A Fine Mess

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Wives trade places to hide one's past and craziness ensues.
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Thanks as always to Todger65 for editing.

A Fine Mess

It wasn't supposed to be that kind of trade


Dan and Jenifer Franklin met at a random event, dated for a while, fell in love, and married. Their beginnings were not unique in the world by any stretch. The relationship that grew between them? Now, that was something special. They were desperately in love with each other and were best friends in all the best senses of the word. It didn't matter what the world threw at them, they handled it together in near perfect harmony. What little disharmony that did occur, was quickly resolved.

Compersion is the sympathetic joy we feel for somebody else, even when their positive experience does not involve or benefit us directly. In simple terms, you experience compersion when something wonderful happens to the person you love, and you feel a sympathetic joy. It feels good when they feel good. Dan and Jen had that for each other to a ridiculous degree. They loved making each other happy, and that included sexually. They didn't have the reservations that many of us do about our fantasies. They knew each other so well that if Jen had a fantasy that she would like to come true, she knew that Dan would enthusiastically try to make it happen. The same was true when it came to Dan's fantasies. They had a lot of fun in, and out, of bed.

Dan was the engineering genius behind his company's success. His partner Ken Tosh was the business genius behind their company's success. The two men had met in college and had become close friends. Neither of them wanted a standard corporate job with all the restrictions that entailed. The two young men were ambitious, extremely smart, and didn't want to wait for the long slog required to advance in a big company. They planned, revised, rethought, and finally, developed their own business plan.

They began small by starting tiny one-off businesses while still in college. All were designed to require the absolute minimum startup capital, offer unique and desirable products, and be the tool for raising the capital they needed to create their dream company. One of those small businesses became so successful that it became difficult to manage while attending college. They had expanded to ten locations when an investment group made them an offer. They took the money and ran laughing to the bank.

Franklin Tosh LLC was created in the days that followed graduation and was a success. They grew until they bumped up against the reality that the regional customer base they relied on was saturated. They had a high percentage of repeat customers, but the chances for growth were small. 'Grow or Die' is one of the golden rules of capitalism. They were stagnating and knew that the golden rule of business was about to bite them in the ass if they didn't do something soon. They had it covered on their end. Consumers loved their product and they had designed in production capacity far beyond what they were using. Their limitation was geographic in nature.

What they needed was a world class customer. A customer with market share all over the country. One customer like that would lead to others and Franklin Tosh would become huge. Multiple high rollers would be preferred, but one would do. There was a significant risk having one high roller. That one account would make or break their company, and that gave the customer a lot of clout. The other non-negotiable issue was maintaining control of the company. They would gladly enter into a manufacturing contract with a high roller, but they would not offer stock in the company. They would certainly consider selling their company if the price was right, but they had no plans on giving up any control at this point. At least not until they had some serious 'Fuck You' money.

The high roller they needed would show up, and when he or she did, interesting things were going to happen.


Ken and Dan had another significant connection. It just so happened that while Dan was dating Jen, Ken had been dating her best friend Morgan. The couples were married one week apart. Dan and Jen wed first with Morgan as her Maid of Honor and Ken as his Best Man. The following week at Ken and Morgan's wedding, Jen stood as Matron of Honor while Dan stood as Best Man. To say that the two couples were close would be a gross understatement.

It wasn't unusual that the two men did not look similar. Dan is a six-foot muscular guy with brown hair and green eyes. Ken is an inch taller, blonde-haired, with blue eyes, and muscle definition that drew stares. They were genuinely nice guys as well, and many women would find either of them attractive, but not irresistible. In summary, they were attractive men in every way, but not panty-droppingly irresistible.

What was unusual was the similarity in their wives. Both women were Brown haired. Their heights were within an inch with Jen being the taller at five-eight. Both had nice c-cup breasts and nice round butts. Description-wise, the biggest difference between them was their eyes. Jen's were hazel, while Morgan's were green.

One would think based on their descriptions that the wives were identical. Nothing could be farther from the truth. While their figures had a lot in common, it was the nuances of nature that made the difference. Morgan had a bit rounder ass, while Jen's breasts were perkier. The shape of their faces varied with Morgan having the fuller face. Seeing them together might make one think that there is a brunette convention nearby, but it would not lead one to think that they were related.

The two women had many things in common. Both loved to laugh, loved to have sex, and were adventurous with their husbands. Both were very intelligent, and both were solid eights out of ten. They looked like women that were so attractive that they might be unobtainable, but not so attractive that a guy would hesitate to take a shot. A fact both women found out time and again when out with their husbands. Dan and Ken knew that if either of them left their wife alone while getting a drink, or visiting the restroom, there would be at least one guy talking to her when he got back.

Dan was discussing the issue with Ken, "It's like my wife is the Pied Piper of Pecker. The guy, or guys, hitting on her always seem surprised when I show up. It's like they can't see the rings on her left hand. I'm just glad that Jen doesn't take any of them seriously. I'd never cheat on her for anything, but if I did, she sure wouldn't have a problem picking my replacement. The volunteers would be crawling out of the woodwork. You know what I mean. Hell, Morgan's the same way."

Ken chuckled, "I like that, Pied Piper of Pecker! That fits both of them perfectly. God help us when we double date and we both leave the table for a minute. So far the studs fade into the woodwork when we show up and that's fine with me. I don't want any drama, but I just know one of these days some douche bag will push, and I'll push back."

Dan nodded, "Right there with you brother. We don't do all that training just for the abs."

Ken grinned, "Hell no! We do it for the hot chicks."

"Yeh, me for my wife, and you for yours," Dan high-fived him on the back inside.

The two couples usually had a night out at least twice a month. On this Saturday they decided to hit downtown and try out a new club. When they arrived, they managed to snag a table. Jen and Morgan settled in while the guys went for drinks. The line at the bar was long and it took a good ten minutes before the men were served. Both looked back toward their table but couldn't get a look. Then both looked at each other and shook their heads. They both knew that they would have to reclaim their seats when they returned.

Drinks finally in hand Dan and Ken made their way through the crowd to their table. Two men occupied their chairs and both had their hands on Jen and Morgan. The two men were massive, extremely fit, handsome, and obviously wealthy.

Dan sat the drinks down on the table, "That's our wives you have your hands on. Take them off and get out of our seats."

The guy looked over his shoulder at Dan, "Fuck off. She's with me now."

His partner chuckled and grabbed Morgan's thigh. Ken was chomping at the bit, waiting for Dan's last attempt.

Dan's response was instantaneous, "Last chance asshole. Let go of my wife and leave,"

The guy that had a hard grip on Jen's arm let her go and stood. He had several inches and a lot of pounds on Dan, "Here's how it's going to be. I'm gonna fuck your wife and she's gonna love it. When I'm done with her she can give you a call to pick her up. Or I can just fuck you up and fuck her anyway."

Dan glanced around the club looking for bouncers. The closest he could see was by the front entrance, which put him out of play. The guy facing him noticed Dan looking and shook his head, "Nobody is going to help you here. We own this place and the bouncers won't see a thing."

Dan smiled, "Good."

Dan gave them credit. The two men moved at once and they were fast. That suited Dan. All that forward momentum would come in handy. His snap kick caught his guy perfectly, dislocating his knee and dropping him screaming to the floor. Dan checked on Ken and found he had used the same strategy.

The two howling men were starting to draw attention. Dan pulled Jen to her feet and handed her the car keys, "Take Morgan and run to the car. Start it and pull up out front. Go now!"

Jen and Morgan forced their way through the crowd. The bouncers converging from around the club ignored them as they investigated the screams of pain. Dan and Ken angled their way through the crowd in an attempt to avoid the oncoming bouncers. When the bouncers spotted their boss he managed to point at Dan and Ken. The bouncers now had targets and rushed to deal with them.

The four bouncers caught up to Dan and Ken as they made it to the parking lot and immediately went on the attack. It didn't end well. Dan and Ken looked up from the four incapacitated men as Jen pulled up. She opened the driver's door, then slid over the console to the passenger side. Dan hopped in front while Ken hopped into the back and they were off.

Silence held in the car while the two men let their adrenaline dissipate. Dan gave his wife a look, "So, what was that all about?"

Jen threw up her hands, "It was nuts! Those guys showed up at our table and sat down without asking. The guy sitting next to me started in on how rich he was and how he was going to make me orgasm all night. I told him, "No you are not!" and that's when he grabbed my boob. I'm sure Morgan was going through the same damn thing. They were getting ready to leave and drag us with them when you came back with the drinks."

Ken sounded off from the back seat, "So, I take it we won't be visiting that fine establishment again?"

Morgan gave him an elbow, "Not if you keep beating up my dates."

Ken snickered at his wife, "How about we go to our house and hang out for a while? There's something I need to talk with everyone about."

Dan pointed the car toward home. He was curious about what his friend wanted to discuss. It couldn't be that could it? Dan had a carefully held secret. A secret only Jen knew. Dan and Jen often shared fantasies and those fantasies often included Ken and Morgan. It was no secret among the four that flirting was a preferred teasing method when the couples got together. Dan and Jen loved to let the flirting feed their fantasies in the privacy of their bedroom.

The thing was that Dan wasn't afraid to talk to his friend about the fantasy of swapping. He was unsure how to go about it. Dan and Jen didn't know what, if anything, they wanted to do about it anyway. While the idea of having sex with their best friends was exciting and erotic, the reality might destroy their friendship, and they weren't about to risk that. The fantasy simmered in the background. The blatant flirting while the four were together just served as fuel to the fire.

It shouldn't be surprising that Ken and Morgan had played with similar fantasies and probably would have been receptive to the idea, assuming the concerns they shared could be addressed. Dan's pondering on the issue wasn't surprising, but he missed the mark. Ken had something totally different on his mind.

Dan pulled into his own garage and the four friends exited the car. A short walk took them out of the garage and across the hundred feet between the two couples' houses. Dan and Jen walked into the house that was almost as familiar to them as their own. Dan helped Ken fix drinks and they all settled in the living room.

Ken looked serious and uncomfortable when he focused his attention on Jen and Morgan, "Dan and I were going to wait until the contract was signed to tell you, but in light of new information, I think it's best I tell you now. Dan, I'm sorry I couldn't talk to you about this earlier, but I wanted you and Jen to be together when I explain. You'll know why in a minute.

"The good news is that we have our high roller and he's a good one. There is no doubt we will exceed our business plan by a large margin. We will be wealthy beyond anything that we ever dreamed. We could sell part, or all, of the company and spend the rest of our lives doing whatever the hell we wanted.

"Now for the interesting part. The high roller is Tom Black."

Morgan's face screwed up, "Uh oh."

Dan and Jen looked on in confusion and Ken held up his hand, "I'm getting to that. Here is the situation. Tom insists on meeting our wives over dinner at our house. He wants to get a feel for our relationship. I expect that he wants to see how stable our marriages are. If he detects problems he may not want to take the risk of entering a contract with us.

"That's one side of the issue. Normally, that wouldn't be a big deal. The problem actually goes back to Morgan's father. Good old dad is as ruthless as they come in business. Which is one of the reasons I don't get along with him all that well."

Morgan interrupted, "That and he treats you like shit. Dad's a real bastard and always has been. You all know my mom, but there is a reason you've never met my dad. I don't like him and can't stand to be around him. He treated me like an annoyance my entire life and never once showed any affection. He didn't hesitate to tell me that having me had ruined my mother's crotch. He wasn't invited to the wedding and I doubt that he would have come anyway."

Dan and Jen understood what they were being told but were having trouble making the connection. Jen questioned Ken, "So, what's Morgan's dad got to do with having dinner with Mr. Black?"

Ken nodded, "Therein lies the rub. Tom Black was undermined by Morgan's dad on several contracts and it cost him millions. Morgan's dad deliberately underbid, knowing he couldn't possibly complete the contract within budget. The buyers didn't realize their error until, months into the projects, their low-bidding contractor declared bankruptcy. The buyers were left with partially completed messes and their money was gone. Morgan's dad had shielded himself from a direct connection to the bankrupt company and walked away with the money. Tom Black hates his guts.

"That's the connection that leads to why we're talking. During the early bid process, Morgan's dad invited Tom out to his house for dinner. Tom went in good faith thinking that good old dad might be interested in partnering on the deal. He met Morgan's mom and saw Morgan's picture. As a matter of fact, he was quite taken with Morgan and asked her father if he could ask her to dinner. Morgan's mom was concerned, but she had noted that while her husband had talked at length about her daughter's potential as a lover, he had never mentioned Morgan's name. She wouldn't be surprised if the man had forgotten what her name was. It proved to be a non-issue because Morgan's dad screwed him over without having to use his own daughter as a prostitute.

"As far as Tom knows, Morgan was at least approving of her father's actions. If he sees that she is my wife the deal will be off immediately. He will naturally assume that he's being set up again.

"Now for the tough part. Let's say for the sake of argument that Morgan was Dan's wife, he would look at it entirely differently. He thinks of me as the business and Dan as the manufacturing brain. He doesn't feel threatened by Dan because Dan isn't handling the money. Of course, he doesn't know how closely Dan and I work together and he's assuming as CEO I'm the only one in charge. I'm sure he would recognize Morgan and there might be some discussion, but he wouldn't back out."

Dan was beginning to get the picture, "And so, if I'm married to Morgan, then you must be married to Jen?"

Ken nodded, "Exactly. What I am proposing is that we trade wives for dinner with Tom. Jen will play my wife and Morgan will play yours. We get through the dinner and Tom leaves happy."

Jen immediately perked up, "Hell, let's do it! It could be a lot of fun."

Morgan was right there with her, "I'm in for sure!"

Ken looked over at Dan to get his response, "It sounds like the perfect way to deal with the issue and I'll admit if everything goes right it could be a lot of fun. I have this feeling in my gut that there are nuances we aren't aware of. Nuances that could bite us in the ass if we're not careful...

"I agree conditionally. We need to prepare for this, and while I've seen Ken and Morgan interact for years, I don't have Ken's in-depth personal experience with Morgan, or her with me. The same goes for Jen and Ken. We have three nights before the dinner. I think Ken and I should trade houses each evening until bedtime. We would spend that time getting to know each other's wives a little better, and establish a relaxed connection so we don't give ourselves away on dinner night.

"What I'm saying is that we would spend the evening as we always do, just with each other's wife. I'm still not explaining this well. You know what I mean, talking, hanging out, one on one time. Hell, we all know what the boundaries are. None of us would do something that would harm the other."

Morgan winked at Dan, "I'm all about stretching some boundaries."

Jen laughed, "Sure thing babe, but keep me posted on how far so I can keep up."

Both men groaned. They realized that their wives were going to tease the ever-living shit out of them for three days. They could only hope that the payoff would be worth the torture. The night was still young, having been cut short at the club and that made up Ken's mind. He stood and took Jen's hand, pulling her to her feet, "Well, no time like the present. Mrs. Tosh would you please accompany me to the Franklin home?"

Jen grinned and made sure we all saw her looking at his crotch, "Well certainly Mr. Tosh. I'm sure something will pop up for us to talk about. I'll send you home at midnight."

Morgan's laughter and Dan's nervous chuckle followed them to the door. As soon as the door closed behind them Morgan plopped down on Dan's lap. Dan looked at her with raised eyebrows, "This is what you do with Ken when you are alone?"

Morgan grinned, "This and so much more."

Dan gave her a little swat on the butt, "You're teasing is going to get you spanked. You had better behave."

Morgan put on a fake pout, "But I am a good girl."

The pout turned into a lascivious grin, "A very good girl who likes to stretch boundaries and I'm about to stretch one right now. I've always wondered what it would be like to kiss you."

Suddenly her lips were on his and his resistance was non-existent. Kissing her had long been a fantasy of his and he had absolutely no problem kissing her back. They lost themselves in the kiss that both had teased, and fantasized about, for so long. Both knew that at the same moment their spouses were very likely doing the same thing and that knowledge just added to the thrill. They let themselves fully enjoy the kiss and would have happily spent the remainder of the evening making out except for one thing. Dan appreciated Morgan's kisses and his cock was firm evidence of his appreciation.