A Gift in Disguise Ch. 08

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The Gift's diversity expands.
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Part 8 of the 19 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 07/24/2009
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I headed for the University campus a little earlier than usual on Monday morning, hoping to catch my thesis chairman Dr. Keller and drop off the project notes Jamie and I had compiled. More accurately, I hoped to arrive before his gatekeeper, Mrs. Marsh. That didn't work out.

Doesn't that woman ever leave her guard post?

"Hello, Tom," she sniffed dismissively.

"Good morning, Mrs. Marsh. I've got some project proposal notes to drop off with Dr. Keller."

"Fine. Give them to me and I'll see that he gets them."

Hopefully before the next ice age, I thought to myself.

But just then, Dr. Keller walked out of his office.

"Tom, good morning. I thought I heard your voice. Come in! Come in! What have you got? I'm afraid I've only got about fifteen minutes before I have to leave for a meeting."

Oh, how I wanted to turn around and stick my tongue out at Mrs. Marsh.

"I spent some time this weekend putting together some thoughts on our proposed project. They're really more an outline of what I think I need to know from a medical perspective, things we probably need to discuss with Dr. Klein and Dr. Geiler-Callaghan, before I develop a more detailed project outline. But I hoped you would take a look at them first since the project is likely to reflect on the double-E department."

Jamie had been right in giving me a quick introduction into the politics of academia. Keller beamed.

"Tom, I sincerely appreciate your already looking at the possible consequences of your project and wanting to make sure the electrical engineering department is portrayed in its best light. You would be surprised how few graduate students are that astute.

I'll give your notes a quick once-over right now. As it happens, my meeting is with Dr. Klein. If it is appropriate, and with your permission of course, I'll discuss them with him. My guess is that he will want you to work closely with Dr. Geiler-Callaghan to expeditiously get the information you need but also to educate her into your expertise in nanotechnology."

Working closely with Dr. Kim Geiler-Callaghan was just fine with me. If Keller knew how close Kim and I already were ...

"Thank you, Dr. Keller. Now, if you'll please excuse me, I have to get to my first class."

He actually rose, extended his hand, and thanked me for leaving the notes. In the past he had rarely even looked up in my pre-project days as a lowly grad student, so I took that as a good sign.

I sailed through my morning and early afternoon classes, then headed to the University pool for my twice weekly swimming workout. It was a good way to work out stress and kinks, and it also cleared my mind. After that, I put in a couple hours at the library and then headed back to my apartment.

After dinner I began to wonder how Lorraine's final phallus fitting had gone, so I called Jamie to find out.

"Glad you called, Tom. I was going to call you a little later and fill you in.

Everything went quite well. Lorraine is very pleased at the slight changes we made to improve fit and heft. She wore it for the hour or so it took me to show her how to use her tablet computer to adjust its sensitivity and timing settings. She said she hardly noticed it during that time. Of course, she's still not exactly thrilled with having to depilate her pubic hair, but the three-part depilatory that Amanda and her partner came up with has gone a long way toward alleviating her concerns.

On a whim, I asked her to do an experiment in private when had some time. I asked her to put on the phallus and then do something that normally sexually arouses her - maybe read a story or watch a video - but not touch the phallus. I want to see if there's any mental activity that causes the prosthetic phallus to become even partially erect without any physical contact with it."

"You mean you want to see if her mind alone can somehow cause sufficient electrical current to expand the sealant?"

"Yeah, sort of!"

"Good idea."

"You'll be happy to know that she said that short of having you there in person, watching one or two of your videos done in her lab ought to do the trick if anything would.

Anyway, she will get back to me every couple days with routine reports. Of course, if she notices anything terribly extraordinary, she'll call sooner."

"And Kim's coming in tomorrow for her's right? Do you plan on asking her to do the same experiment?"

"Well, it seems like it's worth a try and shouldn't do any harm. But what do you think? I probably should have discussed it with you before asking Lorraine to do it."

"Sure. It was a very good idea, Jamie. Knowing if spontaneous erections can be generated by external factors would affect future electronic design and construction. So yes, I'd say ask Kim to do the same experiment."

I went on to tell Jamie about my meeting with Keller and about his intentions to show the notes to Klein in their meeting.

"Tom, it sounds as if you're off to a very good start. My guess is that Klein will urge Kim to start working with you as soon as possible. You're fortunate that you already know her and are comfortable with her. That will make it easier for you to handle the academic pressure that you're under. And just so you know, Klein will be subjecting Kim to comparable professional pressure to produce results. But you shouldn't worry. You will both do just fine. Kim's used to it, and she will help you adjust as well."

She paused, then added with a laugh, "Of course it would be better if Klein and Keller didn't know about Kim's methods of helping you adjust."

"True enough," I answered. "So, do you want me to call tomorrow night to see how Kim's fitting went?"

"Sure. If it's convenient, call me about seven."

After disconnecting with Jamie, I fixed dinner, then began to study. About 9:30 p.m. my cell phone rang.

"Hi, Tom. I hope I'm not calling too late." It was Kim. "I thought you might like to know that Klein and Keller met this morning. Klein invited me to sit in when Keller showed him some preliminary notes you had made about our project.

They were absolutely giddy over your questions."

"Giddy? I thought the questions were pretty reasonable," I interrupted, maybe a little too defensively.

"Oh, they were. That's why Klein and Keller were thrilled with them. Your stock as a graduate student went up dramatically this morning with them. In fact, your questions and concerns about what you thought you didn't know revealed to them that you already know a great deal more about the medical issues than you think. It really looks to be a matter of the two disciplines, medicine and engineering, using different terminology to describe similar conditions.

Which is why I called. Klein would like for me to get together with you so I can basically tell you then what I just told you now. I know your Tuesday afternoons are free, so I wondered if we could meet at my office here in the Medical Arts Building tomorrow afternoon?"

While I would have preferred meeting her somewhere more private, I fully understood that Kim and I were going to have to be extraordinarily careful to keep our public interactions professional and far separated from our personal ones.

"Sure. Is two o'clock okay with you?"

"That's fine. My office is on the sixth floor. Thanks for meeting so soon. That'll help keep Klein off my back. You ought to mention to Keller that we've agreed to meet tomorrow, too. Keeping the bosses informed is always a good idea.

Now, I've got to get ready to be at Jamie's lab bright and early tomorrow morning. I'm looking forward to trying out the new toy."

"Have you talked with Lorraine yet about her's?" I asked.

"No, in fact Lorraine and I decided not to compare our individual results until after we discuss them individually with you and Jamie. Even though I called it a 'toy,' it's a serious prosthetic device. So although Lorraine and Amanda and I are women, we can still provide you and Jamie with objective input that will help the two of you perfect it for the first male recipient."

My mind drifted a bit to an image of Kim wearing her new phallus.

"Tom, are you still there?"

"Oh ... yeah. I was just thinking about your new 'toy' is going to look like on you."

"Does that excite you a little?" she asked. Kim's voice had shifted tone slightly and taken on a very enticing and arousing quality.

"More than a little," I answered.

"Good! I'm eager to see your results myself," she teased. "Yours might still be bigger than mine, but maybe I'll be able to last longer. And maybe I'll be able to entice you to let me backdoor you the way I persuaded you to do me."

"Keep talking like that and I'm liable to shoot right here," I responded.

She didn't relent. "Just imagine what it would be like with me pumping your ass with my new dick and at the same time wrapping my arms around you and jerking you off with my hand. Just the thought of being able to do that makes making my pussy hairless for the adhesive worthwhile."

Kim paused briefly to listen, then continued in the voice of her incestuous alter ego, "Do you have your cock in your hand, Tommy? Did I catch my favorite boy playing with himself? Is Mommy making her boy hard? I know just the way to fix that... Mommy needs her big boy driving his cock into her hairy cunt."

I could hear her breathing very hard now. I had pulled mine out and had begun to stroke it.

"Can I touch your clit with my cock, Mommy?"

Her breathing speeded up and became more irregular. "Yes, baby, yes! Slide it up and down on Mommy's clit. See how red it is? And it puts out so much heat. That's it, baby, just a little slower. Yeah, that's it! Now harder. Make Mommy cum, baby. Mommy's ready to cum! Right there, Tommy ... right there, baby! I'm there! I'm there!"

She had moved her phone down so I could hear her wetness squishing with each plunge of her fingers in and out of her pussy. And in the background I heard the unmistakable cries of Dr. Kim Geiler-Callaghan having a juicy orgasm.

My own guttural cries accompanied my explosive eruption of cum from deep within me, and with that, she orgasmed a second time in quick succession. Her voice was husky and dry, urging me, "Yes, baby, yes. Shoot that hot wet cum all over Mommy's hairy pussy." Then her utterances dissolved into merely loud sounds of pleasure. Then the silence of a hollow room through the phone as her breathing (and mine) tried to become normal again.

Finally, I recovered enough to speak.

"Kim? Are you there."

I heard three or four deep breaths from her. "Yes. God, we've got to do that again." Another long pause. "But please," she begged,"Not right now. I couldn't handle another one of those right now," she said with a tired and breathless voice. "Maybe next time we'll do it with my new dick on. Bye."

After cleaning up the mess on the floor in front of me, I decided that any try at studying would be a waste of time. Between my workout from swimming earlier and my just-completed phone sex with Kim, I was exhausted - in a good way. I cleaned up and fell into bed.

I stopped at Keller's office before my first Tuesday class. He was already out, but the Palace Guard, Mrs. Marsh, assured me she would give my message about my scheduled meeting with Dr. Geiler-Callaghan to him. Interestingly enough, today Marsh was quite civil, almost pleasant. Perhaps Keller had said something to adjust her attitude toward me?

The morning went by quickly with classes and an hour in the library. Around noon I went through the cafeteria line in the student union building and picked up a small salad for lunch. Then I headed back to my apartment to get ready for my 2 p.m. meeting with Kim.

Before jumping in the shower, I laid out the clothes for my meeting. For some reason I decided to wear my one and only business suit with a light blue shirt and conservative tie.

I arrived at the Medical Arts Building a few minutes before two and checked the lobby directory. It showed five doctors, including Klein and Kim, on the sixth floor.

Stepping off the elevator on six, I was standing in a round reception area with an efficient looking, middle aged secretary sitting behind a rounded counter in the middle of the room. She looked up when the elevator dinged and the doors opened to let me out.

"Hello. I'm Tom Connors. I've got a two o'clock appointment with Dr. Geiler-Callaghan." I smiled my best, hopefully professional-looking, smile.

"I'll let her know you're here, Mr. Connors. She's expecting you."

She picked up the telephone. After a few seconds, she said, "Mr. Connors is here, Dr. Kim."

After hanging up the phone, the receptionist looked back at me and smiled. "She'll be right out."

Almost immediately Kim came out of one of the offices. She was wearing a beautifully-tailored pantsuit that made her seem taller. She was smiling pleasantly. I couldn't help but cast a quick glance downward to see if she might be wearing her new toy. Hoping?

As she walked toward me, she extended her hand.

"Mr. Connors. Hello. I'm Kim Geiler-Callaghan. It's nice to finally meet you."

I picked up on her "As far as anyone knows, we're meeting for the first time, so keep it professional" cue immediately.

"How do you do, Dr. Geiler-Callaghan? It's very nice to meet you as well." I took her hand in a firm and formal handshake, then released it.

"Please. Call me Kim. My hyphenated surname can be a mouthful," she said with a disarming laugh.

"Just as your tits are," I thought to myself, but given that I had demonstrated that preference to her privately before, I imagine she sensed my thought through my silence. Still, she kept her professional demeanor as she spoke.

"Dr. Klein has asked if you would mind meeting with him and me in his office? He spoke with your thesis chairman yesterday and since this is our initial meeting on our proposed project, he would like to meet with both of us."

I sensed that Kim hadn't been too happy about Klein's request, but she handled it well. Clearly, there was only one right answer.

"I'd be happy to meet with both of you together. I appreciate your time and his as well."

Kim's hands were out of the receptionist's view, but I glanced down to observe she was giving me a quick "thumbs up" with her left hand.

"Wonderful. Marie, will you please call Dr. Klein and see if it's convenient for Mr. Connors and me to come to his office?"

"Please call me Tom," I offered.

"All right, Tom. Thank you." Kim's smile, voice, and expression were professional, not unduly personal and certainly not arousing.

"Dr. Klein would like for you to come right in," receptionist Marie interjected.

Kim led me toward one of the doors. It was only a few feet away. That door, like all of the others, was unmarked. Kim knocked lightly.

The door opened, and a distinguished looking gentlemen greeted us warmly.

"Come in. Come in. Mr. Connors, I'm David Klein. It's a pleasure to meet you." He extended his hand. I shook it professionally as I spoke.

"How do you do, Dr. Klein? It's also nice to meet you."

"Please. Won't you both have a seat? May I call you Tom?" He gestured toward three chairs around a small round meeting table.

"Yes, sir. Please do." I was trying to be appropriately deferential without being an obsequious ass-kisser. I pulled one of the chairs out and offered it to Kim. Both Kim and Dr. Klein's faces seemed to register some brief surprise at my courtesy.

Dr. Klein seemed genuinely nice, not the arrogant renowned doctor I had been bracing myself for.

After we were seated, Dr. Klein began.

"Tom, Dr. Keller discussed your questions with Kim and me yesterday. I must say, I understand now why Dr. Keller is so impressed with you and wants you to work toward your PhD. One who asks the right questions clearly has the basis for understanding their answers.

Your questions are very precise, very on-point. I was surprised - shocked might be a better word - that you were so aware of Dr. Kim's recent surgical success."

"Well,the university newspaper had some very detailed articles," I responded. "Then the national wire services picked up on it and before long, the network and cable news outlets were running the story. As they reported more and more details about your surgical application of microelectrical current to stimulate biological bonding," I said turning my face from Dr. Klein's to Kim's, "I became intrigued by the possible interface between nanoelectronics and medicine."

We talked for another twenty minutes or so, then Dr. Klein very gracefully brought our meeting to a close by explaining he had another meeting to attend.

Kim and I left his office. I had hoped Kim might walk me out to my car, but when we were standing in front of the receptionist, Marie, Kim extended her had again. We separated with the professional obligatory comments about how happy we were to have met and how much we looked forward to working together and with Drs. Klein and Keller on our project. She punched the elevator's "down" button for me, then turned and walked directly to her office without looking back.

I went to my car and drove out of the parking lot. A moment later, my cell phone rang.

"So, how do you think it went?" Kim asked.

"You can probably answer that better than I can," I responded. "You know Dr. Klein better than I do. He did seem very nice, though."

"He is. It's hard to imagine that such an accomplished and recognized physician can also be so humble. But he is.

And he is really impressed with you. After reading your questions and listening to you today, he has every reason to be. So am I. I am really anxious to move ahead on the project.

You scored a lot of points with him - and with me by the way - by knowing so much about the surgery I did. I don't recall giving you that much information when our phallus group met at the hospital."

"You didn't. I did quite a bit of outside reading to try and better prepare myself for the project. It wasn't just to impress you. I was being honest when I said I can see a very real potential for nanoelectronics in medicine."

Changing the subject, I continued, "So, how did your meeting with Jamie go this morning?"

I wondered if Kim could visualize the leer in my voice. Her response? "Why don't I call you at home tonight? We can discuss it in more detail then. Much more detail. If I talk about it now, I won't get any more work done today." Yeah, she had visualized it.

I suggested she call about eight o'clock, then we disconnected and I headed home.

Once inside my apartment, I checked my emails. Nothing urgent, but there was an email from Keller to stop by his office Wednesday morning so we could discuss a call he had received from Klein.

It was too early to fix dinner, so I settled in to review and refine a few of my notes from this morning's classes. My computer beeped to tell me I had an email. I opened it. It was from Kim, and it had several attachments. They were articles from medical journals. Her preamble message said, "These should help answer the questions you gave Klein and me. The numbers at the top of each article correlate with the number of each of your questions. This should keep you busy! Talk with you on the phone later. Kim"

I quickly printed the articles, then began to skim them. Some were written by Kim and Dr. Klein individually or together, while others were by names I didn't recognize. Yet as I read them, it became quickly apparent the authors were able to write clearly and skillfully for non-medical professionals as well.

Before I realized it, I was immersed in them, and I was also surprised at how much of the material I understood and was able to relate to my field of electrical engineering.

It seemed as if I had been reading only for a few minutes when my smart phone rang. As I glanced at it to see who was calling, the on-screen clock read 8 p.m. Where had the time gone? It was Kim calling.