A Friend Indeed is a Team Player

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Man sucks roommate and then boss - gets covered in cum.
5.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/13/2017
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I wanted to write about the popular fantasy of sucking a huge cock and huge loads of cum. I think this covers all bases. Please comment.



I just got my first "real" job out of college working for a company that manufactures small components for the Aerospace industry. I sweated my way through three interviews and, after countless prayers, happily accepted their meager offer doing application engineering work. The pay was standard for a new graduate but, for me, it was fantastic. I had accrued a lot of debt in college and a real job was key to allow me to start paying it off and starting a new life.

The company was small with only seven employees. The owner was my boss, Chuck. Apparently, he had started off machining components on some high-tech cnc machines. After doing this for years, he'd moved into the field and then into sales. He was able to secure some good-sized contracts and, instead of running them through his employer, had started his own company. The company was apparently doing fine -- although not great.

When hired, I was told by Chuck that I'd have to do a lot of traveling with him as he visited customers. He needed me to help couch his proposals with the 3d drawings and technical knowhow his customers demanded.

The idea of having to travel for work was very exciting to me. I had no wife or girlfriend -- for that matter, I had no family. My Mom died my freshman year. I never knew my father. Also, I'd never really been anywhere outside of a one-hundred-mile radius of my home. I'd get to see the country. And It'd be paid for by the company!

"We're small," Chuck exclaimed after hiring me. "No fancy hotels when you travel. Many times we double up. That gonna be a problem for you?"

"No sir!" I assured him.

In reality, it truly wasn't an issue. I had shared a cheap apartment in college with five other guys. Six guys equals no privacy. One of my roommates, Rick, was kind of a jerk and an exhibitionist. He had used every excuse to run around nude or flop his long flaccid dick at me and the rest of the guys -- well, mostly at me. The other guys told him to leave them alone and he did. When I told him, he always ignored me. After a while, I just tried to ignore him. The guys ended up calling him "eRickshun". They all laughed when he'd walk up next to me when I was studying and he'd startle me by slapping his dick against the table or against my face when I turned to look at him. Or sometimes, when I was watching TV, he'd straddle me on the couch, pinning my arms with his legs, and he'd rub his dick over my face. So immature! I learned to put up with his childish teasing. Some kids are just that way -- they're kinda jerks or bullies. After a year or two his antics became somewhat normal. Mostly, I just ignored him.

By my Junior year, eRickshun, I discovered, had gotten into the habit of sneaking over to my bed when I was asleep, and rubbing his cock against my lips while masturbating. He was such a jerk! I caught him when I woke up suddenly one time but pretended to sleep -- not believing that he was really doing this. He ending up cumming on my face and against my lips. This explained why I had been waking up every so often in a pool of -- what I thought was drool!

I was going to confront him the next day but didn't want to rock the boat. He was my friend, right? My roommates were my only friends, in fact. Their teasing was harsh at times but I could take it. And eRickshun was just messing around -- even if I thought it was overboard. I felt pretty sure he'd stop doing it -- he knew it was wrong...and he was my friend. Friends don't treat other friends like that.

But he didn't. Stop, that is. He came on my face and mouth weekly. By October, I was getting pretty mad because I kept having to clean my pillow and pillow case. I decided to let him have a piece of my mind even if this might cause a rift in our friendship.

However, the next day, the more I thought about it, the more I didn't want to cause trouble. In the end, it wasn't such a big deal even if it was kinda gay. Not a big enough issue to ruin our friendship, I thought.

Then a thought occurred to me...even though I wasn't gay - maybe eRickshun was. He kept putting his dick on me and stuff...That would explain it. This realization made me feel bad for him. Not because he was gay - to each his own and all. But because, I realized, he probably had all kinds of emotional stuff locked inside him -- closeted away. He was probably really suffering and I was going to make it worse by yelling at him. I would make it worse by risking our friendship. I decided I couldn't do that to a friend.

That night, I realized there was another solution that wouldn't put our friendship at risk. I would let him cum in my mouth instead of on my face and lips. By this point, I had already tasted his cum many times. Quite frankly, I actually liked the flavor more than that of my own cum which I ate regularly when I jacked off. So it was really no big sacrifice for me. Plus, I had to admit, the feeling of his dick head against my lips was kinda nice.

So when I heard him getting out of his bed and coming over to me, I turned my head to the side of the bed and opened my mouth wide as if breathing through it. I felt his presence next to me and heard the light slapping sound of his hand against his dick. I then felt the familiar warmth and heft of his dick against my cheek. At this point, he'd normally rub it against my lips until he pried them open. Instead, he slid his cock down and slipped the head into my open mouth. I heard him gasp loudly.

He pushed until the whole head and maybe an inch of cock was in my mouth. I really hoped this was helping him get through whatever he was dealing with. It was kinda embarrassing for me. After all, I now had his penis in my mouth. I almost smiled with these two thought though. I was happy to truly help a friend. I also had to admit I liked the feeling of his dick in my mouth. My own penis was fully erect! As a straight guy, this was so strange!

eRickshun pulled his dick out of my mouth. It made an audible "popping" sound when it cleared my lips. He stopped, probably concerned I'd wake up. After a moment, he pushed in again.

Rick sighed quietly, "Ohhhh"

He withdrew with the same quiet "pop".

Rick thrust in again. I felt him reach the back of my mouth. He rotated his hips a bit. His dick moved around my mouth. I pushed my tongue tight under the rim of the head.

Rick swore softly.

He pulled out and thrust back in immediately.

He did this again. Then again, faster.

Soon Rick started fucking my mouth. This didn't last long until I felt a spurt of hot liquid in my mouth.

"FuhhhhhhK" Rick whispered.

He kept thrusting, now not pulling it out of my lips but literally fucking my mouth.

I felt another spurt of hot liquid. Rick kept pumping and swearing quietly. I realized I had to swallow all of his cum or it would pour out of my mouth and onto my pillow again.

I closed my mouth and swallowed.

Rick froze, maybe afraid I was awaking. His body shuddered and his dick released more cum into my mouth. Rick exhaled quietly as he shuddered and let the cum pulse into my mouth.

When I swallowed the third time, I breathed in loudly through my nose, closed my lips tight around his dick and turned my head and body away from him. This allowed me to clean the cum off his dick until it slid out of my mouth and to turn over to face away from him.

After standing there in silence for a moment, eRickshun tiptoed back to his bed. I quietly jerked off and added my own cum to his. I laughed at myself. I wasn't even gay!

eRickshun did this to me and I kept up my pretense of sleeping for all of Junior year -- at least twice a week. Sometimes nightly.

During my senior year. I pretended to wake up. eRickshun was mortified at first. I calmed him by telling him I understood his "issue". We could still be friends, I explained. If he wanted, I would help him out.

Rick is probably still in the closet today - even after I gave him secret blowjobs throughout all of senior year.

I even learned to take his whole dick into my mouth. Part of it even went into my throat! I learned to do this quietly without gagging. I didn't want the other roommates to wake up and discover Rick's secret. I felt good that I was able to be such a good friend.

So, during my work initiation, when Chuck told me about sharing a room, I had no concerns.

Compared to my college experience, how bad could sharing an occasional hotel room with my boss be? At least he was straight!

Chuck, I discovered, was a mostly likeable but often bossy man about twenty years older than me. He was tall and seemed to be in good shape.

Understanding that I was the low man on the totem pole, I did what I could to make sure that I resolved our customers' issues quickly and efficiently so he could close the sales. Sometimes it didn't matter and I'd get scolded like a kid.

"Davis, didn't I tell you to answer Kerns before leaving yesterday?" He'd yell causing me to jump to attention.

"Yeah Chuck but you-"

"Don't you 'yeah Chuck' me! Do you think I can't hire another damn application engineer within a week? Get your ass in gear, dammit! You want to stay employed? You gotta add value! You goddam do what I tell you to do!" He'd bellowed.

I absolutely could not afford to lose my job - especially not in this economy. I learned that when he told me to do something, I did it. Now.

During the first six months, I stayed around the office and learned our products and offered assistance by phone or email. Chuck kept me on my toes. He was very demanding and sometimes unreasonable. Rent needed to be paid and my debts were not taking care of themselves so I learned to deal with it. I jumped when he said jump. I obeyed his commands. I became a good worker and worked hard to please him.

One day, Chuck called me into his office.

"Davis? The Kerns crew liked our solution. They have some issues and questions they'd like us to go over. We're driving up there tomorrow afternoon so we can be there first thing Thursday. Grab the X4 prototypes and have Marcus mount two of the finigan pins to the left side of the first one. Have him use your solution, the last one? You know, the one with the oblong range bevel that replaces the one pin? Have him prepare that. Take 'em both."

I did what he asked, made sure my laptop was loaded with the appropriate drawing and that I had physical copies as well.

The next day we made the four hour drive. We checked into the hotel and, sure enough, were booked into one room with two queen beds.

For me, even though it was a typical business hotel, the room seemed pretty nice. I'd only stayed in cheap motels before. The fact that Chuck would be sleeping in the bed four feet away didn't bother me. Why would it? It kinda made me think of eRickshun.

"Just drop your gear. We'll go grab a bite and get back here before it's too late." Chuck said tossing his bag on the first bed.

At the sleepy Mexican restaurant next to the hotel, Chuck ordered tequilla shots for both of us from the hot Latina milf waitress with the low-cut blouse. We both watched her swing her sexy ass as she took our order to the kitchen.

Chuck flashed his eyebrows. "What a hottie, huh? Maybe we can get her to come back to the hotel with us..."

I laughed and agreed but though about how awkward that would be - me and my boss fucking some hot Latina waitress together...'

"Course, she may be too loose for you after The Beast gets through with her." With this he reached his hands under the table, presumably to grab his dick.

Again, I laughed awkwardly.

I'm not much of a drinker. Maybe it's because of my size -- I don't know but I can't really hold my liquor. Chuck was having none of my protests.

"Dammit Davis! I'm buyin. What do you care? Here's to getting a big order tomorrow! Cheers!" and we downed our shots. At his insistence, we both had the special large margarita, which was served in an absurd cup -- a chalice, really." Then, over the meal, I had a beer. Chuck had two.

Both of us made comments to each other about the beautiful waitress. We made some colorful remarks to her too. She was polite and returned our flirty banter. By the end of the meal, I had a nice buzz. I don't think Chuck did.

Chuck and the waitress flirted throughout the night. Finally, when she brought the check and after he had mentioned "the beast" about a million times to her, she teased him about proof. "All ju men talk about jour beasts. In the end ju all have a cute leettle poppy..."

Chuck asked her to give him her hand. She looked around furtively but the restaurant was dead. He guided her hand under the table to apparently caress his cock. I guess it was actually pretty big because her eyes widened, she gasped, and after a second or two, she pulled her hand away.

She took a step backwards, blushed, and blurted out a stream of Spanish. I only caught "caballo" which I think means 'horse'.

Chuck laughed and tried to convince her to come back to the room with us. After much back and forth she declined firmly. Failing that, he tried to convince her to flash us her tits. I guess Chuck is quite the salesman because, after hemming and hawing, she did it.

She looked around and lifted her blouse up to her bra showing us her flat tummy. Then she grabbed her bra and lifted it with the blouse up to her neck. There, in all of their glory were her sexy d-cup tits capped with big hard nipples. My dick solidified.

She held her dress there and winked. "Ju like?"

Chuck and I nodded. "Yes. Yes we like...".

Chuck reached up, squeezed her breast and pinched a nipple.

She pulled down the dress and looked offended in a sexy way. Smiling, she said, "No toushing my teets! Now ju bad man. Ju leave me a nice teep..." and she walked away, smiling over her shoulder.

We paid our bill and Chuck left a healthy tip. On our walk back to our room I was lightly drunk and very horny. I didn't even think about Chuck.

I got to the bathroom first and took a well needed piss. While Chuck did the same, I started getting undressed. I had brought a pair of sweat shorts to wear to bed. Just as I got out of my underwear, Chuck came out of the bathroom, still dressed but with a bath towel over his shoulder.

I smiled awkwardly at Chuck. He was clearly staring at my dick.

At the restaurant, I had gotten a hard-on from the waitress. Now my dick was deflated but still retained some thickness and length. I guess it was about four inches now -- down from its five and a half inches at the restaurant.

Chuck looked up at me from my dick. "She gave you a hard-on too, huh? Hot little number made me so horny! Sheesh! I was sure I could get her to come back here..."

Chuck tossed the towel on his bed and started undressing. I pulled my sweat shorts up to cover myself.

"Yeah, um...yeah she was a hottie. What great tits, huh?" I agreed.

Chuck removed his shirt and slid his pants off. I realized he was hairless. He must wax or shave or something. I also realized that he was in great shape. His back was broad and his leg muscles were pretty well defined. He bent over and slid his tight briefs off showing me his muscular ass. When he stood up and faced me to walk to the bed, I gasped. His dick was huge. It flopped from leg to leg as he walked between our beds.

Hearing my gasp, he stopped and smirked. "Yeah, she woke the beast. Pretty big, huh? Little Mexican waitress got me too."

Pretty big? His penis was about two inches thick and about six inches long -- and it was soft. It was circumcised and the large head was prominent. His dick was bigger now than mine was fully hard. I had never seen a dick that big outside of a porno. Even eRickshun's cock was smaller. I involuntarily swallowed and licked my lips.

"Davis, Man. Didya ever see one so big?"

I stared. I felt blood rush to my own cock. Embarrassed, I smiled weakly and put a hand over my sweats.

I shook my head no.

Chuck turned away from me, pulled his blanket and sheet down, bent over and placed the towel on the bed. I looked over and could see his dangling dick between his legs.

He climbed on top of the towel, situated the pillows behind him and nonchalantly grabbed his cock.

"I gotta put the towel down, man. I cum a lot. Otherwise I gotta sleep in a puddle man." He said looking over at me. "Seriously. I cum like a fountain. And that hot Mexican?...Man!" Chuck started stroking his cock.

Wait. What? Was he gonna just sit there and jack off in the bed next to me? Was my boss gonna play with his dick right there? Like it was nothing? I was speechless. And, dammit, my cock was hard and sticking up in my sweats. This was so uncomfortable.

"Aren't you gonna jack off? Didn't her tits just make you wanna reach out and suck'em? C'mon, Davis, man! You're hard too, right? You..." His voice trailed off and he stopped stroking. Chuck stared at me. I was staring at his cock which had grown thicker as was visibly throbbing. I didn't notice him staring at me.



I jumped and looked up at him. He was smiling.

"Jesus, Davis. If you're so dammed fascinated with The Beast, don't just sit here. Come over here."

"What? No. Sorry. Shit man. What?" I shook my head. "It...it's so big -- sorry. I wasn't staring -- I'm not gay... It's...Your dick. It's so BIG". Thoughts of eRickshuns cock filled my brain. Like Pavlov's dog, I was salivating.

"Yeah. I get that. Listen. Davis. Gay? Not gay? Who cares. You know you want to see The Beast up close. Plus, wait till I cum. I cum buckets, man. It's natural to be curious....Normal, man."

I looked at Chuck. "No. I'm good, Chuck. I'll just..." Jesus this was so awkward. Why was I so hard. How was his dick so BIG. And what was all this about cumming buckets. "I'll just go to bed...". I thought about sucking it. This thought filled my brain.

Chuck scoffed. "Go to bed? Look at your cock, man! That waitress got you started. She awoke The Beast too. Now he's got you under his spell. Get over here." Chuck scooted over and adjusted the towel to go with him.

"That's ok, Chuck. I'm good." I replied meekly, never taking my eyes of the fleshy tube. 'Suck it. Suck it!' my brain screamed.

Chuck scowled. "Davis!"

I flinched and immediately got up.

"Get your ass over here! Now! And lose those shorts!"

I jumped up, slid my shorts down, and let my hard dick free. I looked up at Chuck and lowered my eyes. I sat on his bed next to his hips and his big dick, The Beast.

Chuck smirked. "I was hoping little Maria there would be helping me but I guess you'll do." Chuck's penis was about two and a half inches thick at the base and had grown to about ten inches long, I estimated. I now noticed his balls. They were also huge -- proportionate though, to his dick. I inhaled slowly.

Ever since eRickshun in college, when I masturbated, I always focused on dick close-ups, cumming cocks, and monster cocks. Here in front of me was a huge dick.

Chuck had slid his hands behind his head. "Touch it."

I wanted to touch it. It called to me. The hard thickness under the silky skin. It had been so long. I wished it was my cock. If I had a cock like that, I'd suck myself off every day I admitted. I bit my lower lip.

"Davis! Touch my cock!"

Hearing his voice, my hand jumped immediately and held his cock. It felt so...hard. And yet the skin was soft and smooth. I squeezed it tight and opened my grip. I squeezed it again. It felt...it felt like eRickshun's but different. It was slightly thicker...but it was way longer. It was warm -- no, hot. It felt so hot. It was also veiny. I was fascinated. It was...beautiful.

I switched hands and started squeezing it with my left hand. I reached my right hand down and cupped his balls -- his big balls. They literally filled my hand. Chuck spread his legs wider. I looked up at him and quickly looked back to his dick.