A Gift in Disguise Ch. 11

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The gift takes some unexpected bends.
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Part 11 of the 19 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 07/24/2009
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I awakened Sunday morning about 7 a.m. after sleeping for just under ten hours. Though I never drank alcohol or used drugs, my head felt like it was full of clothes dryer lint.

And my body. Owww! I was still stiff and sore from the sexual workout Emily had put me through on Saturday at her place. Since I am eleven years younger than her and still swim twice weekly to stay in shape, I could only imagine what she must feel like.

I eased out of bed, then shaved, washed and dressed. At the speed my aching body would tolerate, that took an hour.

It was comfortable outside so I walked to the corner convenience store to get a Sunday newspaper. My plan was that once back home, I would microzap a bagel, fix a cup of herbal tea, and settle in to read the paper. The walk was helping untie the knots of ache Emily had caused. Not that I had even one slight regret, mind you.

I was still a good four or five blocks from my apartment when my cellular phone rang. Though her name didn't pop up on the screen, I recognized the number. Emily's.

"Hello, this is Tom."

"Well, good morning. And how are we feeling this morning?" she asked far too cheerily.

"I don't know about you, but the we on this end is just a bit stiff and sore." I was trying to sound reasonably good-natured. "How about you?"

"I've never felt better in my life," she answered. "I really wanted to call and thank you for yesterday. My clit and nips are still tingling.

Marta will be picking me up here at home in a few minutes. We're going into the office to work on our trial prep. She'll bring me home after we're done.

Are you planning on dropping the video off with Jamie today?"

"Yes, probably this afternoon. Why?"

"She called Marta yesterday afternoon while we were at Lorraine's. You know she's finishing up some think-tank project for DoD, right? Well, anyway, she planned to overnight mail it to her DoD contact tomorrow, but Robyn called and asked if she could possibly personally present it tomorrow in Cambridge, then stay there a few days to discuss it. She's flying out tonight on the red-eye, so if you want her to see it and maybe take it with her, you'd better work on it right away."

"Cambridge, England?"

"No, Cambridge, Massachusetts."

"What's in Cambridge? And who's Robyn?"

"The Massachusetts Institute of Technology," she said in a way that I expected her to follow up with sarcasm like, Maybe you've heard of it?

"I know that. What I meant was, what's the connection between MIT and Jamie's DoD project?"

"I'm sorry, Tom. I assumed Jamie might have talked with you aboukt the MIT Media Lab's Biomechatronics Group. It may be the country's leading research component into all varieties of prostheses.

And Robyn is Major Robyn Broadsword. She's an Army doctor, trained primarily as an orthopedic surgeon but for the past few years she's specialized in reconstructive surgery and prosthetics. She's been Jamie's primary contact at DoD for about three years now."

"Really? DoD and MIT, too? They must think highly of Jamie's work."

"You better believe they do. Jamie's done presentations to various groups there before.

Look, Marta just arrived to pick me up. Why don't you call me at this number after five this afternoon. In the meantime, have fun watching the video." She gave an odd laugh just before she hung up.

I walked the rest of the way to my apartment, then had my bagel and tea. The Sunday paper would have to wait until after I reviewed the Lorraine and Emily motel video.

My plan was to mentally discipline myself to focus and make notes about Lorraine's prosthetic phallus. I had no intention of being distracted by Emily's explanation yesterday of her and Lorraine's affinity for rough sex in the video.

Besides, after experiencing Emily's sexual energy yesterday, the last thing on my mind was jerking off to a homemade video, even one made by Lorraine and Emily. Well, my mind might have been willing but a certain part of my body was screaming, "Don't even think about it, buddy!"

Of course, at the time Lorraine and Emily made their motel video I was still unaware of Emily's remarkable technical skills in designing and building customized audio-video recording systems. That was likely why the first scene on the motel video was Emily doing a walk-test of the system she had installed in her room. She briefly explained how it operated. Since she had yesterday shown me the entire video system and setup she had built, that introductory scene had become superfluous.

Still, I was probably expecting the Lorraine-Emily motel video to be a pretty finished product more like the Karla-Kerri webcam sex video Emily and I watched yesterday. I was definitely not expecting what Emily had recorded.

Consistent with her legal training, the Emily-Lorraine motel video turned out to be the same scene — Lorraine and Emily in foreplay and fucking — each view from the separate perspective of each of the four cameras in the motel room. The resulting four segments, each about twenty minutes long, did an excellent job of recording the phallus's performance and Emily's and Lorraine's responses to it, but it was assuredly unstimulating sexually. Then again, after the workout Emily had given me the preceding day, I should have been grateful for a video forensically precise rather than sexually stimulating.

After watching the entire encounter twice from each camera perspective and typing several pages of notes on my computer, I felt I had gleaned all the information I could from the video.

To my surprise, it had taken me about three hours to review the video and make my notes.

I called Jamie to see when, or if, it would be convenient for me to deliver the video with my notes to her.

"I'm glad you called, Tom. Actually, the sooner the better. I'm flying out in about five hours for Boston. I'll explain when you get here. I've also got a couple things to talk with you about before I go."

Half an hour later I was pulling up in front of Jamie's laboratory. As usual, she motioned for me to drive in through the fenced parking lot and pull into the lab's vehicle bay.

She met me at the car. She looked tired but relieved. I handed her the SD card video and my notes.

"Let's go into the break room and talk," she said.

Once we were seated, she said, "Lorraine called me late last night and explained what had happened. Thanks for going there alone yesterday and for driving Emily home. I'm sorry your afternoon was ruined, but judging from your notes and from what Lorraine told me on the phone last night," she said ruffling through the notes, "There was some helpful information on the video."

"Yesterday afternoon wasn't ruined. I got to know Emily better. I never would have pictured her pushing a soldering iron or analyzing a waveform. It really looks like she and Marta have a thriving video system development business going on top of their legal practice. I hope their trial goes well for them, too.

What's the story on your trip back east?"

Jamie became genuinely excited as she explained what was behind her imminent trip back to Cambridge. Clearly she had great respect for her contact, Major Robyn Broadsword. She briefly talked about the nature of her project and what her client, the DoD, hoped it would lead to.

Her smile faded noticeably, though, when she said she had to leave for the airport in about half an hour. No, she wasn't sure when she'd be back. Typically the MIT trips take a week though sometimes a little less. She promised to take the video and my notes and review them during her flight back to Cambridge. Then she got right to the point.

"Tom, how would you feel about my inviting Robyn to visit us and get a full briefing on our phallus project?" Her voice revealed she was genuinely uncertain about revealing the project to anyone outside our close circle.

Because I had never been involved in a real research project of this magnitude, I freely admitted to Jamie that I didn't quite know how to answer her. She seemed to favor the idea, so I asked her to explain her thinking.

"We've taken the phallus to the point that we've proven it's viable. It's a good concept, and we've produced working prototypes. But there are several factors suggesting we've taken it about as far as it can go and still make regular progress.

To my mind, the most important one is that you are going to be pursuing your double-E doctorate. I've been down that road, and I know how demanding that is going to be. On top of that, your genuinely ground-breaking research project with a nationally-respected practicing neurocardiologist is only going to add to the pressure you feel. The minutiae of the phallus project would become a burden and time-consuming distraction. None of us involved in the phallus project want you to put your future at risk over this. You'll still be involved, of course, but..."

"Well, I haven't even got my master's yet," I protested, "So ..."

"Tom," she interrupted forcefully. "Marta and I have read the draft of your master's thesis. I will tell you without any hesitation that the fogies on your thesis committee are going to have academic orgasms once they've read it. What you've submitted as a master's thesis is at least as good as many of the doctoral theses they've seen in the last ten years. It wasn't a rehash of what others have already written with a few new terms thrown in. Yours is truly an original research thesis.

The EE department is going to be all over you, pressuring you and Kim to produce. I'm thrilled that she's going to be working on it with you. She's survived med school and residency and the real-world pressures of life and death medicine. Kim will help you adjust to the academic pressure, and you'll be much better for it. The thing is, I don't want to add to that pressure with the phallus project."

"I appreciate your concern, Jamie, you've got a lot of time and effort invested in the phallus. I don't want all your work to go down the tubes."

Jamie's smile once again lit up the room. "I wish I didn't have to leave so soon, because I'd really like to take you back to my apartment and thank you properly.

But let me leave it at this. Turning the project over to DoD isn't the same as walking away from it. I've done this with projects before. My lab is a small onesy-twosy production lab for individual patients, and we can do R&D and get it to a prototype to prove viability. But when it comes to costly fine-tuning and acceptance testing, particularly on critical medical products, that's just not our strong suit. We take 'maybe' ideas that wouldn't initially be attractive to the big labs like DoD's, and we take the idea to the point it gets their undivided attention.

If you like really stupid athletic metaphors, look at it this way: We move the football slowly but steadily down the field, then we hand it off to the big guys to take it across the goal line. They get Congressional acclaim for the touchdown, but in the locker room they give us the game ball.

Marta has crafted an agreement that preserves our interests in the phallus project but allows DoD to take the project to the next level of development. We'll still have input as well as complete freedom to continue to work on it and experiment with it. In fact, it's very likely that partnering with DoD will give us a great deal more access to materials and testing to improve the phallus's performance.

For example, Amanda has been trying to develop a way to connect the phallus to the urinary tract of a wearer. That would allow the wearer to leave the phallus attached for much longer than just three or four hours. She's hit several walls that the DoD's research lab partners should be able to more easily overcome.

Also, though I find this suggestion a little questionable, Marta says that in addition to the prosthetic medical market, the phallus does have considerable marketability as a woman's sex toy. She calls it 'superdildo'. But I do have to admit that in my phone conversation with Lorraine last night, she was more than just enthusiastic about that part of the idea.

It wouldn't surprise me at all if Kim was to report similar results. She's getting antsy to use it with Marta. Unfortunately, Marta and Emily expect to be tied up in trial prep and trial for about the next three weeks, so Kim will just have to suck it up alone. Unless she can convince a certain young man to let her go backdoor on him."

Jamie giggled girlishly when she looked at me. Then she went on.

"My point is that we will retain ownership and access to the prosthetic phallus. Most important, if DoD assumes the heavy lifting, the phallus is likely to be tested, refined, and used more quickly on men who will benefit medically and psychologically from at least partial restoration of their sexual function."

"So you plan to take the phallus back and show it to Major Broadsword?" I asked.

"No," she said emphatically. "If you agree, I'd like to invite her to come out here to meet our team and fully brief her on it here. That way we have complete access to all our notes and other supporting materials. That also gets all of our team involved in whatever decision we make."

Marta and Emily already know Robyn. When I first started working with DoD, Marta drew up an airtight nondisclosure agreement that covers all my DoD projects. The phallus would be covered by that. Besides, Robyn trusts me to keep her in the loop, and she's not about to risk that trust by prematurely revealing our work to her superiors. That's why I feel comfortable talking with her about it in general terms while I'm on this trip back there.

Kim and Amanda haven't met Robyn, but Robyn has begun following Kim's revolutionary surgical procedure with great interest. And since you're going to be working with Kim on your doctorate research project, I'm absolutely certain she will want to meet and talk with you and Kim together about that. I know the University wants to lay claim to your work, and that's fine, but it won't hurt the University's reputation at all to have a respected friend and medical researcher like Robyn inside DoD either."

Jamie glanced at her smartphone. "Tom, I'm sorry to rush you like this, but I've got to pack before my cab gets here in a little less than half an hour. I promise I'll look at Lorraine's and Emily's video and review your notes while I'm gone.

You probably won't hear from your thesis committee before I get back, but if you do, will you please call me on my cell phone and keep me informed? Trust me — you don't have anything to worry about with your thesis."

We both got up from the table. Jamie walked me to my car. Just as I was about to open the door and get in, she said, "Oh, there's one more thing, Tom..."

She put her arms around my neck and pulled my face to hers. Then she planted a long, very deep tongue kiss on my mouth. My cock sprang to life, obviously fully recovered from the remnants of Emily's cock-crushing cuntlock yesterday.

Finally Jamie reluctantly pushed me away. Then she took my hand and placed it squarely on her own exceedingly full erection under her jeans, saying, "Keep me in mind while I'm away."

I gave a gentle but message-sending squeeze and said, "I wonder what it would feel like to have that inside my mouth?"

Jamie's look of surprise turned to the sexiest smile I'd ever seen on her face. "If ever there was an incentive for me to postpone my trip, that was it. But I've got to go."

Then she reluctantly turned and walked to the door, leaving me standing by my car in her lab's vehicle bay. She pushed the button to raise the metal door, then turned and waved just before going back into the lab.

As I drove from the bay into the parking lot, the steel door rolled noisily down.

Once back inside my apartment, I spent the rest of the afternoon looking through some more of the medical material Kim had emailed to me. She had written most of it for publication, but her style of writing and her clarity made it remarkably understandable even for a double-E. The time passed quickly, and almost before I knew it, it was 5:30.

Emily had said to call her sometime after five, so I called her cell phone number.

"Hello. Tom." The voice at the other end was syrupy-sexy. It sounded like Emily's voice, but if you had never seen the public consumption Emily, the dowdy-looking intellectual one, your mind would have conjured up a totally different picture.

"Hi, Emily. Is it a good time to talk?"

"Yes, I got home about ten minutes ago. I'm glad you called."

"So how is your pre-trial prep going?"

Her answer began somewhat evasively.

"Tom, do you recall that Lorraine and Kim and Amanda and even Jamie said that their minds seem to get sharper after they'd had sex with you?"

"Yes, but I haven't really given it much thought."

"Well, let me tell you what happened with Marta and me today.

We were doing a line-by-line review of one of our opponent's initial filings in the lawsuit today, and all of a sudden we both looked up at each other. Until just that moment, both of us had overlooked a small but extremely critical detail. It's a highly technical matter of law, but until today, neither of us had considered its relevance to our case. We spent the next two hours researching it. The rest of the day we spent drafting a motion for court tomorrow. If the court rules in our favor, the defendants will either agree to settle or get their ass kicked at trial."

"So your trial could start and end tomorrow?" I asked.

"Not likely. Our motion and the supporting brief is quite technical, so our opponent will almost certainly ask for time — probably at least a week — to do research and answer. The judge will grant any reasonable request for time to respond.

I think we'll prevail, but that's not really my point in bringing it up.

My point is that both Marta and I have only recently both had sex with you for the first time. Until after we each had sex with you, both of us had missed the point we caught today. It's really an obscure point of law, so for both of us to catch it for the first time today and not until after we'd both had sex with you...? If we hadn't heard generally the same comment from Lorraine, Kim, Amanda, and Jamie we wouldn't have even associated it with your 'gift.' We definitely intend to talk with them about it."

I recalled that Sharon had told me she'd experienced a similar increase in mental acuity after our first time together, too. Of course, I didn't mention Sharon to Emily.

"May I assume that you might be willing to engage in sexual contact with me again?" I asked with faux formality.

"You may assume that," she responded similarly.

We both started laughing. Then Emily continued in the same vein of theatrical formality.

"So, Tom, may I then assume that you've recovered from yesterday with me?"

"Not completely, no. I was really stiff and sore when I woke up this morning." I caught the double meaning in what I'd said. "No, wait. Let me rephrase that."

Again, Emily's laugh was great therapy for my still slightly aching body.

"Aw, poor baby," she sympathized. "Maybe I should kiss whatever is stiff and make it better."

She paused for one beat, then went on.

"Or maybe it wasn't entirely me that got your dick stiff," she said slyly. "You were really taking an interest in Karla and Kerri on their video. And don't try to tell me you were only watching to see how my camera system performed." Again she laughed.

"Well, I have to admit their video was better than most I've watched on the net. You were right. They're both obviously very skilled actresses."

"Skilled actresses. Uh-huh, sure. And you probably told people you only looked at Playboy for the articles rather than the pictures, too, right?"

I chose to ignore her comment and went on.
