A Ghost of a Chance

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Can a ghost experience an orgasm? Maybe....
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No apparitions have been harmed in the making of this story. All involved are over the age of 18 and none are based on real people, living or dead. Can dead people be considered real people? Hmmm. No matter! Read on! And enjoy! And if moved to supply a vote or a comment, Please!


Being a ghost has its drawbacks, it isn't quite as much fun as they make it look in movies, on television or at theme parks. It doesn't exactly come with instructions, either. Mostly it is a solitary existence with no definite concept of time and limited senses. There are a few perks, such as, for me, I am able to visit the women's locker room at my former health club any time I want and observe some of the women I had known before my untimely demise. Which is where I am right now.

Here's the basics of what I know about being a ghost, so far. As I said, there is no instruction manual, I am kind of learning this as I go. First off, it doesn't seem to be anything about 'good' or 'evil'. It is more about energy and that is what we, ghosts, consist of. If your energy is somehow separated from your body, it remains while your body... um. Doesn't.

It seems to be mostly solitary, which isn't always bad. I have seen and 'talked' with a few kindred spirits, but you know how it is when you see movement out of the corner of your eye? And you turn, but nothing is there? More often than not, that is what it is like. When I have met another spirit, it can be like a vapor or once it was a semi transparent human form. He was standing in a rain shower, so I think that had something to do with his visibility, but like I said, I'm figuring this out as I go.

Ah, here comes Debbie. Back in the day, she was always such a tease. Several of us marveled at how tight her outfits were, we swore she purposely bought them at least a size too small. When she would bend, the material by her ass would be so shiny that it was almost transparent. Same thing up top. The sports bra top she wore always had two pert nipples outlined.

Now I was able to see the whole thing. As I said, one of the few advantages of being a ghost is I can be the voyeur I always wanted to be without the fear of being caught. Looks like Debbie is not going to disappoint. She is beginning a slow, deliberate strip tease. I wonder if she is doing it for herself or for some of the other women in here. Or maybe she knows I'm here watching her. In spirit. Sometimes I even made myself chuckle. But I watched as the lithe body removed each piece of clothing. Deliberately. One item at a time. They slowly folded or hung up each piece in her locker.

It didn't take long before her top was bare. She arched her back slightly and used her hands to press her breasts from the sides, making them come together. A few more movements of her hands to massage the two pillows of flesh, accentuated by the rosy areola and nipples that were about the size of pencil erasers. They responded positively to the attention.

We had always speculated about her chest, whether it was natural or 'manufactured'. Most of us had decided it was 'augmented reality', helped by some fortunate (and no doubt well paid) plastic surgeon. From my vantage point I could just detect a small remnant of a faint scar beneath each breast, answering the question. Of course I couldn't share it with anyone, but at least one of my mysteries had been solved.

The show continued, with Debbie peeling off a tight pair of jeans to show a 'why bother' pair of thong underwear that accentuated each ass cheek. These too were peeled downward leaving her completely naked. The self massage that had happened up top with her breast was repeated on her butt cheeks. A complete display for whomever was watching. If I had human hands, I would have applauded.

I looked around the locker room, there were a few women there, some just beginning their work out, others finishing, but each was looking at Debbie. Some overtly and some more subtly. All except one.

One woman across the room was looking in my direction. I had almost missed her because she was in the corner and in the shadows. I could almost swear she was looking at me. Then she waved. At me. I felt my eyes get big, or whatever would pass for a look of amazement in my ethereal form. I decided to wave back.

As soon as I did, she moved in my direction. The way she moved was not a walk, but more of a glide. As she crossed the room and came into more light I thought I could see items behind her, though her, like she was made of vapor. No one watched her, except me. They were still transfixed on the show that was Debbie while I watched the figure crossing the room. I must have looked like I had seen a ghost.

"Hello. You can see me?" The feminine figure spoke. I mainly heard the words in my head rather than through my ears, but I definitely heard a tender voice.

"Yes, I can see you, and hear you. I guess you see me as well." I am the master of the obvious at times. "I'm Tim. We're ghosts." Great opening line, right?

"Yes. I figured that part out, but it is all new to me. I'm Sue. You came here to watch that?" She pointed over her shoulder at Debbie who was struggling to put her too tight yoga pants on.

Funny, I felt like I could be completely honest with Sue, a fellow ghost. "Yes. I always wondered about her when I was alive, so I came in to see what her deal was after, well, after I, um, died." I fucking sounded like the perv I am. Or was. Whatever.

"Guess that accounts for why you are here. I'm still not sure why I'm here. I didn't die here, and I don't have any particular attachment. Whoever heard of a haunted gym, anyway?" Sue laughed at her own statement.

"Yeah, I was a member here, and I guess I wanted to be somewhere familiar. Want to go for a walk? Or whatever we do now? As I recall, this club was in a mixed use area, shops and apartments. Let's find a better spot to haunt, and I must admit, it is great to talk to someone else. Great meeting you, Sue."

We glided out of the locker room, the show had ended anyway. A little stroll around some of the shops, checking out people and window shopping. Hardly anything scary or what I had always considered 'ghostly behavior'. I did notice that a few of the dogs bristled as we went by and a child or two pointed. I couldn't resist sticking out my tongue at one young kid in a stroller. Her mouth fell open and the binky popped out, followed by a wail that seemed worthy of an apparition.

"Well, that was a bit rude. Do you make scaring children a regular pastime, or just voyeurism? I think I see why you haven't found eternal rest." Sue sounded mildly annoyed.

"Sorry, just couldn't resist. Apparently, if you can't talk, like dogs and young children, you can see us. I get a little carried away. And do you really think bad behavior is the reason we aren't in heaven or hell, or any other permanent location? Maybe we weren't bad enough or good enough to go either spot. Maybe this is our chance to prove ourselves, one way or another. If that is the case, I am afraid I am off to a bad start." I was so used to talking to myself that I just kind of rambled through a response to Sue. "So, what did you do to get here? And if you don't mind, how did you, um, end your living, throw off your 'mortal coil', as it were?"

Sue paused. "Yeah, I'm confused about that. I don't think I did anything 'bad', the usual, a little drinking, a few regrettable hookups, but never stole anything, didn't hurt anyone. Didn't even cheat at cards. Just kind of average. As for dying, that is still a bit fuzzy. I'm guessing natural causes. Can you believe I'm 90 years old? How about you? I mean how did your end come?"

"Wow. Ninety? I guess age really is just a number. For me, well, a little embarrassing. I was, um, engaged in a bit of solo stimulation, as it were, and as I reached an ending, I slipped and hit my head and, well, that was it." If ghosts can blush, I turned red.

Sue seemed to stifle a chuckle. So, you were masturbating and at the crucial moment you knocked yourself out. Kind of makes sense. Your spirit left as you climaxed and the body shut down and didn't let it back. Can you tell me how that feels? The climax? I never had the pleasure. Literally. I had sex, but never the orgasm. Enjoyed the activity. My partners clearly enjoyed their finish, but..." Sue looked a little wistful.

"It is a bit different, I imagine, for men and women. I know the women I have known have described it as a release of feelings, as a wave of emotion and muscular spasms. An intense focus on one area, almost electric in nature. I guess it isn't that different, but it seems much more intense for a woman, and also a little harder to achieve. We men can be easy. If we're primed, a little touch, some stimulation and boom." Now I was the one with the wistful look.

Sue chuckled. "Oh, I know that. I have had a handful of goo just from the initial touch or guiding my fellows hard on into place. The guilty look they would have! And apologies! Ha!" She smiled and chuckled more. "That would either prompt a more elaborate date or I never saw them again."

"Yeah, men are funny about that. And especially now. We all see the made up sex of porn and think we can go for an hour and in ten different positions. Reality is usually different." I made a statement that would qualify for one of the more obvious comments I ever made.

"I wonder if there would be a couple to watch? In here. It seems like a pretty good sized apartment complex, so Imagine there are plenty of people. You seem to know about this 'voyeur' thing, what do you think? Maybe I can find out how to achieve satisfaction after all these years." Sue had come up with an idea I should have thought of.

I considered options. We could go door to door, or rather through every door. Time consuming, but we had the time. Still, that could be a backup plan. I looked at the myriad of stores and decided on a plan. "What items would you choose for a romantic evening, Sue? I think the ingredients are readily available in the stores before us. We observe them and see who may be purchasing items for a night of passion."

"Brilliant! Personally I would hang out by the chocolate shop. Over there. The name even sounds a little risque... Fannie May?"

"A good possibility, but as the old saying goes, 'Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker.' I think watching the liquor store might be better. And we could also observe the [pharmacy over there. If someone purchases some condoms or lubricant..." I stopped when I saw Sue cock her head.

"They sell that there? In the drug store? Over the counter? Oh, my. Men can purchase safes right there?" A bit of disbelief crossed her face.

"Not only men, women purchase those items as well. As they should. Condoms or 'safes' as you call them protect both from not only unwanted pregnancies, but other things as well. Women have taken control of their well being." I tried not to sound too much like an ad for sex ed, but it sounded a little preachy.

"Well. Good for us. Maybe with that attitude, I wouldn't have been so worried and might have enjoyed coupling a bit more. I might have had that orgasm. But I think we have a plan!"

I was fully on board with finding a couple to watch, but one thing kept bothering me. In our present forms, there wasn't a whole lot to do about it if we found ourselves getting excited. We had no bodies, we would literally pass through each other as two smoke columns might mingle and separate. The only time I had felt something was when I hadn't moved out of the way of a person and they walked into me. I kind of stuck for a moment, I felt what I figured they were feeling and then they walked on. Without me.

"Um, Sue, I might have an idea. Have you ever had a human contact? Like they come in contact with you? Maybe accidentally or a chance encounter? How did it feel?"

"Let me think. Yes, there was one time. I was near a door and this young fellow came running through the door and smack into me! At first I thought it hurt, but I realized it was the feeling of his breathing and heartbeat and... Oh! I think I see what you might be getting at! To feel we must inhabit a human? Go on, I'm listening."

Sue had lit up when the idea formed. I mean actually. Her form went from translucent to a glow. I thought it was just me, but I saw a fellow down the block turn as though he had seen something, but by the time he focused, the glow was gone. But a plan was forming.

"That was similar to what has happened to me. A human ran into me and I felt what they felt. So what if you inhabit a body about to climax? You would experience that as well. We just have to figure out how to propel you into that body. My only experiences have been when they ran into me."

Sue and I positioned ourselves by the liquor store and the pharmacy, observing several people going in and making purchases. We discussed various ideas of how to enter a living being. And how to exit. It didn't seem fair to try to occupy someone for an extended period, but a short term stay seemed possible. After a while, we not only had several prospective pairs to follow, we also had an idea or two to try when we wanted to try to enter our host.

I had always adhered to the basic rule of KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid). Not unlike the idea of someone buying condoms and lube and alcohol was planning more than a book club meeting. For the possession, we watch the couple in the act, and when the woman seems close, Sue can swoop down and possess her. I decided to remain outside to assist her if she needed help returning. Piece of cake.

Not long after we had come up with our plan, we spied a possible couple outside between the two buildings. They kissed and separated, he headed into the liquor store and she to the pharmacy. They weren't 'beautiful' people, just average looking, 'real' people. Hard to tell their physical shape under their coats, but they certainly looked like they would be engaging in some activities that might help Sue achieve her goal.

"Do you think we might have a likely pair? What if she is just going in for some headache powder? And perhaps he is just an alcoholic?" Sue sounded worried.

"Trust me on this one, Sue. A few things have changed over the years. Yes, I think they may be a likely pair. Are you sure you want to proceed with this? We can find other couples or observe a few before committing." I offered a way out.

"No, we have a plan, it makes sense and I want the experience! The more we talked, the more I felt that I had missed opportunities in life. No regrets to speak of, but if this can work, there is no time like the present to do this." She made her point by making a fist and planting it into her other open palm.

The couple emerged from their respective shops carrying packages. They joined hands and headed to the entrance of one of the residential buildings. We followed close behind, even riding in the same elevator. I figured we were definitely on the right track with this couple as he slid his hand over the lower back of her coat and she made no move to brush it away. Just a slight lean into him and a warm look upward at him. Yes, I was about to get my show and Sue would have a shot at orgasmic possession.

From the elevator to the apartment. Once the door was closed, coats were removed and he went to the kitchen with his bottle; she went to the bedroom with her package. We followed the woman. I figured I have seen plenty of drinks poured, and the possibility of a striptease was always better than that.

I was not disappointed, and judging from her reaction, neither was Sue. The woman undid her package and took out a pack of condoms and a small bottle of lube, setting them next to the bed.

"You are very wise, Tim, I am learning to trust your ideas, you have been leading me in the right direction all the way through this. I'm trying not to get too excited, but this is looking better and better. Oh, look, she's going to her drawer. Is she choosing her bed clothes? How interesting!"

"I agree. Very interesting, and even more interesting to watch." The woman opened the drawer revealing a delightful jumble of various silk and satin items; bras, panties and assorted patterns and colors.

"I recognize those - I enjoyed the garter belt. And stockings. I;m happy to see they are still around. Oh, look at what she has chosen!" Sue watched as the woman went through the drawer and settled on a black silk pair of tap style panties, lacy and loose around the legs accompanied by a black lace bra that matched perfectly.

"I see. And I approve." The woman began to remove her clothes, a blouse that covered a very nice figure. The dark material would look great next to her light skin. Her slacks came down revealing modest everyday panties which also fell to the floor. The woman stretched, showing off her completely nude form.

"Amazing. She has no pubic hair. Look, Tim. Is that normal? How is that possible? I never worried much about it, it was never visible, but it looks so different." We both admired the stretching and reveal of the body before it was partially covered by the sleek 'play clothes'.

Clad in her new underwear, the woman lay back on the bed and waited, propped up slightly by her one arm. She didn't have to wait for long before her partner entered the room carrying two glasses of wine. He looked at her with a combination of approval and lust and handed her a glass. They clinked and drank.

We watched as she leaned forward and undid her partner's belt, then the pants and let them fall to the floor. His boxers seemed to cover a growing erection and she lingered a moment on the outside of the shorts.

Sue seemed fascinated. "I honestly have never seen this activity. I mean it was always under the cover of darkness for me. Or at least dim lighting. I do think they will mate soon. I hope she can experience an orgasm, I so want to know what it feels like." Sue talked, but her eyes remained locked on the woman's hand that moved slowly around the man's shorts.

"I think there is a good chance, but this is just the preliminaries. It will probably be a while. But are you ready? Got your plan all set?"

"Oh yes. When we think she is about to climax, I go up and then I will swoop down as fast as possible, entering her. I imagine it might be easiest through an opening, maybe her mouth. Once my essence is inside her, I should feel everything she feels! As for the escape, I will try to hitch a ride out on a deep exhale... But you will be out here and can help? That sounds like what we discussed?" She seemed a little anxious, but also confident.

"Exactly right, Sue.I'm not sure I can push or pull, but I can do everything I can! You got this!"

We watched the activity play out before us. The woman slowly moved his shorts lower, and lower until they too fell to the floor exposing his erect cock. Sue's eyes grew large and she leaned in to see it as close as possible.

The woman grasped the hard member and delivered a stroke or two and moved her face closer - nearly colliding with Sue's transparent form. A glance upward and the woman opened her mouth, taking the tip of the cock into her mouth.

"Oh, my! I, I, I have never considered that! Oh my. What if he gets satisfied from her mouth? She won't... I won't... Oh, My." Sue was clearly taken aback by the oral action playing out before her. She moved back slightly, but watched in fascination and perhaps a bit of amazement.

"Don't worry. They bought the condoms for a reason. That seems to indicate they will be engaging in more than oral sex, she is just getting him as hard as possible. Just so you know, he may return the favor. That is one of the reasons she has a bare pussy."

"Pussy? Oh her lady parts. What a cute term. Oh, he might kiss her there? I truly have missed a lot. I will watch and learn, but alert me if you see my chance approach."