A Gift in Disguise Ch. 07

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A prosthetic engineer analyzes the gift.
19.5k words

Part 7 of the 19 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 07/24/2009
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After the strenuous and pleasantly exhausting sex with Dr. Kimberly Geiler-Callaghan on Saturday afternoon, I had expected to awaken Sunday still tired and maybe even a little sore. Instead, I awoke refreshed and invigorated. In fact, I was so alert that I decided it would be a good day to begin my outline for the project my EE master's chairman had suggested. That project would be work toward my doctorate, and it would be done in conjunction with a neurocardiologist associated with the university's medical school.

Unbeknownst to my thesis chairman, however, the neurocardiologist was the woman who had been my Saturday sex partner, Dr. Kimberly Geiler-Callaghan.

I had begun my project outline enthusiastically about 10 a.m., but by noon I felt as if I was floundering around pointlessly. Finally I had to acknowledge that while my intentions were good, I didn't have the foggiest idea how to proceed.

I decided to call Jamie.

"Hi, Tom. What are you up to today?" she asked.

I explained my feeble attempt to begin my project outline. She was very sympathetic and understanding.

"Look, Tom, unless you've got other plans, why don't you bring your ideas and come on over. A project outline is a project outline, and I've done a lot of them for DoD contracts. And remember, I've already been down that bumpy PhD road. I can tell you for sure that if you take even a basic project outline to Keller, he's going to be impressed. He'll be more than eager to help you flesh it out so that it blends well with your eventual PhD work."

"Thanks, Jamie. But I don't want to mess up your Sunday afternoon."

"Tom, if I'd had any plans, I wouldn't have offered. Actually, I'm glad you called. I've been going back over your information from Lorraine, Kim, and Amanda. Based on what's in their reports and the your videos -- and my own personal experience with you, of course -- I've begun reviewing their reports about your 'gift' from an engineering perspective rather than a social and medical sciences one. There's overlap, of course, but sometimes we engineers approach things from a slightly different perspective.

And as far as your project goes, all we'll probably accomplish today is get you started -- give you something you can carry through Keller's door to impress him. Come on over in about an hour if you're interested."

"Thanks again, Jamie. I really appreciate it. See you in an hour."

I had been so focused on my project outline that I almost neglected to check the weather. The internet weather report surprised me. Today was predicted to be unseasonably warm. Well, that was okay. Cargo shorts and tee-shirt weather is always welcome.

I printed out my disappointingly sparse pre-project notes from the computer and organized them in a file folder, then jumped in the car and headed to Jamie's lab. She had obviously been watching for me, because when I pulled up to park in the public lot in front, she stepped out and motioned for me to drive to the closed gate. She held up a remote control, and the gate opened to give me access to the employee's fenced parking lot under constant video surveillance. The first time I had visited her prosthetic device engineering lab, she told me it wasn't a good idea to leave cars in the lab's public parking lot unattended on weekends. Her lab was not exactly the best section of town.

With my skinny file folder of notes tucked under my arm, I walked up to the employees' entrance. She stepped out wearing short white and tight button-front shorts which failed delightfully to even try to mask her masculine genitalia. Her bulge was obvious, and she made no effort now to hide it from me. It was so pronounced beneath her shorts that I couldn't help but stare -- shamelessly -- at not only her erection but her very shapely and attractively hairy legs, womanly hips, and trim waistline.

Somewhere beneath the rapidly descending fog of lust I recalled Jamie telling me that unless she was with any of the handful of people who knew about her physical anomaly, she always wore specially tailored clothes to conceal it -- even if she had an erection -- which she clearly had now. She had said that she looked forward to visits with witting friends so she could actually wear what she called "real girl" clothes rather than specially-tailored ones that were feminine but unsexy. I soon concluded that the shorts Jamie was wearing were "real girl" ones and not something specially-tailored. Rather than trying to hide her anomaly, she was trying to accentuate it for me. And was she ever succeeding!

Equally distracting, she was obviously braless under her tight white tee shirt. I didn't recall her breasts being quite so full and shapely, even when we had sex the first time, but surprises are nice. So was the next one.

Before I could drift into complete fantasy, Jamie wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a very close and pleasantly prolonged welcoming hug. The hug was close enough that I could feel my burgeoning erection against hers even though layers of clothing separated us.

Given that just a day earlier Kim and I had fucked to sexual depletion and exhaustion, the rapid onset and intensity of my erection with Jamie came as something of a surprise to me. Not that I was about to object. And clearly, neither was she. Just before breaking our hug, I could swear she gave me a noticeable grind. Another one or two of those and there would have been jism running down my leg and a telltale stain on the front my cargo shorts. Still, I hoped the prominence of my own erection would not offend her.

"Mmmm. Nice to see you, too, Tom," she purred.

Okay, she had not been offended.

"Come on in. I've got some fresh lemonade if you'd like some." She took me by the hand and led me inside to her private office near the rear of the lab.

"Thanks, Jamie. You didn't have to go to the trouble just for me, though."

"It was no trouble. Here." She handed the glass of lemonade to me and gestured for me to be seated on the room's couch. She joined me, then she continued. "Now, let's talk about your project. Let me guess. You've hit a wall, right? In fact, you feel like you really don't even know how to start, right?"

She was quite perceptive.

"Actually, Tom, recognizing that early on is a good sign. It means you haven't wasted a great deal of time already. Why do you think you're having trouble getting going?"

That was a question I hadn't considered, so it took me a moment to think through it. Jamie patiently sipped her lemonade and waited quietly for me to answer.

"It's frustrating me. I know the engineering stuff, but it's all the medical stuff, especially the neurocardiological stuff, that I'm clueless about."

Jamie's warm smile was reassuring -- and darned arousing. Then again, with what she was wearing, anything she did would have been arousing. But then I forced my mind to focus on my project rather than being distracted by her tits so nicely accentuated by the tank top.

"You're not clueless at all, Tom. You've simply identified the body of knowledge you don't know but need to learn about. Recognizing what you don't know but need to learn is actually a huge first step. And to your great good fortune, you have two incredibly competent and renowned neurocardiologists -- Kim and Dr. Klein -- who will be very, very eager to not only tutor you but mentor you as well. At the same time, you're going to be educating them with what you know.

You see, Tom, you're not just stepping into your run-of-the-mill PhD program where you are going to bow and scrape before the elevated thrones of self-anointed superior beings. You're going to be an equal partner in a working, important project, not some grad student go-fer. Kim and Klein know their stuff -- neuroscience and cardiology -- but neither of them know the electrical engineering. I guarantee you that they are as concerned about their lack of understanding of applied nanotechnology as you are about neuroscience. That Kim and Klein are already accepting you on a peer level is a huge compliment to you and to the Engineering Department. Together, you guys are very likely going to advance the research and development for both of your disciplines."

Jamie's reassurance was comforting.

"So I guess what I need to do now is come up with the questions I need to ask Kim and Klein the first time we meet?"

"Yeah, that would be a good start, Tom. But I'd suggest you first run them by Dr. Keller, your thesis chairman. Believe me, he wants this project to succeed, and the more people like him and Klein and Kim you can involve, the more allies you'll be enlisting to invest in your success. That, by the way, is your basic introduction to the political side of academia -- something you'll need to develop once you're a PhD, especially if you consider remaining in the publish-or-perish university environment."

"How about you?" I asked her.

"Tom, you know I'll do anything I can to help. Probably the best thing I can do right now is give you a lot of encouragement so you don't get distracted."

With that remark, I couldn't help but look again at the bulge in her tight shorts and then at her nipples poking at her tank top. I made no effort to hide my interest that her encouragement might not be limited to my thesis and the project.

My interest didn't require her to be a mind reader. "There are good distractions and bad ones, Tom," she chided good-naturedly. "Sometimes timing is the only distinction between them."

Then she continued back on topic, barely missing a beat.

"Down the road, the performance and reliability of the prosthetics I develop will benefit from your work, so to some extent I'm already on board. But it's really important that this project be your work -- and Kim's and Klein's too, of course. Once this is done and they begin referring to you as Dr. Connors, one of the three visionaries who blended medical science with nanotechnological electrical engineering, I want to you to experience the satisfaction you will have rightfully earned."

I was deeply touched by Jamie's sincerity as well as her generosity.

We talked about my project for a while longer and brainstormed some questions we thought I would need to ask. I hurriedly scribbled notes on the legal pad inside my file folder. Some of them she immediately commanded, "Write that down exactly that way." Others she worked with me to refine. Finally after about an hour and a half, I felt as if I was off to a much better start.

Jamie agreed that we had accomplished a great deal, so I decided to change the subject.

"You said you had been looking at my 'gift' from an engineering perspective. What's with that?"

She answered with a mysterious grin. "I think your 'gift' may have more than just an incidental connection to the development and evolution of our prosthetic phallus."

Jamie's interjecting just the right amount of mystery into our conversation definitely had my interest.

"Tom, you remember that our prosthetic phallus started out first as little more than a glorified strapless dildo that would feel unusually natural to both the wearer and his or her partner. Particularly when worn by a woman, its features contoured to her mound to put pressure on her specific sexual arousal points. It did give the wearer some pleasure, but it was really still little more than an upscale dildo for her and her partner.

So then you added some nanosensors that could transform the pressures of sexual contact into tiny electrical currents which could be sent to the wearer via the tiny conductive plates in contact with her skin when the phallus was attached with the proper surgical cement. And about the same time you came up with the space-age sealant that expands when an electrical current is applied, so with that we could actually build a phallus that would start out flaccid but become erect just like a real erection as the wearer became more stimulated.

And finally, or at least where we are now, we've added a small set of conductors in the tip of the phallus so that when the wearer is experiencing an orgasm, it will generate a very small current which will be transmitted from the phallus's tip to the partner's G-spot to trigger and intensify her orgasm. And, of course, if they're engaging in anal sex and the partner is a man, the electrified tip may conduct a small electrical current into the partner's prostate. We won't know that until we try it, though.

The whole point of the various iterations of the phallus was to cause the wearer's brain and maybe the recipient's brain, too, to perceive the sensations from the phallus as if they were generated by a real penis."

"So what do you think would improve on the design? Are you thinking of adding some additional sensors or stimulators?" I asked.

"As far as design improvement goes, Tom, I've already done it in one area.

With Amanda's help, I did a wireframe computer graphic motion study of the differences between men and women's pelvic motions during sexual intercourse. Because of men's and women's different skeletal and muscular structures, a man's pelvic thrusts are different from a woman's. Even with my male genitalia, I still move like a woman because, of course, that's what I am. Since I was born with male genitalia, I've adapted to it throughout my life. Consequently, my thrusts have adapted to what I've always had.

That got me to thinking about the design and placement of our prosthetic phallus on men and women.

I looked at quite a lot of videos that showed women fucking other women and also men while wearing a conventional strap-on dildo. I compared those women's thrusts with the men's thrusts and, not surprisingly, found that the women's thrusts when they were wearing a dildo appeared more constrained and certainly more unnatural.

So then I actually talked with several women who had used strap-ons, and they confirmed what I suspected -- the existing over-the-counter strap-on dildos deliver far less pleasure than hoped to both the wearer and the recipient. In one way or another, all of the women said that the strap-on felt unnatural to them. That's no surprise. To artificially add mass and therefore additional forces to the body where there was none before is bound to have an effect. And when the phallus causes the wearer to engage in an unusual range of motions, one that she has not been born with and become accustomed to, it can create more distraction than pleasure.

So with that information, the wireframe CG motion studies, and the anecdotal input from OTC strap-on users, I made some very slight adjustments in the configuration and positioning of our current 'woman's' version of the prosthetic phallus, the one that Lorraine and Kim will be testing soon with Emily and Marta. If you were to look at Kim or Lorraine wearing the newly modified version, the difference won't be outwardly obvious to observers, but hopefully they will both feel it. In an ideal world, they would both feel as if they had been born with it and had worn it all their lives.

The objective of the adjustments is to allow the fucking motions of a woman wearing the phallus to feel more natural and pleasurable to both her on the giving end and her partner on the receiving end. The slight changes have more to do with heft and position. Overall, the woman wearer's thrust should be feel more natural throughout the stroke, and with more comfort and natural feel to her, she and her partner should experience at least less discomfort and fewer distractions and therefore more pleasure.

We know from Lorraine's and Kim's comments about the version one phallus that it was a vast improvement over any commercial strap-on. The question now will be if our version two changes add more natural comfort and pleasure or if they make little appreciable difference. I'm also eager to talk with Emily and Marta to see if they notice anything different after being on the receiving end of the new phallus.

Obviously when the prosthetic phallus is worn by a man, those adjustments would not be included in his phallus. He probably wouldn't need them unless the injury or illness that caused the loss of his original equipment somehow changed his skeletal and muscular structure. But then, we won't know that until we actually test the phallus on a male patient. Even then, it's likely to need very careful initial fitting and occasional adjustment on each different male patient."

"Well, that makes a lot of sense," I commented. "What else?"

"I also began thinking about all of the distinct sensations we feel when we insert our penis into a woman."

Jamie's last comment sounded odd, mainly because she and I had never specifically discussed the obvious -- that even though Jamie was a woman who had been born with a penis and scrotum rather than a vagina, she would have fucked a woman or maybe engaged in oral or anal sex. Consequently, I had never given serious thought to whether Jamie experienced the feelings of sexual pleasure as a man feels them or as a woman does.

Now I wondered, so I asked. Almost immediately my mind told me I might have been a bit too bold, and I tried to backtrack before she could answer. Her answer was both gracious and reassuring.

"There's no need to be embarrassed or to apologize, Tom. Actually, that's precisely the right question for a research scientist to ask, and it's one I've often thought about myself. In fact, I went further than just thinking about it.

Remember the CT scan that you received while Kim was masturbating you? We did that to map which sections of your brain were involved and how they were involved when you orgasmed? You'll also remember that we've done the same type of CT scans on Lorraine, Kim, and Amanda and others as well? As I think Lorraine has explained to you, based on those scans and some others, we have conclusively determined that men and women orgasm differently. It's more complicated than that, of course, but essentially we can conclusively differentiate between a man's sexual response and a woman's sexual response during orgasm by simply looking at their CT scans.

I had myself scanned twice, Tom. Once when I was being masturbated by Lorraine and once by Kim. My brain response during orgasm shows conclusively that my sexual responses leading up to, during, and after orgasm are those of a woman. Very significantly, it looks like my penis receives the initial sexual stimulation and sensations more like your's does as a man. It isn't really clear if my brain processes them like a man or a woman, but based on my having sex with you, I think we're getting closer to an answer."

I may have had the most blank stare Jamie had ever seen, because she started laughing.

"If you think you're confused, Tom, imagine how I must have felt when I hit puberty! Think of it this way: Similar sensors but different processor." Her self-deprecating response was disarming. She continued.

"Anyway, as I said Tom, I began thinking about the different sensations both our cocks, yours and mine, feel when we slide it in and out of a woman's pussy. Obviously there's resistance and pressure, but there are other sensations, too. We don't think about it at the time -- it's not like we're keeping a detailed log of 'Okay, this is what I feel now' items, but we are exposed to at least two other sensations that may contribute to sexual pleasure. We feel the warmth and the wetness of our partner's vagina. What we don't know is how much those two sensations contribute to our pleasure. We haven't really measured that and factored it into the phallus design."

"So, are you thinking we need to add temperature and moisture sensors to Lorraine's and Kim's prosthetic phalluses? That would probably require us to upgrade the microprocessor as well. And a recalibration so that those two sensations are proportional to what a real penis feels and the brain perceives," I said.