A Few Good Girls Ch. 05-02


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"Oh!" I blinked at Nick, standing in front of him totally exposed in thigh-deep water only moments after my fingers had slipped so greedily between my thighs. The object of that fantasy was plainly erect in it's tight, stretchy coverings, now only inches from me. His eyes were making an effort to look at my face. Failing, but clearly trying. Of course, I must admit to similar difficulties.

"Shall we?" He offered me the board and I took it, holding it across my chest with both arms. It was uncomfortably awkward being utterly unable to cover my now-bare crotch, which was kept feeling hotter and wetter as I dripped dry in the warm sun.

"Hey, you know, Dave was nice enough to lend Cindy his shirt when she lost her top." Jess smiled as she set her board on the water and straddled it, her thighs wider than ever. She leaned back, her smooth lips spreading, catching Nick's gaze. Heck, with her tight, taut little body and that totally transparent top, the unspeakable acts I couldn't keep from running through my head were having a hard time picking a star between the two of them.

Why pick just one?

"I, uh..." I licked my lips, giving in once again, "I think that's just, you know... A really good point." I raised an eyebrow at him, "And now... Well, you see, now, we've both lost our bottoms, instead of just me and my top. That shirt was just great for my boobs and all, but, well, I think, maybe..." I eyed his crotch, and as little as that speedo left to the imagination, it couldn't hurt to fill in the blanks... "Maybe there's, um, something you might possibly have, something to help us down there, all wet and, you know, lonely without bottoms to cover up?"

"Well, I..." He started, looking down at the prominent buldge the two of us were both eyeing.

"Yo, Nick, we gotta go! We were supposed to leave fifteen minutes ago!" John shouted from the beach, a topless Wanda reclining behind him.

"Oh, I'm sure you can stay just a few more minutes..." Jess smiled up at Nick more coyly than a bottomless girl straddling a surfboard should be able to. "I mean, we were clearly waiting out here for Wanda to finish sucking John off. You know, he can wait just the same as you did..."

"Ya, I don't think there's too much need to rush..." He nodded, looking down at his watch. "Oh fuck, we are late! Goddamnit!" He looked first at my naked body, still partially occluded by a surfboard, then down at Jess's spread and eager puss. He groaned. "Fu-uck. I gotta go."

"Darn, what a shame." Jess slipped deftly off the surfboard, picking it up as I held mine tight to my chest, my mind entirely elsewhere. "Give it up Cindy, he has to go."

I frowned. "Oh..." I sighed as she handed him her board. He held up his free arm for mine. I bit my lip, as much as I'd bared myself already today, my heart was racing again at the thought of baring my body once more. This time not only to the speedo-clad surfer, but to Wanda's boyfriend back up on shore. Worse, if I let go of the surfboard, what would keep my hands occupied?

"So, Nick, about the cafe this morning." Jess smiled at Nick.

"Oh my gosh, Jess, don't tell him these things!" I glared at her from behind my board.

"Oh, psh, it's not like he can't google it. Anyways, Cindy was, like, crazy horny, right? And, like, I dunno, she just couldn't stop herself and she started -"

"Here." I held it out, "Have it." I pushed my arms awkwardly to my sides, terrified about that same utter lack of self-control taking over again. At least I was sober now.

"I'm surprised she isn't going at it right now, actually." Jess looked at me, "Just how horny are you? Your cute little pussy has just got to be aching for it."

"Dude! C'mon!" John shouted from shore, causing Nick to whine.

"Fuck. I gotta go." He took one last look at the two of us before turning inland.

She looked at me for a moment as Nick walked away and grinned. "Lets go see about those shorts..." She walked after Nick, coming up beside him and placed her hand firmly on the ass of his speedo. "Oooh, it's so soft!" She shouted back, squeezing his butt. "Silky!"

"Is that so?" I bit my lip and chased after, coming up on Nick's other side. His hands full with the two boards, he didn't have one free to push us away. Not that I can imagine he'd want to. So, taking advantage of this limited time opportunity before Nick and his cock went away, I decided to make my own appraisal.

"I dunno," I said, as I reached my free hand over the board in front of him and grasped his very stiff erection through the thin material. "Feels pretty hard to me..." I ran my fingers roughly along his rigid member through the shorts as we walked, Jess bottomless and grabbing his ass on one side and me totally naked on the other, teasing his cock through the thin stretchy fabric. My other hand slid along the front of my hip and down between my thighs, softly caressing along the ridge of my lips. I sighed. I was just covering myself up. Being modest. Yup.

"Okay now, Cindy, I have to call you on that one!" Jess said, pulling her hand away and laughing at me. "I was just considering our missed opportunity to wear comfortable attire." She reached in front now, reaching her hand between his legs and gently grabbing his balls as I continued to run my fingers up and down the very hard erection on the inside of his speedo. "You just wanted to grab his cock!"

"Oh, is that so?" I pulled my hand off and she slid right up into my position, pressing her thumb up and down along the tip. "Because grabbing his ass was completely legit!" I planted my hand square on his firm checks and squeezed. "And I certainly wouldn't have called this soft either." I tried to hide a grin as my other fingers, my modest fingers, my fingers so obviously just covering me up, pressed in gently, spreading my lips. I could feel my breath quickening with my heartbeat.

"She's just mad because she missed the opportunity to learn how to properly suck a dick." Jess explained to Nick as she continued to finger the head of his erection, the two of them totally unaware of the wonderful little tingles of electricity I was sending up through my spine.

I shook my head. I had to stop. This was insane. I tried to think. What did Jess just say? Say something. Anything. You're paying attention. And you're just being modest.

"I suck dick just fine!" I blurted, suddenly confused at my own statement, "In fact, I love to suck dick." My mind raced, trying to defend my insanity. I impulsively reached in front of Nick and rolled his cock over to my side of his shorts, out from under her fingers, and started stroking it again through the thin fabric. "Delicious."

"Like that cum you licked off Jess's tits?" Nick said and I stopped my hand, looking up at him, my face tight. Here I was, naked, pretty much fingering myself, stroking a guy who was a total stranger not an hour ago, all while bragging about my cock sucking abilities? And now he was reminding me that I'd licked cum off Jess's tits. The only thing I could think about was the fact that both my hands were now sliding along in unison.

"Very nice!" Jess grinned, sliding her hand down into the front of Nick's speedo and slipping her fingers around his cock, pulling it back out from under my grip, "Do you see how he took your claim of blowjob mastery and turned it into just plain sloppy seconds on my expertise?"

I racked my brain, trying to recover from the mess I'd made. "That's not the only cum I've had." I swallowed hard. I'm clearly not very good under pressure.

"Seems to me that's the only cum you've been anywhere near recently." She grinned, her hand pumping along inside Nick's speedo. "And boy did it have an effect on her, Nick. Not only did she lick it off my tits like she was starving for it, but that sticky cream made little Cindy here so unbearably hot and her tight, little, hungry pussy so achingly wet that she was fingering herself practically all the way home, just like she's doing now!"

I stumbled as we came out of the water, snapping my hand out from between my thighs, baring myself to John and Wanda on the beach. Jess took her own hand out of Nick's shorts, although only after a dirty look from Wanda.

"Looks like you've spilled some mayo too!" Jess raised her eyebrows at Wanda's bare chest, dribbled with gooey white globs.

"Oh, gosh, so I did!" She looked down, mocking surprise, "I don't suppose you could help me clean that up, could you?"

"You two should definitely help her out." Nick nodded.

"We seriously don't have time for this." John shook his head, the bagged up miscellanea of the cookout in hand, and turned up the beach.

Jess unhesitatingly stepped up to Wanda, swiping a gooey fingerful before speeding after John. "Mmm..." She sighed, coming up next to him, sucking his cum wetly off her finger. Wanda followed after her, pushing up between the two. "Oh, Cindy, this is delightful, you must have some!" She said back to me.

"Well?" Nick said, stepping forward. I bit my lip as he quickly started up the beach and I followed after, my breasts rocking, my arms at my sides, too fearful of my own touch to even hold them down.

"Here you go, sweetie!" Jess had scooped off another taste for me by the time I came up between her and Nick. Walking beside her, I leaned in, sloppily sucking it off her finger as we walked.

"Mmm..." It wasn't the same as before, but it kinda felt the same. It tasted plainly different, but the little shivers of something terrible that it sent down my spine were becoming ever-increasingly familiar. I wrapped my fingers together behind me, leaving my naked body utterly bared, but keeping my hands from chasing those terrible things that were racing down my spine. Between Wanda's large, cum-covered breasts and Jess wearing nothing but that transparent top, my nakedness was hardly out of place, but with my heart racing and my burning little pussy aching like it was, baring myself wasn't what I was specifically worried about.

"You like it, then?" Jess grinned at me.

"It's definitely not the same as off your nipples." I muttered. The taste really was suprisingly different.

Nick stumbled as I'd said that. "You licked cum off Jess's nipples, even?" He managed. "I was just picturing, like, cleavage..."

"I have to admit," Jess grinned over at him, then she looked over at John, "When Cindy's tongue lingered on my nipple, mmm, it just sent shivers all the way down my spine, down between my thighs, into my already-dripping-wet slit... mmm..."

"There wasn't any cum on your nipples..." Wanda looked at Jess, then raised an eyebrow at me. I tried to stare blankly back, but Wanda was making a face.

"You girls certainly are a hoot." John shook his head as we reached the end of the beach, more irritated than enticed by our shenanigans.

"I definitely remember, that cum didn't even go down to the top of your dress." Wanda said. She was really sticking to this...

"Oh my god, please just let it go..." I frowned.

"You didn't happen to take any pictures we could reference to be certain, did you?" Nick asked, smiling.

"I'm certain Cindy was just being thorough." Jess grinned. "Isn't that right, Cindy?"

Now I blushed. The nakedness hadn't done it, and stroking Nick hadn't. Heck, not even being caught fingering myself had. It was being caught for licking Jess's nipple that made me blush. Running my tongue over her sensitive skin for no good reason other than wanting to, and getting caught at it. I tried to casually purse my lips and shrug, my hands still firmly behind my back, my bare breasts jostling briefly with the motion, but my bright red face was giving me away.

"Oh, hun." Jess suddenly smiled more sweetly than she had ever smiled at Nick's cock. She paused, and eyed my red face. "I'm certain we'll be able to make time tonight to figure that one out."

"As much as I would love to know how this turns out, we are, in fact, going to be very, very late." John said, turning and starting briskly up the path to the road. "C'mon, let's go."

"Are you sure you've got to leave?" Jess stepped up to Nick as he started after John, turning him to face her so that her hand could run lightly along the front of his speedo. Then she turned around, her bare buns brushing against the prominent buldge before she bent down and let him slide into her crack as she leaned into Wanda's chest. Her tongue slid along Wanda's breast as she rose back up, deftly lapping up a strand of sticky goodness that had dribbled down the side of Wanda's nipple.

I caught her push the dribble against the corner of her mouth before turning back to Nick, a would-be stray glob expertly placed just for his benefit. "We'd love you to stay. There just isn't enough to fill us up." Her hand back on his crotch, she slipped out her tongue and expertly failed to lick the cum off the corner of her mouth, instead smearing it with a giggle.

"Leaving." John hollared from the road.

"Right..." Nick licked his lips, his eyes tearing from Jess's show to dart along my trim, bare figure once more, then over at Wanda's large, exposed breasts, most of John's cum still splattered across them. "Fuck." He sighed, then turned, heading up after John.

"Well." Wanda turned back down the beach, heading toward the three towels that, along with Jess's top and Wanda's bottoms, were all that remained of what we'd brought with us. "Seeing as none of us can really go anywhere in public now, I guess it's about time to head home." She swiped an open palm across her chest, and tried to flick the cum away, "Damn sticky crap." She muttered.

"Hey, we were eating that!" Jess laughed, coming up alongside her.

"Oh, sorry." Wanda shoved both hands against Jess's chest, roughly wiping John's stickiness off her hands and onto Jess's breasts, displacing Jess's top in the process. "There you go, Cindy." She smirked back at me, following behind them, and I blushed once more.

Jess just smiled, and I smiled at her. She tugged her top back in place, the smeary globs mostly covered by the thin cloth. "So, you got the chance to suck John off while we were out there," Jess said as we came to the towels, wiping up the one stray strand of his goo that her top hadn't covered. Wanda picked up the towels and distributed them around. "On top of showing off to Dave, too."

"Well, I had to do something to John before you did." She smirked, licking her lips, and Jess laughed. "As for Dave, I dunno what you're talking about, I was simply seeing if he thought my tan lines were well defined." She rubbed the towel on her chest before wrapping it around her, fitting it snuggly under her arms. It handily covered up her very ample breasts, but the small cut of it still bared her flat tummy and the light bottoms that showed off her fiery red landing strip. "I can't help it if they're more distinct for my bottoms than for my top."

"And here I thought you'd only shown Dave your tits." I saidly plainly, frowning at my towel as Jess easily wrapped hers around her waist and cinched it in place. "And, you know, you could have at least waited to make John cum until after we'd gotten Nick's shorts off."

"I was less concerned about getting to lick things off Jess's chest than you, I guess." She smirked again, my face still burning with every snide comment.

"Besides, Cindy, you must remember the definition of teamwork!" Jess grinned, knocking her legs apart into a cheering stance, the split of the towel baring skin up her thigh. "Teamwork is: three girls for every cock or three cocks for every girl!" As she chanted the words rather loudly, her arms mimed handling three men standing around her before she clapped twice and kicked her leg up. The kick, of course, dislodged her towel, which she caught with a laugh and recinched on. The two of them were dressed, after a fashion, and turned to watch me struggle with my own towel. "We'd be a pair of lips short out there..." She continued on, "On that note, there's three of us together now... who do you think we should team up on tonight, Cindy?"

"Hmm, I dunno, I think I might want to try out that other part of the definition first..." I licked my lips, my mind still on Nick's speedo as I finally decided on just how to wrap the utterly inadequate towel around my naked body. My large, dark nipples had to peak rather obviously over the top just to ensure it hung far enough down to cover the rest of me. I looked at the two of them, Wanda's tiny towels only barely covering their own half-nudity. My total nudity was plainly a lost cause. I shrugged. At least it was just a short ride in the car back to the apartment. It wouldn't be too bad.

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