A Game of Inches Ch. 12


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She took his substantial cock into her mouth, and pushed her pussy back on my hard-on, taking me deeper than ever. Her long moan was muffled by the dick halfway down her throat. But, it was a happy sound, and I was happy for her.

I didn't like that Carol was so into cocks other than mine, and now it seemed multiple cocks at once, but I was the one who opened up this Pandora's Box of sexual debauchery, so I only had myself to blame. Damn, my new cock felt so fucking good!

I stopped overthinking it all and concentrated on what I was doing. That was a mistake. Within seconds I was overwhelmed with the awesome sensation of driving my unreasonably huge cock into my wife's wonderfully tight pussy and before I was ready, I was cumming. I was annoyed that it was too soon, but goddamn did it feel amazing!

I heard the front door close and turned to see Sonja and Jamal standing there wide-eyed and smiling. I normally would have been embarrassed to be caught in such a compromising situation, but with my bulky new cock I was more than fine with it. I finally understood what Big Dick Energy was all about!

"What have we here?" Sonja trilled and came closer. "Mind if we watch?" She began shedding her clothes, which came off very quickly given her slutty fashion choices. "C'mon, get naked," she urged Jamal, and he did so without question.

"Gris ith..." Carol choked and came off of her boy-toy's dick. "Sonja, this is Magnus."

Sonja smiled when she got a good look at his big cock. "He sure is," she purred. "And he comes with his own massage table?"

"He does! But you have to let him fuck you first. He's so good!"

"Don't mind if I do." She daintily got in between the two of them and sat down on his stiff erection. I groped for a moment, expecting those old feelings of jealousy to spring up, but they weren't there. My cock was bigger than his now, and Sonja didn't belong to me. I had my wife, and she was all I ever needed from now on...even if I sometimes had to share her.

Jamal slapped my ass as he went by, and then fed his cock into Carol's mouth. She took it greedily. Once again, she was being spit roasted by two guys. I guess she wasn't worried about getting too much of a good thing. Jamal looked up at me with a smile as my wife worked his shaft with her lips and tongue.

"Me and Sonja just put a deposit down on a place a couple blocks away from here."

"What? Why?"

"We're moving in together," Sonja said over her shoulder as she bounced on Magnus' cock. "We're totally in love, aren't we sweetheart?"

"I know I am," Jamal's deep baritone was coming across as sexy as ever. He turned his attention back to me. "I love her so much that she can still fuck whoever she wants."

I looked at her fucking the man she just met less than a minute ago. "I see that. So, an open relationship?"

"If you have to put a label on it, I guess that fits well enough." He pulled his dick out and offered Carol his balls. She happily accepted the invitation and began slobbering all over his nutsack like a dog in heat. I needed to check my balls - I hadn't noticed if they had grown as well.

"Once we move in," Sonja continued to ride as she spoke. "You guys can come over any time you want to fuck or whatever!"

I liked the sound of that, but it seemed more directed at Carol than me.

"Oh, that reminds me!" Carol blurted out, pausing Jamal's ball bath. "Sonja, check out Marc's cock!"

Sonja laughed but twisted around to look at me with a pouty face. "What is it now?" she asked, ready to pity me for whatever misfortune was plaguing me now.

Let's see what she thinks of this! I pulled out of Carol's pussy and stood. Sonja shrieked and her mouth fell open. "Shit! That medicine finally kicked in, didn't it? And it's working overtime!"

I proudly brandished my ten-inch monster for all to see. Jamal gaped at it with what could only be envy. Sonja eyed me hungrily, already imagining what it might feel like filling her pussy. And my wife beamed proudly, knowing this object of desire belonged to her, and only her.

"Shit, can I try it out?"

"Be my guest," Carol said amiably.

Sonja quickly abandoned Magnus and hurried to me. "Oh, fuck, I've never seen anything this big before. Look at it, Jamal!" She then struggled to get her mouth around it.

"I'm looking...fuck. I'm gonna have to get the name of that medicine from you, bro."

"I need that inside me!" Sonja got onto her back and opened her legs. I checked to see if my wife had any opinions on this. She had taken her sister's place on Magnus' lap and was rocking back and forth with a passion. I took that as permission to go aboard and worked my cock into Sonja's open pussy. She wasn't as tight as Carol, but still pretty damn good.

Jamal moved around and dangled his cock in her face until she began sucking him. I looked around and realized we had something of an orgy going on! Was this going to be my life from now on?

I looked down at my colossal cock sliding in and out of my sister-in-law's cunt, and had to smile and thank the gods! The curse was over, and the blessings were abundant...very abundant!

~ ~ ~

I found an empty table at the coffee shop and took a seat. I looked around at the other people there. I recognized a few of the regulars, but no one was paying any attention to me - which was just fine. This was where it all began. This strange, frustrating, and ultimately wonderful journey I'd been on. All's well that ends well, right?

The door tinkled and Gloria walked in looking as sexy as ever. That clingy dress didn't leave much to the imagination. Damn, those legs just didn't end, and the stockings she had on somehow only improved on perfection. She walked past and didn't seem to recognize me. Was she just pretending, or had our bathroom rendezvous been magically wiped from her memory? I'd love to introduce her to my new cock...only I couldn't. I'd gone from being able to have any woman, to only being able to get my wife and anyone she let me have while she was there. It could be worse, I consoled myself.

Someone sat down at my table, I was ready to be annoyed. It took me a couple seconds, but I realized it was Paul. Young Paul, virile Paul, not the wrinkled old man I'd first met here a million years ago.

"Hello, my boy, how's it hanging?"

"Tiny and to the left," I bitched with a smile.

"Ah, you've been playing games again, haven't you?"

"Not me, my wife. But it's all good...I suppose."

"Glad to hear it, glad to hear." He opened his newspaper and pretended to look it over.

A pretty young thing hurried over to our table. "Paul? Is that you? It is! It's been ages, remember me?"

Paul looked up and tried to remember. "Butterfly tattoo...left cheek."

The girl turned her butt toward us and slapped her left ass cheek. "You got it. I still think about that night with you and my friend Natalie...the one with huge boobs. I know you didn't forget her!"

"That was a night to remember for sure." His smile was genuine, but not entirely convincing.

"Okay, well, I just wanted to say hi. You still have my number? Give me a call anytime - I'm always up for anything." She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. He patted her shoulder, and she flounced out happy as could be.

"Left cheek, eh?" I teased.

He shrugged. "I remembered the tattoo, and had a 50-50 shot on which side it was on."

"Looks like you guessed right," I took a sip of my nearly-cold coffee. This guy was living the life. How did he do it?

"I've been blessed by the gods," he said as if he could hear what I was thinking, focusing his attention back on me.

"Yeah, I've had enough of them, thank you very much."

"Don't be so quick, my boy. Tell me about where you ended up...tiny and to the left?"

Okay, so you know that I failed the test with the coin, right?" He nodded solemnly. "Then, I made an appeal and was given a second chance. I had to make my wife cum for eight days in a row, and I had thirty days to do it. If I succeeded, I'd get my dick back just the way it was. If not, I would stay...tiny down there."

"Sounds like a slam dunk. Easy-peasy"

"You would think...but I failed that, too."

"Shit, so you still have a mini-dingus?"

"Not exactly. My wife somehow made her own deal with Aphrodite. If she prevented me from making her cum for eight days in a row, then I would get a 10-inch cock, but only when I'm with her. The rest of the time I'm hung like a mosquito."

"Oh, wow, you got the short end of that deal...literally."

"I forgot how funny you were," I said with as much wry sarcasm as I could muster.

"Buck up, my boy, life's not over." He sipped his hot black coffee with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

"I know, but..." I looked down at my crotch, knowing what was...or wasn't...there. "I love my wife and all, more now than ever, and I'm grateful for what I have, but it's not an easy adjustment. Even before you came along with that cursed coin, I could at least fantasize about fucking other women, but now that's impossible. Knowing they would just laugh at me ruins the whole thing. Even if they didn't laugh, knowing I have zero chance of satisfying them spoils everything." I was sounding like a petulant child. I knew I should be thankful for what I did have, instead of griping about what I'd lost.

"Well, you're still here. And the gods..." he looked at the sky, then around the coffee shop with a sharp eye, "are still out there. I think they find you amusing. There will be other opportunities for you. Look at me..." he spread his hands, smiling wickedly.

I looked at him. "A seventy-year-old man in a twenty-something body, fucking any chick he wants? I would say it was a bit sad if I wasn't so jealous of you."

He chuckled and leaned in close. "A hundred and seventy year old man." He leaned back and nodded. "I played their game back in my day, and they found me amusing. Now I'm an errand boy of sorts for them. And that comes with a few perks." Gloria stopped at our table on her way out. Maybe she did remember me after all.

She gave me a dismissive look, turned to Paul, and handed him a business card. "I'm not usually this forward, but if you'd like to give me a call I'd love to get to know you."

Paul took the card as if it were something he did a dozen times a day, and nodded. "Sure thing, hot stuff." She seemed unreasonably flattered by his otherwise crude comment and headed for the door, her ass swaying enticingly as she went.

"You're still in the game, my boy," he tucked the business card away in a pocket, "whether you know it or not."

"Meaning what, exactly?"

"Meaning you can still get your dick back, and more...if you want." He placed a coin on the table between us...THE coin.

I had the urge to snatch it and keep it close, but I held back. That thing had messed up my life enough already. I slowly reached out and picked it up...felt its heft in my palm. It felt good, too good. "So you're offering me another curse?"

Paul laughed. "It's all a matter of perspective, I suppose. Having a 10-inch cock when you're fucking your wife is a pretty good trade-off. A lot of men would consider themselves lucky to make that deal."

"A lot of men are idiots," I said, closing my fist around the coin. I could sense its power. The woman at the next table chose that moment to adjust her pantyhose, then looked at me with a sly smile and gave me a wink. Damn, I missed that.

"True enough," Paul conceded. "But you're no idiot, are you?"

"I'm not so sure." My dinky was hard, and probably squirting up a storm in my pants. "So, same deal as before? Sleep with up to four women, and all that fuckery?"

"No...no, no." Paul sat back and looked me over. "You can't afford to lose anything more in that department. You lose 4 inches and you'll end up with a vagina!" He seemed to find this funnier than I did. "No, how about this time you set the rules."

"Huh? What are you even talking about?"

"Just that, you call the game. You define the rules, set the stakes, and figure out what you want to get out of it all."

"It could be anything?" A cute, young woman came into the shop, stopped and bent over to adjust her shoe, and gave me a clear view down her blouse at her two fantastic braless tits. Someone wasn't playing fair!

"So...I could say that I get to have a 10-inch dick all the time, along with the power of seduction? Something like that?"

"Now you got it. Only you have to make it interesting for them. If they like your proposal, then it's game on."

It was tempting. Too tempting. I had just gotten free of all this foolishness, was I really so desperate to get myself embroiled in another debacle and put my penis on the line again. Sure, my wife now had the upper hand, but I did have a dream cock when I was with her. And what else did I really need? I was finally able to truly satisfy my wife, and what more could I want?

A woman approached the table nervously. She was wearing skin-tight maroon yoga pants and a loose top. This outfit might have looked ridiculous if she wasn't so beautiful. "Excuse me," she said shyly, addressing Paul. "I was wondering if you'd like to smell my pussy?"

"That sounds delightful," Paul said. She lifted her top just enough so it was no longer covering her crotch and stepped forward a bit. Paul leaned in, stuck his nose in her camel toe, and breathed deeply. The woman at the next table noticed and just smiled. A couple guys looked on with envy. If I had tried to do the same thing a half dozen people would be dialing 9-1-1!

"How is it?" she asked, concerned.

"Good enough to eat," Paul answered, reached around, and patted her ass. She left all smiles and giddy. I looked at the coin, sitting there all shiny and new. I wouldn't have to cheat on Carol...I could just have those kinds of playful encounters throughout the day and stay loyal.

I forced myself to put the coin back on the table. I knew I couldn't wield that kind of power and not use it...use it to do the most disgraceful things, to violate my marriage vows, to hurt my wife in ways I haven't even contemplated yet. Even if she wanted to fuck other guys, it didn't justify me banging every hot chick I came across.

"Sorry, Paul, I can't." I had to put my hands into my pockets to keep from snatching the coin up again. I could feel it calling to me. "I'm done with all of this. I finally have what I want." Could he tell I was lying? "I've got my wife back, and I have Sonja, sometimes, in the bargain. That's more than enough for me right now."

I stood up, had second thoughts, almost took the coin again, then walked away.

"Good on you, my boy. You're made of stronger stuff than I." I looked back and he'd taken the coin off the table. "But, if you ever change your mind...I'll be around."

I nodded, and forced myself to leave, despite desperately wanting to sit back down at that table and figure this thing out. There had to be a way to play their game and win. But I knew I wasn't clever enough to figure it out. Paul seemed to have gotten it right, and he wasn't any smarter than me, was he?

I got out of there before I could talk myself into making another huge mistake on top of the one I'd already made. I would go to work, then go home, fuck my wife with my huge cock, then do her sister, and that would be that. There were two college coeds making out at the bus stop right in front of me. Fuck, that was ballsy.

One of them noticed me staring. "Would you like to join us?" Her hand squeezed her girlfriend's ample breast right there on the street for anyone to see. That did it. I turned and marched back into the coffee shop. But Paul was gone. I hadn't seen him leave. I rushed back out into the street, but he was nowhere to be seen. The girls were now kissing and grinding on each other, and not seeming to draw any undue attention. Fucking gods and their stupid tricks.

I was going to have to change my pants as soon as I got to work. Good thing I packed an extra pair in my briefcase. As I walked to work, I puzzled over what kind of game I could propose to the gods that was worth them giving me what I wanted. Maybe something to do with the stupid joke Paul had made. My dick couldn't get any smaller, but what if the stakes were that if I didn't win whatever the game was this time, I would have my cock replaced with a pussy. That didn't seem like such a bad thing. Carol might even be into it.

What the fuck was I thinking? I'd fought all this time for my penis, and now I was thinking of giving it up entirely? A lot of men are idiots, I reminded myself. I tried to put Paul out of my mind, but I couldn't help imagining hot women walking up to me out of nowhere in public and asking me to smell their pussy, or banging two coeds I'd just met on the street.

No matter how good I had it, it could be so much better. I was a lost cause. Despite how much I wanted to deny it, I was an idiot. As I changed my pants in the men's room, and stuffed a feminine pad down the front of my underwear to soak up the errant jizz that was sure to come, I had a sense of dark foreboding.

I knew I wasn't going to last. Paul said if I ever changed my mind...that meant the door was still open. And I could walk through it any time. He said he'd be around. He'd be there, with that damned coin, able to make all my dreams come true. But at what cost?

All I wanted was to be my usual self, making love to my usual wife, and living my usual life. I straightened myself up and went to my office feeling determined that I could resist temptation. I found Emily there, bent over my desk. And she was wearing those shiny, candy-apple red skin-tight pants of hers again. So cruel.

"Is it casual Friday again already?" I said as I eyed her assets.

"Oh! Sorry, didn't see you there. I, um...well, my boyfriend broke up with me a couple nights ago for no reason, and so...I don't know...I've been wicked horny lately." Her eyes went wide and she looked at the open door behind me. "Sorry!" She lowered her voice to a whisper. "I shouldn't have said that. Please don't tell on me." Her hands went to her crotch and pressed there suggestively. "I'll be around...if you need me."

She scurried past me and was gone, leaving behind the scent of her intoxicating perfume. I felt my knees go weak, along with my conviction. I made up my mind, turned, and headed out of my office. Emily was right there.

"Oh, do you need something?"

"I'm going out for a coffee," I snapped, knowing I was making a mistake.

"I can take care of that for you," she called after me.

"I'll be back soon. Wait for me in my office," I commanded, which was totally unlike me.

I got a few odd looks on my way out, but I didn't care. I was going to get what I deserved, no matter the cost. I was done being someone else's plaything.

This time I was going to be the one to fuck the gods!

~ ~ ~

Hermes turned to Aphrodite with a smile. She did her best to ignore him.

"You owe me one blowjob, my dear." He lifted his toga, revealing his pulsing erection.

"You cheated," Aphrodite accused.

"As you knew I would." Hermes lounged on his throne, brandishing his godlike cock. "I think you just wanted an excuse to suck my dick."

"Don't be ridiculous." She stood and went to kneel in front of him, ready to get this over with.

"Ahem...I believe the wager was for a naked blowjob."

Aphrodite made a subtle motion with her hand and her shimmering gown disappeared. Hermes eyed her lustfully. She shook her head and knelt.

"You can have any woman you want," she said, annoyed.

"But none of them compare to you, my sweet." She took him in her mouth and he melted at the touch of her tongue. "You knew he wouldn't be able to resist, but you took the bet anyway."

"We all amuse ourselves in different ways," she said and fondled his balls. Hermes tensed and unleashed a mass of golden fluid from his cock all over Aphrodite's face. She let him bathe her in his godly seed, enjoying it more than she wanted him to know.