A Dose of His Own Medicine


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"You dare to ask us such a question?" Jenny said, incredulous that her boss should be so oblivious to the collective pain they had suffered at his hands. "For years we have paid the price of your arrogance and disparagement and you ask us what you did to deserve our wrath? Fool! Imbecile! Reprobate! Why just the other day you exposed yourself to Mary, you shameful wanker! And this very morning you insulted our own dear Alicia, a mere child, for no good reason other than it gave you some perverse form of pleasure to beat her down. You monster! You scoundrel!"

"I don't mean to be cruel!" he pleaded. "It's just that...I'm under a lot of pressure. You understand that, don't you Jenny?"

"Oh, we understand all right," Alicia answered. "We understand only too well."

So far, Mary had said nothing to her boss, and he now turned to her in a last-ditch effort to save himself.

"Mary," he begged, "you of all people know how much stress I'm under. You can't hold me responsible for every action I take. You can't!"

He struggled savagely with the straps that held him bound to the table and cursed every woman in the room in the most foul language he could muster. The beleaguered secretary/office manager barely showed any emotion as she briskly tugged on the strap that held his right leg secure.

"Oh, but I do hold you responsible, Mr. Wilson. Many of us have stressful jobs. But we don't go round insulting, harassing, and assaulting each other. Now it's time for you to pay for your crimes."

"Crimes? No, please, Mary! Please!" he implored the taciturn face before him. "I'll give all of you a raise. Yes! A fifty percent raise across the board! And a public apology as well! Anything! Please!"

"It's too late for that now," the implacable secretary replied. "Far, far too late."

Jim's body was lying flat on the table, but the doctor, in order to aid her in the upcoming demonstration, pressed a button on a remote control unit she was holding in her hand, which lifted the patient's upper body slightly so that it was on a 45-degree angle to the lower part of the table.

Now, fully cognizant, the terrified man looked all around the room and saw a vast sea of female faces closing down upon him, their eyes full of contempt and demanding retribution. There was the doctor, standing stoically to his left, in her right hand a large hypodermic needle. On either side of her stood Jo and Evie, ready to assist her when necessary. When he saw the needle, he reacted fearfully, tugging away on his restraints with great ferocity.

"But this...this is outrageous!" he cried to Mary. "What you are doing is against the law! I will have you, all of you, publicly eviscerated!"

This threat was received with a round of raucous jeers.

"I mean it!" he screamed. "If you don't release me right now I'll have every one of your heads on a platter!"

His feeble threat caused the crowd to react with gales of laughter.

Jim pulled upon his straps in vain. After expending a great deal of his energy in this pursuit, and seeing that there was no way out, and that these demonic creatures before him were not going to let him escape without exacting their own novel form of vengeance, he lay there breathing hard, waiting for whatever was to befall him.

"Let's get him naked," Mary instructed her friends.

His protestations notwithstanding, the woman applied themselves diligently to the task of removing his clothes—tearing, clutching, and maneuvering in every way possible to accomplish the task. Mary and Bethany watched with professional detachment as a slew of hands came rushing forward to strip the bewildered man. To his utter dismay, Jim was soon denuded of every piece of clothing he had on. The last piece to come off was his underwear, and it was Alicia who had the satisfaction of removing it. He was now completely nude.

"Well, Angie," Mary snickered as she saw her boss's penis spring into view," that's one rumor you can put to rest!"

Angie laughed. "I guess he is hung like a horse after all! And he's not even hard yet!"

The women responded to his nudity with a mixture of amusement and fascination, as it seemed his penis, although not fully erect, was large enough in its present state to promise the potential of further significant growth.

"Now listen to me carefully," Mary said to her boss. "Doctor Devlin is going to inject you with a liberal dose of Infiritol. She will inject the drug directly into your scrotum. You can expect swelling along the genital area to occur as the drug begins to take effect. Do you understand?"

Jim looked at her with a vicious scowl on his face. "Of course I understand you wicked little bitch! I know everything there is to know about that drug and I know what you're trying to do to me!"

"We don't want to hurt you, Mr. Wilson. We just want to humble you. Bring you down a few pegs so to speak. Stick your face in it, if you prefer. But no matter how much you threaten us. No matter how much you plead or beg for mercy, nothing is going to prevent us from exacting our revenge."

Seeing that there was nothing further to be gained from his heartless secretary, Jim now appealed to the other women.

"Dr. Devlin...Bethany," he said turning to her with all the pathos he could muster. "You're a doctor. You swore an oath to do no harm."

Bethany was not to be moved by such a pathetic attempt to instill pity in her. "You're not going to be harmed. You're just going to have the most massive orgasm of your life—at our expense. Relax and enjoy it. We certainly are."

Jim immediately saw that the doctor was just as intransigent as his secretary and instead of wasting any further time with her, directed his appeal to the two buxom, middle-aged nurses who had assisted Mary in bringing him downstairs. "Jo...Evie..." he began. "Don't let them do this to me. I'm begging you..."

"Beg?" Jo fired back. "You must be kidding. You're a proper charitable case you are. Beg indeed!"

Evie didn't even bother to answer him. All she did was to give him a very cold look and turn away.

Frantic for sympathy, for some tiny bit of human kindness that could be used as a remedy to thwart the overwhelming contempt that filled the room like a heavy fog, Jim made another and final general appeal to the assemblage of grim faces that watched over him.

"I know I've been hard on some of you," he admitted meekly. "But I only did it because I wanted my company to be successful. I wanted you, all of you, to be proud to work for me...I mean, for Wilson Labs. But when I saw some of you slacking..."

"Slacking?" said Audrey, a 64-year-old, gray-haired secretary. "I've not met one woman in this room who could ever be accused of 'slacking'!"

"I...I'm sorry," Jim replied nervously. I don't mean slacking...I...I mean to say that you people should have shown the same devotion to your jobs as I did."

"Now we're getting to it!" Margaret said.

"Well, isn't it the truth?" he retorted, still searching for a sympathetic face.

"Nonsense!" Angie said, hitting the metal handle of the examination table with her hand. "To us a job is just—a job. But to you it's an obsession. That's why you put us through the ringer!"

"Exactly right, my dear!" Jo said. "Straight through the ringer he put us, he did! Why I don't think there is a woman amongst us who hasn't been reviled by him at one time or another for not living up to his impossible standards. Ain't that right, Mr. Wilson?"

Jim fumbled for an answer but he had no adequate reply to such a direct question.

"Ain't that right, Mr. Wilson?" she asked again, only this time a lot louder.

Since he could not compromise his dignity by answering in the positive, nor be so foolish as to lie without garnering even more of the crowd's animosity, he glared at the nurse with newfound hatred, as she flaunted her enormous breasts in front of his face.

"You can all go fuck yourselves!" he yelled, struggling to free himself yet again.

"We've wasted enough time," Mary said to Bethany. "Give the son of a bitch the shot."

As he saw the needle come toward his testicles, Jim hastily drew his legs together. But Mary ordered Jo and Evie, and several other women, to take hold of each of his legs, forcing them apart. He screamed loudly at the intrusion of the needle into his scrotum, which made everyone laugh with delight.

"Stop complaining!" Bethany said, as she withdrew the needle. "That was the most painful part. The rest is simply pure and lovely humiliation!"

He growled at the doctor but said nothing.

"In a minute or so you will feel a slight tingling sensation in your scrotum," she continued. "That's the result of the buildup of trillions of sperm being manufactured at a very, very fast rate. You will experience the desire to masturbate but, with your hands restrained, the women will have to help you out." She turned to Mary. "I have all the cameras turned on. They will record everything."

"Excellent!" Mary replied. "Did you hear that?" she said to her boss. "Everything!"

"Oh, and by the way, Mr. Wilson," Bethany said. "You can expect your penis and scrotum to double in size."

She said this in such a perfunctory way that Jim thought she was kidding. "Whatever you say, doc!" he replied, with a smirk on his face.

After several minutes had passed, Jim's genital area was still seemingly unaffected. Taking pride in the fact that he had made his tormentors look like a bunch of fools, he started to insult them, as he often did as a matter of routine. Mary and the others took it all in stride, knowing that the drug sometimes took longer to take effect on certain individuals.

"It's not working, doctor," he said goading her. "I don't feel anything."

"You will soon enough," Bethany assured him. "I can tell you that at any moment now you're going to be reaching desperately for your prick."

"Bullshit!" he scoffed. "You're just as incompetent as the rest of your staff."

"This wanker is really looking for a slap to his balls, ain't he?" Evie remarked, raising her hand up as if to hit him.

Another minute passed by—and then another. Mary was starting to think her plan might backfire. She looked warily at Bethany, but the doctor smiled reassuringly.

"Nothing's happening," Mary said to her accomplice. "Something must be wrong."

"Be patient," Bethany said, staring down at Jim's genitals. "Everyone just be patient."

Jim was now openly deriding them. "What a bunch of fuck-ups you all are!" he grinned. "I'm going to enjoy giving all of you the sack. I'll even take some time out to go visit you in prison!"

As the minutes went by Mary began to lose hope that the drug would work. Jim continued to deride everyone, cursing freely and unashamedly, inventing some of the most reprehensible vulgarity she had ever heard to hurl at them. But now, just as a full ten minutes had passed, he stopped laughing. Looking down at his crotch he saw the skin around the area begin to flush a dull crimson, then deep red. He screamed aloud as his cock and balls began to swell to twice their normal size, filling up with vast reservoirs of semen the doctor had so accurately predicted.

"Look what's happening to me!" he cried, reacting violently to the changes taking place in his body.

"It's all right, Mr. Wilson," Bethany said calmly. "It's a normal reaction to the drug. Just relax."

"It feels like a thousand ants are crawling all over me!"

"That's normal. It will only last a few seconds."

Nowhewas the one on the receiving end of the women's ridicule. But he wasn't paying any attention to them. His eyes were concentrated solely on his dick, which was now performing some aberrant acrobatics of its own.

"My cock!" he exclaimed with utter horror. "What's happening to it?"

Jim's terror was reflected in the multitude of faces surrounding him. Before their astonished eyes the women watched his penis, which only a moment ago was an impressive ten inches, double in size in a matter of seconds, wildly bobbing up and down under its own volition. It twitched violently under the influence of the drug such that all normality was lost, replaced with a genetic directive designed to accommodate the needs of his sperm-enhanced condition.

"Oh, my God!" one of the women said aloud, her eyes focused on the fleshy behemoth between Jim's legs. "Look at it go!"

"What's going on?" Jim cried. "Doctor! Help me!"

"Your penis is undergoing a paroxysm induced by the drug," Bethany replied, enjoying the little dance his cock was performing. "It will cease momentarily."

As she predicted, the novelty shortly wore off, and the women began laughing hysterically. Jim's cock was now jutting out before him like some impossibly elongated sausage, his genetically enhanced testicles, like two fleshy oranges, hanging below in dubious support.

"Anybody for a waltz around the floor?" Margaret joked, making a dumb show with her index finger to indicate the flamboyant antics of his penis.

Once the spasms ceased, Jim began to finally calm down. But something new was occurring within his testicles: the incredible influx of sperm was causing an irrepressible urge to masturbate.

"You have to let me jerk off," he said to Bethany. "Free one of my hands, please!"

"You know we can't do that, Mr. Wilson," Mary said, enjoying his discomfort.

"But you must," he said with a terrified look. "I can't endure this! Please!"

"Oh, don't worry about that," Mary said complacently. "There are more than enough hands here to rid you of your nasty sperm."

"No, I don't want any of you hags jacking my tool. Let me do it."

Margaret pressed her way forward toward her boss and slapped him right across the face.

"Hags?" she spat. "Who the fuck are you calling 'hags'?"

"The little blighter's got a lot of cheek to call us hags lying there like that!" Angie added.

"I have to cum!" he screamed.

"And so you will you Mr. Wilson," Mary said. "You're going to cum so much that you won't be able to fuck any of your high-priced celebrity sluts for at least a year!"

This went over well with the crowd, who now began to berate him unmercifully.

Margaret took it upon herself to slap her boss once again, this time with even more relish. "Pig!" she said over and over again.

"Bethany," Mary said. "Bring the table up so that his entire body is at a 45-degree angle. Ladies, get in line. It's time for the milking to begin!"

The women enthusiastically formed an impromptu line with Alicia in front as the bottom portion of the table moved upwards to lock in place. Jim's body was now so positioned as to give the women full access to his genitals.

"We're going to milk you so dry that your testicles are going to fall off!" the lowly grunt said to Jim as she gloated over his shaken form.

Despite the fact that he could not break free of his holds, the condemned man fought valiantly against them, especially now that the urge to ejaculate was overpowering. His prick was straining under the influence of the Infiritol drug, with trillions of sperm being manufactured every few minutes and demanding release.

"Any time you're ready, Mary," Bethany said.

Mary smiled sadistically at her boss and then gave Alicia permission to begin with a simple nod of her head.

"Drain him!" the willful redhead commanded her subordinate. "Drain every drop of sperm from this mother fucker!"

Alicia gingerly moved to one side of the fettered man and grabbed hold of his enormous prick, which was already leaking copious amounts of pre-cum. With a technique that can only be described as bordering on extreme roughness, she let her hand fly up and down his huge pole with casual disregard for his comfort, laughing as she did so.

"Insult me would you?" she said, sneering in his face as her hand furiously pumped him. "So that you can make your tiny, little ego feel better?" This time she pulled savagely on his organ, causing him to wince. "Yes. That hurt didn't it? Well it's nothing to what you did to me, you bastard!"

Jim felt as if his sperm was boiling within him, as if his scrotum was a pressure cooker and Alicia's long and delicate fingers were poised to manipulate a release valve. He really detested the fact that she, above everyone else, was going to be the first to masturbate him. Although she was quite a lovely girl, she was also his inferior—or so he believed—and this caused him a great deal of humiliation.

"Little office girl got her big boss by the bits, don't she?" Alicia teased him. "Pretty soon I'm going to force you to cum. Now who has the power, huh?"

Jim could only look on in horror as the vicious girl dominated him completely. Despite his dislike for her, he could not help resist the incredible pleasure he was getting from her powerful handjob.

"How much do you think he's going to cum, doctor?" Angie asked.

"I'd say you could expect a very energetic eruption," Bethany replied. "So it would be wise if all of you stood clear."

At her suggestion the line swayed precipitously to the right in deference to her warning. Jim was now on the verge of ejaculating.

"My little hands are going to make your big dick cum now," Alicia laughed aloud. "I can feel all those little spermies dying to come out. Come out little spermies! Come out!"

"Make him splash it all over the wall, Alicia!" Margaret squealed.

Jim threw his head back and let out a huge roar as his prick succumbed to the insistent manipulations of the girl's expert handjob. Every eye was focused on Alicia's fast-moving hand as she brought him off to a glorious climax.

"It's going to spit!" the adorable but ill-treated blonde cried as her fingers caressed the huge purple head crowning his stiff shaft.

A second later and a long, thick jet of molten white cream flew out of the tiny slit atop his cock and sailed across the entire length of the room—more than twenty feet—to land in a tray of medical instruments. The women, at first astonished to see such an amazing cumshot, erupted simultaneously into wild applause. A second burst of sperm followed, and then another, and another—all induced by Alicia's persistent tugging, forcing ropes of Jim's tormented seed to careen into the opposite wall and immediate environs.

"Wow!" Angie laughed, as the fourth and fifth spurts shot out over the exam tables on the far side of the room. "Keep them coming, sir!"

For his part, Jim could do nothing except remain immobile. Such was the power of the drug that all feeling was concentrated in his genital area, leaving the rest of his body weak and ineffectual. All he was capable of doing was to observe Alicia pull away on his prick, as his body convulsed with absolute pleasure.

Mary watched her newly hired office girl, the one who had been so unjustly degraded by this worthless man, continue to stroke her boss's dick with the utmost abandon, never pausing to stop until she knew he had given up all his sperm for her. Mary could tell that the girl was loving every minute of it, humiliating him in the best way a woman could humiliate a man: by using his penis as the method of his punishment.

Jim's bloated and superheated balls continued to supply his prick with all the cum they would need for a multitude of milkings that were certain to follow. He knew multiple orgasms of incredible propensity had been recorded in many of the lab reports he had studied regarding the efficaciousness of the drug. But never before had the drug been administered directly into the scrotum, so he had no idea what he was in for. Now, as Alicia continued to taunt him, he answered in the only way now possible: by ejecting huge amounts of cum high into the air for her, and everyone else's, amusement.

"Hello!" one of the matronly-looking women screeched as another of Jim's long and heavy loads splashed into a nearby chair.

This was followed by an enormous barrage of sequential spurts that filled the air with arcs of white, some of the jets coating the floor in front of him, while others sailed out happily into the distance. He was exhilarated at the amount of sperm he was ejaculating. It had now been a full minute since his orgasm began and he was breathing heavily.