A Family Affair Ch. 08


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It was barely five minutes before there was a soft knock on the door. "If you girls are done, we're going to order in some food for dinner," Sandra said.

"Okay, Mum. We'll be out in a minute."

They shared another glance and giggled again. "Well, I'm not embarrassed," Heidi said, "Nice way to spend a late afternoon. Do it again sometime?"

"I'm still thinking we get our mother's involved."

Walking naked back to her room, she put on a bra, then a shirt and shorts, not bothering with any underwear. Joining the rest of the family in the kitchen and dining room, Mark was getting ready to drive to the local takeaway. Fish, chips, burgers and other such staples were on offer. "Well, I've worked up an appetite in the past couple of hours. I'm starving," she said.

"Could definitely murder a burger," Heidi added.

"Now Mark, no stopping on the way to have fun with Amy. We're all hungry here."

"Mum!" Amy cried, laughing away.

"Well, I know what you two are like sometimes. Get a little privacy, then we're here an hour later waiting for food..."

"We'll be back before you know it, Mum," Mark retorted, picking up his keys, "Come on, Amy. If I can drive one handed, I'll still feel you up on the way."

"Should I take my panties off?"

"Amy, the question is why are you still wearing panties at all?"

Everyone looked at Amy. It was amusing to see a woman turn from normal to horny in the matter of a few seconds. The look in her eyes as she followed Mark, glancing back with a grin... Shame Mark was going to get them food, otherwise they would end up somewhere secluded with Amy riding his cock.

Gathering back in the lounge, as they knew there'd be a short wait, she sat down next to her sister as the old adults watched the news. Cuddling into her side, she heard Kelly chuckle. "What do you want, Simone?"

"I'm wondering why my sister won't sleep with me."

"I haven't slept with Mum either, Simone. Sleeping with Mark is one thing, but with a sibling or a parent... It's a big decision. I know Debbie and Katie do..."

She sat up enough as Kelly looked at her. Thankfully, there was a smile. "I've thought about it, trust me on that. But I've... I've never been with a woman before. I've always considered myself straight."

"Oh... Well, I don't want to force anything."

Kelly took her hand. "That day we had the other week, when you were with Mum. It was beautiful to watch... I told Mum that later, as she did worry about me freaking out a bit. You've always been far more open-minded about things, Simone. Give me time to get used to the idea, then I'd love my sister to be my first. Shit, I might even just think I'll kill two birds with one stone and invite Mum too."

"Kelly, if you do decide to do it, I won't lie and say the idea doesn't thrill me," her mother added softly.

"I know, Mum. Just as much as I've thought about Simone, I've thought about you. And seeing all the love being shared in this house nowadays, I certainly don't want to miss out."

"So have you kissed a girl?"

Kelly scoffed. "I've done that, of course. And no, not just a peck. Remember my best friend, Kylie? She was the first girl I kissed. We were almost what they called kissing girlfriends at one stage. Never did anything beyond that though." Cuddling into her side, Kelly wrapped an arm around her, kissing the top of her head. "I'll always love my little sister, no matter what," she added softly.

Mark and Amy returned with a bag of food in each hand, everyone gathering around the dining table as an enormous pile of chips was unwrapped, fishcakes, battered fish, potato scallops, a few burgers, and other sides. It was a typical Friday dinner, no-one really wanting to cook something after a long week at work, and no-one liking the idea of Amy slaving away in the kitchen after a week of looking after the house and them. Bottles of wine ended up on the table, Mark drinking his usual spirit with mixer, the twins also enjoying a spirit of their own. Otherwise, it was rather quiet as everyone focused on eating for a few minutes. There were one or two moans that had Mark raising his eyes before he laughed. "I'm not sure whether to be offended or not," he stated.

"Mark, sex is fantastic but, when you're starving and you bite into a juicy burger," Deborah retorted.

"Hmmm, see what you mean. And they do good burgers at the shop."

It was a quiet night as Mark would head to bed early with the match the next day. After enjoying the afternoon with Heidi, Simone was feeling rather good about life, so settled back in her bedroom, chilling out for the night, listening to music, messaging her friends and enjoying a quiet night in.

Packing a small bag of clothes the next morning, Mark drove her, himself and the twins to the ground, everyone else coming in two other cars. He disappeared rather quickly to catch up with his teammates, the family milling laying out a couple of rugs on the hill and relaxing. After warming up, the players headed out to start the match.

It didn't go well. The other team were just better in all departments. She didn't watch all that much footy, but could see Mark's team were thoroughly outclassed the entire game, though he did cross for a consolation try in the second half, but when he barely celebrated with his teammates, that was a sign they had copped a hiding. The full-time whistle was almost a relief.

Approaching them after the game, having showered and changed, he looked a little downcast until he saw all of them waiting by the car. The instant smile certainly made her feel better, as she didn't want the bad result to affect their night out together. After receiving a hug from everyone else, wishing them a good night, she hopped into the passenger seat of his car as he slid behind the wheel.

He put on some good tunes as he drove them into the city, waiting a few minutes before she said, "They were good, Mark."

"Far too fucking good, to be honest. We play them again later in the season. First time we've been properly smacked around. Couple of their guys should be playing at a higher level."

"At least you scored a try."

"Consolation at best, but always nice to cross the line."

She took his hand and squeezed it. "I thought you played well. I don't watch much footy, but I thought you looked good. Well, I thought you looked hot most of the time." He gave her a look, though didn't take his focus off the road for longer than a second. "When we get to the hotel, do you want to make love?"

"I was expecting you to put it another way."

She squeezed his hand again. "It's our first time, Mark. I'm used to being pumped and dumped because that's what I wanted, or thought I wanted anyway. With you..."

He said nothing until they hit a red light. Soon as he did, he pulled up the handbrake, leaning across to kiss her, and the feelings both of them felt during that surprised her. "I'll be making love to one of my best friends, Simone. It will be nothing like that."

The hotel he'd chosen was rather nice, parking underground before escorting her to reception. Their room was around halfway up, not a particularly great view, but the room was to sleep and fuck, or fuck and sleep. They'd be spending most of the night elsewhere. Laying bags on the floor, she leapt on him, eager to get him naked, and he was just as eager in returning the favour. As soon as his cock sprang free, she fell to her knees to get a proper look at it.

"Fuck, I've felt it before but you have a great dick, cousin."

She'd been wanting to blow him for weeks now and wasn't going to waste time doing so. She glanced up to see him smiling down at her, his fingers running through her blue hair. She found herself caring little for what anyone else thought except him. When she showed him the first time, he naturally teased her before stating it suited her, and that she'd stand out like she normally did, which was a good thing.

"Okay, loving that stud in your tongue," he moaned. That made her grin as she knew that would turn him on. "Where do you want it?"

"Mark, I'm swallowing every fucking drop of your cum, and if it's not going in my cunt later tonight, it's going in my mouth."

He chuckled. "Fuck, I love my family."

"You love fucking your family."


She loved sucking cock as much as she loved eating pussy, but blowing her cousin was something she'd been thinking about for a long time. His cock was great, there was a scent his body that was driving her wild. Looking up over his body, she almost had to pinch herself he was interested in her in such a way, but his gaze at her was a mixture of love and lust. She was left in doubt he wanted to fuck her.

That just made her more determined to make him cum, and she probably surprised him by swallowing more and more of his cock. Feeling her mouth then throat fill up, her nose bumping into her, he groaned loudly as his fingers tightened on her hair. "Fuck," he moaned.

She was barely warned he was going to cum though she knew he was close. That first spurt of hot cum into her mouth turned her on more than she'd care to admit. She'd blown guys before and had them cum in her mouth. She'd admit it did nothing for her. But her cousin doing that? She'd do it every time they fooled around, if possible. Gulping down each spurt as quickly as possible, loving the noises that seemed to come from deep within, the fact he gripped her hair even tighter, gently moving his hips with each spurt, she loved every second.

"Holy... Fucking hell, Simone," he groaned once he was done.

She didn't reply, not wanting his cock out of her mouth too soon, continuing to suck him before she licked up and down his cock a few times before sitting back on her knees. She couldn't stop smiling as he took her hand, lifting her to her feet. That next kiss was something else entirely. Those butterflies she'd felt before went into overdrive this time. Releasing an involuntary whimper as he pulled her tighter into him earned a grin as he kissed her.

Tumbling into bed together, his mouth went straight to one of her breasts. She released a loud moan, as while his tongue found one of her hard nipples, his fingers gently started to fondle her pussy. It was almost too much. She was turned on by any lover she had but it rarely meant much more than feeling good for an hour or two.

"Lick my pussy," she whispered rather bluntly, "God, I want to orgasm with you, Mark."

What she wanted was what she got, watching him kiss slowly down her body as she spread her legs for him. Noticing her utterly hairless pussy had him glancing up and smiling. She knew he didn't mind it either way. Keeping herself bare was a personal choice as she preferred it when she was going down on a woman herself. Mark kept his hair trimmed too.

"Oh fuck," she moaned within a couple of minutes as he proved rather quickly he knew what he was doing. Reaching down to grab under her knees, pulling them right back as he almost clamped his mouth, his tongue driving her wild. She could sense he wasn't teasing her. His intention was making her cum. Not only cum, but hard.

"Can't wait until you fuck me," she groaned, lifting her head to watch me, "Definitely got a great big cock, Mark." He simply looked up at her as his tongue was relentless.

Soon as he slid a couple of fingers inside her, she was practically done, feeling the orgasm approaching at a rapid rate. Sucking dick was a turn on, but doing it for Mark had been something else. She'd been tempted to fondle herself while doing it but worried she'd orgasm. Now she almost wished she had as the orgasm was almost upon her.

"Clit... Please..." she whimpered. "God, please make me cum."

He did as she asked and the orgasm hit her hard. Maybe the best one she'd had in years, if not in her life. That's how much it meant to her. And he didn't relent for a second, doubling down his efforts with his fingers and his tongue, and the second one smashed into her immediately after the first. She knew she was babbling almost incoherently, managing to just about beg him to keep going. Now she knew she'd never cum this hard in her life.

The third one was like a freight train. That was it. Game over. She managed to remain lucid enough to whisper for him to stop, which he did so immediately. Feeling his fingers leave her body, she just about managed a smile when she felt soft kisses up her body. When their eyes met, she had to look away. The feelings were far too intense, like nothing she'd ever felt before.

"Give me a few minutes," she said, "That was epic."

He caressed her cheek, ensuring his eyes met hers. "You taste fucking awesome, Simone."

Her said it so earnestly, she couldn't help giggle, wrapping her arms around him as they resumed making out. Giving herself a couple of minutes, she reached down to guide his cock inside her, feeling him slowly bury it completely. Wrapping her legs around him as well, holding him tightly, she felt silly for needing a little cry. All she felt were soft lips on her cheek, and when he said he loved her, that just made it better. Or worse, depending on how one thought about it.

"Wish we'd done this ages ago now," she whispered, "Just feeling you inside me already means so much more than any other guy."

"Loved using my mouth and fingers, but my cock is loving being inside you too, Simone."

She was used to just being fucked. It meant nothing to her most of the time. She freely admitted to just loving sex. It was the modern world; she was a modern woman. Men and women could have and enjoy sex without feeling guilt, and should certainly not be shamed for it, just enjoying the purely physical aspect and the joy in more than one orgasm. People would call her names, sure, but they were just narrow minded idiots, the sort of people who think women should remain virginal until marriage. But she knew she was always safe. Mark would be the only man to ever go bareback inside her pussy, and if she had her way, he would be the last man to be inside her.

Women? Well, she knew Mark wouldn't mind if she still had a little fun, though whether it would only be women from the family, or the occasional dalliance outside, she'd discuss it with him later.

But making love to Heidi the night before had been wonderful. However, feeling Mark slowly move inside her? She'd said before she'd probably not be with another man. Now she promised herself he would be the only one going forward, though as she'd told him, different pussy to try would always be appealing.

Their eyes met again and she couldn't help smile. "Mark, best dick ever. Just thought you should know."

"Loving your pussy, Simone. Hopefully we'll do this a lot more."

"Metal music. Naked. Your cock, my pussy."

Despite the fact he was pumping into her now, he still managed to laugh. "Fucking to metal music? Speed metal?"

"God, I think you'd ruin my pussy, in a good way though."

He kissed her softly as she moved her legs so he felt even deeper inside her. That provoked an even louder moan from her. When he really started to pound her, aware he was getting close, she started begging him again, this time to cum in her. She'd admit to him afterwards that, although she took birth control, every other man wore a condom when fucking her. But she wanted to feel his cock and definitely want to feel him fill her up.

"Oh fuck," he moaned, the signal he was getting close. She kissed him hard again, whispering how good his cock felt inside her and how much she wanted him to cum inside her.

Feeling a man cum inside her for the first time meant more to her than she could have imagined. It obviously felt different to normal, then there was the fact it was him that got to her again. He grunted and groaned as he admittedly slammed into her those last few times, though they both knew she loved it nice and hard. She didn't want him any differently, it was simply everything else about it that meant so much more.

Leaving his cock buried inside her, he kissed her deeply as she hugged him as tightly as possible. "Never had a man cum in me before," she admitted. She'd always insisted on condoms.

"Hope to do it again soon."

"Tonight when we get back. I'll be on my knees waiting for you. I love it from behind, just force my head down and fuck me as hard as you can."

He met her eyes again and started to chuckle. "Never stop being you, Simone."

After showering together, they dressed for the night. Nothing more than jeans, a black shirt and some good leather shoes, heading out for dinner first. She insisted on nothing fancy, ending up at a burger joint that sold quality burgers, fries and beer, before heading off to their favourite night spot. The city had very few clubs that offered the music they liked.

The band playing was local and they didn't know any of the songs, though they played a few covers towards the end of their set. She enjoyed spending time with her cousin in such a manner, and made sure to make out with him more than once, earning a few glances from people, simply because she was making her intentions rather obvious. She wanted to fuck him again afterwards.

They stopped at another pub on the way back to the hotel before enjoying a night-cap at the hotel bar. It was early the next morning when returning to their room, all over each other before the door even shut. They might have been hot and sweaty after a night out, but neither of them cared, as she ended up on the floor, head on the ground as he slid inside her and wasted no time pounding her.

He came rather quickly as she'd been turning him on for hours. But all he did was pick her up, make her comfortable on the bed, then continued pounding her from behind. Fucked her for far longer, and he added anything she asked for. Feeling his hand slap her arse made her quiver, A dose of hair pulling in addition to that, and him utterly slamming his cock into her, little wonder she eventually had one hell of an orgasm. She chuckled as it clearly surprised him.

Flipping her over, he pushed her legs as wide as possible then back before he resumed pounding her. Watching his face simply turned her on even more, rubbing her clit fast as she wanted to cum again and again with his cock buried inside her. "You're so fucking hot," he stated.

She almost started to cry at how genuine he sounded. He was always complimenting her anywhere, but fucking her how she loved, it meant that little bit more. Then she had another orgasm, squeezing his cock like a vice it seemed, but he kept on pounding her until he moaned in a manner to suggest he was going to finish soon.

"Want to fill my pussy again, Mark?" she teased.

"God yes."

"How about my arse one day?"

"Your arse is fantastic."

"Never had a man there. Had a few women though." That made him pound her harder and faster. "Nothing better than a tongue on my cunt and two fingers up my arse."

"Fuck," he groaned.

"I think your cock up my arse while you played with my cunt would be an orgasm of epic proportions. Though maybe I'd just get on my knees again and you could just destroy me from behind."

He leaned down and kissed her hard then he came in her again. It was enough to bring his thrusting to a slow halt as he almost passed out on top of her. They definitely need another shower after that, both of them semi-comatose as they stepped into the small cubicle. He had a look on his face she enjoyed, the look of a man who'd just had a very good night with her.

But it was being held by him in bed afterwards that got to her most. That was when she felt truly loved by him. "I love you," she whispered. She couldn't remember saying those words before to anyone outside the family, certainly never in such an intimate setting. But the three words in that moment carried a different meaning.

"I love you too," he whispered back, "I'm glad we finally did this, Simone."