A Friendly Wager Ch. 03


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We've been married for almost eight years, and we dated for a little over a year before that," she replied.

"Children?" I asked.

Her brow creased, and she looked very uneasy, "No, no children. We tried and tried, finally I went in to see if it was me or him, and found out that I can't have children," she said with her eyes shining with unshed tears.

It looked like a very tender subject, so I thought I had better drop it. Maybe she would tell me more some other time. "What do you do? Do you work?"

It took her a second to snap out of the trance, but her eyes cleared a little and she turned to answer, "Yes I work, I'm an office manager for a small accounting firm downtown. I started as a receptionist four years ago, and just was promoted about two months ago. It's not a high intensity job, but the pay is good, the people are great, and the benefits are really good. What do you do? I assume you do a lot of traveling."

"The company I work for buys smaller ones that have been hit with hard times. There has to be some potential in order for us to consider it. We go in and put money into upgrading, find out where they were having trouble, maybe make some personnel changes, and get them moving forward again. We usually like to keep as many of the previous employees as possible. They know the job, and in most cases, care about the company. Yea it involves some traveling, but I'm one of the only single guys at the office, so it's a little easier for me. No wife and kids to piss off, or neglect."

"It must get lonely, being in a different place all the time. What about family, any brothers, sisters, moms, dads, uncles, aunts, cousins?" she asked.

"My father died before I turned one, some kind of heart failure. Mom's in her eighties, still living in our old hometown, two brothers, two sisters and assorted nieces and nephews, we don't stay in close contact. Once a year we find some way to all meet up at moms, then look out the party is on. Believe me when I tell you, I'm the only one in my family that doesn't drink. Hell, I'm surprised the cops don't end up there more often. But then, that doesn't really matter because the sheriff is one of my cousins, and the cop usually ends up staying for a drink," I laughed.

Angie laughed, "It must be nice to have a big family, both Jon and I are only children. His mother and father are still alive, but my parents both died years ago. They had me when mom was in her forties. They had been trying for years and had given up hope, and then one day mom just got pregnant. Dad was in his fifties. He died of cancer when he was seventy-two, mom died two years later. They said it was heart failure, but I think she just missed him too much."

As she was finishing what she was saying, Pam showed up with our meal. She sat the dishes down in front of us, and stood back, "Is there anything else I can get you?"

Dropping my napkin into my lap, "No I think we've got every thing we need, for now. Thanks, we'll let you know if we need anything."

The talking kind of fell off, as we were both really hungry. It had been a long time since I had had a meal with someone that wasn't work or family related. I forgot how much I missed having someone to talk to. We talked about our lives and pasts. High school, college, work, it was like we were old friends catching up. It seemed almost natural when she reached over and started eating off my plate.

"Why do women always do that?" I asked shaking my head.

"What?" she asked around a mouthful of my chicken.

"You order a salad or something, and then eat off the guys plate."

"You should be thankful that we do. See, this way you are only paying for salad. Whereas if I wanted both you would have to pay for a salad, and a meal. It's much more economical. Besides what if I didn't like what I ordered. This way I get to try different things. Plus it keeps me from looking like a pig, eating entire meal, rather then just a salad," she said smiling.

"Well I suppose there is some logic there somewhere, but I'm not going to try and figure out where."

We finished our meal, and talked for a while. I asked if she felt like walking a little and she agreed. I paid the bill, and we set out to walk around the general area of the hotel. I had a really good expense account, so I stayed in nice places. They usually have all the amenities, pool, spa, weight room, hot tub. And these places are almost always downtown. So there are plenty of windows to look in, as we walked. As we were passing a small clothing store, I took Angie by the arm and pulled her in after me. I had spotted some women's swimsuits, and thought it would be nice to have some company in the hot tub for a change.

"What do we need in here?" she asked as I led her back to the swimwear section.

"My hotel has a hot tub, it would be nice to have some company, and you're elected," I said.

"But I have a suit at home," she said.

"But you're not at home, are you? Besides you probably don't have what I'm looking for."

"And what are you looking for?" she asked nervously.

"You'll see, come on lets have a look," I said as we reached the racks.

With Angie's coloring, I was thinking of something in yellow or white. And of course I was also thinking, SMALL. Angie started going through a rack, while I went over to another one. At least she was looking at two piecers.

Around the back I found the stuff I was looking for. I started going through hanger after hanger. I came across three that I wanted her to try on. I took them back to a changing room, and hung them on a hook. I went back and found Angie with a few in her hand also.

"Okay, that's enough for now, let's see how they look on you," I said herding her toward the stall I had set up.

When she got there she saw what was already hanging there. She looked back and forth between the suits and me, with her mouth open. I gently pushed her in as I took the suits that she had in her hands, and put them on a rack outside the stall.

"My God, I can't wear that," she said pointing at the ones I had put there. "I'm not some teenager you know, I can't go out in that."

"You are not going OUT, anywhere. You are going IN a hot tub, with me. You know you're forgetting what I heard. I know you're a thirty-three year old woman. I don't know why your age has anything to do with it, but if your trying to tell me you don't have the body for it, you are going to loose that argument. Now just try them on, who knows, maybe you'll like one of them. I know I will."

"Huh, ya, I bet you will," she said looking at me shaking her head. "Okay, get out, if I'm going to do this, I need to have some privacy. Go on, you'll have to wait until I get into it to see," she said with her hand on my chest, pushing me back out of the stall.

She closed the curtain. I heard her rustling around, and then it got quiet. I stood just outside the curtain waiting, when I started to hear her talking to herself.

"My God, I can't wear this. A nineteen year old couldn't wear this. Jesus, it's a good thing I'm shaved, if I had a single hair, it would be sticking out." There was a pause, and then she started in again. "Well, this is the first time I'm glad I don't have any boobs, they would be falling out of this thing. God, there isn't enough material here, to make a good eye patch."

I was fighting hard not to bust out laughing, at her monolog. Finally I couldn't take it anymore. I cleared my throat rather loudly, and said, "If you're quite through, I believe I was supposed to get to see it."

The curtains snapped open a couple of inches, and her head popped out, she had a sour look on her face. "Eavesdropping again... . You know there's not much of IT to see."

"Why do you think I picked it? Now open up let's have a look," I said

"No, I'm not coming out there, you come in here," She said pulling her head back in.

I decided to give in a little, and slipped in. "Wow, do I have good taste in cloths or what?" I said seeing her.

The suit, or as she said what there was of it, was yellow. It was a thong type, maybe a little smaller. What I had been looking for was the top. I wanted something small. In just this short time I could tell that Angie was very self-conscious, about the size of her tits. I wanted to try and get her over that. Well, it was small all right, it covered her nipples, but that was about all. The bottom looked fantastic. She had it pulled high on her hips, but it dove down her round belly, where a triangle about four inches wide ran down between her thighs.

Twirling my finger, I indicated I wanted her to give me the full view. She was red, all the way down her chest. She turned around, and I knew whatever else happened, we were leaving with that suit. That yellow material framed her ass so beautifully. She kept turning until she faced me again. I didn't think it was possible but she was turning even a darker red, and she wouldn't look up at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked her

Whispering, she looked at me through her lashes, "We are going to have to take it now."


"I can't put it back the way it is now," she said

"Why not, what's wrong with it," I said looking at her nipples trying to tear their way trough that material.

She continued to look down, not answering.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, even though I was pretty sure, I knew what she was talking about. But I wanted to hear her say it.

Without saying anything, Angie stepped closer, and reached for my hand. She turned the palm towards her, and pulled it to her, pressing it against the front of that tiny suit. Sliding my fingertips over the front and down between her hot thighs, I found the reason she was blushing. She was soaked. My fingers came away from her coated in her hot oils. She watched me as I raised one to my mouth, and sucked it. When I had the taste in my mouth, I took the other and slid it in her mouth.

"I guess you're right, we'll have to take it," I said watching as she started to suck on my finger. "Keep it on, and put your dress on over it," I said pulling my finger from her mouth, and taking the matching white suit. "I'm going up front to settle the bill."

I was standing just in front of the shop, as Angie came out. We didn't say anything, just started back toward the hotel. As we came up to a drug store, Angie said, "You wait here, I'll be right back."

"What are you doing?" I said watching her walk toward the doors.

"I need a few things, it'll just take a minute, and I'll be right out," she said turning and going in.

I stood out there waiting, after about fifteen minutes she came out with a large bag.

"Damn, if this is your idea of a few things, I don't want to see how you pack for a trip. How much stuff do you need?" I asked.

"It's just a few things. Don't worry I'm not moving in, but you don't mind if I have a toothbrush, and some make-up do you?" she said as she started for the hotel, leaving me in her wake.

I caught up with her in a few steps, and took her arm stopping her. "You know, I was just kidding, what's bothering you?" I asked.

"Nothing is bothering me. Can we just get back to the room?" she said pulling her arm away, and starting for the hotel again.

I caught up with her again, and took the bag she was carrying. I put the bag with the other swimsuit, in the larger bag, and walked with her through the front entrance. As she was leading the way to the elevator, I caught her arm, and pulled her after me to the back of the lobby. Once there, I headed to the door with the spa sign on it, pushed it open, and pulled her in after me.

"What are you doing? Can't we just go back to the room? Do we really have to come here now?" she asked looking confused and a little angry.

I led her over to the hot tub room, and pulled her through the door behind me. Seeing that the room was empty, I dropped the bag on the floor, and locked the door. There were a few signs in a hanging box behind the door. I went through them and pulled the "Closed for Repairs" sign in the window. That done I turned back to face her.

"I don't know what happened back there, but this is the reason that I wanted you to get that suit in the first place, remember?" I said leaning back against the closed door.

Her eyes turned to ice, "Fine," she said turning and stopping off toward the tub, "let's get this over with, so we can get back to the room."

She started taking off her jacket, and reach for the back of her dress.

"Wait a second," I said reaching down, and picking up the bag. "Do you have your car keys?"

With a confused look, she stopped what she was doing, and picked up her jacket. She checked the pockets and her hand came out holding her keys. "Yes there right here, why?"

Turning to the door, I said, "Use them, and go home, I don't need this attitude." Not wanting to stop and give her the chance to try to stop me, not knowing that she wanted to anyway, I grabbed the door to the stairwell, and started taking them two at a time.

I opened the door, grabbed the do not disturb sign, and put it on the outside of the door. I walked in, dropped the bag, and stocked over to the bed. I dropped down on it, and grabbed the remote. Turning it on to the news channel, I sat and stewed about what had just happened. About ten minutes later there was a knock at the door.

"It's me, let me in," she said through the door.

"No. Go home to your husband. If you want to come back tomorrow, without the attitude, you know where to find me," I said from the bed.

"I don't want to go home," she said.

"You should have thought about that before you started the little performance down there. Just leave. Go home. Think things over. Like I said, if you want to come back tomorrow with out the attitude, I'll be here. I really don't want to see you right now. Go home Angie."

I heard her give an angry sound and stomp off down the hall.

The next move was up to her. But if she came back this time, it was going to be her decision, and not because I told her to. If she came back, she wouldn't be able to say to herself that she was there because someone else had made her do it. This time it was all on her shoulders.


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