A Footnote in Family History

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At 18, his life changes in a big way.
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It was another steamy, humid summer day in August. I was 18, and my life was about to change forever.

My family wasn't rich. However, we were lucky enough to have an above ground pool. It was a decent size, about 24 feet in diameter, with a wooden deck that went around most of it. One Saturday, I was floating on a raft, all alone in the pool. My mom was working, and my older sister Julie was out with her friends. It was so relaxing, the sun beating down, music playing in the background, and no one to bother me. I had been out there for about an hour, when I decided to go inside to help my relaxation. I went up to my room, opened the desk drawer, and pulled out my bag of weed. I grabbed the 2-foot bong, filled it with ice water, and smoked away. It was pretty good stuff, so I just took a couple hits. I was officially stoned!

"This is the life," I said out loud to myself as I made my way back down stairs. "A pool, a buzz, and nothin' to do." I grabbed a big glass of water and headed back outside.

Instead of the raft, I grabbed the floating chair. It's got two big armrests, one with a cup holder, and keeps you in the water from the waist down. The back is reclined, kind of like a La-Z-boy. It was about 1:00 in the afternoon, so the sun was still pretty hot. I put on my shades, took a sip of water, and then let my mind start to drift away. I've always been a daydreamer, and the hot sun and the pot were both kicking in.

I started thinking about walking around the mall yesterday. I love this time of year, because all the girls are wearing different types of sandals. I really love them all, flip flops, leather Doc's, strappy ones, and especially the black "slides" all the girls wear now. I love to get on an escalator when I see a girl with pretty feet. I get on a step or two behind her, this way I can stare and get a great view.

While walking through the Gap, I noticed this one girl, about 20, looking through the jeans. She was wearing a tiny, red tank top, cut off shorts and flip-flops. The flip-flops were black, with a thicker sole than usual. She had feet just the way I like, the toes descended in size from the big toe to the pinky toe (some girls have a toe that's longer than the big toe). She had a silver toe ring, and they were polished in a very feminine pastel pink. Her skin was tan, but not too tan, and her feet were very smooth looking, no veins or wrinkles. My cock started to stir in my shorts. I looked through the shirts that were close to her, so I could watch as she moved around. When she kneeled down a little, her heels lifted off the shoe. They were so rosy red and warm looking. My dick was really starting to come to life now. She grabbed a pair of jeans and headed for the dressing room. I had great position, because I was in between her and the dressing room. She slowly started walking this way. I couldn't take my eyes off her feet. 10 pretty toes coming my way. I knew I was staring, but I couldn't help it. I looked up right as she passed by. Her eyes caught mine, and embarrassed, I looked quickly away. I was really heating up, and my dick was rock hard. I decided to look around the store a little more while I waited for her return. I carried a shirt on a hanger in front of me to cover the bulge in my pants.

After what seemed like forever, my pretty toed friend came out of the dressing room. She had the jeans on, and she was bare foot! She headed towards the 3-way mirror. It was such a hot look, the back bottom of the jeans were a little long, and were wrapped under the back of her heel. I had to get a closer look. I eased my way over, looking through racks of clothes, but always with one eye on her. I was now about 5 feet from her. This was a dream come true. I could see all sides of her feet at once through the 3-way mirror. She helped, by slowly turning to see herself in all different angles. She was even on her tiptoes a little as she turned. All blood had now rushed to my cock. I felt like just diving on the floor and licking all over...

"Mickey, Mickey!" being yelled scared me awake.

"Mickey," I looked up to see my sister Julie standing on the deck, "You space case, what are you doing?" Nothing like your sister interrupting a great daydream. Especially when you've still got a raging hard on. My waist was still under water, so she probably couldn't tell.

"I'm just relaxing, well I was until you came home."

"I hope you don't mind, but Sharon and Janice are here, and we're going to use the pool"

"No, I don't mind...them, but do you have to stay?" I said sarcastically. Julie and I actually get along very well, even though we're pretty different. She's much straighter than I am, doesn't really drink or smoke, never really been in trouble. I like to smoke pot, drink with my friends. Nothing more than most kids my age.

Just then, Sharon and Janice walked up the deck. I knew Sharon, because her and Julie were friends in high school. Janice was a girl she met in college. Julie introduced us, I said "Hey" to Sharon, and they began setting up their towels on the chairs. I watched as they took off their t-shirts and shorts. Good thing my sunglasses were dark, because I couldn't take my eyes off them. I was still pretty sexed up from my day dreaming, and this was getting me going again. Let me tell you about these girls. Sharon is 5' tall, skinny, little tits, and very curvy hips. She also has great legs from her years of jogging. Janice is much taller, about 5' 8", dark black hair, bigger tits, but not huge, and also a very nice body. She actually had the same look as Sharon, just taller.

The girls sat down and began to oil up. I loved watching them as they rubbed their sun-warmed skin. They oiled their faces, arms, stomach, legs, and as they got to their feet, I thought my head would explode. The funny thing is, the 3 of them are talking, and have no idea that I'm staring, and getting driven crazy.

Sharon lifted her leg off the chair a little and bent her knee to reach her foot better. Sharon has these little feet, but I've always found them sexy. She always has them polished, wears a leather ankle bracelet, toe ring, and a little red rose tattoo on her left ankle. I watched as she rubbed oil into the top, but what really got me is when she spread her toes out with help from her fingers, and rubbed the lotion in. It looked like she was giving herself a foot massage.

I sat there, floating and relaxing. What a day! It couldn't get any better. The girls just chatted away, not even looking at each other, just lying in the chairs enjoying the sun. I stared at their feet, got hard, and daydreamed some more. Mostly about how it would feel to jump up on the deck and rub those pretty feet. I'd have one girl rub her feet all over my back, while I massaged the feet of the other. I would rub Janice's foot all over my chest and face, kissing her foot, sucking her toes, licking in between them, while Sharon rubbed hers on my back, in my hair, grabbed my ears with her toes. I would take out my cock, and put one foot in my mouth and the other on my crotch. God it would feel so good to have those pretty toes rubbing my dick. I would have them both put their feet on my dick at the same time...rubbing, sliding them up and down my shaft...

"Mickey...Mickey!" The voice of my sister again woke me from a great fantasy daydream.

"What, can't you see I'm relaxing?" I was frustrated, my dick had been hard on and off for a couple hours now.

"Mom's home and she needs help carrying in the groceries."

"Fine, I'll be there in a minute," I yelled back.

It took a couple minutes for my dick to go down. I paddled to the edge of the pool. It wasn't so bad having to get out of the pool, because I got to walk past Janice and Sharon again. They both looked so good. They had been in the sun for a while, so their skin was glistening. All I wanted was to jump on their chairs, take out my cock, and cum all over their feet. I had a great view as I walked past them. They both had their knees bent, so their feet were flat on the chairs. This gave me a great look at the whole foot. Janice 's toes were glistening with maroon polish. I walked slowly, taking it all in. Sharon's toes were dark blue. As I walked past them, down the stairs of the deck, I said to myself again, "What a day."

I helped my mom bring in the groceries. She informed me that the girls were staying for dinner. I wanted to go to my room to jerk off, but I figured I'd hold off a little longer since they were staying. I would wait until right after they leave, while they're still fresh in my mind.

Mom came through, made a good dinner. We all cleaned up and headed for the living room. We have an "L" shaped couch. Mom and sis' were on one couch, and Sharon and Janice were on the other. I sat in the La-z-Boy. We were watching TV, nothing too exciting. Mom asked what the girls were up to tonight. Julie said they were going to hang out for a little while, then meet up with friends. I had decided to stay in and relax. I had a lot of jerking off to catch up on.

The scene in the living room was getting me going again. The girls were still barefoot, and were sitting with their legs up on the coffee table. They had changed into shorts, but there was still plenty of skin showing. At first I was looking out the corner of my eye, trying to glimpse as much feet as I could. They were so close, only 5 feet away. So close, but so untouchable. That was making it even worse. My cock had slowly gotten harder and harder, and now it was at full mast.

This time it was Janice driving me nuts. She kept slightly stretching her calves. When she did this, she would also point her toes. Her legs would lift just an inch or 2 over the table, and she would hold the stretch for 20 or 30 seconds. It seemed like forever, because I'd get such a great view. After stretching, she'd roll her ankles in a circle. She had such a pretty arch in her foot. Smooth skin.

When she would relax for a second, I'd turn my sights to Sharon. She liked to rub her feet over her shins. Real slow, she'd slide them up and down, from the kneecap to the top of her foot. Occasionally she used her big toe to scratch her leg a little bit. God how I wanted her to slide those toes all over my cock. I kind of came back to reality a minute and realized I was staring.

I glanced over to see if anyone noticed. Sharon and Janice were watching TV and talking to Julie, none of them even noticed. However, when my eyes caught my mom's, she looked me in the eyes, and then looked quickly at the girls' feet then back at me. She gave me a quick smirk. Embarrassed, I looked away, back at the TV.

Now, each time I tried to look back over, I'd see mom peeking at me. She was trying to pretend she wasn't, but I knew she kept taking a peek.

This went on for about 30 minutes, when finally the girls got up to leave. They said good-bye to mom and me, thanked us for dinner and the pool, and they and my sister left for the night. Mom and I both got up to walk them all out. I knew mom was watching me, but I had to get my last view in. It was a good one too, watching them walk, and then bending down to slip on their shoes. I had to pictures in my mind now: Barefoot and Shoe. I tried to be cool about it, but I knew my mom knew what I was doing.

Finally, now was my chance to take care of business. I went to the kitchen to get a big cup of ice water to head upstairs with. My mind was already racing, should I think of Sharon, Janice, at the pool, inside...the girl at the Gap.... endless possibilities. I was thinking I had enough material for 2 loads. "What a great night," I said softly to myself.

As I made my way to the stairs, "Mickey, Mickey?" Mom yelled.

"What," I said frustratingly. I was in a great state of mind, and didn't want to ruin it talking to my mom.

"Come in here please," she said nicely.

"What," as I entered the living room.

"Come here and sit down, I want to talk to you."

"Limp," I thought as I walked over to the couch.

Mom was sitting in the corner of the "L", I sat near the edge. "Did you have a nice day today," she asked softly.

"Yeah, just hung out in the pool." I said quickly. I just wanted to get this conversation over with. I was still all worked up, and needed to release some tension upstairs.

"Julie's friends are nice huh?" She said.

"Yeah mom."

"You seemed to like them," she said coyly.

I did not want to have this conversation with my mom right now. "Yeah mom, they are nice."

I was looking back and forth between the TV and mom. Answering her questions, but not making too much eye contact. I figured this would keep the conversation short, and get me upstairs where I need to be.

"You seemed like you really liked them, Honey," she said teasingly.

"Whatever Mom."

Just then I felt my mom tickle my side. I turned to push her hand away...It wasn't her hand. She dug her big toe into my side again. I'm pretty ticklish, so I jumped a little and pushed her foot away. She stopped for a minute.

It was quiet for a minute, and then she said, "Honey, can you do me a favor? I was running around the office all day today, my feet are killing me" I turned to look at her; she smiled innocently, and held her foot out. "Please"

She had never asked me to do this before, so it felt a little strange. "Mom, I want to play around on my computer," I said pleadingly. This would feel too weird.

"You can play on the computer in 10 minutes, just 5 minutes a foot."

I looked at her right foot that she was still holding towards me. She always wore thick, slipper like socks. I figured I'd just get it over with so I could get upstairs. I grabbed her foot, and roughly massaged it, trying to do a bad job so she wouldn't ask me again.

"Slower," she said, "and not so hard."

I eased up a little. "That's it, that feels great," she said in very relaxed voice. "Honey, turn towards me, doing this sideways doesn't work."

I turned and faced her.

"That's better, now I can see you." With that, she repositioned herself a little, moving a little closer so her left foot was touching my leg. "You're very good at this honey, it feels great." As she said that, she leaned back slightly, half closed her eyes, and really relaxed. I was still massaging her right foot, and I repositioned myself, now sitting Indian style. She was still very quiet, letting out an occasional "mmm" as I worked her foot.

Suddenly, I felt her left foot start moving, rubbing, side to side on my leg. She wasn't using a lot of pressure, just slightly moving, back and forth, back and forth. I was wearing shorts, and the feel of her sock on my skin was very nice. "Mmm" she said again as she stretched her calf in the leg I was holding. "This feels so great Honey."

Without even thinking, I slowly pulled her sock off. It was very thick, and hard to rub through. As soon as my hands touched her bare skin, her left foot pushed harder against my leg. "Oh honey, mmmmm" Her eyes had been closed earlier, however as I rubbed my thumbs up and down her sole, she looked me in the eye. She didn't say anything; she just stared for a moment, gave me a quick smile, and closed her eyes again.

As I rubbed my palms all around her foot, fingers through the toes, I looked down and saw my cock was as hard as a rock. It was straining to get released from my shorts. Reality quickly set in, that here I was rubbing a foot, but it was my moms'! I looked up at my mom again. She must have sensed something. She looked me in the eyes again, looked down at my crotch, and then gave me the same reassuring smile as before.

"Keep going Honey," she said in a husky whisper.

I gave her a quick smile back, and began rubbing again. As I looked at my mom, and especially at her feet, I realized what an attractive woman this was. She was in her mid 40's, but kept active and had a nice body. Her long, black hair and deep blue eyes accentuated her pretty face.

Her foot. Her foot. As I looked down, I realized that not only did she have pretty feet, but also they were my type. Fire engine red polish. From the pinky toe to the big toe, each one got slightly bigger, however they were almost all the same size. They were a little chubby, not fat, just chubby. Her foot had a very high arch. The skin was smooth as can be, no wrinkles on the toes, heel, anywhere. This is the perfect foot!

My rubbing and concentration intensified, as I was getting in synch with what areas caused a reaction in my mom. She loved it when one by one I took a toe between my index finger and thumb. I'd start at the base and pull up with just a touch of pressure. She moaned, no purred, as I did this to all 5 toes.

After what seemed like hours, I put her right foot in my lap and picked up her left. It still had the sock on. As I slowly pulled it off, she moaned softly, "Mmm. Oohhh" and pressed her right foot into my leg.

Her left foot was so warm in my hands. I began to rub. As I pressed my thumbs into her heel, she sighed, then inched her right foot up my leg, and rested it over my crotch. As I rubbed, he used her toes and gripped my cock. She rubbed up and down with just a little pressure for just about a minute. It felt incredible. It was the first time a foot had ever been that close to my cock. She then relaxed her foot by resting it on my bare thigh. The feel of her warm smooth sole made my cock feel even harder. I was so relaxed, I was euphoric.

I continued to rub her left foot. It was still warm from the combination of my mom's excitement and being in the thick sock. The sole was rosy red, almost matching the color of her polish. The warm skin was the softest thing I'd ever felt.

Now was the time. I had been rubbing and massaging, however I needed to taste this foot. NOW. As I slowly lifted the foot to my mouth, mom's big toe started to rub my thigh. Her foot didn't move, just the toe, scratching back and forth.

"Yes honey...oohh..." as her foot was right in front of my face.

I leaned in, and inhaled. The faint odor made me even hotter. I inhaled again.... It was the sweetest smell in the world. I moved closer, I had to touch mom's foot to my face. I held it up, turned my head slightly, and pressed my cheek to the bottom of her foot. I held still for a moment. The soft, warm skin was like a magnet, my face belonged there.

I rubbed my cheek softly on her foot. I now let out a moan, "OH yeah...mmm."

Upon hearing me moan, mom pressed her foot harder into my thigh. I rubbed my face harder into her foot. Slowly I turned my face so my nose was right in the middle of her sole. I pulled back slightly. I blew a little air onto her foot, and then I couldn't hold off any longer. I reached my tongue out and let the tip touch her heel. With just a little pressure, I slowly licked all the way up to her toes. I could feel the couch move, as mom rotated her hips. Grinding her ass and pussy on the cushions. I held both hands around her ankle and leaned in again. I reached my tongue just under her big toe. I licked slowly, sensuously from left to right, just under the tips of her toes. I went back and forth a couple more times. Mom loved it.

"That's sooo good honey," she moaned. "Please put them in your mouth."

I teased her just a little more. I licked in between her toes, sliding my tongue in and out of her toes. Her foot in my lap was now rubbing harder. "Please suck them...please"

I couldn't wait any longer either. I put her big toe in my mouth. It was so soft and tasty. I sucked on it like it was a piece of hard candy. I rubbed my thumbs up and down her sole, as I continued to suck her toe. I looked into mom's eyes. We stared right through each other. Without saying a word, we both pulled off our shirts. Mom had a sexy black, lace bra on. She unhooked the front clasp and slid it off. She had small tits, B cups, but they still looked good. She had small, quarter sized aureoles, but her nipples were incredible. They stuck out almost an inch. The tips were bulging; in fact they looked like a toe. This was a sexy, horny woman.