A Few Days at the Beach

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A spur of the moment beach trip with my girlfriend Abi.
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"Abi? You around?" I yelled as I entered our house on Tuesday morning. My girlfriend Abi had been on vacation for the last 2 weeks due to her boss going on some tour of Incan ruins in South America. When I had left to run some things into school and to talk to my principal, she was getting dressed to head out on a run. My dog Cooper didn't come to greet me like normal, so I figured Abi must be upstairs taking a shower or reading.

I climbed the stairs and sure enough, I found Cooper on our bed, upside down and sound asleep. I laughed, "Some guard dog you are." He shook awake, startled and barked at me before wiggling in excitement. He army crawled to the edge of the bed where I sat down just as Abi emerged from the bathroom with a towel around her body and another one around her head.

"Hey baby, I heard you yell, what's up?"

"Do we have anything tomorrow through Saturday that I don't have on my calendar?"

"Nope, just grocery shopping Saturday like usual."

"Wanna go to the beach?"

"For the day?"

"No, until Saturday."

She looked at me confused and like I was stupid, "You realize this is the height of the end of beach season right?"

I laughed, "Yes, I know that. You remember Janey Stanton that I work with?"

"Yeah, older lady, drunk?"

I couldn't help but laugh; it was well known that Janey liked the sauce a good bit, but she did a decent job so I figured it wasn't my place to judge. "Yeah, that's her. She and her husband own a house on the Outer Banks, up on the Four Wheel Drive beaches. Apparently people who were there this week had to leave due to a death in the family, she already had it cleaned since they left yesterday, so it's empty. I ran into her at school this morning and she asked if we wanted it for the rest of the week."

"Oh, how much would it be?"

"Cleaning fee of $200 and it's ours."

"Oh wow! That sounds awesome. What do you mean by the Four Wheel Drive beaches?"

"You have to drive on the beach to get to the house, so we will have to take the truck. It's kinda secluded, not a ton of people and there are wild horses that roam free."

Abi was getting visibly more excited, "That's so cool!!!! Let's go!"

"Okay, I'll let her know. It's about 7 hours up there so can we leave around 7 tomorrow?"

"Works for me. What about Cooper?l

"Janey said we can take him, but you remember the sand issue when we took him to Charleston for the day. I figured I would just call Emily and see if she can house and dog sit like normal."

"Good thinking."

"Alright, I'll go let her know and then we can start rounding things up.


We were up at 6, with the plan to leave at 7. We had to forgo our usual morning wake up sex because of packing the truck and all the last minute arrangements. I tried to squeeze in a little, but Abi just laughed and told me there would be plenty of time over the next 3 or 4 days. I grumbled, but knew she was right. What guy is going to complain when he has all that time, at an oceanfront beach house, with his high libido girlfriend? Only an idiot, that's who.

We got my truck loaded, which really wasn't much, two chairs, our umbrella, a case of water, a few basic groceries, and the Yeti cooler plus our suitcases. We double checked that Cooper's updated instructions were correct and headed out the door. Emily, a former student of mine who lived a couple of blocks over, would be coming over around 10 to stay at the house with Cooper while we were gone. She was a great young lady, whose only "transgression" while house sitting for us numerous times was forgetting to take out the trash in the spare room the one time, leaving me four used condoms to find from her and her boyfriend Seth. I casually mentioned it, got a giggle from her red face, but besides that, she was perfect.

We left right on time, swung through Starbucks, and headed north. Abi slept for the first few hours, giving me a quiet ride until we crossed into North Carolina and Abi woke up, saying she needed to pee. We stopped in Lumberton at a McDonald's, we ran into the restroom and Abi asked for a McGriddle and a Sweet Tea, so I used the restroom, got in line and grabbed our food before making my way back to the truck.

I found Abi leaning against the side of the truck, but wearing a very different outfit than when we had left. When we had left, she was wearing a pair of my old gym shorts and a hoodie of mine, not exactly what you would call flattering, now though, she had ditched my shorts for a blue mini skirt that tied with a drawstring at the waist, showing off her long, tan legs. Instead of my hoodie, she now wore a white workout top that showed a subtle amount of cleavage. Her hair was now pulled back in a tight ponytail rather than the mess that had been piled on top of her head.

"You changed?"

With a smile she said, "Yep, I'm awake now and it's getting warmer."

I laughed as we climbed into the truck, "No shit, it's July in the south,"

She chuckled and then said, "Do you like?"

"Of course I like it, you wore it on the golf course the one time you went with me and I shot terrible because I was distracted!"

She smiled as she took a bite of her McGriddle, and after chewing said, "Well, I wore panties this time."

I laughed, "Well that's good to know I suppose." I put the truck back in gear, backed out, and made my way back to I95. The next three and a half hours were pretty uneventful, minus some road construction, the drive was peaceful, definitely a perk of coming in during the middle of the week instead of the weekend like everyone else. We stopped in the small town of Columbia, NC to fill up with gas before crossing the bridge at Manteo and officially arriving on the Outer Banks.

Abi spent a lot of the ride looking at the listing for the house we would be staying in, reading about the wild horses, telling me tidbits about them, and trying to find places to eat. Since we were only going to be there for three nights, we were only going to cook that night, and eat out Thursday and Friday Night. On top of that, she was constantly shifting in her seat due to her normal boredom that she gets from riding in the car, giving me flashes of her legs, and tantalizing glimpses of her white panties when her skirt would ride up. To say I spent most of the drive with a half chub would be an understatement.

After turning north on Rt. 12, we made the hour drive to Lighthouse Pizza near the famous Currituck Lighthouse. When Abi saw all the big red building up close, she squealed, "Can we tour it?"

I told her we could, so we backtracked to the parking lot and entered the gift shop to pay for our tickets. As I handed the lady at the counter $24, she began to explain the history of the lighthouse and how it was 220 steps to the top. She smiled at us, "You two seem to be in great shape, it shouldn't be an issue."

We smiled, thanked her and then made our way over to the structure and began our climb. As great of shape Abi has gotten in, she still can be a bit clumsy, so for that reason and another obvious one, I told her to go first and followed closely behind her. For the next five minutes we made our way to the top and I enjoyed the view of her ass and the occasional view of her white thong.

We reached the top, both a little short of breath but that was quickly replaced by the view. You are able to walk around the entire observation deck, allowing you to see both the Atlantic Ocean and Currituck/Albemarle Sounds.

"Wow it's beautiful up here."

"Yes it is." I pointed out approximately where the road ended and explained that we would be stopping to air down the tires, why that was important then explained that we would drive on the beach about two miles, past the house then across the dunes to come in from the back.

I pointed out some of the houses that were on the 4x4 beaches to which Abi replied, "Why are their houses up there?"

"The whole island chain used to be like that, and after they built Rt. 12, they left that last northern part wild for the horses and stuff."

"Oh, well that'll be interesting."

"Yeah, we used to come here when I was a kid. There are very few people, which I love."

Abi smiled, "That's awesome, let's get going."

We drove about five minutes back up the road and I pulled into a vacant lot of an old convenience store and said, "Hold up, I need to air down the tires." I jumped out and in a couple of minutes had the tires down to 15psi each. We backed out of the lot and made our way to the access road. We rounded the final corner of blacktop with nothing but sand and sea in front of us, I shifted the truck into 4WD and we headed north, I quickly made my way to the surf's edge where it was smoother and explained that you drive near the dunes or on the surf's edge, everything in between is for sitting. Abi simply nodded and took it all in.

About 5 minutes after leaving the blacktop, I saw our house for the next few days peeking out from behind the dune, "There's the house."

"It's so cute!"

We drove past it about 20 yards and I turned left and made my run up over the dunes. After bumping across the ruts, we crested the dune, dropped to the other side and immediately found ourselves in dense scrub with just a sand road through it. We made a left, then following Janey's directions, we turned left at the 5th driveway, and made our way back towards the ocean. We drove down the driveway for about 500 yards and then popped out of the scrub and emerged at the house. I pulled to a stop and turned the truck off, "Here we are."

Abi jumped out of the truck and and made her way to the bed, I climbed out and stretched, bouncing across the dunes and ruts was harsher than I remembered. I then joined her and grabbed our bags and made our way around the house, climbed the steps and using the key Janey had given me, made our way inside.

The house was small and one of the older ones on the beach. You walked into the living room, which held a TV, a couple of end tables, a couch, loveseat, and recliner. The dining table was around the corner and attached to a small kitchen with just the basics. There was a set of steps leading down to a utility room with washer and dryer, and down a hallway were the three bedrooms. One had a queen bed, the other had two twins, and they shared a bathroom. At the end, the master held a king size bed and a bathroom with a very simple shower.

"You weren't kidding when you said it was basic."

I laughed, "Nope, definitely not like the massive places around us. They rent for my salary every week in the summer."

"That is insane."

We both set our suitcases down, I then pulled Abi into a hug and kissed her, "Will it work for a few days."

She kissed me back, "Of course! The first weekend we ever spent away as a couple was at your uncle's cabin, and it had an outhouse!"

I laughed, "That is true." Go ahead and get your bathing suit on, I'll set the chairs by the walkway and finish unloading the truck."

"Are you sure? I can help unload."

"Positive, it's just a couple bags of food, the cooler, and my back pack."

"Okay, let me know if you need anything."

Just as I made it out of the bedroom door, Abi yelled back at me, so I stopped and stuck my head in, "Yes?"

"I have 3 new bathing suits..." she winked and grinned as I shook my head and headed back down to the truck.

I set the chairs by the steps and carried our cooler up onto the deck, setting it beside the door and under the awning. I put the umbrella beside it, being almost 3 in the afternoon and with the sun behind us, we wouldn't need it that day. Through the closed door, I could faintly hear Jimmy Buffet playing through a Bluetooth speaker and thought, "Damn she knows how to set the tone."

I laughed aloud and walked back to the truck and after throwing my backpack over my shoulder, I grabbed the two totes of groceries and headed back inside. When I got inside and shut the door, Abi was coming down the hallway, carrying a bag, and wearing a wide brimmed hat, carrying her sunglasses, "That doesn't look like a new bikini."

She laughed, "It's a cover up silly, the bikini is under it." The cover up was basically a gray, v-neck dress shirt that fell to a big below mid-thigh, and was thin enough I could make out a bit of color under it.

I laughed, "I know. Go ahead and head down, I'll get changed and be down shortly. Want me to bring a cooler?"

"Sure, three or four High Noons should get me through the next couple hours."

"Gotcha, just set up right in front of the house. Do you need sunscreen?"

"Nah, I should be good. The bikini I have on covers all of my current tan lines." I laughed and made my way to the bedroom as she headed out the door.

It took me about five minutes to figure out where Abi had put my clothes in the dresser in our room, but once I did, I pulled out a pair of Quicksilver board shorts that started black and progressed to red, then orange, then yellow around the waist. I grabbed my towel, Kindle, and other essentials, stuffed them into my bag before returning to the kitchen. I grabbed Abi and my's coozies, tossed 3 beers in for me and 3 High Noons in a cooler and head out the door towards the beach.

I got down to the beach and easily made out Abi's hat amongst the thinning crowds. As I got closer, I could make out a blue bikini, and could see that she had already settled in with a book. I set the cooler down between us and smiled down at her, "That's a nice bikini."

She smiled up at me, "Do you like it?"

As confident as Abi has become over the last two years, she still needs positive reinforcement, especially when it comes to clothing. This bikini was relatively simple, it was primarily white that really popped with her tan skin, the straps were blue and tied in a cross pattern at her back. Around her ribs, there was a dark navy blue band and a small cut out between her breasts, giving a unique view of her cleavage. The bottoms were a little higher waisted and were blue, but had a white band around the waist. "You look stunning as usual. With that hat though, I really need to take you to the Caribbean."

She laughed, "Maybe next year. Hand me a drink please."

We spent the next couple hours chatting and just enjoying the sound of the waves, our drinks, and each other. Abi laid her towel out beside me and spent a lot of time playing "rotisserie chicken," not that I complained because I got to enjoy the view. As the clock neared 6, she sat up and smiled at me, "I'm going to take a dip, then head on up."

"Sounds good, I'm gonna finish my book, probably about 20 more minutes according to my Kindle." Abi jogged slowly down to the ocean and waded out before diving under. To say I stared the whole time would be an understatement. She came back to our seats, grabbed her towel and beach bag, gave me a quick kiss and headed back to the house.

I did spend the next 20 minutes reading my book, but I also had an ulterior motive in being alone. I needed to text my buddy Matt's dad; I wanted to finalize the details of an engagement ring for Abi. After getting that taken care of, and Venmoing him the money, I packed up our chairs and made my way back to the house myself. After hosing my legs and feet off with the hose, I climbed the steps and walked into the house to the smell of tacos. "Smells good in here!"

From the kitchen I heard, "I'm glad, this stove is finicky!"

I kicked my flip flops off and walked towards the kitchen where I found Abi standing over a cutting board with fresh pico de gallo wearing a pair of gym shorts and a white sports bra with her freshly washed hair piled on top of her head. "The view of the cook is pretty damn good too."

She chuckled and pointed with the chef's knife, "You stay out of here and go shower. dinner will be ready in 10."

"Yes ma'am!"

I went to our bedroom, found a pair of boxers, shorts and a cut off t-shirt and then showered. Once my shower was done, I made my way back to the living room and found Abi spooning meat into a bowl for serving. Seeing her like that made me feel like the luckiest man alive. My thoughts were interrupted by her voice, "Stop drooling over me and the food and fill your plate!" That's the thing about Abi, she knows how to keep me in line when necessary, something I love about her, as does my mother.

After dinner, we spent the evening relaxing on the deck before heading down to the beach around sunset to find some shells for Abi's latest craft project for house decorations. We got back to the house around 9:30, Abi headed towards the bathroom and I rinsed her shells off before laying them out to dry. I heard the toilet flush and then heard Abi's footsteps coming down the hall, I looked up and said, "What do you want to do..."

That was all I got out because instead of her shorts and sports bra, Abi was standing in the hallway naked. Her body was tan except for two small triangles over her nipples and breasts, and another one over her pubic area. All of the time on the boat this summer had really given her a great tan. I simply said, "Wow."

Abi grinned, "So, I'm feeling a bit neglected after missing this morning, you need to come to bed right now."

I moved towards her, causing her to retreat down the hallway while saying, "You were the one who said no this morning, not me."

She looked over her shoulder as I stared at her ass, "I know, but now I need you to fuck me."

We got to the bedroom and I shut the door as Abi climbed onto the bed; I stripped my shorts, shorts and boxers off, allowing my hardening cock to slip free. "Spread your legs." She scooted to the edge of the bed and spread her legs, allowing a clear view of her pussy. I moved to the edge of the bed, kneeled between her legs and kissed my way up her legs quickly. As I neared her pussy, I took a deep breath, taking in her scent, before firmly licking the bottom of her slit to the top.

Abi let out a soft moan as I neared her clit; usually we like to tease each other during oral, but tonight after seeing her in the outfit I fucked her on a golf course in, then the bikini, and coupled with the lack of sex that morning, there was no teasing that night. I spent the next 5 minutes licking my way around her pussy, sucking every inch of her lips into my mouth, nibbling on them before moving onto the next spot. As she began to moan louder, quivering a bit, and more importantly became wetter, I slipped a finger into her tight pussy and focused my mouth on her clit.

Considering my head was trapped between her thighs, I can imagine her eyes shot open like they tend to and within 30 seconds, I felt her pussy clamp down on my finger as it worked in and out of her and she began to cum. She let out an "Oh god," which spurred my focus on, hoping to prolong her orgasm as long as possible. After 20 seconds or so, her body began to calm down, and I relaxed the suction on her clit and slid my finger from her, finding it covered in her wetness.

I leaned back to find her looking at me with pure lust in her eyes, I smiled and stood up, "Feet on the floor and turn around."

In an almost pleading voice, she said, "But I want to suck your cock."

"And I want to fuck you, feet on the floor and turn around." I could see she was thinking about pushing it for a moment, but she quickly slid off the bed and turned around. The bed was slightly higher than ours at home, so when she bent over the bed, her ass and pussy were at a perfect height and she could rest her torso on the bed. I admired the view for a moment, before kicking her legs apart slightly and rubbing the head of my cock up and down her wet slit, coving the head in her wetness.

Abi let out a moan as I did this and said, "Please don't tease me, fuck me please."

No sooner than she finished talking, I shoved my cock past her lips and buried it deep inside of her. She let out a grunt followed by a long moan as I held still deep inside of her. I placed both hands on her hips and said, "Put your feet together." Abi shuffled a bit and brought her feet together, increasing the tightness on my cock, causing us both to moan.