A Gift in Disguise Ch. 19

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A young cis man's journey into sex with trans women.
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Part 19 of the 19 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 07/24/2009
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As soon as I could after leaving my last class on Monday, I found a private place where I could read more carefully the seven-word message Bethany texted to me during class. It had momentarily excited me. Normally a message from Bethany would have a much longer-lasting and very arousing effect, but her slightly suggestive message was competing right then with my still-simmering anger over a confrontation with the professor during class.

By the time I got back to my apartment, though, Bethany's rather cryptic "Call me, lover - I'll make your day," message had completely erased any thought of the ivy-covered professor's droning lecture inside the ivy-covered walls of my university.

"Tom! Thanks for calling back," she remarked cheerily.

I briefly explained to her that her call was actually a welcome remedy for the crappy afternoon class.

"Well, then I'm doubly sure the favor I'm going to ask of you will improve your day," she said.

"Let's hope," I answered with more residual grumpiness than her good effort deserved.

"Oh, it will!" she said with a hint of sexy mystery. "Would you be able to come over to The Club on Saturday afternoon and spend the night?"

Immediately my testosterone level shot up and blew the needle right off my horny meter. The thought of being able to once again feel Bethany's very hairy pussy working its magic around my cock surrounded inside her hot wet slit while she was cowgirling and moaning on top of me was enough to reduce me to a blubbering mass of gibberish. It took me a moment to recover.

"Sure," I squeaked in the voice more resembling that of a pubescent teenage boy rather than a 24-year old man.

Her acute hearing had picked up on my response. She decided to play with me a little.

"Of course, if you already have other plans..." she began.

"What time do you want me there?" I interrupted with undisguised eagerness. Then it occurred to me that Saturday nights were usually the busiest night at The Club. "But don't you have to work?"

"If you could get her about two p.m., that would be great. And no, I won't have to work. I thought I had told you that twice a year we shut down for a day or two of top-to-bottom cleaning, painting, repairs. You know, stuff that keeps the place looking and smelling fresh and clean for our members and their guests. It also gives the chef a chance to experiment with some new dinner dishes and it lets our housekeeping staff recharge their batteries, too. I stay at my apartment here at the club to oversee the contractors' work."

"So it'll just be you and me," I said with no effort to hide my pleasure.

There was a momentary pause.

"Well, no. Not exactly."

Uh-oh. I didn't like the sound of that response at all.

I tried to present an air of nonchalance. "Oh, okay. Um, who else will be there?"

Bethany's subdued but cute giggle suggested I had just been ensnared by her wily trap.

"There will be two other guests with us," she answered. She paused again. "Risa and Misako Sato will be there with us as well," she said slowly and distinctly so there would be no misunderstanding on my end.

"Oh?" I said trying to restrain my growing excitement even more now. In fact, I was trying and failing miserably to completely conceal it. Bethany broke out laughing.

By now she was able to read me well enough to be able to play me as if I were a violin and she was the concert master.

Bethany had astutely observed that even though I knew Misako was a transgender woman, I found her to be drop-dead gorgeous and irresistibly sexy. Bethany gleefully noticed that Mikki and I had made no real effort to conceal our sexual attractions to each other, just as I had noticed Bethany and Misako's sister Risa obviously had the hots for each other.

I think that my undisguised attraction for trans woman Mikki may have even stoked Bethany's sexual fire even more when she was with me. As Bethany had once told me after one of our afternoon horizontal sessions, "You guys get turned on seeing a couple of us women together, so why would you think my visualizing a hunk like you going dick-on-dick with a gorgeous ladyboy like Mikki wouldn't excite me?"

Bethany continued our present-day conversation, saying, "Surely you haven't forgotten that you agreed to introduce Mikki formally to The Club members and guests at Mikki's upcoming photo exhibit?"

That stopped me cold. As best I could recall, we had not set a definite date for the exhibit which would be in conjunction with The Club's theme night of "Boys Will Be Girls." Had I forgotten to put something on my calendar for this Saturday night? Panic was creeping in.

"No, I haven't forgotten, but I didn't think you had set a date for it yet."

Now Bethany's voice was all business again.

"I haven't. And I really do want to get it on the calendar so The Club can start to seriously promote it. Saturday's meeting will hopefully get us closer to being able to firm up the schedule. It'll also give the four of us some private time to get more comfortable with each other in an informal setting with no one else around.

It's an unusual and risky entertainment attraction for The Club to invite Mikki to exhibit her photos that sometimes generate spontaneous and very sexually explicit responses including intense orgasms among some audience members. As The Club's manager it's my job to do everything I can to ensure that it goes off smoothly. Now we've reached the point that I want to meet with you and Risa and Mikki to walk and talk through what you and Mikki will be doing when each of you are in front of the live audience."

"I thought you had already met with Risa and Mikki to discuss that," I said.

"No, not exactly. Until now I've talked only on the telephone with Mikki to learn more about her personally, but the preceding in-person meetings were just between Risa and me to discuss the arrangement of Misako's photos, the staging, lighting, sound, and other operational and layout details. Now the four of us need to meet to finalize the timing and presentation. It's especially essential that the four of us talk about what kind of discussion and other interaction you and Mikki may have with the audience members."

"What discussion and interaction?" I asked with growing interest but also a little concern.

"Since I've been The Club's manager, I've always been the one to introduce the evening's entertainment at the conclusion of dinner. Then we adjourn and go to wherever the particular entertainment dictates, usually the arena bedroom scene set. You've already seen that from the audience perspective. There's usually little or no interaction between the audience and the evening's performers. My plan is that this year's 'Boys Will Be Girls' night will be a big departure from that practice.

I'll still do that after-dessert intro at our 'Boys Will Be Girls' night, but it will be even shorter than usual. I will 'tease' the audience to feel free to openly express what they are feeling while they are looking at Mikki's photo exhibit. Then I'll turn it over to you two to take whatever questions they may have about what they will be seeing and possibly feeling as they view the exhibit. I'll encourage their questions to you two to be frank and stimulating.

It will be your and Mikki's greeting and explanation of the exhibit that are an especially important part of that lead-in for 'Boys Will Be Girls' night. As narrators you both need to think of yourselves as the very critical buildup and transition to her photos. That's especially important because the exhibit will be entirely photos rather than scheduled live sex on stage by members, guests, or professional entertainers.

To really keep the audience's interests up, I'm going to want both of you to converse openly as well as mix and mingle with members and guests before and during their walk through the exhibit and view her photos. You see, if Mikki's photos live up to our expectations, the audience is going to experience various forms of spontaneous and exciting sexual responses. You and Mikki being right there encouraging them to feel completely at ease, particularly about any sexual responses they may display openly. Hopefully your presence will also intensify their excitement and participation.

I want to have met with you and Mikki first to have gone over what to expect from the members and their guests so that both of you will be comfortable and natural in your responses. I'll also be giving you both some suggestions about how to reassure and encourage the people to act out any spontaneous sexual reactions while looking at Mikki's photos. Mikki and Risa have dealt with audience reaction to her photos before, but I doubt that you have. You may be surprised at your own reaction the first time you see a man or woman suddenly begin jerking off or rubbing one out looking at one of her photos. You may even encounter a couple fucking or doing oral. In fact, I'm hoping to be able to see your face when it happens and you realize that it's a photo of you that is driving their sex urges."

I hadn't thought about what I would say to introduce Mikki, so Bethany's insistence on the four of us meeting to prepare in advance made good business sense for her, and it gave me a sense of relief.

"Good idea, Bethany. I guess that's why you're the club's manager -- to think of details like that. And Risa will be there...?"

"Absolutely. She handles the logistics arrangements, the nuts-and-bolts layout and presentation and things like that, for Mikki's exhibits in other venues, so Risa has been educating me about what I can expect and hopefully be ready for. Her presence and expertise have already been very helpful for me. Remember, I've never had an artistic photo exhibit as the headliner entertainment at The Club before, so that dimension is new to me. At least Risa and Mikki have experienced what happens when a live and up close audience feels the effects Mikki's photos can have. Between the four of us, I'm increasingly confident that we'll be able to be as ready as possible for any contingency at this year's 'Boys Will Be Girls' night.

My wildest and wettest dream right now is that during the course of the evening, each and every one of our members and their guests will rush off to their rooms to share their own evening climaxes before they've made it to the last photo in the exhibit. Some of them may not be able to make it back to their rooms and may actually turn the photo exhibit area into an exhibitionistic extravaganza for everyone else!" Bethany's excitement was palpable.

"You really think of everything," I said with genuine admiration. "So I'll be at The Club this Saturday afternoon at two, right?"

"Yes, please. And Tom, come casual. Don't even bring a suit. Other than Risa and Misako and you, there won't be any other guests there. Just park in the valet lot closest to the front door. Gus will call me from the guard booth to let me know you're on the way up, so I'll greet you at the front door. I'll have the overnight sleeping arrangements worked out by the time you get here."

"I'm looking forward to it already," I said as I disconnected from the call.

Saturday afternoon a few minutes before two I pulled up to the guard booth at The Club. The guard on duty, Gus, knew me but he still dutifully noted the time of my arrival on his clipboard while he was pleasantly greeting me by name.

"Bethany is expecting you, Tom," he said as he pushed the button which caused the rolling iron gate to begin its opening. "Park in any of the valet spots near the front door. And enjoy your stay," he concluded warmly with his welcoming smile.

I drove up and parked in the space closest to the front door, then removed my overnighter suitcase with rollers from the trunk, placed it on the ground, extended the handle, and headed to the front door. Before I got to the door, it opened, and Bethany stepped out onto the front porch to greet me.

She pulled the door almost closed but not latched behind her, placed her arms around my neck, and gave me a very sensual deep wet kiss. I felt myself getting hard, and she felt it, too.

"Risa and Misako are already inside, Tom, but I wanted to talk for a second with you before we go in. I probably shouldn't have greeted you quite so... enthusiastically, I'm afraid. You were probably expecting to spend the night with me in my apartment, but Risa and I have hit it off quite well. Better than I expected, in fact. Her personal talents extend far beyond doing advance and promotional work for Misako."

She didn't need to say any more. Bethany had made no secret of her attraction to other women even when she and I were together rolling around in bed. Risa was every bit as attractive as her trans sibling Misako, so I could hardly blame Bethany for wanting to make a run on her.

"Mikki and I could watch..." I said with no effort to conceal my desire to do exactly that.

"Hmmm. Or even maybe a foursome... " she continued thoughtfully. "But that's for later. For now, I don't want to keep Risa and Mikki waiting too long." We walked into The Club's lobby and toward her office.

"They're in my office," she said as she reached for her private office's brass decorative latch handle. "You can leave your bag right here outside the door."

Both Risa and Mikki stood when Bethany and I entered. Both were wearing tailored slacks with sleeveless blouses. Risa was closest to me. She greeted me with an appropriately business-suitable hug and a peck on the cheek.

"It's nice to see you again, Tom."

"You too, Risa."

My eyes had already drifted from Risa to Misako. Risa had released me, so I took the two or so steps toward Misako. Just as Risa had done, she wrapped her arms around me and gave me what would have appeared to some casual onlooker to be a similar business-like hug. But as she did, she ever-so-slightly pushed her pelvis against mine and held it there. Unquestionably, both of us were hoping to be tantalized by contact with the other's erection beneath our clothing.

Mikki raised her lips to my cheek to give me the customary socially acceptable peck. Just as she did and with our respective erections still making as much contact as our clothing allowed, she whispered, "Mmmm, nice."

"Ummm-hmmm," I agreed in the same subdued tone, fully recognizing and acknowledging what she was talking about.

Our greeting had taken only seconds, and to an unwitting observer it would have seemed very proper, very appropriate for a business meeting among friends. Of course, Bethany and Risa both knew exactly what had happened, and the looks on their faces were nothing short of complete approval.

"Shall we begin?" Bethany said as she walked behind her desk and took her seat. Risa had already staked out the arm chair near the left side of Bethany's desk, so Mikki and I were forced to sit pleasurably close together on the love seat directly in front and facing Bethany.

"I'm really grateful to Risa for the two previous trips she has made here to guide my planning for Mikki's photo exhibit. I'm experienced and comfortable with planning for our somewhat formulaic live sex shows on stage as theme entertainment, but a photo exhibit is something totally different for me. Risa's experience and advice has really been educational and valuable. At first I wasn't especially enthusiastic about headlining with only a photo exhibit, but Risa's initial presentation convinced me we could make it work.

Our members and guests come to The Club for sexual excitement and satisfaction, not for cultural enrichment. When they're here, we work hard to help them feel completely free to be openly sexual without any complicating and distracting pretexts. With that in mind, you can understand my initial concern that the sexual stimulation of Mikki's photos was subtle, even latent, rather than something obvious like it is in porn. Frankly, I was worried that Mikki's photos of athletes in their sports attire -- even Tom and the others in their skimpy competition garb -- would be a disappointment to our members and guests, that their expectations for sexual excitement at this year's 'Boys Will Be Girls' night might not be met."

Speaking now directly to Mikki and me, Bethany continued,"But then Risa arrived for her first visit with the portfolio of Mikki's photos she was proposing to use. She asked me to wait in my office while she quickly improvised a demo exhibit in one of our meeting rooms. I still hadn't seen Mikki's photos of you, Tom; I had only heard about them from Risa before our meeting. Risa brought me in and walked me through her impromptu mini-exhibit of Mikki's photos much as the four of us might do with our members and guests during game night's presentation. Her demo exhibit included photos of other athletes -- male and female -- in addition to Tom's. All in their early 20's. All the photos were taken in athletic events, and none appeared to be posed.

Seeing the wide view of photos displayed in the room, my first reaction was they were the type of photos that one might see in a college newspaper article on the sports page. Really almost ho-hum stuff, you know? But in just a few seconds, they proved to be far more even to me... someone who can hardly ever be turned on any more by sexually explicit photo spreads, let alone by what seem to be little more than catalog-suitable swimwear advertising photos.

Walking along and looking at the photos up close as members and guests will, I noticed at some point I was getting noticeably wetter even though I wasn't consciously experiencing any unusual sexual arousal. Then about half way through Risa's improvised exhibit, a sexual lightning bolt hit me with no time for me to prepare.

Usually I can professionally control my sexual responses during a sales presentation for a prospective event, but before I realized what was happening I had my hand up my skirt and down inside my panties and had begun palming my clit and fingering myself uncontrollably and without any effort or desire to restrain myself. Risa was standing right next to me, but rather than being surprised or shocked, she simply steadied me while I experienced the strongest and longest squirting orgasm I've ever had. My knees buckled as my body convulsed its way into and through the orgasm. Thankfully, Risa gently lowered me to the ground until my orgasmic jerking and shaking finally subsided. Having seen comparable reactions before in others viewing Misako's photos, she knew how to handle it calmly and very appropriately.

I was terribly embarrassed, but Risa was very supportive and comforting. She assured me that mine had been quite a typical reaction from both women and men who are viewing Mikki's special photos. Once I began to regain my composure, I realized that I could not attribute my spontaneous orgasm to any one photo or any one model. The cumulative effect of Mikki's photos is a huge part of their mysterious magic.

Mikki, I know that as a professional photographer you've dealt with this audience reaction before and are already prepared to comfort members and guests as easily as Risa did me, so I would like you to discuss it privately with Tom tonight after dinner. It's really important that both of you be as prepared as possible for several members and guests to have crashing climaxes while viewing the photos we selected for your exhibit. Some of them may very well masturbate or even have sex with each other while you two are actually watching them. If they do, then I hope your responses will encourage and maybe even intensify their pleasure rather than discouraging it. In any event, I hope that when you two are in your suite tonight, you will decide what to do and say if it happens.

What I would like to spend our time now, though, is preparing you for the kind of personal questions you two, Mikki and Tom, should expect to get from the members and guests.
