A Fantasy Fetish Fairy Tale Pt. 01

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If I'd ever had a daughter...
11.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/15/2021
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An explanatory introduction: Everyone's allowed to fantasize, right? This is my take on the 'What if...?' type of story.

Olwen Edwards put her pipe down carefully in the ashtray on the table at her side and turned to address the man who was standing in front of her.

"So you agree that it is time to bring Elizabeth into the fold?" she asked. It was an unnecessary question. The man to whom she was talking was her husband, Trevor. Trevor was a cuckold, a sissy and a pain slut. Olwen made all the decisions in the home, and Trevor agreed with them. It was how it had always been, ever since Olwen had told Trevor that he should ask her to marry him, over twenty five years ago.

"Yes dear, I think it's an excellent idea," replied Trevor.

It was Friday evening, and Olwen had just finished her early evening pipe. She was waiting for her gentleman friend to arrive. Marcus had invited her to a farewell cocktail party for an employee of his at a very expensive, very exclusive club in the bay. Trevor was not invited.

"We'll introduce her slowly," Olwen continued thoughtfully. "Elizabeth's not a stupid girl. She must have worked out the pecking order in this house by now. It's time for her to learn how to control. I've heard about this man, Malcolm, through the fetish grapevine. The word is that Elizabeth has been talking a lot about him. I think he's probably wired a bit like you."

The doorbell rang, and Trevor hurried to answer it.

He opened the door, and Marcus stood there, resplendent in evening dress.

"Good evening, sir," Trevor said respectfully. "Your lady awaits. Please come in."

"Thank you, Trevor," replied Marcus, stepping over the threshold. "You're looking very domesticated tonight. Do you have plans?"

He looked amused as he scanned Trevor's sissy maid uniform, complete with frilly bibbed apron.

"Yes sir," replied Trevor, "Madam wants the kitchen floor cleaned by the time she returns tonight. I also need to re-arrange the tinned goods in the larder unit. They are not properly aligned."

"Fascinating," muttered Marcus, going past Trevor into the sitting room. He spied Olwen, who had stood up to receive him, and grinned.

"My word, don't you scrub up well?" he said, taking her in his strong arms and kissing her deeply. Trevor stood at a respectful distance, and when the kiss ended, he asked,

"May I get you a drink, sir?"

Marcus shook his head.

"No, thank you. I just want to get this gorgeous woman down to the club, and show her off. It does my young staff good to see that their boss can still pull the sexiest woman in town."

Olwen blushed with pleasure and took Marcus's hand.

"You have your tasks, cucky," she told Trevor. "Wait up for us. Marcus might well require a night cap before bed."

She hesitated, and Trevor rushed to open the door for his wife and her lover. They walked into the hallway hand-in-hand and stopped at the front door for another kiss.

By the time the kiss ended, Trevor had retrieved Olwen's wrap from the cloakroom cupboard and was holding it out for her to put around her shoulders. Marcus watched in amusement as Olwen lifted up her husband's dress and inspected what lay beneath.

"Perfect!" she smiled, gripping the pink silicon sheath that was locked around Trevor's cock and balls.

Remembering his standing orders, Trevor stood on the doorstep in full view of the neighbours and of Marcus's chauffeur, who looked at him in disgust as he got out to open the door of the car for Marcus and Olwen.

He waved them off and then closed the front door. It was time to get down to his tasks, which he hoped would distract him from the throbbing ache in his balls. It was another fortnight before his next scheduled milking.

He picked up Olwen's empty wine glass, with its' scarlet lipstick stain on the rim. Her pipe stem also bore lipstick traces. Olwen had begun to wear a lot of lipstick since she had met Marcus. She had told Trevor that she loved seeing her lipstick on his cock.

The kitchen floor was gleaming; every tin in the larder unit faced forward and was aligned perfectly with its neighbour. Trevor was exhausted. He was having forty winks in the armchair when the doorbell rang.

He sprang to his feet and smoothed his apron as he rushed to the front door.

"Good evening, dear. Good evening sir," he greeted the slightly tipsy pair who stood giggling like teenagers on the doorstep. "Did you both have a good time?"

"It was fab," sighed Olwen, tottering indoors and kicking off her shoes before wobbling into the sitting room. Marcus smiled at Trevor.

"Olwen does like a glass or eight of champagne, doesn't she?" he said. "I think a nice glass of water would be in order, Trevor. And I'll have a whiskey, please. Irish, if you've got it, no ice." He took off his shoes and placed them neatly in the shoe rack inside the cloakroom cupboard.

Trevor hurried off to the kitchen to fulfil the drinks order. When he got back, Olwen was sitting next to Marcus on the settee. She looked up as Trevor proffered her glass of water.

"Thank you, cucky," she slurred. She looked at the tumbler of whiskey.

"Who is that for?" she asked, and when Trevor informed her that Marcus had requested it, she grinned at him.

"We're having a bit of a problem here," she said, nodding her head at Marcus's groin.

"I really need some cock before I go to sleep, and Marcus is having a bit of a problem getting it up. Look."

She unzipped Marcus's trousers and fished her hand inside. It came out holding Marcus's monster cock. Long, thick and black, it twitched gently as Olwen ran her long fingernail all along the knobbly veined shaft.

She took a long draught of water and smacked her lips.

"That's better!" she smiled. "I do love champagne, but it gives me a mouth as dry as a badger's arse."

"I hope that dryness is confined to your mouth, my love," smiled Marcus, and Olwen lay back and spread her legs.

"Lift my dress up, cucky," she said quietly. "My man wants to see if my cunt is wet."

Trevor put his tray down on the coffee table and did as he was told. As usual, Olwen wore no panties. Trevor couldn't remember the last time he'd seen Olwen in panties. He watched as Marcus slid a fat finger into Olwen's cunt. His own cock twitched in its cock lock.

Olwen moaned in delight.

"Oh yes! That's soooo nice," she gasped. "I do love a bit of finger before we start. Cucky, get down on your knees and fluff Mr. Marcus. I need him hard before he takes me upstairs."

Trevor got on his knees and took Marcus's cock in his hand. It already was longer and thicker than when Olwen had got it out. He peeled back the foreskin and revealed the dark purple mushroom head. He lowered his head and slipped the mushroom into his mouth. He began to fluff, and Marcus's cock reacted immediately.

Trevor loved sucking cock. He adored the sensation of feeling a man's cock swell in his mouth as he expertly stimulated him with his lips and tongue. Already he could taste pre-cum. His beloved wife was sure to be getting a cunt full of cum before too long. Trevor wondered if he would be required to eat cream pie and do a clean-up job on Marcus as well? He certainly hoped so.

Trevor was close enough to Olwen to smell her arousal, and to hear the sticky, squishy sounds as Marcus fingered her. He carried on with his fluffing, happy to be able to play his part in this arrangement.

He felt Marcus push him away, and he reluctantly released the monster cock from his mouth. Marcus withdrew his finger and waved it under Trevor's nose. The cuckold closed his eyes and inhaled the delightful aroma gratefully.

"Time for bed, I think, Trevor," said Marcus with a grin. "We'll need you to put me into your wife, but then you can retire to the spare room."

As he stood up, Trevor realised that the tipsiness had all been a sham. Marcus gathered a now perfectly sober Olwen in his arms and stood up. His massive cock stood out proudly from his body.

"Lead the way, cucky," giggled Olwen, licking Marcus's ear in a disgustingly erotic manner.

In the master bedroom, Marcus laid Olwen down gently on the huge bed. Trevor waited until she sat up and then unzipped her cocktail dress. She slipped it off her shoulders and Trevor eased it off her. Then he unclipped her bra and took that off, releasing her lovely milky white tits with their pale pink nipples. Marcus smacked his lips in anticipation. He loved suckling Olwen's tits, especially since she'd had her nipples ringed at his request.

Now totally naked, Olwen lay back on the bed, and smiled at her lover.

"Hurry up and get Mr. Marcus naked, cucky," she said. "I'm gagging to get fucked!"

Trevor removed Marcus's dinner jacket and his bow tie. He unbuttoned his frilly shirt and slipped that off too. He loved seeing Marcus's torso. It was hairless, muscled and the most attractive shade of black.

He undid the clasp on Marcus's trousers, and lowered them, sinking to his knees as he did so. Marcus wasn't wearing any underpants, and Trevor couldn't resist kissing the tip of Marcus's beautiful cock.

Marcus took hold of his cock and slapped Trevor's cheek with it. It stung like hell.

"No kissing without permission, cucky," he growled. "This isn't some cheap porn shoot, you know," he added. "Take my fucking socks off!"

Olwen giggled.

"I've always wondered why men keep their socks on in those terrible porn clips Trevor watches," she said. "It's such a turn off!"

"Marcus nodded in agreement.

"Bad show all round," he grinned. "Come on cucky. Socks off. Cock in!"

Trevor obeyed and once he was naked, Marcus strode over to where Olwen was waiting for him, licking her lips in anticipation. He climbed aboard and held himself above Olwen until Trevor got a firm grip on his pulsating cock.

"Ease me in gently, cuck," Marcus instructed as Olwen opened her legs wide to accept the massive cock.

Trevor rubbed Marcus's cock all along Olwen's cunt slit, as he knew she loved that sensation. He was gratified to hear his wife purr in delight.

Then he lined up Marcus's cock with Olwen's cunt and felt Marcus slip into her with ease. Both Olwen and Marcus groaned with pleasure. And then they thanked him.

His work for the night done, Trevor slunk off to the spare room, closing the door to the master bedroom behind him. In the bathroom, he undressed, brushed his teeth and sat down to pee. (His cock lock prevented him from peeing in the normal way).He made his way to the spare room and got into bed. Switching off the light, he lay down in the dark and the quiet. The only sounds he could hear were the moans of his wife as her lover fucked her. That and the frantic squeaking of the bedsprings.

In the morning, Trevor woke to the sound of his alarm clock. He had a quick cold shower and dressed in his maid's uniform, taking a fresh, crisp apron from his special drawer. He went downstairs and boiled the kettle.

Having let the tea brew in the teapot for the standard five minutes, Trevor poured two cups and put them on his serving tray. At seven thirty precisely, he knocked on the master bedroom door and went in.

The room stank of cum and cunt. The quilt was on the floor at the foot of the bed. Marcus was asleep on his back and Olwen was wrapped around him, one leg over his groin area. In such a position, Trevor could see Olwen's puffy cunt lips, and he was sure that there was a trickle of fresh cum leaking out of his wife's arse too.

He cleared his throat, and Olwen stirred.

She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, and smiled at Trevor.

"Good morning, cucky," she said sleepily. "Did you sleep well? I did. Eventually! But Marcus woke me up about half past five, wanting another go. My cunt was too tender, so he fucked me up the arse. I'll want that cleaned out in a minute. But first things first. Put that tray down. I need to pee."

Trevor did as he was told, and lay down on Olwen's side of the bed. Stiffly, she sat up and rolled off the mattress. She squatted above his face and then lowered herself until her cunt was touching his mouth. He pushed his tongue out to open her up and she sat down.

She began to pee almost straight away. Because they were not in the bathroom, Olwen controlled her flow. She didn't want pee stains on her carpet!

Eventually the hot, pungent stream stopped and Trevor licked off the drippers. Olwen's cunt tasted of stale cum, but it was like ambrosia to Trevor. He lapped away enthusiastically until Olwen tapped him on the side of the head.

"There's a fresher load in my arse," she advised him, shuffling forward.

Trevor penetrated her arse with his practiced tongue and sucked and licked, savouring the still warm, salty thick cum that Marcus had deposited there a few hours earlier. When he had finished, Olwen got up and jumped back into bed. She gave Marcus a dig in the ribs.

"Wake up, sleepy head," she grinned. "The cuckold's brought tea, and then I thought we could have a bit more sucking and fucking before breakfast!"

Marcus opened his eyes eventually and yawned.

"You are fucking insatiable!" he grinned. "But then again, you're such a fabulous fuck, how can I refuse such a delightful offer?"

"I'll take my tea over here, cucky," he added, "but don't go just yet. I need a Jimmy."

"Aren't you a lucky cucky," laughed Olwen, understanding that Marcus's 'Jimmy' was rhyming slang for a pee: Jimmy Riddle rhymed with piddle, which was another way of saying Marcus wanted a pee.

Marcus lay back, his huge cock standing up proudly. Olwen eyed it in delight.

"It's piss proud, baby," he advised her. "Watch."

Trevor took the mushroom head in his mouth and waited. Marcus began to pee. Like Olwen, he too controlled his flow. He didn't want to fuck Olwen on a wet bed!

As his bladder emptied, so his cock subsided until it resembled a large black slug. Trevor released him having swallowed everything. He didn't move. He assumed he'd be needed for fluffing soon.

Marcus sipped his tea.

"Do we need the cuckold any longer?" he asked Olwen. "I'm starving already, and if we're going to have more fucking, I'll need a proper breakfast afterwards."

Olwen grinned.

"He can go and start on your breakfast straight away," she said. "How about we finish our tea and have our fuck in the shower? That'll save time, and I know how much you love slippery, soapy shower sex!"

Marcus's eyes lit up with delight.

"A perfect start to my Saturday," he grinned. "Off you go cucky. I'll take a full English with toast and marmalade to follow. And plenty of strong, black coffee!"

"I'll have muesli, fruit and one slice of toast, cucky," said Olwen, reaching down to stroke Marcus's cock, which was already showing signs of coming to life.

"I want milk in my coffee. Hot, not cold, and mind there's no skin on it!"

"Yes dear," replied Trevor, successfully hiding his disappointment at not being allowed to suck Marcus hard again.

"Shall we say breakfast in half an hour?"

"You can say what you like," retorted Olwen. "We'll be down when we're ready, and if breakfast isn't on the table waiting for us, you'll be a very sorry cuckold indeed. Now go away. I want to finish my tea in peace!"

Early morning shower sex obviously agreed with Marcus. He demolished a full English breakfast, four rounds of toast and marmalade and four mugs of coffee. Replete, he leaned back in his chair and smiled at Olwen.

"I have to pop into the office for a couple of hours, and then I'm due on the tee at two o'clock," he said. "Do you want to do anything this evening?"

"What do you think?" grinned Olwen. "Do you want to go out, or shall I get the cuckold to cook us a meal and we can have a lazy evening in front of the television before you take me back to bed and fuck my brains out again?"

"The latter option sounds perfect," grinned Marcus getting up from the table. "Do you think the cuckold could give me a lift to the office? I assume he's being sent shopping this morning?"

"Of course he is," replied Olwen. "Just give me five minutes to see that he's dressed appropriately. The newspaper's on the table in the sitting room. Take the remains of the coffee in there. I'll be down with him in a jiffy."

Upstairs in her dressing room, Olwen surveyed a near naked Trevor. He stood to attention wearing only a suspender belt and sheer black nylon stockings. His cock lock was in place too, of course.

Olwen selected a pair of lacy, frilly panties, which she knew would itch like mad. Over those he was to wear a pair of skinny jeans and a pink polo shirt. She rubbed foundation into his face and applied a neutral coloured lipstick, which made his lips glisten without being too obvious that he was wearing make-up.

"Right. You're good to go," she decided. "Mr. Marcus needs a lift to the office. Come on, hurry up! Mr. Marcus is waiting!"

Downstairs, Olwen lingered at the front door kissing Marcus.

"Don't be late for supper," she cooed. "It's your favourite menu."

Marcus raised a questioning eyebrow.

"It's me, silly!" laughed Olwen. "I'm yours to be eaten and then fucked all night long."

"It's a good job I've got a healthy appetite, then," grinned Marcus, kissing her again and fondling her tits for good measure.

Trevor returned home a couple of hours later, looking very hot and bothered.

Olwen was sitting on the patio, under an umbrella. She was wearing a micro bikini, and her curvy body was already acquiring a very healthy looking sun tan.

"It's bloody boiling in town," gasped Trevor, wiping his brow.

"Yes, it's getting very warm here," replied Olwen languidly, looking over her sunglasses at her hot and sweaty cuckold.

"Go and change into your maid's dress and bring me a nice tall glass of something cold."

She returned to her novel, and Trevor went to do as he was bid.

When he returned with a glass of Olwen's favourite lemon and lime cordial, he hovered whilst she tasted it.

"Perfect," she smiled up at him. "Was there something else you wanted to say? Lunch isn't going to prepare itself, you know."

"I bumped into that Malcolm that the gossips say Elizabeth has been seeing," he said.

Olwen tutted.

"And...?" she said.

"He was shopping with his mother," continued Trevor. "I stopped to say 'Good morning' and he was very polite. He complimented me on how I was dressed, and he apologised when his mother said that she thought I looked like a nancy-boy!"

Olwen giggled.

"What a quaint, old-fashioned term," she said. "I suppose Malcolm's mother would have used it as a young girl many years ago. We prefer 'sissy' these days, don't we, my lovely sissy cuckold?"

"Yes, dear," replied Trevor. He was proud to be both a sissy and a cuckold, but if a lady wanted to call him a nancy-boy, who was he to disagree?

"So what did this Malcolm want?" asked Olwen, sucking her cordial through a straw.

"I don't really know," confessed Trevor. " I suspect that he wanted to say something, but he was either too embarrassed or too afraid to say it in front of his mother."

"I'll give Elizabeth a call this afternoon," said Olwen. "I want to sort out a mutually convenient time for us to have our heart-to-heart chat anyway. Now that we've decided to include her in our little domestic scenario."

Trevor grinned.

"I can't wait to have another lady to order me around and to serve," he confessed. "Do you think Elizabeth will allow me to wash her underwear?"

Olwen looked at her cuckold in amusement.

"You do have some disgustingly kinky fetishes, don't you?" she smiled.

"Panty sniffing and your smoking fetish. You are one fucked-up sissy!"

Trevor blushed with pride, and went to prepare lunch. He was back in less than five minutes, carrying the telephone handset from the kitchen.

"It's Elizabeth," he said, handing the handset to Olwen. "She wants to come home for a chat."