A Gift of Unimagined Pleasure


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When Chloe’s bra fell easily to the floor. Julie was surprised to see her almost flat chest had round nipples that seemed to permanently bulge out like delicate light brown raspberries. Slightly thinner fleshy stalks connected them to each small breast. All the time, the girl kept flashing the loveliest of smiles, eyes alive and teeth flashing as her thin arms began flirtatiously sliding her bikini bottom down bit by bit. As her feet kicked it away, Julie eyed where the girl was completely shaven, only keeping her eyes off the prominent slit when Chloe’s wink indicated she’d been sprung.

When Chloe’s session ended, Julie realised her next daring moment of truth was about to arrive. Chloe was having an animated talk with a nodding Helen, both pointing to her and a pillar at the rear of the set. Then suddenly the naked girl was right before her, grabbing her hand and almost forcibly dragging her towards it. Whatever Chloe had in mind, Julie’s earlier bravado had deserted her for now.

To her relief, the girl passed over her thong bottoms on the way. Whew! Now I can handle this she thought as she instantly slid them on underneath her robe, especially after noticing Chloe donning hers as well.

But she knew this wasn’t going to be a family style photo session when Chloe tossed both bras to the side. They obviously would be doing something together bare-breasted. Her throat was fluttering. But she promised herself, this was a probably a one-off experience in her life done before a professional photographer and that she wasn’t to chicken out unless things got way too steamy.

Becoming jittery, she was glad there was no longer time to think as the topless Chloe immediately took charge. As Helen set up, Chloe stood her before the tall pillar and took both her hands, aiming the loveliest smile she had ever seen straight into her eyes.

“Let’s do this then,” she heard the young woman enthuse. “God, you have such a nice figure and such an amazing behind! Plus your legs are so perfect, so strong and well-muscled all the way up. I wish mine looked like them. Do you do weights?”

“I’ve been playing tennis since I was eight,” a blushing Julie murmured. She recalled a drunken mate of Simon’s at a party recently telling her she had the most beautiful legs he had ever seen. He had turned her around and kept lightly squeezing her behind through her shorts as he repeatedly told Simon beside her what a lucky man he was. She hadn’t minded too much, just thankful that Simon was too under the weather to repeat his favourite saying that all of her best features started with ‘b’ – beauty, breasts, behind, bust, bosom, bum, boobs, bottom and buttocks!

“Remember those shots of the naked girl leaning against the wall in the waiting room album? I’ve got the germ of a slight variation to that theme. One that I’ve just run past Helen,” Chloe started to brief her. “It’s nothing like any of the couples’ pictures you liked but rather pays homage to that perfect bottom. Given your husband may well be the main beneficiary of our shoot, we should present him with something guaranteed to stir him up, don’t you think? Something that will show his wife being a little bit naughty with another girl. Make both our absent partners regret they weren’t in the shots instead. I honestly have no idea after the start about where it will end up but let’s just see. So, you’ve gone so far. Want to push your boundaries a little more? It should be fun.”

A panicky Julie thought she might have lost control of her voice so she just nodded. Passively she let Chloe stand her so she faced the pillar half a metre away where the cameras on tripods were aimed. There was no resistance as Chloe positioned her so she faced the off-white column, half a metre away.

“For comfort, spread your feet a little while I get rid of your robe,” she heard, shuffling as Chloe’s hands arrived from behind to untie it.

As it was eased off her shoulders, Julie felt decidedly scared and vulnerable just in her G-string as she waited for Helen behind to finish getting ready. She felt a bit steadier when Chloe’s soft hands arrived and massaged into her shoulders before running up and down the sides of her nervous dangling arms.

“Just a practice shot,” she heard Helen explain. Julie heard her walking about behind, then the first flash went off.

“What I’m supposed to do during this?” Julie urgently stammered in panic. “Seriously Chloe, I have no idea,” she added when there was no reply straight away, a frightened note in her voice.

“Whoa Julie. Trust me and just relax,” came Chloe’s quiet suggestion in her ear from behind. “Let me set you up for the first few shots and try to get you at ease. Then, as long as you keep on liking it, we’ll just go with the flow from there on. Okay? A few basics. Try to stay aware of where the camera is but never look at it or stare into it unless you’re told to. Also, let yourself react honestly and naturally at all times. In particular, don’t hold back verbally if you’re enjoying what’s taking place. I need that feedback to know what you like to continue it or guess where to take you next. And do speak up if you’re unhappy, nervous, or just want to stop. Apart from that, try not to move your hands or feet unless I say so but feel free to fantasise about any real or imaginary secret lover if it helps you at any stage. That’s a joke by the way. Helen’s fully ready. You’re okay?”

Slightly calmer, Julie nodded as Chloe came alongside her, tilted her near naked body slightly forward at the waist then leaned her upper body towards the tall wide pillar, guiding her palms to the white plaster elbow height. As the girl rested the tip of her nose and forehead on the cool surface, she could see a bit to each side. Behind, she could sense Chloe now dropping to both knees behind her long propping legs.

Gentle hands arrived at both sides of her hips and after some initial resistance, she let them guide her G-stringed backside back slightly. The next camera flashes began when the fingertips let go and started reverently smoothing all over the firm surface of both outthrust cheeks. Swallowing, she felt lips land on one and Chloe taking in a deep breath.

It took nearly two minutes for everyone to resume their places after they’d all finished howling with laughter after Chloe’s extremely loud raspberry.

A lot of Julie’s anxiety and trepidation instantly vanished. The session started again with Chloe repeating what she’d just done. Half expecting another raspberry, she felt Chloe’s fingers tighten their grip on her hips for leverage as the lips again arrived. This time however, the camera followed them planting a series of light kisses down the flesh on either side of her dividing thong. Quite nice at first, the feelings became even juicier as they got closer and closer to the middle. A longer one where her behind cheeks parted made Julie squirm inside in secret delight.

Her mouth opened slightly in surprise as she felt the surface of Chloe’s tongue spanning her divide then lazily start to ascend. As it slowly left a continuous trail of saliva up both sides of the crevice, Julie’s eyes half-closed in delight. This was such a new and unexpected feeling. She felt a little stirred by the time it paused just where her G-string emerged, aware that Helen had been recording its progress. From the side-on angle of the camera, she guessed those shots could end up looking very saucy indeed.

A brand new sensual experience, she felt proud she had weathered something like this so easily. To be honest, she admitted to herself, it had felt absolutely delicious. When the hands left her hips and Chloe rocked back for a break, Julie straightened a little and flexed her shapely legs, not quite sure if anything more was about to happen next. If it did, she was secretly hoping it may be a bit more of the same.

“We’ll take a short break like this every now and again,” Julie heard Chloe explain as the long spread fingers clasped both her hips again. The words didn’t give her any clue about what might be coming next. “Ready?” came the soft question. Julie nodded.

Immediately the hands started encouraging Julie’s behind back and she felt the silky lips resume where they had lifted off. She tried not to squirm or giggle too much as she felt a playful line of light kisses descend her gap. Closing her eyes halfway down, she realised this felt seriously nice and more than a little sinful. Her nipples were starting to blossom out from their creamy cones as her face began to take on a grimace. Flashes suggested Helen may have just caught both evolving but right now she didn’t care. That was so titillating. Recalling Chloe’s advice on feedback, she let a few soft sighs of appreciation escape during the last centimetres. A delicious squirming started oozing around inside her belly as Chloe again paused. Was there more? What could be next?

Half-opening her eyes, Julie was yearning for a repeat of what had just occurred and less than a minute later, Chloe’s hands didn’t have to work hard at all to induce her behind back. Her mouth formed a silent O as Chloe started by licking the surface of both cheeks as though warming up.

Julie’s prayers were answered when the open mouth arrived at the bottom of her groove. But this time it was the very tip of the tongue slowly pressing its way up, just inside the crevice. This felt positively glorious, and the tiny cries got a little longer past the halfway point when it pressed in and finished its moist ascent along the floor. Her nipples were positively bristling now, and her legs starting to involuntarily quiver.

The fingers quit her hips and Julie was hoping that wasn’t the end but just another break. All of a sudden she was holding her breath, full of misgivings. Chloe’s fingers had taken both sides of her thong. Slowly but surely they started lowering it as a side camera flashed.

Although she knew the girl’s intention was to highlight her behind, the way they’d begun had led her to assume that she would keep the G-string on throughout. Swallowing copiously now, she felt the material being guided past her knees then allowed to free-fall past her calves. A hand taking one ankle encouraged her to lift and step out, then re-position her foot half a metre away from the other. Despite her previous nudity in her solo shots, this felt a little bit scary.

When the familiar palms took to her hips, she was apprehensive and resisted. It took a lot of insistent silent persuasion before she warily let her bare behind ease back.

As the butterfly kisses again journeyed down the middle of her curved cheeks, she started feeling decidedly wicked. God, they felt so much more amazing this time, each one. She was able to contain a few quiet moans until the halfway point, but fell silent again towards the very end. Had the girl forgotten there was no longer any protecting material beneath now?

“This is so lovely to share,” she heard Chloe’s tender reassuring whisper as the lovely face pulled away. She was touched by the genuine emotion as she heard “Keep going?”

This had all been so unexpectedly nice and relatively harmless. She instantly remembered Chloe saying she’d stop if ever Julie seemed hesitant.

“Uh huh. Oh, sure,” Julie quickly stammered, resting back against the wall. Almost shamefully, she was aching for the gentle tug indicating Chloe wanted her behind back for a more daring kisses before the end.

This time though it was different. The nose arrived, lightly nuzzling the top of her crevice then the camera flashed as the chin docked below. Chloe’s fingers began sliding around the top of her legs, lovingly tracing the definition of her thigh muscles before cupping her by both upper legs. The girl’s face moved in so close. She cried out in astonishment and delight as Chloe gently breathed out. It was almost as though the girl was whispering secrets into the depths of her behind. Julie’s legs began shaking again and she couldn’t stop a long low wail.

If the fingers hadn’t held onto her, she wouldn’t have been able to stay put as she felt the tip of Chloe’s tongue press a short way in. Pure reflex had made her tense her cheeks once to warn the girl that she shouldn’t go any further. On reflection, Julie wasn’t sure why. The area she believed she was protecting Chloe from was further down and deeper in. Even if Chloe’s tongue continued to the floor now, it would miss.

As though knowing that, Chloe’s tongue tensed and crept in deeper. Anguishing Julie opened her mouth to warn the girl. But she guiltily held back her words and groaned until the tongue found the floor. She rationalised that Chloe surely must have known enough about basic anatomy to have guessed she had been in relatively safe territory. Guiltily she decided the feeling of having being gently invaded like that had been astonishingly nice.

But when the very tip tried to venture a little further downwards, the sudden huge surge of amazing sensations that erupted blew her mind. There was a whole series of camera flashes as Julie flinched, clenched her cheek muscles and jerked her rear away. The bursts of sensations she’d experienced were far too stimulating to possibly think of permitting Chloe to continue. Perhaps the girl hadn’t known where her tongue tip was heading after all. The girl should take the hint that maybe this was a good time to end their session.

As Julie rested, she felt reassuring hands begin running up and down the outside of her slightly spread legs. She could sense Helen was still there to one side, as though waiting. Her thoughts were racing as she stayed propped, taking shallow breaths as her senses attempted to recover. Putting her forehead to the pillar, she guiltily admitted that had been the hoariest new experience she’d ever had. Embers of the magnificent sensations were still flickering away deep in her behind.

She wasn’t sure why the subtle pressure had resumed on both hips, inviting her rear to return. Surely Chloe had guessed where she’d strayed. If not, the girl must have realised that was the limit of her partner’s daring. What could the girl hope to achieve with another turn? More of the same?

The camera started flashing. What the heck! Even if it was the same again, it would be a fantastic experience to re-live. Julie knew one thing though. If the most recent shots didn’t suggest simulation, they may not suitable to show Simon. He might wonder if she was really receiving the real thing and that might be a big taboo.

Taboo? Well, was it? Her behind seemed to have liked it instinctively. Despite the doubt in her mind, it already seemed willing to move back. Then a sudden thought made her pause. What about Helen? Was the woman offended or disgusted witnessing what was unfolding?

As if to answer, an immediate camera flashed as her behind eased back a little suggesting Helen was totally unperturbed. Comforted by this, Julie relented. Gripping the pillar, she let her forehead tilt towards it again, wondering if this was a more common practice than she thought.

Sucking in her lower lip and closing her eyes, Julie didn’t try to stop the forlorn groan as her crevice felt the daring tongue tip begin its unhurried journey in again. However at exactly the same point, she again found the stimulation both too amazingly pleasurable and unbearable. Once more she had to disengage.

Her quick surrender that time annoyed her. Surely for what would have been their last go, she surely could have hung on just that little bit longer and maybe at least get a sample of the hugely gratifying explosion of sensations she instinctively suspected was coming. She tried to relax a little back there, pleased the hands hadn’t quit her hips. Taking a breath, she promised herself to try one more time, this time attempting to de-sensitise her rear right up until the last few stages of entry.

She needed a technique to help her mentally detach, and thus distract or relax her over-sensitised behind muscles. Something that would help her manage the panicky feeling that her senses were about to be overpowered by the beautiful but unbearable feelings when they stampeded into her. One that also might stop the internal nagging suggesting that such high voltage pleasure must be extremely sinful. All she wanted one last chance to enjoy of the novel feeling of the slug-like flesh wriggling just a fraction past the depth Chloe had last had it. Then she was cheerfully prepared to go straight to hell!

As she let her hips be lured back, she mentally started projecting herself outside the situation floating beside Chloe, watching the young bare breasted beauty on her knees worshipping at her own slightly outthrust behind centimetres away. She imagined the long straight strands of hair catching on both the girl’s shoulders as the beautiful face slowly leant in. As she imagined the mouth arriving at her divide, her daydreaming varied from watching one visible nipple grow until it wildly jutted out to picturing Chloe closing her blue eyes as she locked her mouth onto the rounded fissure.

At this point, Julie somehow became aware that the real thing was just commencing. That was surely enough imagery to work with. Trying to lock everything else out, she concentrated on nothing else but replaying those scenes inside her head. By mentally shielding her body from the full impact of the shocks, she hoped she could judge the best time to return to reality. Already, she knew the technique was helping her body and mind to blunt the very first onslaught of fabulous primitive sensations. Then a few of the volatile spasms began to get through her mental shield, making her jolt as though getting a low voltage shock.

Guessing this meant it was time to let her mind gradually return to reality, she was pleased that her muscles either side of the tongue had stayed relaxed as she’d hoped they might. She also realised that the urgent outbursts of moaning, wailing, guttural sounds and feminine groans she found gushing from her mouth were probably an essential part of being able to cope with the brunt of the unbearably glorious stimulation. Resisting a constant urge to writhe, she rejoiced at the amazing sensations generated she felt the tongue’s last slide onto the floor. Daringly she was able to let it move down a fraction before she felt it voluntarily start withdrawing just as she was about to squirm away.

“Such a magnificent backside,” came Chloe’s reverent compliment once her head had eased back. Surprised, she felt the girl begin firmly rubbing her face almost cat-like against both bare behind cheeks then softly kissing all over them.

That hadn’t been done for the cameras, The unwitting comment and the genuine affection made her wonder. Maybe this had all had nothing to do with exacting a mild revenge on Shauna or Simon. Perhaps the girl had developed a fixation with her rear during her earlier nude shots. Could her innocence and naivety have encouraged Chloe to use the guise of raunchy shots to see just how far she could slip that tongue of hers into her behind without her catching on?

It all made sense. That had to be what all the lead-up had been about. And why the girl had rested each time just she seemed to be getting too uncomfortable. God, Chloe mustn’t have been able to believe her luck just before when she had stubbornly decided to persist rather than calling a halt before when the sensitivity got too intense.

“Call it a day then girls?” she heard Helen offer. Julie guessed the photographer too must have thought she’d been so naïve letting any of that take place.

“Oh. But this is so nice. A little more?” Julie murmured, sliding her hands higher up the column and gripping it.

She could sense the surprise in both the others. It took a while before Chloe warily eased forward. Julie braced in a vain attempt to stop the new bout of bodily trembling as she felt firm hands take both behind cheeks this turn. A camera started flashing, but Julie lost her awareness of it as she was parted slightly and a slow French-kiss guided the exquisite tongue in. This time it went in a good deal lower but she didn’t care.