A Fairy Affair at a Faire


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"My people are sustained by human emotion," the king explained, circling Alessandra as he spoke, his vermillion robe flapping behind him.

"The more intense the emotion, the more... delectable we find it. And fear is a powerful emotion indeed. It is a dark emotion, for a dark season. Had the Wild Hunt ridden out on All Hallows Eve, you would have found yourself in my Unseelie Winter court.

"And child," the king whispered darkly from behind her, "you would be very afraid."

Alessandra let herself sigh with relief. She had come to Fairyland at the height of summer. All Hallows Eve was still months away.

"Your world and ours are very different," the king continued in a brighter tone and with more of a spring in his step. "Time and place operate differently in Fairyland, as you may have already noticed. But there are touchpoints—links between our worlds that overlap. Some shift and some persist.

"On May Day my Seelie Summer court ascends and brighter emotions are more palatable for this time of year." The king stood before her and opened his arms wide in invitation. "This is a season of revelry and frivolity," he said. "You're welcome here to join in our merry-making, and I hope that you find my court very merry indeed. Your joy is our greatest desire."

It certainly sounded to Alessandra like a much better option than being terrorized to death, but still doubts lingered. While the king's invitation seemed sincere, she was certain there was more to it.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. That's very kind of you," she replied. "But I have heard that mortals who dance in Fairyland never leave. And I don't think I'd like to be here in the fall."

"Dance?" repeated the king with a smirk. "Dance in Fairyland? Are mortals still using that tired old euphemism? So... Puritanical."

Alessandra's eyes grew wide in realization that the stories she had been told as a child were meant for a child, but that Fairyland was not.

"It's not merely your happiness we seek, child," the king explained, laying his hands on Alessandra's bare shoulders. She shuddered at his touch. He leaned down to rest his forehead against hers and gazed deep into her eyes. "We crave euphoria... rapture... ecstasy. If you 'dance' in Fairyland, Alice, you will experience pleasures that mortals fear to dream of."

It was definitely arousal that Alessandra was feeling. There was no question about it now. The king who stood naked before her was a primal spirit of masculine energy and she found herself intoxicated by his words, his manner, his very presence. She inhaled his scent and he filled her.

She remembered the orgasm she'd experienced on the tongue of a simple faun, and wondered to what heights of ecstasy the magnificent Sidhe King of All Fairyland could take her. She imagined that same orgasm over and over multiplied tenfold, and felt a trickle of her desire down the inside of her thigh.

"Yes, Your Majesty," Alessandra gasped.

"Yes?" asked the king, raising an eyebrow. "Yes what?"

"Yes, you may kiss me," she said giving the same permission she'd given the faun. "You may touch me... lick me, eat me, fuck me! Take me, Your Majesty... I'm yours."

A broad grin spread across the king's face as he stepped back from Alessandra. "And so I shall, Alice. Your enthusiasm pleases me. But..." the king turned and strode purposefully back towards the dais and his throne.

"You've not been idle in Fairyland. There have been several claims on your attention that must be satisfied first. There are protocols even I must observe." The king sprawled across his throne and picked up a chalice that sat nearby. "I'm afraid you have been rude, my child."

He made a casual gesture toward the girl in the black leather corset who turned toward Alessandra and grinned wickedly.

"No!" objected Alessandra, suddenly afraid. "Your Majesty, that... that happened at Renn Fest... In the mortal realm. I haven't done anything wrong in Fairyland!"

"I told you, child. There are places where your world and mine overlap. Don't be afraid. You're in excellent hands."

The girl in the black leather corset hadn't so much climbed down from dais as she had floated off of it. Her arms and legs and hair wafted behind her, a smokey haze. There was hunger in her eyes and Alessandra felt like a lamb stalked by a wolf.

The girl in the black leather corset hovered nearly naked in front of Alessandra, her bare skin and dark raiment a contrast in black and white. An incorporeal miasma pooled and twisted around Alessandra's ankles and climbed up her legs and under her dress, until she could feel the smokey tendrils against the heat of her dripping sex.

"What are you?" Alessandra whispered, her terror rising, freezing her in place. The girl in the black leather corset just smiled.

"You don't want her to answer that, Tinkerbell," said a familiar woman's voice. Alessandra looked up to see the blonde girl in the bright floral sundress approaching with a twinkle in her eye. The dress was different and yet somehow the same, almost as if it was made from pressed flowers rather than printed with them. "Mortals who hear her voice... well, they don't enjoy it."

The girl in the floral sundress touched the face of the girl in the black leather corset, caressed her cheek, and raked her fingers through the insubstantial hair. "She's a banshee, a sluagh, a nigheag—a spirit unworthy of Heaven but undeserving of Hell, cast into limbo."

The girl in the floral sundress leaned forward and kissed the banshee, and the banshee kissed her back, their lips devouring each other.

Alessandra gasped and clenched her fists as under her dress, the wispy tendrils began pushing their way into her body. It was not the unpleasant sensation she had expected though. The banshee explored and caressed Alessandra's body with gentle curiosity.

"These poor, lost souls occasionally find their way to Fairyland," the girl in the floral sundress continued after breaking the kiss. The banshee looked back to Alessandra with a slight smile and a flick of her eyebrow. "Death makes them numb to all but the most intense emotions. Of all the denizens of Fairyland, their hunger is the greatest."

The banshee leaned forward to kiss Alessandra, but in her uncertainty, Alessandra withdrew.

"Aw, you've never been with a woman before, have you Tinkerbell?" asked the girl in the floral sundress.

Alessandra liked to think of herself as worldly and sophisticated, and she often dropped hints of bi-sexuality just to get attention. But it was true; she had never been with a woman.

"Don't worry," said the girl in the floral sundress, stepping behind Alessandra and wrapping her in a hug. One hand reached up to squeeze Alessandra's breast and one drifted down to caress her belly and lower. "We won't bite."

The banshee frowned at that and the girl in the floral sundress quickly appended, "This time."

The banshee made a face that offered no such assurance before trying to kiss Alessandra again and this time Alessandra let her. As the banshee's tongue probed Alessandra's mouth, the miasma between her legs began to pulse and surge with the same rhythm. The girl in the floral sundress clutched at Alessandra's tits while she nibbled from behind her ear to the nape of her neck.

Alessandra felt her body relax. Her shoulders and her wings went slack and she reached up to caress the cold, pale face of the banshee.

The girl in the floral sundress turned Alessandra around and kissed her too. Alessandra stroked her shoulders, and brushed her fingers down her ribs. The banshee's ghostly body enveloped and caressed them both, filling them both simultaneously. Alessandra could sense the same surging sensation in the other girl's body that she felt within her own.

The girl in the floral sundress grabbed Alessandra's ass and Alessandra's hands wandered around to her bare back.

She felt nothing. The girl in the floral sundress had no back.

"You're a hulder," gasped Alessandra, breaking their kiss. "A hollow woman."

"Yes," said the girl in the floral sundress, kissing Alessandra's face, letting her hands wander all over Alessandra's body. "And I feel so empty... Eternally empty..."

She reached behind her neck, and opening the knot, she let the floral sundress fall to the mossy floor and pool around her ankles. The hulder stood naked in front of Alessandra. "I need you to fill me," she said.

As the hulder dropped to her knees, Alessandra felt an unfamiliar pressure against her belly. No, it wasn't against her belly exactly, it was against the flesh of her yearning sex. But that wasn't right either.

Alessandra watched as the kneeling hulder's caressing hands slid her dress up her thighs and over her ass. She didn't understand the bulge she saw in front of her dress, until a smokey black erection sprang free.

The banshee had formed a cock between Alessandra's legs and when the hulder brushed her fingers along the shaft Alessandra felt sparks shoot up her spine and she trembled at the sensation.

"That... That's me..." whispered Alessandra. She could feel the weight of her testicles in the hulder's hand. "Mmmm-hnnn... I have a dick... Oh, god..."

Thanks to the banshee, Alessandra was both male and female simultaneously. The banshee throbbed sensuously within Alessandra's womanhood, and the hulder wrapped her lips tenderly around Alessandra's manhood, and Alessandra felt it all.

"Is this what guys feel?" Alessandra asked as the hulder began sliding her mouth over the ghostly cock, taking it deeper and deeper, caressing it with her tongue. "Oh shit, that feels so good... Oh... Oh, god..."

Alessandra's fingers tangled in the hulder's hair, pulling the suckling mouth further onto her straining erection. The banshee pulled down the front of Alessandra's dress, and caressed her tits. Alessandra felt cold breasts and taut nipples pressed into her back. She felt the twisting tendrils wrapped around her thighs and deep with her. She felt the hot mouth and tight throat squeezing her.

She saw the king, his own cock hanging heavy but limp, sipping from a goblet with a wry smile as he watched her experience these novel sensations for the very first time.

With a gasp, the hulder released Alessandra's cock from her mouth. Threads of saliva from her lips to the bobbing cockhead broke free and drooled down her chin dripping onto her tits.

"I need you now, Tinkerbell," she said in a husky voice, thick with desire. Taking the straining cock in her hand she reclined back and spread her legs, guiding Alessandra between them. "Take me..." she begged, "Fill me... Fuck me..."

"Oh, god... Oh, god... This is so wild... Oh my god..." Alessandra muttered as she braced her arms on either side of the wanton hulder and slowly sank her cock into the hollow woman's welcoming body.

Alessandra's tits mashed against the hulder's as her hips thrust her cock over and over into the slick-hot depths of her greedy pussy. The hulder's legs wrapped around Alessandra and pulled her deeper, faster, harder. The hulder grabbed Alessandra's face, pulled it to her own and rained kisses across her cheeks, lips, and throat.

"Fuck me... Please, don't stop..." she murmured. "Please, I need it... I need your cock so fucking bad... Fill me, please..."

With every thrust, Alessandra felt her own hungry depths filled with the same heat, the same power, the same intensity. She groaned under the ebullient strain on her body.

The banshee reclined next to the two of them, caressing and kissing first one and then the other with heavily lidded eyes and quivering lips. From her strained expression of erotic effort, Alessandra could tell that the banshee silently felt everything just as keenly.

"Oh, god I'm gonna cum," Alessandra said as she began to recognize the first signs of impending orgasm. She backed her cock out of the hulder and sat back on her knees.

"No!" cried the hulder, reaching for Alessandra. "Put it back! Put it back, please!"

"There is something I have to try first!"

Alessandra grabbed the hulder by her hips, rolled her over on her stomach, and pulled her ass up in the air. The feminine body beneath her had seemed so real that Alessandra had forgotten the woman was a magical creature.

From her shoulders to the top of her shapely ass was empty. Alessandra could see right into the hollow void of the hulder's body. It appeared as if she'd been carved out of wood. It was disconcerting.

"Dammit, put it back!" sobbed the hulder, pushing her ass towards Alessandra. "Fill me, please! I want you inside me!"

The banshee nudged Alessandra forward. She took her dripping cock in her hand and guided it back into the hulder's warm embrace.

"Yessss," moaned the hulder in a drawn-out sigh. "Fuck me gooooood..."

Alessandra grabbed the hulder by the hips and rammed her cock in deep over and over and over. She could feel her balls and her tits bounce with every blow as the hulder's ass impacted her hips.

"Oh, shit... Oh, shit... Oh, shit..." Alessandra panted as she drove herself desperately into the hulder. The banshee embraced her from behind, matching their rhythm, her own hips on Alessandra's ass, fondling Alessandra's tits, pinching her swollen nipples.

Alessandra watched in awe as her cock emerged inside the hulder's empty body with every thrust. She'd never felt so powerful and yet so helpless at the same time. She literally held the hulder's bliss in her clutching fingers, and she knew that the impending orgasm she so desperately craved was in the incorporeal hands of the banshee.

"Oh, fuck... Oh, fuck... I'm gonna cum..." wailed the hulder. "I'm gonna cum on your fucking cock!"

"Shit! I'm gonna cum too," cried Alessandra. She threw her head back and screwed her eyes closed against the surging tension that radiated out from the core of her being.

There was a deafening, inhuman wail of release as wave after wave of euphoria crashed through Alessandra's spasming body. The hulder's sweat-sheened hips slipped from her grip and Alessandra collapsed panting as her cock dissolved back into the miasma from which it had come.

From all around the hall a great cry of "Huzzah!" went up, and Alessandra blushed crimson when she realized she had just had her second-ever orgasm in front of a whole host of the good folk.

The banshee hovered above Alessandra, disheveled sable hair falling in her ghostly face. She leaned forward and tenderly kissed Alessandra, letting her tongue linger for a moment across Alessandra's lips. Then she drifted off, back to the dais looking somewhat less substantial than she had before.

The hulder rolled over, propped herself on her elbow, turned Alessandra's face, and then she kissed her as well. It was a slow, gentle, intimate kiss.

"Until next time, Tinkerbell," the hulder said when their lips finally parted. She pushed herself to her feet unsteadily and picked up her bright floral dress.

"Our claim is satisfied, Your Majesty" she said to the king with a bow.

Alessandra sighed with restrained excitement. She rolled over and sat up on her knees facing the king on his throne. Her dress was scrunched around her waist, resting on her hips, yet somehow her wings remained, trembling with anticipation.

The banshee was once again toying idly with the royal cock, but Alessandra didn't mind. Soon enough that cock would be hers. She had enjoyed the banshee's insubstantial affection more than she had expected, and having a magical erection of her own had been an experience she would not soon forget.

But Alessandra craved the heat and the sturdiness and the resolve of a real flesh and blood cock. She wanted the king.

"I believe it's your turn, Your Majesty," she said with a coy smile, brushing her bangs out of her face and pushing back her shoulders. "I'm ready to go again."

"You're a very impatient pixie, aren't you Alice?" The sound of her name sent a shiver down her spine and a flush across her chest. Alessandra wondered if her true name held some kind of power over her here in Fairyland, but she found that she couldn't quite bring herself to care.

The king took a sip from his goblet before he continued. "But I'm afraid you don't quite realize the extent of your transgressions, my child. With a single off-hand remark, you offended Fairyland's entire population of brownies."

From out of the shadows of the great hall, a tiny figure emerged, then another, and two more, and a half-dozen more behind them.

They stood about eighteen inches tall, some more, some less, barefoot on knobbly legs. Gangly arms swung beside their abnormal bodies, some too fat, some too thin. Their eyes were bright, their noses prominent, some pointed, some bulbous. Their broad grins through crooked and cracked teeth were unnerving. Unkempt tufts of hair in every color sprouted from their heads and their chins.

Dozens of the brownies converged on Alessandra where she knelt on the mossy carpet before the king. Each of them was preceded by an adamant erection.

"Oh no," Alessandra protested, her shoulders hunching forward, one arm covering her breasts, the other hand dropping down between her legs. "No, no, no, no, no..."

"Don't be afraid." "We won't hurt you." "It's Summer Court."

The brownies chattered their reassurance in tiny voices as they swarmed around her. Their long, clever fingers stretching forward gently stroked Alessandra's hair and caressed her shoulders and arms and legs and back.

"This is so weird," thought Alessandra. She tried to see the ugly little creatures as 'cute' or at least 'inoffensive', but there were so many of the little elves that it was hard not to feel overwhelmed and beset.

She gasped when she realized that she could actually feel their gentle touch on her pixie wings as they stroked the delicate edges and grazed their fingertips along the intricate patterns. But after having her own cock, she wasn't particularly surprised by what was possible in Fairyland.

"You're so pretty." "You smell nice." "You're so soft."

The brownies were certainly flattering, squeaking their compliments as they eagerly explored her body with such tenderness. Alessandra had slept with Greg for less.

"They might not be much to look at," she thought, "but at least they're sweet and gentle."

Stitch by stitch the brownies disassembled her dress, exposing more skin to their inquisitive and serene exploration. Alessandra let her shoulders relax and her protecting arms move away from her body. The brownies touched her arms and her hips and her stomach and her breasts. They fondled and petted and caressed her almost reverently.

"Does that feel nice?" "Do you like that?" "How does that feel?" They asked as dozens of hands wandered across her skin.

"Yes it does..." Alessandra murmured, letting herself relax even further, letting her eyes fall closed and her legs stretch out. "It does feel nice..."

With her eyes closed it was easy to forget the brownies' unsettling appearance.

Her apprehension melted away as the industrious brownies sought out delicate erogenous zones Alessandra never knew she had—behind her knee, under her ankle, inside her wrist, the fold between her wing and shoulder.

"This... feels... soooo... goooood..." she exhaled slowly, feeling pampered and spoiled like never before.

Alessandra couldn't feel the mossy ground beneath her. She imagined herself floating on a sea of silk as her entire body was held aloft by the multitude of gentle elves that worked so diligently, so perfectly, to please her.

"Just relax." "Just enjoy it." "It gets better."

Alessandra stretched out her hands and felt the firm heat of a cock in her palm. Without thinking she wrapped her fingers around the thick shaft and stroked it up and down in the same slow, gentle rhythm.

The thrilling hands of the brownies pushed her legs apart and Alessandra didn't resist. Soon enough, her throng of tiny lovers were brushing along the blossoming folds of her waiting pussy. She found another cock in her other hand.