A Father in Trouble


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Coming downstairs she saw him walking into the lounge diner with two plates of food. She sat at the table as he poured her a glass of wine, and one for himself. He placed the bottle on the sideboard and sat down.

"To life, love and the delight of children,"

He proffered his glass and she clinked hers gently against it.They both took a sip and then started on the meal. It was a thin crusted pie with chicken, leeks and mushrooms.

"Dad this is fantastic did you make this all


"Yes, but I've been practising it, this is my third evening of it and this one's just about bang on."

"Dad, this is absolutely fabulous, I love it, you must give me the recipe,"

"what so you can make it when I come round to your place."

"Would you?"

"Would I what?"

"Come round to my place!"

"Are you askin'?" he exclaimed in a mock scouse accent

"I'm askin'" she replied in the same way,

"Sure, I'll come round, sometime soon perhaps."

"Yes do, look how about next Wednesday?"

"OK! if you're sure?"

"Oh I'm sure, great, mmm this is so delicious, you're a good cook."

"Thanks, well actually you should thank Delia, I used her cookbook, it was one of your Mums favourite recipes, she'd have loved this."

"Yes she would, and the fact you had cooked it would make it even better."

"Sarah," he said raising his glass.

"Mum," she echoed and they drank a mouthful.

Finishing, David cleared the plates away, returning with a perfect New York style Cheesecake.

"You didn't?"

"No I didn't, this is store bought, as a back up in case the main course was a disaster."

She grinned and he cut her a slice and one for himself. They ate in silence, finishing he looked at her as he swallowed the last of the wine.


"Please, shall I make it?"

"No I can do that, go sit in the comfy chairs I'll be two minutes."

True to his word David returned and handed her a coffee,

"Cafe au lait, hope this percolated is okay, I'm trying a new bean, this is Arabian."

"Mmm nice, thanks, I'll go wash up when I've finished this."

"No rush Princess, we can share the washing up, won't take two minutes."

She smiled as he sat down and drank his coffee.

After washing up they sat on the sofa, she lying across him, head on his shoulder.

"Dad, about earlier, whilst it was a little weird, what you asked and.."

"I know the ramblings of a silly old man."

"No, I wasn't going to say that, it's just, well so strange to think of you as a lover, as well as being my Dad."

"A lover, hmm, that does sound a bit strange, now you mention it. I was just trying to make you aware of how I felt, because I love you so much..."

"I'm glad we make each other happy."

"Oh we do, which is what I've wanted for you for so long. I'm sorry I was so poor at explaining myself to you. I would do anything for you Jacq, you know that?"

"I know, but it was very sweet of you to think of me like that. Look as I'm staying over, why don't we share a bed anyway and see how things go, would that be okay?"

"Of course it would, whatever you want. What time will you have to leave?"

"Oh! about eight thirty, I can be at the office in twenty minutes from here, unless there are any hold ups."

"Alright then I'll get up and make you breakfast,"

"Oh Dad! you don't have to bother, honestly."

"It would please me,"

"In that case I'd be very grateful for breakfast, thank you."

"More coffee?"

"No thanks, or I'll have to get up to pee during the night."

He giggled and they sat in silence.

Later they went up to bed. Jacqui went to the bathroom, had her ritual bedtime pee and cleaned her teeth. Returning to her fathers room, she quickly stripped, brushed her hair and jumped into the king size divan. Returning from the bathroom, David stripped and climbed in beside her. She turned toward him, as he placed an arm around her waist. She kissed his lips lightly, just brushing against them. He moved his hand from her waist to her back, pulling her to him, he kissed her, lips firmly against hers. She sighed and opened her mouth slightly, his tongue meeting hers in the middle. They slipped their arms tighter round each other and continued the kiss.

His hand strayed to her back, then down to her backside, cupping her cheek. She relaxed against his hand, her head blown away by the power of her fathers kiss. They broke apart slightly and pecked at each other. Pulling her slightly he turned and brought her on top of him. She grinned and sat up, her pussy flattening his prick against his belly. Her hands found his shoulders, his hands reaching for her tiny breasts, covering them with his palms. Her head tilted back and she began to slide her slit over the underside of his cock, feeling the juices beginning to flow, lubricating her slow rocking movement over his enlarging cock. He sighed and began to play with her tiny hardening nipples.

Rocking gently she felt his cock sliding along her groove, loving the feel of his manhood rubbing against her. She felt him put a hand down and lift his head forward, she dipped and his lips and tongue found her right nipple. The fire in her belly already well alight flared as his tongue passed over and around her tender nipple and aereola. The skin puckered and the sensations from breast to pussy increased tenfold. Slowly she lifted slightly and he moved his cock upright, she used a hand to open herself up, then slid down onto his waiting prick. With a grunt she impaled herself on him.

She felt filled up by him, the feel of his prick inside her vagina was exquisite, she allowed herself a full two minutes of just having him inside her before she began a slow roll of her hips. They began to move languidly touching, caressing , stroking one another, building slowly, talking, encouraging. The sensations were familiar but different for him and he enjoyed the sameness and the differences. She found it all new and exciting. Building to a climax fairly quickly.

The speed and intensity swept up on her without warning. She moaned and swayed, her vision dimming, she tried to talk but the words ran away. Instead she just let out a series of deep gasps until her rocking reached a crescendo and she almost pulled herself off him. Flushing red she fell forward, he grabbing and holding her upright.

She felt the world tilt and slide, sensations ripped through her body, foreign but decidedly not unpleasant, flooding through her, leaving her breathless and giddy.

Holding her, David stopped rocking and waited for her to relax. As she calmed, he gently began to push again, she felt him and responded, soon they were moving together each building on the others efforts. This time warned of what to expect, she rode her orgasm and took David over the edge too. He pushed into her firmly and deeply his sperm shooting out into her womb, sending her over again.

They slowed and rested, still joined together. Rolling her sideways David kissed her delicately, until they both fell sound asleep. Waking in the early morning sunshine David found his glasses and looked at his alarm. A bare arm snaked into his lap, lightly cupping his cock and squeezing gently.

"Mmm don't worry, Dad,I just realised it's Sunday,"

He grinned and turned to kiss her neck,

"So will you be staying over tonight too?"

"Are you going to sleep with me again?"

"Do you want to?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"So was that..OK?"

"Mmm better than OK,you were so good,"

"You too, Princess, happy?"

"You bet, are you going to make tea?"

"Of course,"

"Well don't be too long, I think I need you again, very, very soon."

"Hold that thought,"

"I'd rather hold your cock,"

"Jacq, behave, or I might have to ration you."

She giggled and touched his cheek.

"I do love you,"

"I know I'm very lucky. I love you too."


"Won't be long,"

He threw the duvet back, she grabbed his cock and pushed her head into his lap, taking him into her mouth, slurping round his cock, she eased it out of her mouth.

"Sod the tea, I'll take a drink from this."

"Ohh God that feels good, ohh My!"

Three minutes later he gasped, gurgled and she drank his output.

"Mmm, that's delicious, I'm going to be doing that lots."

"I wish, my turn,"

He pushed her back and opened her legs. Starting from her navel he wound his way down to her slit and expertly tongued, kissed and fingered her to orgasm. She screamed at the sheer pleasure he brought to her. They lay still in a jumble of limbs, dozing until nine thirty. Showering together, they examined each others body's to their mutual satisfaction. Coupling again they stayed in the bathroom for nearly two hours, exhausting the hot water tank early on. Turning off the shower they just continued their explorations. Finally they emerged for breakfast at eleven forty.

"Well that's the morning wasted, fancy going back to bed after breakfast and wasting the afternoon?"

"Jacq, what's got into you?"

"You and I love it, you do know you're my first don't you?"

"I.. were you a virgin? I'm stunned, really, you've never made love to anyone before me?"

"No father, you took my virginity, and I'm really pleased you did, can't think of anyone else I would want to do that for me."

"I'm stunned and honoured, but sad that no one else has had the pleasure I've had."

"Are you willing to share me then?"

"I didn't say that, and no now I wouldn't."

"Good, because I'm yours for as long as you want me."

"Which would be forever."

"Me too poppa."


"Smack my tiny perfect derriere."

"you wish,"

"Not half,"

They carried on as they ate, before kissing and going back to the bedroom.

A few weeks later as they sat in Jacqui's lounge after the evening meal, David felt for her hand and pulled her close.

"Princess, these last couple of weeks has been sheer bliss, but I realise that you probably need company of your own age. Surely you have girlfriends who will be worried that you're no longer around?"

"No not really, couple of people at work have said that they missed having a drink with me, but it's no big deal."

"Honey, I don't want to keep you away from your friends, I understand I do, honestly."

"Dad, look I've been meaning to talk to you anyway. These last few weeks have been the happiest time I've had in years. Dad, I want to stay with you more often,"

"How much more often?"

"Every night, more often."

"Really, you would do that, give up your independence to be with me?"

"You're my father, I love you in so many ways, not all of them legal agreed, but I do. I want to be with you, every day."

"Wow, more than I ever dared hope, you see I wanted to ask you to move back in with me, but you seem to have had the idea already,"

"Yes, that's exactly what I want to do, sell this and move back in with you."

"Are you absolutely sure this is what you want?"


"Well that's settled then. However, if you ever find someone, boy or girl, then you're to grab the chance with both hands agreed?"

"There can be no one else, but yes, if it makes you happy then yes I will."

"Thank you." David kissed her gently,

"Love me, Love me Dad and make me yours again."

David Benjamin lowered his head to his daughters face...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

great story but the sex was way too subtle if you ask me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Very sweet

The story is very sweet. It struck me as a little abrupt that the daughter would go from "no" to "let's sleep together and see". But this is a story and we need to suspend disbelief.

HunterShamblesHunterShamblesalmost 9 years agoAuthor
Anonymous Feedback sent to me

The following is a message I received which contained a critique of the story. I think it deserves to be seen by a wider audience, Comments please - Hunter.

Over all, I thought the story was nicely told, with a pair of modest exceptions - actually, one of those is more like a "nit-pick".

When Dad speaks of how to thank Jaqui, she suggests that chocolates or "... a pot plant..." would have sufficed.

This " pot plant " bit might be a Briticism that I'm not aware of, and - if so - you might wish to know that the American (and most likely the Canadian) reading audience would say "potted plant" or "house plant", in its stead. A "pot plant" would - at first hearing - be interpreted as meaning a marijuana plant. <grin>

The only other "objection" that I have, to the story as it exists, is to its overall pacing. Jaqui hears her father express his feelings of both romance (apart from typical father-daughter affection) and his sexual desire for her, whilst she is in the bath.

In the narrative, your choice of descriptive and dialog for her (at that point in the tale) paint her as only mildly shocked or surprised by his desire. She's not aghast, at his suggestion, as one would suppose she'd be, given both the religious and societal/legal taboos associated with incestuous behavior. It's as though she's actually given some thought to the possibility, already, on her own.

This is made more complex when she inexplicably goes from having covered her breasts with her hands - at her father's entering the bathroom, to standing and blatantly displaying her naked body to him, even doing a slow pirouette so that he can see absolutely all of her unclothed flesh - and her "naughty smile" as she does so. If she's going to refuse his overture, why display herself in this manner, when to do so - following her refusal - must surely torture him all the more, displaying to him that which she will not allow him to have?

I think that, given these bits, plus the obvious goal (as this is an erotic incest tale) of getting the two into bed and making beautiful love to each other, the pacing should have been slowed, somewhat.

Instead of surrendering herself to him that very night, she should have spent the night in her own room, gone to work, and then home to her own flat. Then, over the course of the next few days, she finds her thoughts being drawn back to his offer of his love and his body, and the concept does not seem as shocking as it initially did. Over the course of a month or so (and this would be easily handled in only a few short paragraphs) she finds herself becoming more and more 'fascinated' by the possibility of becoming her dad's lover. Eventually, she reaches the point where the sheer curiosity (as she's a virgin) of what it might be like, if she went to his bed - coupled with the notion that no other man could love her as deeply, or would be so gentle with her virgin body, as her father - overwhelms her, and she plans a way to allow him to 'seduce' her.

The next visit could be a Saturday, when she arrives at his house for breakfast, followed by a day filled with the annual "spring cleaning" of the home. That night, she goes to take a bath - to wash away the day's accumulated dirt and grime - while he heats some sort of "pie" dinner that he prepared earlier in the week and then froze, for use on Saturday so as to not have to cook.

When he comes to the bathroom, to alert her that dinner will be served shortly, then she stands and displays her body to him, thus whetting his appetite for her later try at seduction.

Overall, I think that taking this sort of route, though it would have drawn the tale out for another page, would have made the entire story seem more realistic, as opposed to having her seem to fall into bed with him so quickly.

RockyStoneRockyStonealmost 9 years ago
It was all right and proper

It was all right and proper, but that is my problem with the story. It was just a tale that had details, but didn't excite me. I'm an American, so I don't usually make much sense anyway.


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