A Fashionable Husband

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William start to become Willow.
12.6k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 03/04/2021
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A Fashionable Husband

In the past, if a man was subservient to his wife, he was labeled as being hen pecked. Today, that relationship, is labeled as being a female lead one. It is up to the wife if that relationship is based on love and understanding, or just being plain mean and nasty.

All characters in this story are fictitious.

Any similarity to persons living or dead, is purely coincidental.

No one under the age of 21 engaged in any sexual activity. Whether implicitly or explicitly.

No animals were harmed in the writing of this story.

This is a fictional story from the mind of the author. It is a reflection of current events. It is not a reflection of the author's sexuality.

I do though try to incorporate real life events. After all, aren't these stories suppose to portray real life?


The sun shining through a split between the panels of the curtains, shone directly into my eyes. Thus waking me from my much needed sleep. The weekend had just past way too quickly, if there ever was one, from an unusually very busy and long week. It did not help that I had just spent about all of the entire weekend at work. There is just no rest for the weary.

We are getting ready for the very busiest time of the year. For one, the holiday season is upon us. That means wall to wall shoppers. We hope. For another, the fashion season starts in the spring. In my industry, changes in what is in and hot, happen often and usually quickly. If you don't pay attention to the current trends, you get left behind.

As I lay here, trying to rest, the now insistent buzzing of the alarm brought me further to some semblance of returning back to the land of the living. Great. It is the start of another week, just like any other on a Monday morning. But then again, it is just a continuation of last week. Since I have been working nonstop.

As I stretch, my hand reaches across to the other side of the bed, to find that it is empty. William must be on a run or at work already. I was hoping to cuddle for a little bit. Oh well, maybe later. I just roll over and hit the snooze alarm, in an attempt to try and fall back to sleep. Just a few precious minutes more... please.

Then my pussy reminds me of his love making last night. I feel the tingling as it starts to become more apparent. It reminds me of when I walked in the door last night. William saw the shape that I was in after handing me a glass of wine. He had me sit on the couch. Then, after pulling my shoes off, he went and drew a bath for me.

After spending almost an hour relaxing in the hot bath, he toweled my body dry, applied moisturizer on me, tucked me into bed naked, then ate my pussy for almost an hour. He continuously brought me to the edge, but did not allowing me to climax. Then after one earth shattering explosion, I passed out. Only to awaken to the sun on my face. Best sleeping pill ever.

As I lay here contemplating whether to get up, I felt the faint touch of hair. Then a small wet tongue was licking the back of my ear. The sensation sending a shiver through my body. My little rascal Sam was up in bed with me. I shooed him away and tried to fall back to sleep. But he would not give up. He let out a bark, then nuzzled his way under the covers.

His licking went from my ear to the back of my neck. His hot breath, at times, blowing either on my neck or into my ear. My little Yorkie has more enthusiasm, then some of my managers. I make a few more futile tries to make him stop. I finally give up and crawl out of bed to go to take a shower. My gait looks more like I am in one of those zombie movies.

He follows me into the bathroom. His tail wagging, showing his excitement. Then he takes his place under the sink waiting for me to finish. As I stand under the hot spray, I just hope that the shower will not just be another futile attempt in the hopes of clearing this massive brain fog. Let alone relieving the tiredness in my body. At least Sam gave me a little chuckle with his usual antics.

I am just a person who mostly pushes paper, but I feel like I have been hauling heavy boxes lately. My muscles ache from head to toe. After drying myself, I start to pull my lingerie out of the draw. Then I notice that the draw itself is a mess, again. It does not take a master detective to figure who it was, with only 2 people in the house. I'll need to talk with him later.

After putting on my lace panties and tucking my C cup breasts into my bra, I pull up my shear stay up nylons. I go with a royal blue ¾ sleeve rucked jersey dress. My eye shadow make-up is light, as are my eye brows. I use a thin line of eye liner and then mascara. My lipstick is red. My finger and toe nails are the same color as my lips.

Jewelry is just 2'' gold hoops and a watch. As always though, my wedding and engagement rings are on my left hand.

As I sit on the side of the bed, Sam comes over for more petting. Since I am starting to run late, I cannot give him anymore attention other than a quick rub on his head. I put my 4'' black open toe heels on.

When I reach his office, I poke my head into William's office before I leave. "William, we will need to talk later."

I said without a hint of my discovery. "Also, from now on, you will only sit to do your business on the toilet. As well as, you will raise your heels off of the floor as high as possible as you sit." He acknowledges my statement.

"Also, I hope that you are enjoying having your dick softly caressed." Dropping a little hint for later.

Sam ran by and went to lay down in his bed under William's desk. He must have just came back in from doing his business. He'll remain there, with William, the whole day. Except to go back outside to relieve himself. We say I love you to each other, then I was out the door.

The drive to work felt like it is taking longer than usual. Was there always this much traffic? Or is it that I am on the road much later than usual? Then looking at my watch, I realize that I am running much later than usual. This is going to be a first. Me being late for work.


After parking the car, in my designated spot, I looked up at the multi-storied building that I had just left only some 12 hours before. Now my brain starts to focus on the need for one thing. Coffee, dear old bless it coffee, to start the brain working and clear this fog. Then, like any other Monday, it will be one meeting after another.

I still stop and greet the security guard at the office elevator. This is a morning ritual for me. I have known this man since I first started here all those many years ago. It is short, but still I enjoy the pleasant chit chat. Then I take the elevator to the Executive floor, then turned left towards my office. The place is already abuzz with the daily routine.

My saint of a secretary, Clair, was standing at my door with the magic elixir, along with the needed spread sheets, as I entered my office. After a brief greeting while I took my coat off, she hands everything to me, then directed me to the first room. I am not usually late, but after spending nearly the entire weekend here, I was a little slow this morning in arriving.

Upon entering the room, I apologized for my tardiness, then started the meeting. The first item on the agenda for this meeting, was the past week's sales. Those were a little better than one point above last year. Good, but not great. In this highly competitive business, good is not good enough. If you don't approach great, then you go by the way of the likes of the Dodo bird or Gimbals.

There were some in-store issues that were identified. Which included improper displays. That responsibility falls on my leads. I also took some of the blame for not recognizing it during my daily walk through. Also, due to some employees out sick, there was a lack of proper staffing. Which was not reported by this past weekend leads.

I spent some time going over what the issues were, and gave the needed permission for the resources to correct the staffing issue. Also, asking why they were not better handled than that. I informed all in attendance that I was here all weekend. There were no excuses given. To say that I was not happy, would be an understatement.

The next item for this meeting, was about what the projected sales should be for this week. With Black Friday and Christmas coming up, we should have a very good week. I repeated what the issues were from last week, and made sure that my leads took those into account. I made sure that any and all assistant leads knew to refer to their bibles for any questions on how to set up a display.

Also, I informed everyone that our seasonal help will be starting today. I stressed the importance that they be trained properly. As well as, if needed, they each need to have easy access to a copy of the display bible. I closed the meeting, and sent everyone off to work. I took a large gulp of my coffee.

I returned back to my office to retrieve the needed material for my next meeting. That was to go over what the preparations were for the up and coming Spring fashion show at the end of February. This show starts to set the whole year up. Sales from this show affects the remainder of the year. I handled some small issues while waiting for the meeting time to arrive.

Since there can not be a delay in receiving this merchandise, I would need to verify when the buyers were sending the samples. Also, how much inventory to expect, and how much room will be needed for the storage of the inventory itself. If needed, when and what sales need to be held. All of this and more would need to be discussed.

I also would go over when the models were arriving for the photo shoot for the catalog. As well as, to make sure that the photo studio was scheduled and set-up for the time needed. Along with if there would be any catering arrangements necessary for the shoot and the show itself. My large 'She is the Boss' mug never hitting bottom.


I am the Executive VP of Marketing for Woman's Fashions for a large upscale department store. The new lines of dresses, lingerie, shoes and jewelry should be in early on Wednesday next week. Part of my main responsibility is to evaluate, then oversee the creation of a catalog for our associates to show the display options of any new merchandise that is presented to us through our buyers.

We use the catalog like a bible for the department lead associates, so that they can make a determination on how to best utilize the space for display options of any of the new items for sale in our store. The floor sales associates will do their jobs afterwards. A separate catalog will then be made available to the general public.


I love this area of the country. For I have lived, either East or South, of the greater Portland area all of my life. I grew up in Corvallis. When I was just entering the final years of high school, my family moved to Portland, it was there that my life changed forever. For it was during that time that I had found my calling in life.

I started working part-time in the stockroom, at this store, when I was 16. I got the job through a 'get to know' type job fair. I fell in love with all of the beautiful dresses, lingerie, shoes and the other various items, along with the exquisite jewelry. I fully envisioned that this had to be the ultimate theme park, and that I would want to spend the rest of my life here.

I was permitted to work on Friday afternoon after school, then all day on Saturday. One woman took me under her wing and started to teach me about the world of fashion. If it were not for her, and this job, I would be slinging burgers. I went from barely a C grade student, in my Freshman and Sophomore years, to a straight A one in my final 2 years.

I was so enthused, that I even started taking college courses during the summer between my Junior and Senior year, then during the summer after graduating from high school, before starting college in the fall. I also continued to take classes during the summer while in college. I graduated with a 3.85 GPA in Business. Also, I am proud to say that I am a Duck.

All of my hard work paid off. For I graduated a full year early at the age of 21. That allowed me to go from my part time position, to be able to start my full time career. I started out working on the floor as an associate. Now, at the age of 33, I am where I am today. I have been told that I just might be sitting in the CEO chair one day.


When I arrived home that evening, I wanted to wait until after dinner to ask William about my lingerie. As usual, there was a glass of wine waiting for me as I walked through the door. He escorted me to the couch, had me sit and put my feet up. Then he gave me the glass, took my shoes off, and then gave me a foot massage.

I knew that he was feeling guilty about something. I usually don't get this much attention. But then the massage did feel wonderful. I will not complain. When he did both of my feet, he left to finish dinner. After we ate, I was still sitting at the table enjoying a small brandy.

"William, my lingerie draw was a mess again this morning. Do you know anything about that?" I figured to let him confess on his own, rather than accuse him.

"Yes Julie. I'm sorry. I just have a fetish about wearing those things." His soft, lovely voice offering his apology.

"It's alright my love. I understand"... An idea started to form in my brain. "If you want, I will get you some of your own." Then the doubt and questions came to mind. Is it possible to turn him into a sissy? Would it be that easy? Do I really want him that way? Then why did I have him begin to behave like he was wearing heels?

William did not answer, but his face lighting up gave me the answers to my questions. We finished up, then retired to the living room for the evening. The idea continued to form more completely.

"We'll go do some shopping at my store on Saturday." Decision made. William will be dressing in lingerie from now on. How far I transform him, will need to be determined.


No good deed goes unpunished. The problems mounted during the following week. First, a severe winter front was going to be moving in by Wednesday. It was forecasted to bring cold temperatures and a lot of either snow, rain or both. This is not unusual, but it is definitely not welcomed news. It will affect sales.

The bad weather was bad enough, but then early Monday, I was informed that the delivery of the Spring fashions would not be in until late Friday afternoon due to a shipping mix up. My secretary was on the phone all the rest of the day trying to find out any information. At times she was yelling at the person on the other end. So much for having a good relationship with that company.

This created a huge problem. Our models are scheduled months in advanced. The models were scheduled for Thursday, with the photo shoot for that day, and Friday if needed. Since the photo studio is only available during the week, this means that I lost the use of our store models and photo studio. Which means the display photo catalog for the associates will be delayed. Timing is everything in this business.

This will cause a delay in getting the catalog for the Spring fashion show accomplished, as well. These catalogs take months to prepare. Let alone getting the catalogs printed. It is not just to take a few pictures, slap them on a page, and there you have a catalog. Getting the models back alone, will take at least 2 months. This is because of the holiday commitments for them.

I spent the rest of the day frantically going over my options. First, I needed to cancel the models. No sense paying for something that I could not use. The photo studio was also notified. Then all I needed to do was just hope that there would not be any more surprises. If it came down to it, I could find a way to at least get the photos taken.

When the items did show up, thankfully early Friday morning, we received more than the expected amount of items that needed to be evaluated. On top of that, some of the new line of lingerie, and outerwear, did not arrive. A complete inventory will tell me what we did not receive. That would mean a second photo shoot. A piece meal approach to this is not welcomed.

This means even more work. Which means more time. I, for one, did not want to spend another weekend here. But that catalog was a must. It is part of what I get paid for. But I will do what I have to in order to get the job done. I always have others to help with this, but overall this has turned into a royal cluster fuck.

I needed to think fast. If it is one thing that I am good at, it is thinking on the fly. Then it hit me. I knew of only one person who could help. I called my boss and informed him of what I had in mind. Also, if this turns out as well as I knew it would, it would open up a new market for us. After receiving permission, I put my plan into motion.

With one phone call, it was arranged with our photo studio to have some equipment sent to my house immediately. I also arranged for a store delivery truck. I then informed the marketing department to expect to add pages to the catalog, and my leads of the change. I also told them to expect the photos during the weekend.

Overall I have lost 2 days, which has shortened the time frame for my evaluation of our items to be presented at the Spring fashion show. But at least, it was not going to be months. Now I would just need to have everything brought to my home for me. I would rather work from home over the weekend, than be here. This would not be the first time I have done this.

Taking the pictures was only going to be part of the job. I would still need my marketing staff to figure the proper presentations. What pictures to use, with what backgrounds work best, and what poses work best with what backgrounds. Along with what the page organization as to what items would appear first. All of that, at least, could begin starting on Monday.

Working from home would at least allow me to utilize my husband as a model. I have known for a while now that he would make an excellent one. Since he is the one who has been in my lingerie draw. It would be interesting to see him dressed like that. At least then his lingerie collection would begin.

Now I am going to give him the opportunity to wear as much of these clothes as he wants. As of this past Saturday, he has been wearing his own all of the time. I even had his ears pierced.

With that in mind, I went into the dressing room and secured some needed supplies. I don't have all of the cosmetic and wardrobe items needed for a photo shoot at home. It took some time, but I found exactly the color and style of several wigs that were needed. He is going to be beautiful when I get through with him.

I was also going to need to stop at one of the chain pharmacies, along with an adult store, to pick up some of the additional needed supplies. As tired as my body is, the excitement that I am feeling now, is energizing me. William and I are about to embark on a life changing adventure.

But it is best that I stay focused with the task at hand. For the catalog is my number one priority. Any other changes that may occur or are about to happen, will just be an added bonus and a pure joy.

My car was loaded with everything for a most exciting and life changing weekend. My husband will be most surprised. Besides, it is finally about time to make some of these needed changes, at home, that I have had in mind for a while now. If my suspicions are correct, then I will be accomplishing 2 tasks at once.