A Friendly Wager Ch. 07


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Angie glanced down as her foot kicked the wad of clothing I had dropped there. To her credit, she stepped over them, and stated walking up the stairs. I bent down, picked up the clothes, and started after her. She hadn’t released her arms, and was just walking up the stairs as I had told her to.

As I watcher her, a smile came to my face. Our combined juices were still oozing from her, and her upper thighs were coated with them. I also saw some bruises that had started to color fast because of the hot water. There was no mistaking what had caused them either. Five finger prints on each thigh. One on the insides, a few inches above her knees, and four on the outsides, but more to the back, anyone looking would know how they got there.

When she finally reached the landing for our floor, she stood off to the side as I approached her. As I was coming up the last few steps Angie’s scared eye never left mine. Me, I was taking in the sight of her standing there. Her hair still pulled back in the ponytail, the blush that went all the way down her chest, her nipples standing out looking painfully hard, the juices running out of her shining in the light almost to her knees now. She could not have looked more like a little slut if she tried, and what was weird, was that it was almost like she WAS trying.

I walked up to her, and stood very close. I stood there waiting to see what she would do. Her eyes were shining with tears as she looked up at me, with her having to crane her neck, because of my nearness.

Angie lowered her eyes, and with a whimper reached for my hand, and pushed the bundle of clothes I had been carrying on the floor. Her breathing had turned to a panting, as she took my hand in hers. She turned the palm to her, and rising up on her tiptoes, she pushed my hand between her legs. I curved two fingers up, and pushed into her as far as they would go, and pulled up, taking her weight on the fingers.

Angie gasped, grabbed my forearm with both her hands, and started to shake. As her cunt contracted around my fingers, I gave little tugs with my fingers. Angie stood there gushing her cream all over my hand, and down her thighs.

As the shaking slowed, she slumped back against the wall, but wouldn’t let go of my forearm. I kept up a slow squeeze and release with my fingers, to keep the feeling going as long as possible. Her body kept having little fits of shutters, as I kept up the gentle squeezing.

I reached out and lifted her chin, forcing her to look at me. “Well, did I pass your little test,” I said, in a horse whisper.

Angie was just catching her breath, and still holding me against her. “Wh… what… do y…you mean t…test.”

“Well, you wanted to know if I do what I said I would, did I answer your question?” I said, and gave a sharp tug with my fingers.

“Oooo… y…yes, y…you answered the qu…question,” she said with a gasp.

With a soft, wet squelch, I pulled my fingers out of her. I cupped my hand between her legs, and raked my curled fingers softly up through her slit, gathering her cream in my hand. My hand continued up from between her legs to her belly, where with slow circles I worked it into her skin.

“Good, if there’s a next time we’ll see what the crowd in the main lobby thinks of a naked little slut walking across, with her hands tied behind her back,” I said, wiping the backs of my fingers off on her, and pulling my arm out of her grasp.

I opened the door and glanced in both directions. Not seeing anyone, I turned back to Angie. “Pick that up,” I said, indicating the pile on the floor, “and walk down to the room. I’ll be right behind you.”

Angie gave me a pleading look, but didn’t even ask. She bent down, picked up the bundle of her clothes, and started down the hall, at the fastest pace I would allow. When we got to the door, I made as though I had to find the keycard. Down the hall we heard a door open, and someone talking, as they entered the hallway.

“Pleassssse,” she hissed at me, as her arms clutched the clothes to her.

I swiped the card the card through the lock, and we heard the bolt open. Angie dropped the clothes in her haste to get the door open, and scrambled through. I opened the door all the way, kicked the clothes into the room, and closed the door behind me as the other couple was passing.

Angie stood off to one side looking back, I guess to make sure the door was closed. I had never seen someone’s entire body blush before, but I swear even the tops of her feet were red. I laughed at her, and got the look of death as I herded her toward the bathroom for a shower.

After I was done in the shower, I left Angie to finish with hers. I had scrubbed all the fun spots, anyway. I went out shaved, and brushed my teeth. While Angie finished in the bathroom, I logged on-line, and looked thru the yellow pages for some sites that had web pages that were more detailed about their owners. I wanted to find out all I could, so that there wouldn’t be any problems.

I wrote down the address that met with the requirements I wanted, and got dressed as Angie fired up her blow dryer. I kicked back in my chair, turned on the radio, and watched her. Its kind of fun watching someone while they have their mind on something else, but it’s even more fun when the one you’re watching is a beautiful naked woman.

Angie was brushing and blowing up a storm. She’d stop every once in a while, to look at something a little closer. She finally finished her hair, and started in on her face. She didn’t use much, so that didn’t take too long. With a final check in the mirror, she shut off the light, and started for the closet. She had finally lost her shame, at least in front of me, and walked unthinking to the closet humming to the tune on the radio.

After opening the door, she reached for a garment bag I hadn’t seen before. Leaving it hanging, she pulled the zipper down giving me another nice view of her ass as she bent at the waste to get it all the way down. When she got it open, she started to go through the contents.

After going through them a second time, she selected something. I’ve always gotten a kick out of watching a woman dress. It’s like, if anything touches her head, it will disintegrate. Angie slid her arms into the top, then held the neck open wide, as she slowly and carefully put it over her head. She settled it over her shoulders, and reached back to flip her hair out of it.

It was a solid print black top, with a wide round neck that showed a lot of her smooth chest and shoulders, and it had short arms. It reached a little past her rib cage, and clung well to her. She reached back into the closet, and after a little rustling, she bent at the waist and stepped into a white skirt. As she slid it up over her ass, it was tight enough for me to see the muscles in her ass move. She zipped up the back, and it snuggled up to her back, and belly, ending at about mid thigh.

She reached up, and held on to the doorframe as she fumbled around on the floor with her foot. Leaning against the frame, I watched as she worked her foot into a black high-heeled shoe. After she got the other one on, she closed the door, and went over to the dresser.

She stood in front of the dresser, and picked up the small necklace she had left there at some time. She slid her hands under that shining dark hair, and after a moment she was done. High-heels, even shorter ones like these, do fantastic things to a woman’s body. They gave her legs that beautiful taught look, made her ass stand out more prominently, and arched her back beautifully.

She looked at me in the mirror as she finished, and smiled at me, that little smile of hers. “What are you looking at?” she said as she finished, and turned from the mirror. “I’m ready if you are.”

When I didn’t move, or say anything she came over to the side of the chair. She brought her hand up to the back of my head, and scratched her nails through the hair on the back of my neck. “What are you thinking about?” she said.

“Maybe one of these days I’ll tell you,” I said, reaching over and rubbing the backs of my fingers over her bare belly. “Let’s go get something besides me, into this belly.”

Her face lit up with a huge grin. “That would be a change, wouldn’t it?”

When we hit the street it was just after twelve noon. We walked down to a little dinner, and had great time talking, eating, and laughing. After we finished, we just walked around looking in shops. We walked until Angie said her feet started getting sore, and we went and sat in a little coffee shop.

“So what do you have planned for the rest of the day?” she asked.

“I found the address of a place that does piercing. They advertise that they very safe, and clean. I think we should flag down a cab and go take a look, and if it doesn’t look a dive we’ll see what the place looks like on the inside,” I said.

We were sitting at a small, kind of off to the side table, and she was facing me. As we sat there she kicked off her shoes and put her feet on the lower rung of my chair. I reached down and brought one up into my lap, and started rubbing it. Angie sighed and settled back in her chair.

“That’s why you went and got me a fired up in the shower, and then left me there. Well, I guess you’ve made up your mind haven’t you? Oh God that feels good,” she said, as I ran my thumbs up and down the arch of her foot. “I’m still a little nervous about having it done though.”

“Don’t worry, I told you we’re going to check it out first. You know I wouldn’t let anything happen to you. If it doesn’t look good, we leave it’s that simple,” I said, as I reached for her other foot.

“Ohhh… you could do that for the rest of the day instead,” she said giggling.

“Good try, but we can pick this up later,” I said.

“Oh I suppose,” She said pouting.

“Quit pouting. It’s not like it’s going to kill you. One quick pop, and it’s over. So have you thought about what you want to wear in your belly?” I asked, trying to distract her.

“Yes,” she said blushing deeply. “But for now, just something that will sparkle for you.”

Not wanting to get into anything here, I let that pass, for now. “Okay, get your shoes on, I need to find the restroom, then we’ll go.”

“That’s where I’m headed too,” she said.

After settling the tab, we went out and flagged down a cab. I gave him the address, and off we went. We were headed for the downtown area. As we were approaching an intersection, the light turned red. Across the street was the sign for the place we were looking for. I looked at the meter, and handed the driver his due plus tip, and pulled Angie out of the car.

We crossed the street, and went over to stand near the front of the place. There was a large window that opened on what I assumed was the waiting room. It looked very clean, and the girl in the reception area looked professional.

“It looks good from here, lets see what they are like in person,” I said.

Angie’s grip tightened around my fingers, and her pale eyes looked up at me, worried.

“Come on, I told you, if it doesn’t look good we’ll leave,” I said, pulling her towards the door.

We went in, and went over to talk with the receptionist. She greeted us warmly, and handed Angie a clipboard, with the necessary forms that needed to be filled out. When she finished with the forms, the girl took Angie through a door way into back. Angie looked at me over her shoulder, and I could tell that this had her worried.

I was standing in front of the window, watching all the people milling around the busy district. There were pubs, stores, restaurants, and shops of every kind, and just as many different kinds of people.

Being Friday, and it being quitting time, the streets and sidewalks were full of people. I was so engrossed; I didn’t hear the two women come back into the room. I jumped as Angie came up behind me and took my hand. I turned to find her smiling up at me, a lot more relaxed then the last time I had seen her.

I bent down and gave her a small kiss on the lips. “All done?”

“Uh huh,” she said standing back from me so that I could see.

I sat in a nearby chair, and pulled her in front of me. The area around her bellybutton was red, and slightly swollen, but the little gold ring and its crystal looked beautiful. I put my hands on the backs of her thighs and pulled her close.

Leaning forward I kissed her belly, a little ways up from the ring, and looked up at her. “So did it hurt a lot?”

“No, Gina did a great job. She used some kind of spray that made it numb, then she pierced me, and put in the ring,” she said scratching her nails into the back of my neck again.

I gave her another kiss, and got to my feet giving her a kiss on the lips on my way up. “I’m glad she took such good care of you.”

Leaving Angie admiring her new ornament in the light of the window, I went over to the desk to settle the bill. I paid Gina, thanked her for taking such good care of Angie, and gave her a nice tip. When I got back to the window, Angie was pressed up against it looking across the street, and trying to find a way to see better.

“What, did you see a ghost?” I asked.

She turned to me looking shocked. “No, I just saw Jon. He came from that parking garage over there, and went down to that place over there.”

“Are you sure it was him? Does he work around here?” I asked.

Angie turned back to the window shaking her head. “No, he works on the other side of town. Why would he be here? What is that place?”

“How would I know, you’re the one that lives here remember.” I said. I could see she wasn’t going to let it drop. I took her arm, “Come on, and let’s go see what we can find out.”

Smiling, and nodding to Gina, we walked out of the shop. We made our way across the street, and started toward the place she had seen him enter.

As we got close Angie stopped. “You go… please. I don’t want to go, but I need to know.”

“Are you sure about this? I asked.

She didn’t say anything, only nodding.

I left her standing there next to a shop front, and made my way to the entrance. As I turned to enter, a rather large gentleman stepped out in front of me. “Yes?”

“I was wondering, what kind of place is this?” I asked.

“Private,” was all he said.

I fished into my pocket, and pulled out the money clip I carry. I flipped off a fifty, “Will this buy me a few answers?”

He reached out and plucked it out from between my fingers.

“What kind of place is this, and do you know that guy that just went in?” I said.

“You mean Jon, yea I know him. He used to come in off and on. It’s been a lot more on, lately,” he said giving me a chuck in the arm, and grin. “And this place… well let’s just say, the old saying “no pain, no gain” is the club motto.”

“So what, you mean like S&M?” I asked.

“More like B&D. Jon there, met up with one of our more… how shall I say, aggressive lady members? He’s been coming by a lot the last couple of weeks. I’ve seen him leave here half dead, after she got through with him.”

“Hey, thanks man. I appreciate it,” I said, as I turned to head back to Angie.

When I got to her, just pulled her after me down to the corner to get a cab.

“So, what kind of place is it? Was that Jon?” she asked.

“We’ll talk when we get back to the hotel,” I said, not slowing.

“Why, what’s wrong? Tell me what’s going on,” she said.

“I said we’ll talk about it back at the hotel, now drop it,” I said, giving her arm a squeeze.

I got us a cab, and we sat in silence, as we headed back.

The End Chapter Seven

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