in this matter and accepted her offer. Teresa turned to girl and told her to fetch her sleeping blanket from the pantry and to come back quickly. Girl scurried down the hall and stairs after a quick "Yes, Mistress," and returning quickly out of breath with her blanket.

I motioned to the chains and manacles on the chair and instructed slave to chain girl down and to the bed frame, we wouldn't want her wandering off in the middle of the night now, would we?

Once Teresa had attached cuffs and leg irons to girl she attached a loose chain between them all and then locked the end to the foot of the bed frame, giving her just a enough slack to change positions while sleeping, but not enough to actually stand up or move around.

Once done, Teresa turned to girl and prompted her for a response.

"Thank you Master and Mistress for allowing me to sleep at the foot of your bed." She said.

Teresa, with a wicked glee then reached down and took off the clover clamps from girls nipples. She shrieked with pain as the blood rushed back into the nipples forcing shooting pain into her sore breasts. Teresa slapped the nipples until girl was sobbing, begging Mistress that she had learned her lesson and thanking her for her punishment. She wasn't done, though. Teresa smiled and fished through one of her bags. "Master, I forgot to give you this little attachment when we were here last time for the fitting..."

She rummaged a little more and pulled out what looked like a fat pen. Taking the "pen" she bid girl to spread her thighs to expose her shielded pussy. There was a small indent in the shield, a channel, that with an ominous click, the fat pen locked flush to it. With a small twist, a very faint buzzing could be heard coming from the pen. Girl's eyes lit up and she moaned in lustful agony. "The batteries in this are good for at least four hours. The vibrations are just faint enough to keep our little controlled slut interested, but not enough for her to cum. No cummies for you cunt!" She wagged her finger in girls face.

That done, Teresa turned to me, and I grabbed her roughly and threw her to the bed, yanked her leg out from under her and took the shackle and locked her to it. The chain attached to it was short, enough for her to move around on the bed, but she could not leave the bed. I pulled my little captive slave into my arms as she mewed with demure passion. Tired and spent, we fell asleep in each others arms smiling at the events of the evening. Girl tossed and turned in her bonds, stimulated and exited by the evenings events, suffering one final torture and humiliation by being subjected to the wicked vibrator that forced her lust and pussy to climb to the edge of the abyss without falling over in orgasmic bliss.

I woke up to Teresa's mouth on my cock. Slurping and sucking, mouthing and licking, there's no better way to be draw out of a deep slumber. "Good morning, Master!" She said in between slurps.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmm..." I adjusted myself to give her better access to my crotch area.

She continued for a few more minutes as I regained my senses. I am not a morning person! Presently I shooed her off me and pulled out the keys to the padlocks that had kept my two captive slaves in their places all night long. I unlocked Teresa and gave her the keys to unlock girl, who had been watching us while kneeling from the foot of the bed since I had awakened. Girl seemed to not have gotten much sleep. Her eyes were more deep-set than usual, large dark circles were under them and her face was puffy. The small vibrator had left her tossing and turning as she had tried to claw her way through the chastity belt to her tender sensitive screaming pussy and clit for most the night. It had now been a week since her enforced chastity, and she was really starting to suffer.

Teresa pouted, a little put off with me not allowing her to finish me off, but with a heavy, embellished sigh, she rolled out of bed and went to unlock girl from her chains and then force marched her downstairs to the guest bathroom for her morning constitutionals and enema.

I lay in bed for a little while longer, slowly stretching my muscles out before feeling awake enough to paddle into my bathroom and soak myself under a hot shower. By the time I was finished and getting dressed, I was eager to see what Teresa had planned for girl today.

Teresa had always been a very creative thinker. A metal artist since her second year in an arts college, she had been exposed to all sorts of creative, weird, edgy, alternative people and she had quickly gravitated towards the BDSM scene when a less than edgy girlfriend of hers had taken her to a club on a dare. That first evening had resonated with Teresa, while scaring her girlfriend away. With no one to play tie up with, Teresa frequented the club playing both top and bottom with both men and women. She had spent some time as a Mistress' slave, but as she grew more mature, she found it increasingly difficult to follow orders and respect other women whom she could physically overpower. Working with steel, Teresa was uncommonly strong and came to view the dainty femdomme "girls" with disdain. She now only chose to submit to a very few maledoms of whom, I was very lucky to be one. It wasn't the typical buff super strong maledoms that drew Teresa's attraction; it was the creativity and inner strength that she was able to radar onto. I have only been truly in the scene for about two years. Early into my new lifestyle, Teresa had identified me as a special someone who had potential. When I had later found out her story and had asked her about what drew her to me, one of those after session cuddling as we both worked ourselves down from the endorphins and adrenaline highs, she remarked that I had a callousness about myself, I had carried myself well almost like a vanilla person, but there was a cruelty deep in my eyes that belied an evil twisted hurt man that was aching to take things out on someone. She saw me as a challenge. Could she unleash the beast within me and survive him?

What she had witnessed last week of my composure when we fitted girl with her belt, had saddened her. Emotionally I was still a wreck. Seeing and dealing with my cheating wife, having her in my life now, a constant reminder of her misdeeds, Teresa had immediately picked up on my unusual mood, and haggard training of girl. She hated seeing me like this and had overstepped a few boundaries in getting me to agree to her taking up some of the training responsibilities. I didn't have to be talked into it.

Truth be told, I welcomed it. Girl had reopened a wound that had never really healed. Now I had committed to taking her back although not in the form of relationship she had envisioned, and found myself second guessing myself on decisions in training and punishment. What was it that I really wanted? Certainly revenge coursed through my veins, but what then? After all the humiliating acts, the brutal beatings, the thousands of beggings and apologies from her, what would happen if, god forbid, I forgave her? Was I really that weak? Could I really be that strong?

Teresa flashed past my door on her way to the dungeon room reappearing a moment later dangling some black leather gear and harnessing. When I came downstairs, the first time I had descended from my bedroom in the morning without having had breakfast, I was hungry and a little grouchy. Teresa quickly scurried out from the kitchen and ran to kneel before me, welcoming the Master of the house.

"Breakfast will be served momentarily, Master." She said at my feet. "Would you wish to eat in the dining room?"

I scratched her head of black hair like a little pet, shook my head no and grumbled that the living room would be fine, but that I needed coffee fast, before I took my mood out on someone's hide.

Teresa excused herself, a little gleam in her eyes as she rushed back to the kitchen to order girl to get Master's coffee ready. I plopped down on my chair and tried to blink out the gunk in my eyes and to regain some focus from them. Moments later, Teresa brought me my coffee, remembering the particular way I liked it and we sat together in the living room while I nursed my coffee, and discussed how things were going so far.

Teresa chattered on about how much she was enjoying the weekend, having free reign to train another's slave, an opportunity that she seldom had. Teresa was a bit of a free agent in the M/s world. Some thought she just had a short attention span, others that she was too picky to settle down with one true Master. To me, I had told her that she was probably just searching for the right opportunity to present itself. So, until that opportunity did present itself, she traveled around, doing her metal work, and playing with a number of maledoms and female subs.

I had finished my coffee, when out from the kitchen came girl, with a small tray carrying my breakfast. Girl had had some work done to her by Teresa this morning, the leather pieces that I saw her appropriate from the dungeon room this morning were now put to good use on girl.

Girl had leather cuffs on both her ankles and wrists, a small chain between her ankles restricted her steps to tiny sixteen inch strides effectively hobbling her so she had to mince towards me slowly carrying my breakfast. Her wrists were locked together by the cuffs in front of her drastically restricting her range of motion and forcing her to do everything with her hands clasped together. She was shaking as she kept hold of the tray, fearful of dropping her Master's breakfast. Girl was also wearing a head harness with a whiffle ball gag forced deep into her mouth. With the holes in the ball, there was no fear of girl suffocating and she could easily breathe now through her mouth as well as her nose, a feature full ball gags did not allow.

Teresa smiled as girl slowly lowered the tray onto the coffee table. "The little cunt begged me to release her from her belt so that she could orgasm this morning." She said as she swatted one of girls exposed breasts.

"I felt it wise to keep her quiet today so we won't hear anymore of her begging us to release her animal urges."

"I like it," I said.

"It seems that she hasn't gone this long without release since before she was twenty and had learned about pleasuring herself." Teresa went on as I ate my eggs and toast.

"She's quite frustrated; frankly she would do anything for a cummy..."

She learned over and smacked girl's other breast as girl had remained kneeling in one of the positions Teresa had taught her. The position was a customary pose of service, awaiting another command. She knelt upright, her head up and alert as she watched us for any sign of instruction. Failure to catch either of us giving her a gesture of instruction would result in her failure of serving her Master and Mistress. In this position, her main responsibility was to watch and be ready to comply immediately.

After I finished, girl gathered my dishes, still cuffed and slowly rose to stand and clean up. As she turned to head back to the kitchen, I spotted Teresa's last little item of girls uniform. The buttplug that usually locking into girls anus by the chastity belt had been replaced by another plug which had attached a black horsehair tail that swished ever so slightly when girl took her tiny restricted steps.

I smiled and Teresa smiled as well as she was happy that her choice had pleased me.

She confided in me that for the rest of the day, girl would be locked in her present uniform, gag, tail and cuffs, and be forced to do all of her chores. The work of course would go slowly as she was now extremely hampered, but we both agreed that she needed to realize that free body movement was not a right, but a gratuity that she should not take for granted. I decided that girl would now be issued this as her daily uniform. She had now been trained in the non-verbal communication of the positions, and her work schedule had been set into routine. Besides, there wasn't much I wanted to hear from her now that she had accepted her role and status, so the gag would not be an issue with communication. Slaves were to do what they were told. There was nothing that a slave needed to say.

With permission, while girl was doing up the dishes in the kitchen in her new bound state, Teresa scampered up to our room to change into something a little intimidating for the day of training. This time, she came down dressing in a skin tight latex catsuit, showing off all her curves and leaving very little to the imagination. Donning a belt with various rings she had attached a number of "persuasion" devices that would be within ready reach to enforce her training on girl. A flogger, a paddle, a leather slapper, some nipple clamps and chain, she twirled around for me as I took in her figure. The rest of the day, while I stayed on the periphery, Teresa stayed right behind girl, and followed her around, beating her when she went to slow, and beating her when she went too fast and made a mistake. Teresa took time out often to hold and caress girl, playing with her nipples and stroking her inner thighs, keeping girl wound up, sexually frustrated and off balance as she never was able to anticipate if she would receive sharp pain from her Mistress, or frustrating pleasure. By late morning, girl was a frustrated, sore and panting little slave girl, deep in subspace as her Mistress pushed all of her buttons to drive her out of her mind. The only thing she could do was to react to the ministrations and instructions of her Mistress, exactly what a slave should do.

By three in the afternoon, girl had broken down in a heap, crying from the frustration. Horny beyond belief, Teresa had broken her all the way down. No amount of whipping, cajoling or threatening would get girl to budge. I was called out of my home office by Teresa who had apologized profusely for the interruption and failure. Stomping down the stairs I saw girl, still in a wet heap in the middle of the living room, sobbing and panting. When she saw me, she quickly gathered herself in a prostate kneeling position. It was a position of submission and honor for her authority figure, me. Looking down at her, I asked, "Well? What's all this then?"

Girl, taking a moment to realize that I was not about to unlock her gag so that she could talk, quickly rose up and positioned herself next to my right leg, facing the same way as me, and with her locked arms stroked my leg and rubbed her face against my leg in an almost catlike move. Looking up at me with big eyes, there was a look of pleading, of sexual famine in them.

Mewing like a kitten, she continued stroking, taking care not to touch my cock. I had been clear about her not having that right. Frustrated as she was, she still remembered all of the whippings I had administered to her and she wanted no part of that.

"The little cunt is horny," said Teresa lazily.

I whipped around and grabbed Teresa by the hair, yanking her down to the floor into a kneeling position, while girl scrambled out of harms way and watched. Teresa yelped as I bent over and shoved my face into hers.

"And whose fault is that, slave? Weren't you the one who has been teasing her all fucking day long?"

Teresa's posturing suddenly went docile as she quickly realized that her cavalier attitude a moment ago had gotten her into far more trouble. She shivered in fear and excitement. My true Master personality, the thing that had been dormant since girl had re-entered my life had suddenly come back.

"It is my fault, Master." She whispered as I yanked her hair some more causing delicious pain. "I have failed my responsibility of training her by pushing too hard."

"So who's the cunt?" I yelled into her face.

"I am," she chastened.

"Overstepped yourself, didn't you?"

"Yes, Master." She quickly answered.

"Get out of that ridiculous outfit cunt, it doesn't fit you. You're no dom!" I growled and pulled her up to her feet by her hair and proceeded to keep a good hard hold on it while she quickly, awkwardly peeled off the cat suit. Her confidence had disappeared and I pulled out the nipple clamps from her discarded belt, quickly slapping her nipples with my free hand till each stood attention, I then clamped them with the clamps. She yelped, but her skin flushed with arousal as I dragged her up to the dungeon room, ordering girl to follow behind.

Naked, confidence shaken, and scared, I tossed Teresa into the room and dragged her over to the horse. She groaned when she realized where she was going. The horse was a fiendish piece of furniture. It was basically a saw horse, with four legs that held up a thin narrow wooden beam. The wood had been varnished and sanded down for some element of protection, but the width of the surface was just a scant two inches. I bid girl to kneel in position near the horse and watch and stay out of my way as I dealt with my slave. I pulled out from one of my dressers a black leather sack like article and forced Teresa to turn around and place her arms behind her back. Threading the sack up her arms, I took two adjustable straps attached to the open end of the sack and fastened them around her shoulders and chest. The arm sleeve was a nice control device that essentially fastened both arms together rather painfully behind your victims back. I quickly tightened the laces that drew her arms impossibly together thus limiting her range of motion with her arms to a straight upward and downward arc that bent her upper body as well.

Picking her up, I then placed her straddling the wooden horse. Each leg went on either side as I placed her exposed pussy right on the thin two inch surface of the horizontal wooden plank. The plank was too high off the ground for her to touch or rest her feet on, so her entire body weight now rested on that hard narrow surface, all focused on her pussy. The pain would start off quickly, building to unbearable rather quickly. It was a nasty piece of work that I took particular delight in using on my slaves.

She groaned as she tried to adjust herself; trying to find a somewhat less painful position. Taking each leg I fastened a rope to them and tied each one off to the bottom frame bar. This limited her leg motion stopping her from squirming and forcing her to soak in the pain of her punishment. Next I took a rope and affixed it to the metal ring at the end of her armbinder, where her hands were bound and tied that to a hitch in the ceiling, raising her arms straight behind her so that she had to lean forward. Her body now was shaking as the pain started to take hold.

Girl watched mutely, the line of drool from her gag had all but cleared up as the focus now was on Mistress Teresa. Still hobbled, I warned her to pay attention to the proceedings. Taking the nipple chain I attached another thin rope to the center and tied that tightly to the wall, pulling her nipples and thus her breast outwards and upwards off her body. All trussed up I pulled out a heavy leather flogger, held it to her face, where she immediately kissed it, and then I proceeded to strike her with it all over her body. Slowly at first, I increased the intensity leaving no area of her body unmarked. The flogger brought out a nice red glow to her skin as she was forced to bear it, along with the pain of the horse on her pussy bound as she was. Teresa was panting now. She was a tough one, able to withstand quite a lot of pain, however, the evening was just getting started as I hung up the flogger and took out the crop. She kissed this devious instrument of pain as well when I proffered it to her. The crop allowed me to surgically strike her in the most sensitive spots. I particularly enjoyed focusing its bite on the fleshy underside of her breasts, making her whole body jump in pain then jump again as she settled back on the biting wood of the horse on her now very tender pussy. All the time I was striking her, I also chastised her for failing in her task of training girl. That girls failures were hers, that she was taking the punishment for both of them. Teresa momentarily swung her head around and gave girl a threatening look, which girl blanched at. I slapped her face, "Eye's forward, slave!" I growled. "You focus on your Master. Not her."