A Friendly Wager Ch. 04


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“I did it because you said that I couldn’t fuck you in the hot tub. I didn’t want to loose my inspiration on the way up to the room.” Ya right, that was going to happen.

She was still squirming, trying to get away from me, when by surprise, I spun her around, trapping her to me, against my chest. Holding her with one arm, I dropped my hand down to her belly, and slid it into her bikini bottoms. She was soaked. I rubbed her very hard clit with my fingertips.

“You little slut. Here you are trying to make like you’re all angry, and the whole time there you are creaming in your panties,” I said with a smile.

She stopped her squirming, and started blushing again. “I am not a slut,” she whined.

“Yes you are, you’re my slut, and you love it.” With my left hand I popped her nipples out of her top, and started to pull and twist them.

The bell sounded, and the car came to a halt, a second later the doors started to open. When the door opened, my hands were still busy with different parts of Angie’s body. She didn’t even flinch. I couldn’t see, but I think she probably had her eyes closed. Pulling my soaked hand out of her bottoms, I took her by the waist, and steered her towards my door. She had to kind of trot to keep up with my hands pushing her. I looked down, and saw that she hadn’t even bothered t cover her nipples again.

We reached the door, and Angie reached out, trying to turn the knob. I turned to my bag. I opened up a side pocket, and fished out the keycard. Slipping it in the slot, we both heard the lock open. Angie turned the knob again, opening the door, and I pushed her through it. I heard the door shut behind us as I was steering her to the bed.

When we got there, I gave her a shove, and she went to her hands and knees on the mattress. I took a second to jump out of my sweats, and started after her. I grabbed the material of her bottoms, bunching it in one hand, getting ready to tear it from her.

“No,” she yelped. “Please don’t rip them, I’ll take them off.”

She scrambled to her knees, grabbing the waistband, and starting to work them over her hips. Once she got them past her hips, she dropped her side and pushed them down, turning to her back as she slipped them off her feet. Once they were gone she looked up at me. I was standing there; fists clenched, glaring down at her, breathing deeply. With a whimper she parted her knees, opening them while pulling up towards her chest.

I knelt on the bed, taking her legs in my hands by the shins, forcing them open wider. Looking her in the eye I told her, “Take my cock, and put it in your cunt,” I whispered.

Groaning, in the back of her throat, she levered herself up onto her left elbow, and reached for my cock with her right hand. She took it in her small hand, and started to push it down to her hot, open cunt. I didn’t wait for it to get there, and started pushing. Angie gasped as my hard cock road over her exposed clit. I kept sliding my cock back and forth over her hard clit, hearing the slick sound it made moving over her wet flesh.

Finally, I couldn’t take it any more, and I pulled back far enough for her to center me in front of her opening. I started forcing the head into her open cunt. Once the head was in I stopped, and Angie’s head snapped up looking to see why. As soon as we made eye contact, I started pushing again. Angie’s eyes closed, and she dropped her upper body back down to the bed putting her hands on her belly, and groaning as I continued pushing into her. This time there was no stopping; I kept a slow pressure, pushing until I bottomed out in her.

I felt her have her first small orgasm, when I hit bottom. “Oh my God, I’ll never get used to having you so deep inside me,” she said moving her hips slightly.

I looked down on her not moving, waiting for her to recover a little. “Well you’re going to get all the practice you want, maybe even more then you want, if you keep walking around in that little bikini.”

She reached behind her neck and tugged the string holding her top in place. “I have to admit, when you bought it for me I wasn’t too thrilled about it, but I can see it’s going to have it’s uses,” she said arching her back, to undo the other tie.

While her back was arched, I slid my hand from the bottom of her belly, up to her tits. I slid my fingertips over her right nipple, feeling it bend over. As I started to pull on it, I started to slide my cock out slowly. I pulled back until the head popped out, and reversed my direction, going in all the way to the bottom again. After that, I started to just pump myself in and out of her slowly. She lay back, and met my strokes as well as she could, with me still holding one knee out wide.

The squishing sound of her hot cunt, and the little whimpers she made, when I bottomed were almost the only sounds I could hear. Looking down at her with that dark hair spread out around her head, her mouth open, and those pail eyes glazed and half shut, my strokes didn’t stay slow for long.

I let go of the shin I had in my hand, and grabbed the backs of both her thighs, bending Angie in half. I started to take long hard strokes, building up speed. I felt her cunt start to spasm around my cock. Angie’s head arched back, and she took a hold of both of my forearms. With her eyes closed, and her mouth open her upper body started to shake, and broke out in goose bumps. I started grunting and firing my load in her, taking short strokes, tingles running up and down my spine.

As I started to come down, I felt Angie pulling at my forearms. Looking down, I put my hands down on the bed, by her shoulders. Angie tried to wrap her legs around me, but instead I pushed her right leg down to the bed, and rolled to my left. I ended up on my back, with Angie lying on top of me, and me getting soft, but still inside her.

With her lips against my chest Angie said, “You know you can do that to me as often as you want.”

“I knew I had you pegged, when I called you my slut,” I said sliding my hands up and down her slick back.

“Your slut huh, I guess I can live with that,” she said kissing my chest, and nipping at my nipples. “Well,” she said with a chuckle, as my soft cock slipped out of her, “your slut needs a shower.”

She swung her leg over, and jumped off the bed. I watched that beautiful ass swing as she walked away. Angie looked over her shoulder as she reached the door, “You really do like my ass don’t you?”

“Yes, what, you think I’d lie about a thing like that?” I asked with a smile.

Along with the smell of sex, I could smell the chlorine from the tub. A shower sounded like a good idea. Of course the beautiful naked woman, already in there, never crossed my mind. I went in, and climbed in the shower with her. After a little cleaning, and a lot of groping, we got out and dried each other off.

“What did you bring for cloths?” I asked as we walked into the main room.

“I wore the coat over my bikini,” she said.

I reached down and picked up the two pieces of the suit, from the floor by the bed. I walked over near the bathroom, and tossed the damp suit in on the floor.

“Hey, don’t do that,” Angie said pushing her way past me. “You need to rinse it out, and hang it up so it will dry.”

“You know, earlier you begged me not to rip it off you, and now you’re worried that what, it’ll get wrinkled. Don’t get me wrong, but weren’t you the one that pleaded with me not to make you wear it?”

Looking down as she tried to walk past me. I grabbed her naked body, and pulled her to me. I took a handful of that dark, wet hair and pulled her head back. “You’re getting pretty protective of a little scrap of cloth that barely covers you.”

She turned red all the way down to her little tits. “I know, but it kind of means something to me now.”

I let go of her hair, and reached down to her ass. I grabbed her ass in both hands and slid her up my body, until we were face to face. She still wouldn’t look at me, but she had to work at it harder. I gave a little tug on her ass, to get her to look at me. Keeping her head down, she wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my hips.

“When I first put it on, was the first time I felt like . . . what you call me,” she said muffled against my neck.

“What are you saying?” I asked. “What do you mean, you feel like what I call you?”

She clung to me tighter, and pressed her lips to my ear, “It made me feel like your slut,” she whispered.

I turned around and dropped to my knees on the bed, and lowered us down, with me on top of her. Once on top of her, I ground my hips into her open crotch. With her lips still against my ear, Angie growled back deep in her throat, and she squeezed me hard with her thighs.

“You are my hot little slut,” I said against her neck. I bit gently and sucked hard, marking her neck just below the ear.

“I know what I am now, but it’s the first time I’ve ever felt like this. I never knew I could be such a slut. I am hot. I never was before, but now I’m wet all the time,” she said in a whisper.

“Jesus, don’t make it sound like a bad thing,” I said rolling to one side.

I didn’t roll all the way, just enough so that I had a hand free to feel her with. With that one hand, I reached down to her inner thigh. I slid my hand further down, and right onto her hot open cunt. Her one leg was trapped under me, and she opened the other, as my hand moved between her thighs. Without wasting any time I slid a single finger into her. I pulled that finger out, covered in her hot oils, and slid a different one in. When it was well covered, I joined it with the one that was already wet, and started pumping my two fingers in and out of her.

I scooted myself down, and took one of those long, hard nipples into my mouth. Sucking hard, and opening my mouth wide, I took her whole tit into my mouth, and raked it with my teeth gently back out to the nipple. Angie’s back arched trying to keep my mouth on her, and her hips rolled pushing against my fingers. I added a finger, and started to twist them slowly inside her. There was a constant groaning sound coming from her throat.

I moved over to her other tit, and started to treat it the same way. I kept my fingers twisting in her tight cunt, and she just spread herself out wider to give me room. I took advantage of the added space, and moved down to her heaving belly. I pulled my fingers out of her, and Angie lurched up with a growl, and tried to grab my arm back.

I reached up with my wet hand, and pushed her back down. I pulled my hand back down between her legs, and started to squeeze her inner thighs, and running my hand down the inside of her leg all the way to her ankle. I slid it back up over her knee, and up to her now hot and open cunt, and slid my fingers back in slowly. I added my pinky, and started twisting all four back in. They made a slick squishing sound as they forced her open.

I put my other arm over the thigh that was under me, and levered myself down so that my face was over her cunt, and watched as my hand moved in and out of her. I dropped my mouth down to the inside of her thigh, right next to her swollen outer lip, and bit her lightly, sucking hard and leaving a hickey there. I moved my mouth over to the other side and did the same, then to the top of her cleft, and put my mouth over the top of her swollen clit and sucked hard. Angie’s body went rigid, her back arched, and she came all over me. I couldn’t believe it, it just gushed out of her. Her whole body was shaking, and I kept sucking on her clit, and twisting my hand inside her.

All of a sudden it stopped. Angie’s leg just went limp, her back dropped down on the bed and she quit moving. It scared me for a minute, but I saw that she was still breathing. I pulled my hand from inside her, where I had had it in up to the third knuckle. It squelched as it came free, and was covered to the wrist in the juices that had poured out of her. I took the time to rub it all over her belly and inner thighs, covering her in her own juices.

I got up, and went into the bathroom. After washing up a little, I wet a washcloth with cold water, and took it out to the bed. Angie was still out. She was lying on the bed, her legs splayed out wide, and her arms up over her head. I lay down between her splayed legs, and put the cool cloth on her forehead. Her head started to move side to side slowly, her mouth closed, and she moaned.

“Jesus, what did you do to me?” she asked, as she reached up for the wet cloth.

I laughed and said, “I didn’t do anything, but you did. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone cum so hard before. You soaked my whole arm.”

“All I remember is, you had what felt like your whole arm inside me, then you put your mouth on me and it got so intense that I must have passed out.”

“Well the passing out part is true enough, you scared me there for a minute. I guess you kind of liked what I was doing to you.”

“Ya think?” She asked chuckling. “I thought the top of my head was going to blow off.”

I looked into her eyes, and smiled, “We’ll try that later. How do you feel?”

Her face broke into a huge grin, “Mmmmm,” she said putting her arms around my neck, “I feel great, but I’m going to really get bowlegged with you around,” she said as he planted her feet and rolled her hips pushing her against me. “Mmmm, it feels like someone is glad to see me.”

“Before I take care of that, I need to go down to the lobby. There’s something I need to pick up,” I told her.

“What? Can I come?” she asked.

“I think we just saw that if anyone can cum, it’s you, but no it’ll only take a minute, and I’ll be right back,” I said pushing myself to my feet, uncovering her.

Groaning, Angie closed her legs. “Fine, you go. I’m going to run a very hot bath. God, I feel like you did have you whole arm in me.”

I reached down to help her to her feet. “I thought about it for a minute, but we have to leave something new to do next time,” I said pushing her toward the bathroom.

Angie went into the bathroom, and I heard the water start. I went over and dressed in a pair of jeans an old sweatshirt. I grabbed my wallet and the keycard, and took the elevator down. It wasn’t until I was alone in the car that I found that I should have washed up better. Pulling out my sweatshirt, and inhaling inside all I could smell was Angie’s cunt. My cock got hard all over again. Shrugging, I thought, “Oh well, I guess they’ll know what I’ve been doing.”

When I got to the lobby, I looked around for the shop I wanted, and made for it. There was a small women’s clothing store, and I had seen something that I wanted for Angie. I went in, and walked over to the area where the underwear was displayed. I found a pair of small, black thong panties that would look really good on Angie. Next I went over to the Miss’s display area. I found a dress made of stretchy material, with spaghetti straps. With the heels that she had worn here, she was going to look hot as hell in this outfit.

After finishing at the counter, I took my bag, and walked out into the lobby again. I spied a sign, advertising the place as a full service spa. I went over to the place and looked inside. I read the sign on the wall, as to their services. Seeing that they did everything I was looking for, I went in, and made an appointment for the next afternoon.

As I reached down for the bag I had set there, and got another whiff of Angie. Well, enough shopping for me. Holding the bag in front of me, I made my way threw the now crowded lobby, toward the elevator. As I got there the doors were opening, with the people spilling out. There was a small group waiting, that I followed onto the car.

Back to the wall, I stood next to the button panel. I pushed the number for my floor, and a couple others that were requested. We stopped at the next floor, and a man and his wife got on. She reached past me to push the button. As she did, I saw her nostrils flare. Leaning back toward her husband, I watched as her put her smiling lips to her husband’s ear, and whispered something to him. A big smile crossed the guys face, and he glanced around her head to get a look at me. The car came to a stop at my floor, and as the doors opened, I gave him a smile and a wink, and started for the room.

As I walked into the room, I saw Angie on the bed. She was sitting back on her heels, her knees spread, but with her towel lying about her hips. She was running a comb threw her wet hair. With her hands at her hair, her back was arched, making those hard nipples push out even further.

Without saying a word, I dropped the bag, and started stripping off my shirt. Kicking my shoes off, as I pulled my pants open, I sat on the bed and got out of them, and my socks.

Angie was sitting there, hands in her lap, and a smile on her face. I reached over and grabbed the towel, and pulled it away. “Miss me?” she said tossing her comb to the side.

I put my hand to her chest, between her tits, and gave a shove. She grunted as she landed on her back, but her legs stayed spread wide. Shucking off my boxers, I climbed between her legs, pushing my thighs under her ass. I rose up a little, and centered my cock in her slit. I started working it in, not taking time for any sort of warm up. I saw her wince, as I crammed the head into her. After that, I started to push my way in deeper.

Out of self-defense, Angie’s cunt started to get wet. I just kept working my way into her. After she started to get wet, I started to lengthen my strokes. I put my hands behind her knees, and spread her thighs wide open. Rising up onto my knees, I pushed my cock right down to the bottom of her cunt.

I took a few full strokes, and pulled completely out of her, with Angie grunting at the sudden withdrawal. I pushed her onto her side, by her knees, and reached for her hips. I pulled her up onto her knees, and then dropped my hands down to the insides of her knees. I pushed outward slowly but firmly until she was spread wide open, her pussy gaping at me. I moved my left hand to the small of her back, and pushed down on her, until her belly was almost touching the bed. That opened her up even more.

I grabbed my wet, hard cock, and in one shove, sank it to the bottom. Angie grunted, dropped to her elbows, and put her head on the pillow there, shaking in her first orgasm. I started taking long hard stokes, watching the wake from the impact of my hips ripple up the cheeks of her ass.

With her cunt contracting around my cock, I was getting pretty close to loosing it. I took a good hold of her hips and started to pound my cock in, and out of her, the slapping of our bodies getting louder. There was a continuous groan coming from Angie, getting louder upon impact.

Grunting, I started taking short, quick strokes, and then crammed myself all the way in, and started shooting off inside her. I’d pull out slow, and sink back in, and grind myself against her. Dropping my chin down to my chest, and closing my eyes, my body started to shake from the pleasure I was feeling, being squeezed by that hot, wet, tight cunt.

I just sat there on my knees, holding Angie against me, trying to recover. Raising my head, and prying my eyes open I looked behind me. The bag with the things I’d bought for Angie was on the floor a ways from the bed. With a sucking sound, I pulled myself out of her, and got off the bed. I went to the bag and pulled the thong out.

Angie had dropped belly down onto the bed, with her legs still open, and her pussy refusing to close. I walked around to the other side of the bed, and sat down. I reached over, and moved the wet hair that was completely covering her face.

“Put these on,” I said dropping the thong by her face.

“Oh my God, did you get the license of the truck that just ran over me? God, I feel like I just got beat, from the inside out,” she said reaching up and grabbing the panties.